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The Big & Dandy 'Memory and Psychedelics' Thread

Psychotic reaction to a hallucinogen; uncommon but they do occur. It probably happens to around 1/1000 first time users.
Sounds like friend of a friend of mine. He took 10 shrooms at once and was like 'Why won't it stop?? I wish I'd just die so it stops!' Wasn't present at the time but yeah I got the general concept from my friend. The difference was he was completely nonaggressive, just in the negative state of mind you have to constantly keep yourself out of on a psych. And yeah, dosage was a really bad idea.
Memory problems after using 2C-x

So I've spent the past month experimenting with 2C-C, 2C-E, 2C-I, and 2C-T-7. Although I've used the chemicals quite a bit from late July throughout August, I would consider my usage to fall short of binging - I would wait at least a day or two in between use. In this period, I've used 2C-C by and far the most: around a dozen times at high doses, often combining it with other 2C's. I used 2C-E at high doses around 4 times, 2C-T-7 three times, and 2C-I twice.

I haven't used any 2C in over a week. I haven't really been using any other drugs besides a small amount of marijuana. Since I've ceased usage, I've noticed that my memory is not quite up to par. It's far from horrendous, but I've been having a little bit of trouble with names and general verbal recall. Again, it's not horrible but it's bad enough that it's noticeable.

Has anyone else had issues with memory after moderate 2C use? How long did it last after cessation?
Waiting a day or two between use? I'd consider that binging, bro. That is extremely heavy use man.

I'm not surprised at all you are having memory problems staying fried all the time like that!

Cut it out, wait a month, and I bet you'll be fine.
I abused the fuck out of 2C-T-7 a few hundred mg in a week or two and notice no memory problems.
I'd say wait a little longer than a week to see if the effects of 2 months of quasi-daily use resolve themselves. Also, if you were, as I tend to do, drinking & smoking pot while on these chemicals, the effects of month-long regular use of those can also cause temporary short-term memory issues. Also, probably not getting as much out of these experiences as you could by leaving so little space between them to integrate your experience as well as let the tolerance/cross tolerance subside a bit. Just my advice...
yeah, I definitely consider that binging. I think fizzacyst has it right, wait a few months and you'll probably be fine. I would recommend in the future you wait a least a week between trips, with a month being ideal imo
I wasn't looking to get anything "deep" out of 2C-Xs. I was looking to have a good time. I'm sure I'll be brutally raped by several members of this forum for saying so, but I'm a firm believer that apart from some potentially useful introspection, trying to learn anything significant from psychedelics is a fucking waste of time. In my experience I've thought I learned a lot while under the influence but it's only because even stupid shit seems brilliant under a psychedelic haze. I'll sort out my life problems when sober, not while tripping balls thx. To steal a line from one of my favorite films; you can't buy peace, love, and enlightenment for $3 a hit. I'm not saying that other people haven't had meaningful psychedelic experiences and have learned from them, I'm just saying that I don't feel it's worthwhile for me.

That said, you guys are right, that should be considered binging. I was just trying to make the point that it's not anything close to what a lot of members on this board have claimed they've done. I've read numerous accounts of people going through a gram of 2C-I or several grams of 2C-C in a week. Now that's binging.

And for the record, I've given my large stash of 2C's away to a trusted friend because I realized that I needed to take a LONG break and that it wasn't going to happen when I had 5gs sitting on my desk. So yeah, I'm starting school again and I'll be sober until at least Christmas break.
Mine was about 400mg in 2.5 weeks -__-

Toward the end of it, I was snorting 20mg lol.
Nothing wrong with looking for a good time out of the drugs, despite what some will say. I think I've picked up a lot of benefit from them, but mostly from a shift in perspective, not some sort of deep "truth of the universe" type stuff beamed into my mind during a hallucinatory episode.

But if you want to keep up being able to use them for fun, back it off a bit. Trust me, I've been there, and its best to just save yourself the harm, frustration, etc, etc and take it slow in general. Those guys that go through a gram or what have you in a week? You'd probably be beating yourself over the head with a sledge if you tried to hold a conversation with them. I've met a few people like that, and it isn't pretty.
I wasn't looking to get anything "deep" out of 2C-Xs. I was looking to have a good time. I'm sure I'll be brutally raped by several members of this forum for saying so, but I'm a firm believer that apart from some potentially useful introspection, trying to learn anything significant from psychedelics is a fucking waste of time.

I don't think its wise to try to actually gain information from psychedelics, but the shift in perspective that they engender can be very useful food for thought. :)

And do we, as a forum, really come off as brutal rapists?? :D
I don't think its wise to try to actually gain information from psychedelics, but the shift in perspective that they engender can be very useful food for thought. :)

I absolutely concur with this, and have experienced such shifts in perspectives myself (particularly within the last year). I just think that people who try to find answers to the big questions in a bag of shrooms are chasing fool's gold. I'd like to think that true enlightenment takes a hell of a lot more work than that to achieve.

And do we, as a forum, really come off as brutal rapists?? :D

Only while under the veil of 40 mg 2C-T-7 8o
Be careful with large doses of 2C-T-x drugs, they are known to have killed people, and 2C-T-7 is one the ones known to have done so. Some really bad effects from the drugs may not kick in until a sufficiently large dose.
^No fucking shit bro :\

I can't take it anymore with excruciating pain from my shoulder area :(.
I'm done with T7, I dumped the rest of my gram down the sink 2 weeks ago. It's not special enough to warrant toleration of its side-effect profile.
^No fucking shit bro :\

I can't take it anymore with excruciating pain from my shoulder area :(.

Have you been to a doctor to rule out any other causes for the pain? Did it start hurting directly coinciding with your T7 use?

What's the nature of it, does it feel like an injury, or does it feel more like neuropathic in nature?

Sorry to ask so many questions, I'm just curious/concerned.

Hope you start to heal soon, and if you haven't seen a doctor yet you should definitely see one. Perhaps don't mention your T7 use unless all other causes are ruled out (odds are the doctor won't even know what 2C-T-7 is anyway, I think you would have to bring in some info on it-- like PIHKAL or something.)

I've always gotten an odd vibe off of T7, I must admit.

TBH, I don't think that its healthy to use phenethylamines often. They just don't feel right, they feel 'foreign' to the body, like trying to shove a square peg in a round hole: It can kinda go in, but it really needs to be forced, and it still doesn't work quite right. That's how most phenethylamines feel to me. Most tryptamines feel much healthier and more natural to me. Its no wonder the OP is feeling memory impairment after use like that, I've always felt that 2C's kinda scramble my brain a bit; not nearly as bad as their cousin MDMA, but still in a noticeable way.

OP I say if you're going to binge on a psychedelic, LSD or dmt would be much better options. A lot can be said for sticking with the tried and true 'big 3': LSD, mushrooms, and DMT. I mean, mushrooms are fucking great, and you can grow them yourself and have as much as you want. There's no sense in ingesting extremely large quantities of unresearched chemicals from an unregulated gray-market source (that's really downright irresponsible when you stop to think about it). You can grow your own mushrooms and extract your own DMT, and you can delve as deep into the psychedelic world as is possible to delve -- and you can accomplish this without harming yourself in the process! :) And since you grew the mushies and extracted the deamsters yourself, you know that its all pure and safe to ingest. No sense in abusing unresearched phenethylamines, they just aren't special enough to be worth harming yourself for.

Much love + light. <3
OP I say if you're going to binge on a psychedelic, LSD or dmt would be much better options. A lot can be said for sticking with the tried and true 'big 3': LSD, mushrooms, and DMT.

I do not in any way recommend binging on psychedelic drugs... but yeah, if you are going to, I'd use one of these. They've been researched clinically, they have a long history of human use, and frankly, most around here know at least a few people how have habitually consumed fucking retarded amounts and are still ok.
I'd like to think that true enlightenment takes a hell of a lot more work than that to achieve.

That's what we're all led to believe. If you want something, you have to work and suffer for it, otherwise it's got to be fake & worthless.

Anyway that's what the establishment wants you to think, that's the way they create lots of obedient little worker ants.