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The Big & Dandy 'Memory and Psychedelics' Thread

It don't come easy,
You know it don't come easy.

It don't come easy,
You know it don't come easy.

Got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues,
And you know it don't come easy.
You don't have to shout or leap about,
You can even play them easy.

Forget about the past and all your sorrows,
The future won't last,
It will soon be over tomorrow.

I don't ask for much, i only want your trust,
And you know it don't come easy.
And this love of mine keeps growing all the time,
And you know it just ain't easy.

Open up your heart, let's come together,
Use a little love
And we will make it work out better.

(ah -)
(ah -)

Got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues,
And you know it don't come easy.
You don't have to shout or leap about,
You can even play them easy.

Peace, remember peace is how we make it,
Here within your reach
If you're big enough to take it.

I don't ask for much, i only want your trust,
And you know it don't come easy.
And this love of mine keeps growing all the time,
And you know it don't come easy.
^hmm, I totally see where you're coming from, but binging on highly recreational 2C's and then claiming that psychs are an "easy", lazy path seems just a little warped to me.

Maybe take some more ayahuasca or even just DMT, and then try to tell us that psychs are an 'easy', compromised, inferior way to the Light...

Because from my perspective, they're fucking difficult and require a whole lotta work. Maybe that's why they apparently do so much more for me...

Regardless, peace and good journeys to you, whichever path you take :)
It don't come easy,
You know it don't come easy.

It don't come easy,
You know it don't come easy.

Got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues,
And you know it don't come easy.
You don't have to shout or leap about,
You can even play them easy.

Forget about the past and all your sorrows,
The future won't last,
It will soon be over tomorrow.

I don't ask for much, i only want your trust,
And you know it don't come easy.
And this love of mine keeps growing all the time,
And you know it just ain't easy.

Open up your heart, let's come together,
Use a little love
And we will make it work out better.

(ah -)
(ah -)

Got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues,
And you know it don't come easy.
You don't have to shout or leap about,
You can even play them easy.

Peace, remember peace is how we make it,
Here within your reach
If you're big enough to take it.

I don't ask for much, i only want your trust,
And you know it don't come easy.
And this love of mine keeps growing all the time,
And you know it don't come easy.

Quoting Ringo Starr is hardly what I'd call deep & meaningful! =D =D

BTW, the only 2C- that I've heard people complain about any memory quirks is with 2C-B fly, which a few people said to me seemed to inhibit their capacity to use their full vocabulary. Other than that, nowt else

Maybe take some more ayahuasca or even just DMT, and then try to tell us that psychs are an 'easy', compromised, inferior way to the Light...

If psychedelics weren't a way or were 'inferior', why would religions have arisen with them at the centre (DMT/ayahuasca, mescaline/peyote etc)?
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If psychedelics weren't a way or were 'inferior', why would religions have arisen with them at the centre (DMT/ayahuasca, mescaline/peyote etc)?

Mushrooms, DPT, Salvia, LSA containing seeds...
taking 2Cx every two days is binging... i did 1g of 2C-I in a week and noticed no side effects after, i also did 1g of 2C-E over 12 days and i'm getting sortof tiny flashbacks, but that could be the acid;)
Never noticed any memory problems but in all honestly I dont like T-7 at all

It's just way to hard on my body and I think I fucked up my nose a bite snorting it.I just think snorting 2c's in general is bad , something that hurts like that cant be good for your nose.

I'd take LSD anyday of the week over that stuff

2c-e and 2c-b are fun but acid is still so much better , it's perfect <3
Because from my perspective, they're fucking difficult and require a whole lotta work. Maybe that's why they apparently do so much more for me...

This is key. Psychedelics are most certainly not an easy path to enlightenment, and for most people they are not a path to enlightenment at all. Then again most people won't find the path to enlightenment in life regardless of drug use. The point is that the deep truths come from hard, careful thought and much experience (mostly interacting with and trying to understand other people). There are no reliable shortcuts, but psychedelic drugs can aid in the journey for some.
I've had memory blanks from 2c-b. I remember the visuals were starting to kick in then I woke up in bed the next day at home.

No idea what happened.
it may be me trying to cling to some sort of "order" in my pharmacological universe but at least with my body (admittedly prompted by a bit of suggestion) when it comes to phenethylamines I seem to have a much easier time with substitution patterns and carbon chains found in nature. I explain to myself as our bodies being equpped to deal with these more. Ie the 2 carbon equivalent almost always feels more benign than the 3........3,4,5 and 2,4,5 sustititution goes down easy, and once you start throwing the long front end or halos it gets harder........fluoro the worst! once again, this is personal...:D
Have you been to a doctor to rule out any other causes for the pain? Did it start hurting directly coinciding with your T7 use?
It started with T-7 and possibly
because I was on the computer a lot during that period... but my computer/posture hasn't changed while the pain has dissipated.
What's the nature of it, does it feel like an injury, or does it feel more like neuropathic in nature?
it feels like my shoulder/arm are going to break away from the rest of my body and times like they are collapsing in and hurting my lungs. I'd say it's not a real injury as it wears off when I cease use of T-7. Like it was hurting, I sobered up, still hurt, took some alprazolam and a little nap, pain died.
Sorry to ask so many questions, I'm just curious/concerned.

Hope you start to heal soon, and if you haven't seen a doctor yet you should definitely see one. Perhaps don't mention your T7 use unless all other causes are ruled out (odds are the doctor won't even know what 2C-T-7 is anyway, I think you would have to bring in some info on it-- like PIHKAL or something.)
Thanks, no problem :). I'm not going to see a doctor as the pain has dissappeared (along with my T-7 use), so I think it has something to do with my binging and psychological state with the drug manifesting problems into my body.

I've always gotten an odd vibe off of T7, I must admit.
Yeah, I find it very peculiar indeed...
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T-2 & T-7 seem to be very good at manifesting psychological distress as physical symptoms
^Makes a lot of sense. I'm sure if I looked into which chakras control my right arm area I could offer a better explanation

Goes off to research...
Psychedelics and ego + memory loss

I'm not really sure what I'm asking for here but any thoughts would be appreciated. In the past I've tripped on mushrooms twice and acid once, the second mushroom trip gave me similar effects to the acid trip I'm about to describe, my first acid trip was a lot of fun, I enjoyed it a lot and was keen to try it again. So this latest trip was my second trip on acid and the four of us ended up taking 2 sugar cubes each(my first trip I'd taken one).

Anywho, we were all having fun and I'm not sure exactly why or how it started to go south but we were down on the beach and I sort of ended up in some loop where I had to try and figure something out. I pretty much couldn't remember anything and it seemed like I'd been in every moment for eternity and the concept of a drug seemed very foreign to me(at one point I asked my friends if we'd taken something which I think weirded them out abit). I could barely remember anything about my life normally and the only things I could figure out was I should keep track of my wallet and phone and follow my friends...

For some reason keeping track of all of this and trying not to look like a complete freak out in public stressed me out alot and we had to head home mainly due to me. I also remember asking my friends what I was supposed to do and I think in my mind they had to show me the answer to something? After we got back to the house I think I freaked out for awhile longer and after everyone else figured out that I was freaking out they were trying to talk about what to do and didn't want me to hear which made me paranoid that they were talking about me which I guess they were (these are all good friends of mine by the way and I'm normally quite a stable person on drugs, I'm the guy who always looks everything up and annoys them with facts about these things hence why I'm here :)).

About an hour after we got back everything started to come back to me though I was pretty shaken and embarrassed about the whole thing. I enjoyed the rest of the trip in a trying to make the best of things way but of course the whole ordeal was a downer and I spent a lot of time dwelling on it.

I guess what I'm asking is does anyone else have serious memory problems when they trip and basically a lot of trouble even grasping the concept of normal life outside the trip, I'm pretty sure I experienced partial ego loss because I remember looking at the world from a 3rd person perspective and certain things seemed to fit together symmetrically and the whole world seemed almost animal like if that makes any sense(I had a lot of thoughts about how we're all just animals running around and how everything fits together). During my stronger trip on mushrooms I remember I also had trouble remembering that I took a drug and remembering my life normally though to a lesser extent. I don't know maybe these things just have a strong effect on me, I really enjoy many aspects of psychedelics but that portion of the trip really wasn't pleasant and definitely wasn't fair on my friends.:\
That can happen on high doses, yes.

I would not recommend two of what seems to be pretty strong sugar cubes as a dose for public tripping. Save higher doses for a safe, secluded area with a few close ones.

IMO. :)
Public tripping isn't really ever the greatest idea, especially in an area where you're not supposed to be on psych's and have to appear as if you're not. The whole concept of "normal" can throw you for a loop. IME a lot of people that i've seen freak out ALWAYS forget that they're on a psychedelic. I thinkn that is the main problem. 3 Rules that an older cat once told me.

1. You can't fly
2. You're not going to die
3. You will ALWAYS come down

if you can remember that, you're solid!
^ If you ignore number one, number2 is invalidated according to the small print - 3 is guaranteed in any circumstance
I think memory loss depends on the dosage and the particular drug. However, having no clue what the hell a drug is will (almost?) certainly happen on a strong dose. It is not a good idea to be this way in public.

Also, ego loss does not mean out of body experience. If you have no idea what a drug is, you probably have no idea what a person is either. By extension, you would have no idea what you are. That is ego loss.
Also, ego loss does not mean out of body experience. If you have no idea what a drug is, you probably have no idea what a person is either. By extension, you would have no idea what you are. That is ego loss.

Yeah that sums up what was going on in my head pretty well, it's just weird that all my friends were fine, two of which it was their first time. I guess different things affect different people differently....
The difference between even 50ug and 100ug of LSD is astounding. If the sugar cubes you took were strong, you may have taken as much as 2-300ug of LSD and just not prepared yourself to be that "gone" so to speak. I know when I end up dosing more than I had intended (intentionally or otherwise), it ALWAYS makes the trip harder to handle.

I had a 2g trip of mushies that was more intense than any time Ive taken a single dose before or since. I wasn't prepared for it and curled up in front of a loud stereo under some blankets and let Infected Mushroom help me out.