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Phenethylamines The Big & Dandy 2C-T-7 Thread

Can anyone compare the body load to 2c-e in their experience?? 2c-e has a horrendous body load and i have read somewhere that this does too?
^^^I have done both, and T-7's body load is hardly noticeable by comparison, after the usual nausea inherent to 2C-x's.
^^ Although I have never tried 2c-e I have tried 2c-b and 2c-i. I get a horrible body load from t7, nausea, vomiting, dry heaving, and diarrhea. I did not get diarrhea or the dry heaving the first two times I took it and I believe this is because I took it on a relatively full stomach.

EDIT: I feel compelled to mention that although the body load is huge for me, I still enjoy the experience. t7 has given me not only the most intense visuals from all the psychs (excluding DMT) I've tried and the most intense euphoria. (There are many psychs I haven't tried at huge doses though).
^^ Although I have never tried 2c-e I have tried 2c-b and 2c-i. I get a horrible body load from t7, nausea, vomiting, dry heaving, and diarrhea. I did not get diarrhea or the dry heaving the first two times I took it and I believe this is because I took it on a relatively full stomach.

EDIT: I feel compelled to mention that although the body load is huge for me, I still enjoy the experience. t7 has given me not only the most intense visuals from all the psychs (excluding DMT) I've tried and the most intense euphoria. (There are many psychs I haven't tried at huge doses though).

Have you done LSD? :) I am interested in this substance but Bodyloads are what keep me feeling :\.

2C-E is beautiful in some way but its neutrality and feelings of alienation drop its grade for me.
Have you done LSD? :) I am interested in this substance but Bodyloads are what keep me feeling :\.

2C-E is beautiful in some way but its neutrality and feelings of alienation drop its grade for me.

I have tried LSD a few times but only at pretty low doses.

IME the bodyload on t7 sounds horrible to a sober person but once you are on it and you have nausea or vomiting it's not really that uncomfortable. It's more just a neutral sensation than it would be perceived when you are sober.

On another note, can anybody comment on a 2c-t-7 and piracetam combination? I only have 3 doses left and I want to make the most out of them. I have tried piracetam with MDMA, AMT, and marijuana before with great results (on all separate occasions).
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Does anybody have tried to combine 2C-T-7 and 5-MeO-MiPT ?

I wonder if the MAOI properties of T7 could lead to complications with 5-meo-mipt ?

I thought about 30 mg of T7 and 10mg of 5-MeO-MiPT...
I've had 2ct7 twice now and loved it. First time 20mg, 2nd time 25mg. Amazing visuals and euphoria.

A friend had 30mg the other night at a psytrance party in the bush and flipped out. Thought he was dying. Said he needed medical attention because his heart was racing so fast... he came down and was fine though. Hm..
This chemical has a bizarre dosage curve, for me I need 50+mg to have a good trip while my gf had 20mg and it was almost to intense for her. You really have to work your way up with this one.
t7 tends to be one of the more unpredictable ones when it comes to dosage.
I have a friend that has taken up to 60mg of 2C-T-7 (orally) confirmed active by myself and others with no effect other than vomiting and slight visuals for a half hour or so after vomiting. It was my supply, and I refused to let him try more on my watch, because I haven't heard of people dosing any higher than that.

If T7 were to come around again, would any of you advise further exploration? My gut says hell no, but maybe it just has an interesting dose response thing going on like I've heard? I'm just concerned with the reported deaths with t7..i know they weren't really similar situations but safety first :)

PS: He's apparently taken 2C-T-2 with full expected effects
This my first post on this forum, so I would like to say 'Hi' to everyone and thanks for all the helpful information I have read over the past weeks.

I have heard and been with friends who have taken 2c-t-7 and had little or no effect from it (ingested) apart from nausea. They got it from a street dealer and it was in the form of a little red pill with a WY sign on it. Yesterday night my friend who hasn't taken the pills or 2c-t-7 (so he has no knowledge of the effects from them)gave me 6 pills. I have had a look on pillreports and found that the yaba (Meth-amphetamine) pills found in Thailand are almost identically to these but also read a comment on one the pills found in the UK being 2c-t-7. I am just wondering if anyone reading this has come into contact with these pills and can verify content?

Thanks in advance. Chemical Bliss
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Regarding your WY pills, an testing kit could quite easily test for the presence of methamphetamine, and at the very least for the presence of a 2C-* compound.
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I agree a testing kit would be the best answer but seeing as i am recently out of work, I don't have the money to purchase one. Yaba pills are commonly smoked aswell as ingested and they melt under heat, I'm thinking i might melt half a pill to see if they melt. Would 2ct7 melt in the same way? I'm also thinking i might try one and see the effects, can anyone think of any concerns with doing this?

Chemical bliss.
Hi cheamical bliss. Welcome to Bluelight.
The only WY pills i have heard of are yaba (meth) pills.

A test kit would be your best option in this case.

I cant really recomend you take pills where you dont know what they contain but the effects of meth and 2ct7 are very different. One being a stong stimulant while the other is psychedelic. If you did try the pills i think you would be able to tell which it is.
I've got the worst body load of all psychedelics from 2C-E. The only one I've had violent shivers on. From 2C-T-7, the only thing I can complain about is the slight rotten egg taste that persists throughout the trip and sometimes causes transient nausea.

As for come-down, I regularly get day-after blankness from higher doses of 2C's, but for example, from the 18mg of 2C-T-7 I took on Saturday, the glow extended into the next day and gently faded leaving behind the lessons I learned and the renewed appreciation for life.

Speaking of which, 2C-T-7 is my favorite RC and my favorite psychedelic next to LSD. It has a beauty and clarity that rivals that of acid, and it breathes life into me. Whereas from mushrooms I often see all people's faces as caricatures, from t7 I see the beauty in everything and everyone. It brings me into the world and into the present, rather towards the cosmic abstraction of tryptamines.
Speaking of which, 2C-T-7 is my favorite RC and my favorite psychedelic next to LSD. It has a beauty and clarity that rivals that of acid, and it breathes life into me. Whereas from mushrooms I often see all people's faces as caricatures, from t7 I see the beauty in everything and everyone. It brings me into the world and into the present, rather towards the cosmic abstraction of tryptamines.

I generally have an aversion towards 2ct's because of my unpleasant 2ct2 expeience which included alot of puking. For some reason i feel like 2ct7 would be just as bad in that department.

But then i go and read a description like that and it gets my mouth watering.

well i definately wouldnt turn any down if offered.
And im actually still looking forward to trying 2ct21, so i guess im not completely opposed to 2ct's. :\
Hi cheamical bliss. Welcome to Bluelight.
The only WY pills i have heard of are yaba (meth) pills.

A test kit would be your best option in this case.

I cant really recomend you take pills where you dont know what they contain but the effects of meth and 2ct7 are very different. One being a stong stimulant while the other is psychedelic. If you did try the pills i think you would be able to tell which it is.

ok well about 3 and a half hours ago Ingested 1 of the pills along with a fiend. After about 45mins I thaught I started seeing visual distortions (only slight). I have eaten two microwave pizza's and have felt like I could sleep at times. I decided to leave my friends and return home and that leads me here. I can see some very slight connections to the 2cb that is the only other of the 2cx's i have tried. I doubt that they are the yaba pills because of the tiredness and hunger but can't truely say if their 2c-t-7. I'll probably end up reporting back later as i think whatever they are they have a few hours left in them.

Chemical bliss
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2C-T-7 makes me very hungry, which is bizarre considering most people get nausea from it. Perhaps you do have T-7
I generally have an aversion towards 2ct's because of my unpleasant 2ct2 expeience which included alot of puking. For some reason i feel like 2ct7 would be just as bad in that department.

But then i go and read a description like that and it gets my mouth watering.

well i definately wouldnt turn any down if offered.
And im actually still looking forward to trying 2ct21, so i guess im not completely opposed to 2ct's. :\

From what I've read, including in PIHKAL, 2C-T-2 is known to cause more body load than -7, especially GI disturbances.

2C-T-21 seems completely different from what I've read - some people said it isn't psychedelic at all and has very little visuals, so it didn't spark my interest.