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The Big & Dandy MDAI Thread

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Coffee-ground/black MDAI sounds very iffy to me, to be honest. The very dark (and also the white) stuff sold as MDAI has generally been either fake, bunk or very low purity. Doesn't sound too promising really.

Not sure about the M1 combo - both pretty heavy on the serotonin so not sure it would be ideal but M1 is pretty stimulating so may work out great... if you do actually have MDAI.

If you have a testing kit MDAI turns reddish-brown with Marquis which may be of use to you (if you have access to a test kit).
Where possible, most people should stick to the tan coloured stuff, tested with the Marquis. For those with the white crystals, let us know how it goes but don't expect much.
Never seen dark coloured mdai before although a couple of months ago people in this thread were talking about a damp batch that had a darker colour than usual. MDAI goes really well with both M1 and 4mmc, it takes the edge off of them and gives a nice mdma-like experience. Take them at the same time.

Can you provide more info on the m1 combo?
Just out of curiosity: are people still getting the original tan stuff or the ones who talk about it bought it some time ago (like me) and now people get the brown or white stuff?
Hello everybody!
anyone encounter black (or more like ground coffe coloured) MDAI? i just recieved a package like this and am wondering if i am getting screwed or not, as this is very different from the off white i received from my usual trusted vendor....

Also, any clues as how mdai combines with m1? i like both substances but feel kinda upset by the extended speedyness of m1.
was thinking about 100mg of each... maybe taken together, maybe the mdai after 1h in the m1 experience....

I tried this combo a number of times and found it very fun & mdma-esque, eye jiggles & whatnot. Not the most efficient though, as I found the optimum dosage (for me) to be around 200mg of each. Not too keen on choking down almost a half gram of various chinese powders, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do ;). There are some short-ish descriptions of this combo spattered throughout this thread, several pages back i'm sure. I'll try & write up a full TR & post in the appropriate section sometime in the near future, once I find my notes.
Do please report back if/when you do cos that sounds like it has a lotta potential :)
Re: MDAI, Adderall, and aMT

I tried this about a week ago and neglected posting until now, sorry. The combo, as expected, was highly euphoric (laying on the couch with my hands balled into fists, teeth gritting, cumming a little in my pants, saying "god I feel so good" euphoric). I started with a low dose of MDAI because I didn't now how I would react. Eventually I moved up to 120 mg plugged and that was quite nice, and that's probably the level I would do it at again. Again, the combo was 17 mg aMT IM, 15 mg Adderall insufflated in one 10 mg pile with the aMT injection then a 5 mg pile two hours later, and a 120 mg plugged MDAI dose. I recommend starting lower just as I did to test your idiosyncratic reactions before jumping into a larger dose, but the combo was very nice (similar to how I imagine the 6-APB/aMT combo will feel, but just substituting MDAI and Adderall for 6-APB).
Just out of curiosity: are people still getting the original tan stuff or the ones who talk about it bought it some time ago (like me) and now people get the brown or white stuff?

I am still getting the light brown tan powder and always do from my vendor.i take 125mg bombed and then an hour later repeat and that seems to work fine
Just out of curiosity: are people still getting the original tan stuff or the ones who talk about it bought it some time ago (like me) and now people get the brown or white stuff?

Well I've been looking for MDAI, have yet to find an online vendor selling tan MDAI, and I've checked dozens; most are selling white and some are selling brown.
The sample of mdai I had was a dark color, maybe almost the color of powdered chocolate, but a bit purple-ish too. It was active and the effects seemed to jibe with what everyone reported. Calm mood lift with a similar feeling to a low dose dxm experience.

It combined rather well with mephedrone and methylone, adding a depth to both that was lacking prior, and not to mention some writhing body goodness. Added some goodness to smoking weed too. Recently I finished it out trying it once with desoxypipradol, which was interesting but nothing to get too excited about.
Where possible, most people should stick to the tan coloured stuff, tested with the Marquis. For those with the white crystals, let us know how it goes but don't expect much.

I had the white tiny crystal MDAI last night.
I read a lot about MDAI on this topic, so I know I didn't have to expect too much from this chemical being only a serotonine releaser.
It came from a very trusted vendor, one the "big 5" that gave me a 6-APB sample for free which I loved <3
But then after reading here that white crystal stuff ain't good (someone even tells it might be dimethocaine), I decided to take a very low dose of this compound (I never had MDAI before so I dont have anything to compare).
I took 120mg inside a capsule, then went out with 2 friends for a couple of beers.

At +40 my hands started shaking way too much.I coulddn't control that, I coudn't keep the glass in my hands w/out shaking or hold my cell phone with one hand. (I never get this on MDPV or MDMA, M1, MEPHEDRONE etc.).
My friends noticed it and I had to tell them I was on drugs cause they noticed I was anxious too, my heart was racing too much and I couldn't smile because I felt too much tension on my face.
Actually It was kind of scary, and I was worried. Anxiety might have been increased by the fact that I did not want them to notice.
I felt I have to drink to relax, so I had 2 vodka lemon in 20 minutes (I have a big tolerance for alcool though).

At +1h20 anxiety and shaking was all gone, my heart still beating fast but not annoying me. Mood elevation, nice to talk with friends and even nicer to go for a walk. Smiling a lot. Subtle sensation but I actually liked it. Face felt very warm.

At +2h I wished to redose but I didn't have MDAI with me so it just worn out... no come down, but actually I wasn't high really, just feeling good.

At +5h sleeped with no problems (50mg of Lormetazepam was taken, that's my prescription for sleep). But once fallen asleep I woke up many times, and I dreamt a lot, weird for me cause since I 've been on benzos (2 years) it's hard for me to dream.

I really don't know. Does this experience fit with someone having the tan stuff? I don't understand the shaking and the anxiety. It felt a little like a stimulant come down, while I was actually coming up from a serotonine releaser. 8o
I might have underdosed. Sometimes I felt anxiety when I underdosed cathinones. I don't know. Any suggestions?

I was planning to IV MDAI (I have a needle fetish since I was an heroin+coke addict 4 years ago) but I want it to be pure stuff, I don't IV street drugs no more.
^ The shaking, raised heartrate and anxiety don't fit with my experience of MDAI at all... but the other effects you describe (mood lift, sociability etc) certainly do. Some people have reported the negative effects you mention with MDAI but don't recall if that is only with the white stuff - I suspect it is though. It is odd... my experience with MDAI (only had the tan powder) is all the positive effects you got with none of the negative ones but I did feel very emotionally drained for a few days afterwards - much like people describe an MDMA crash although I have never experienced any crash from MDMA myself so may just be a personal quirk.

Re: MDAI, Adderall, and aMT

I tried this about a week ago and neglected posting until now, sorry. The combo, as expected, was highly euphoric (laying on the couch with my hands balled into fists, teeth gritting, cumming a little in my pants, saying "god I feel so good" euphoric). I started with a low dose of MDAI because I didn't now how I would react. Eventually I moved up to 120 mg plugged and that was quite nice, and that's probably the level I would do it at again. Again, the combo was 17 mg aMT IM, 15 mg Adderall insufflated in one 10 mg pile with the aMT injection then a 5 mg pile two hours later, and a 120 mg plugged MDAI dose. I recommend starting lower just as I did to test your idiosyncratic reactions before jumping into a larger dose, but the combo was very nice (similar to how I imagine the 6-APB/aMT combo will feel, but just substituting MDAI and Adderall for 6-APB).

Nice. Sounds bloody great actually. If I could lay hands on Adderall (or just decent strength street phet) in the UK I'd be on it in a flash. For now it's filed away until some decent speed comes along as the only stim I can get other than naphyrone is MDPV right now and that would be quite different (although still interesting) I would think. Thanks for the update :)
To frida80, I never got the anxiety you experienced, but the latter seems to correlate the effects it had on me.

It's interesting that this was with the crystals. I wonder if the effects you got were from the alcohol as opposed to the RC.
Thank you Shambles and Jmax for the info.

I'm gonna drop 200mg inside a capsule in 2 or 3 days just to avoid tolerance issues.
I'll do it in a different setting, at home alone, some good music, no alchool this time and see how it works.
If I still get the anxiety and the shaking I'm gonna trash it, since these negative effects are
not supposed to be there for MDAI, so I'm not very sure about this compound.
I'll let you guys now.
I'd personally say that the shaking and heart issues were really odd for actual MDAI, and on the other side mood elevation and sociability could fit, but they could fit a shitload of other drugs as well. I would highly suggest against dropping almost twice as much since 120mg gave you some pretty noticeable side-effects. You might be looking into same concerning heart overstrain or seizure, not things you wanna take lightly. Sure since now no one reported ER admissions or otherwise hellish experiences with white MDAI, on the opposite, mostly reported no or low effects even at high dosages. But you know everyone's different, every batch is potentially different, if you got uncontrollable shakes and annoyingly high heart rate it's your body teeling you something. I wouldn't touch the stuff without running at least a Marquis on it, let alone IV it.

In sintesi: vacci coi piedi di piombo compatriota!
i read earlier in the post that mdai and naphyrone is a pointless mix by the sound of it due to ssri propeties of naphyrone. my question is if you took the mdai first and waited to feel the effects take place before taking naphyrone would it work and would there be any particular health risks here.

secondly how about mdai with salvia to give the trip a more positive edge?
my question is if you took the mdai first and waited to feel the effects take place before taking naphyrone would it work and would there be any particular health risks here.

if naphyrone works as an ssri, it will stop the mdai from working as soon as it takes effect.
Yup. Naphyrone stopped the effects of MDAI almost instantly when I tried the combo. Killed MDMA stone dead before it even got started too when I tried that combo. This was before I knew about the SSRI thing in case anyone was wondering why I bothered ;)
thanks for the confirmation although its a little disappointing. I haven't tried naphyrone yet, swearing never to touch it but I was able to pick some up so cheap I couldn't say no. maybe I'll recieve some unknown stim that works with mdai a la nrg1 pass off cathinones lol
I'd personally say that the shaking and heart issues were really odd for actual MDAI, and on the other side mood elevation and sociability could fit, but they could fit a shitload of other drugs as well. I would highly suggest against dropping almost twice as much since 120mg gave you some pretty noticeable side-effects. You might be looking into same concerning heart overstrain or seizure, not things you wanna take lightly. Sure since now no one reported ER admissions or otherwise hellish experiences with white MDAI, on the opposite, mostly reported no or low effects even at high dosages. But you know everyone's different, every batch is potentially different, if you got uncontrollable shakes and annoyingly high heart rate it's your body teeling you something. I wouldn't touch the stuff without running at least a Marquis on it, let alone IV it.

In sintesi: vacci coi piedi di piombo compatriota!

Grazie enduin, hai ragione!! <3

I'm trying this again at home alone now.
I'm doing 180mg tiny crystals white MDAI.
I'm at +50minutes now.
Hands shaking a lot again.
Not feeling anxious this time, maybe because I don't have to hide it from my friends.
Slight mood elevation (I'm in a ggood mood now, I was bored 1 hour ago). A little need to talk. Music feels the same.
That's it for now.

Still I don't understand the shaking hands thing. Nobody in here seem to get that from MDAI.
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