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my mdma "addiction"


Apr 26, 2010
i always hear arguements about mdma's addictiveness. i still dont really know what i think either, but this is what ive found after doing a very large amount of mdma for a while

yesterday will hopefully be my last time doing mdma for a while(well it was actually mda that time), ive cut down a bit but for a few months until about a month ago i was doing it probably 20 times a month. I dont really think i ever had an actual physical addiction to it, but i had a STRONG mental addiction to it. even if i was well rested i would always feel dead out of energy until i had some. the last night of that binge i ate a gram of mdma parachutes and snorted 1.7 grams making it 2.7 total. i hate people that try to brag about how many drugs theyve done so thats not whjat im saying, but the tolerance you can build to taht stuff is insane. i never thought of m that way before, but for a bit it felt like a had a coke addiction, just with m. i got it so cheap for a while that it was just too hard not to,
last night i did it one last time like i said hopefully, but i hadnt done it in about a week and a half, which for me is long enough to lower my tolerance a bit. either way i only got 6 pills last night, and i normally hate pills and only do powder, but they were by far the best pills ive ever had. ate 4 and snorted the other two, and for whatever reason i felt as high if not higher than the first time i tried m. i dont think they even had mdma in them, but it was a very clean feeling alternative with a lot more visuals, im guessing mda which im not sure if ive ever had before.

im now moving to a place where its so expensive and hard to find that it wont be a problem(thats not why im moving tho). So i dont know what you can take from that big rant but maybe itll help someone. The stuff can sneak up on you, i liked jsut havign the extra energy about as much as the high its self. all that being said, i honestly can say that i dont think its had to many effects on me apart from bad memory for about a week or two after a binge, but after about 10 days usually im back to normal. i also drink enough juice each day to get about 900% of my daily vitamin c which can minimize neurotoxic effects along with some other vitamins. and i also take 5 htp fairly often, and i also ski 5 hours everyday so im pretty active.(haha and most people havent tried it but i can honestly say that skiing on mdma is better than sex on mdma or anything at all that ive done in my life, it gives you the most amazing feeling and rush to just hit a jump rip some powder or just go really fast, but im done with that now obviously)

i guess at this point im doing ok and could probly continue this on a bit longer with out too much bad happening, but i just see no need for that at this point, ive had my fun going crazy with that drug, now ill probably only have it once or twice a month and just start doing psychedelics more. Im just so glad that i dont like coke, like id honestly rather be sober than be on coke, but if i did like it as much as i do mdma then i would probably have some pretty big issues.
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well glad you're over it but damn didnt it just stop working after a few times so close together?.. weird that mdma gives you energy, it just smacks me out hard and i sit down in the same place for as long as possible lol
Hi again hellbent, we don't condone posting the exact same thread in different forums. Just once is sufficient ;)
Would you prefer this to be in Ecstacy Discussion, or The Dark Side?
no not death, to overdose on just pure mdma(molly) youd need a hell of a lot more than you think. but that is assuming that your not drinking aswell, taking too many methbombs thinking theyre mdma etc. I think i looked it up once and for someone of my weight, and wtih a tolerance but not even necessarily as big as mine, would need about 4.5-5.5 grams to cause an overdose. I can believe this beacuse although its the most ive ever done in a night, that time when i had 2.7gs with my massive tolerance at that time, i obviously got really high, but nothing close to as high as some other times that i had done it.

and ne0phy7e, sorry about that, put it in which ever one you think is best
ABCDFG I Ate The E; said:
dude, doing 2700mgs of mdma in one night.. is like... death?

momclovin; said:
can you be addicted to MDMA??

It's a mental addiction, rather than a physical addiction.
Even if those 6 pills you took had mdma in them, they were probably cut with another substance which you hadn't built a tolerance towards, that's probably what happened. Shit man, you are superman.
Wow...you have a real obssesive thing going on. When I go on binges, the shit stops working completely after a pretty short time...it actually starts to be like you described coke as being...not fun and I'd prefer to be sober cause all I'm getting are side effects and no euphoria.

Skiing is something I love also and is probably the one thing I haven't done while rolling. I love skiing so much by itself, I never needed to roll doing it. I actually use it to deal with the aftereffects of binging on mdma for long periods, but I'm not sure that will work for you now that you combined the two.

Also, I always figured the cold air would kill my roll a bit and I can't imagine flying down the mountain making turns and still maintaining any kind of roll. Skiing is the only activity that gives me a high comparable to, if not better than, mdma. It gives that similar exhilaration that I get from a good roll.
Even if those 6 pills you took had mdma in them, they were probably cut with another substance which you didn't build a tolerance to, that's probably what happened. Shit man, you are superman.

^I was gonna say that...sounds like perhaps your mdma and/or pills are cut with something that allows you to continueously up the dose so you still get high. That doesn't work with mdma. I have friends that sniff molly all the time getting high. I tried their molly...it wasn't mdma...big surprise. I told them, but they're too far gone too believe me or to understand.
2.7 grams?? i definitely think thats beyond lethal dose of mdma, which would probably be a little over a gram. I think it was 20mg/kg.

Maybe you were getting mephedrone passed off as molly. People tend to get addicted to that and compulsively redose a lot more.
It's actually more in the area of 10 grams. At least that's what I've been told.
well X is definitely addicting bc i was addicted to it. whether its mental or physical idk i cant tell the diff between X addiction (supposedly mental) and cigarette addiction (physical). and i still dont get what people mean when they say it doesnt work or doesnt fuck them up or they lose the magic when they abuse it bc i always felt awesome when i did it hardcore. people must be getting weak ass pills or something
I can imagine somebody trying to commit suicide by E overdose, they spend a couple grand on a hundred pills, then wake up the next day and are like fuck I'm alive and broke as shit.
The 6 - 10gs people are saying it takes to overdose on pure MDMA is a rough conversion from a study done on rats. I highly doubt it's actually 6gs in human beings.
I can imagine somebody trying to commit suicide by E overdose, they spend a couple grand on a hundred pills, then wake up the next day and are like fuck I'm alive and broke as shit.

actually, this always happens to me, I spend all my money, not only on E, but on the whole party and after party etc etc... then when I wake up the next day, Im like... ohhh sht I did it again... and my broke ass month starts all over again lol...
I can imagine somebody trying to commit suicide by E overdose, they spend a couple grand on a hundred pills, then wake up the next day and are like fuck I'm alive and broke as shit.

Just gonna point this out, a couple grand on a hundrend pills is a huge rip off!!

Back to subject. Obviously there hasnt been too many studies on the amount of MDMA needed to actually overdose directly from the MDMA
Wow. Your going to pay for the heavy using VERY soon. It is the law of drug abuse . . You should Really stop before you harm your self.