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The worst thing you ever saw high?

I was rolling at a party once and like 3 people overdosed, one of em was sitting right next to me and started foaming @ the mouth (allegedly bad k, but rumors are like assholes..). Been high plenty of times and seen people get into fights, which is bullshit because it almost always ends up fucking up my high.

And of course, anytime I'm high and cops are behind you and turn on their siren and lights you almost always assume its for you. It almost never is, but those mother fuckers sure throw you off...
Chaos23 said:

That's one of them.
I was just out on my porch smoking a cig and I saw my neighbor across the street pull out without looking and get hit pretty fucking hard. Everyone's ok and I'm high so I just went back inside...
Worst thing ever: Leaving a really shady club in a really ghetto part of town.

On three hits of Jesus Christ blotter and a Teletubby E pill.

Walking to the car with a friend.

This guy is crawling....no, more like pulling himself on the ground with his arms..... he is right next to our car.

Get closer.

Guy on the ground is moaning and acting all weird.


Guy on the ground has a big ass fucking bullet hole going through his fucking forehead!


Got right the fuck out of there, and quick!
Called 911 on the way out for the poor guy with hole in his head.
the worst i saw was a guy OD at a rave
he was dancing and going nuts and then all of the sudden BAM
hit the floor
medics came and took him away and im not sure of the outcome
the worst thing i've seen? I had just smoked a bowl and was high on oxy. I walked into my parents room and saw a 58 and a 55 year old (my parents) having sex. i was starting to say something then just stopped and my jaw dropped. i closed the door and just left my house. I pretty much did the rest of my oxy right away and just drove around for a few hours because I didn't want to face them haha. I've never seen anyone die or OD or anything dramatic like that, but being uber stoned and seeing your parents goin at it is not a pretty sight. in fact it was awful.

i just thought of something else. had just gotten home from a class, smoked, and did some OC. I had picked up some medicine that my mom needed because she was very sick all weekend. went to give it to her and couldn't wake her up. my dad got home 5 minutes later and was screaming her name trying to get her up while I was on the phone getting an ambulance. my mom was completely out. shit all over when we tried to pick her up. it was fucking horrible. shes alive now and was in a coma for 2 or 3 weeks, and in the coma she had a stroke, so she is in awful condition now. cant remember a damn thing a having a conversation is hard. plus she is in tons of pain from some other stuff and can barely walk, is on tons of pain meds and other shit, etc. I guess that would be the worst thing.
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I saw a car get T boned then slam into a pole while on some 500mg of dxm and just smoking weed. This was about 5 years ago when i was 17. A few of my friends and i were walking around. I just remember hearing a loud bang turning and seeing a car fly by with sparks shooting out of it. I thought to myself "thats not right" then it slammed into a telephone pole and the horn started blearing.

We crossed the street, it happened right across a 4 lane road from us. I remember looking into the car the guy moaned and said "what happened" then the lady that hit him ran up yelling "oh my god" It was so unreal. When i first saw the guy i could swear he was a friend from my hometown which i was like 30 minutes away from. We left before the cops came because there were enough witnesses and what not they didnt need drugged up teenages around.

I will never forget seeing the car with sparks flying from behind it, the smell of the crashed car, or the feeling of being first on the scene. It was nuts. I wish i could do a better job but it was a long time ago and i was on dxm.
Heh for all the gruesome stories here, there's not really a lot of first-hand action outside of that nasty wound in the guy's arm. So I guess I'll have to add this one then since it was so recent and involved me first hand, although it isn't really as bad as it could have been but I'll just tell it.

The other day (a Sunday afternoon, of course I had done the deed earlier at the apartment) I was driving down a 2 lane one-way 30 MPH speed limit road that runs right by our college campus. On the right are tons of school buildings, on the left are a few newer school buildings and some greek houses.

This day there was a bright group of townie skateboarder kids (middle school age) that decided to do some tricks on the new 10 step stairway (it is about 8 feet high) that leads up to one of the new buildings on the left. 3 of the kids were at the bottom watching one at the top. Of course I see all this because I am driving down the road, leading a pack of cars in the left lane at a nice 25-30 MPH.

As I begin to get closer to them and can see them more clearly, I realized that the kid at the top looks like he is getting ready to jump down them all. Keep in mind that all that separates the road and the stairway is a small patch of grass and a sidewalk. I think to myself "he can't be this fucking stupid, can he?"

Yes he is that fucking stupid. As I am approaching them, the fucker skies the 10 steps, quite a nice move (and I got a great view) but dumb as shit nonetheless. Dumb as shit because as soon as he hit the ground, he had so much momentum that he jumped off his skateboard, ran past the sidewalk, and took a few steps into the street. It all happened so fast but I was just barely able slam on the brakes and swerve to the middle of the road. I saw the fucker out of my side window in the street as I passed him.

He was no more than a second away from getting blasted...

There was another time where we were at a school basketball game in the enormous balcony that has this tiny fence to keep the people in the front row from potentially falling onto the main level (I hate the balcony front row tickets, they fucking scare me). We had seats in the 2nd row behind this group with a few rowdy, drunk kids in the front. It was a BIG game, we were both ranked and it was conference season. And of course we always got hella baked before the big games...

The one most drunk kid kept leaning on the little fence thing and jumping up in the air in the front row. I kept thinking to myself, this fucker is going to fall if he's not careful, all the time keeping my eyes on him to watch out for the worst.

Well we were down a few points in the 2nd half, and made a steal, a dunk, then came back and got a turnover and 3 pointer- some shit like that. Everyone was going hella fucking nuts. Including the jumping kid.

This time the stupid fuck jumps so high and leans forward so far that he starts to slide down the fucking slope of the balcony, losing his handle on the fence and now going down at a 45 degree angle. I reached forward as fast as I could to grab his foot, but couldn't get that good a grip on it. FORTUNATELY though, his two female friends beside him in the front row were apparently paying attention as well and in the nick of time each grabbed one of his feet and prevented him from falling to a likely death.

So close!!!
im confused r u asking wut the worst thing uv seen high or on anything ,because the worst thing iv ever sceen on weed was flashing lights in the rear view merror or police dogs wile im holden

but the worst thing iv seen ever would have to be some chick oding on acid and meth wile i was on that same batch of acid
or the time i was comming down on my first few times to do meth and here comes mr clean looking fool with a gun and his crazy doped up gf jacked some one and put a cig out on s1 right infront of me- moved me to tiers i felt so helpless and bad for the chick that got jacked
AND after all that that dude called my phone and theated my life 4 absoltely nooo reasone
there some crazy ppl that do meth i found out relly quick
I was walking back to school through the redwoods with some friends, we had been smoking off campus. When we came to campus, we saw this wierd mix of stuff by this creek. It was a memorial for someone who shot himself, just days ago right at that spot. None of us knew him, but I for one was taken back in sadness.
I had a friend see a coke dealer do a line, than the guys nose tissue just feel out. I guess his nose had just had enough. But the funny thing is, my friend had never done it, and the dealer did a line to prove to him it was good or some shit. I heard it was a horrible sight ( as you can imagine ). Needless to say, my friend has now vowed to never do coke. And do far so good.
haha wow this thread has gotten me through about 2 work hours, sorry to hear about you all seeing people die and shit.

I had an intensely bad acid trip, anyone who's had one will know the sheer terror, the thing that still scares me to this day is that while i was in the hospital bed [yes i was taken to hospital, and i think they injected me to help me sleep] i remember looking at the end of my hospital bed, to see the Baphomet, thing is i'd never known wtf a baphomet was, sounds like an indian stool or something, anyway i keyed in google what i saw at the end of the bed [man with goat head meditating and floating up and down] i fucking shat myself when the results came back and the exact same thing was there, it still makes no sense how it projected itself into my mind when i haven't seen it before, that trip was one of the darkest experiences i've ever fucking had

i died [not literally] aswell in the trip, hella mad, just kept seeing the scene where i 'died' and it started zooming towards it continously but repeating the same place [hard to explain without looking retarded] and kept seeing the 'white light' crazy shit.

oh and another thanks for keeping me entertained, i'm having an unbelievably shitty day.
smoked a bowl, walking to a supermarket to get some food. Until some guy decided to pump this dude full of lead. and kept shooting him on the ground. Needless to say I had to drink alot of wine hat night
Well, about 8 years ago I was hanging out with a bunch of college friends. These particular friends were a different group than the kids I normally ran with. While out in down town Tampa, we were getting ready to see a concert at "the Masquerade" and a guy I knew from my usual click approached me with a killer deal. He had unloaded all his E tabs for the night except for 3, which he then offered me $20 for all 3... Of course I snatched them up thinking profit or even another night, and rejoined my friends... Now it was about 1/2 way through the opening band and I am bored as a slut with a broken cell phone. So I decide to quickly down one of my rolls and make this night more interesting. The only problem is the headlining band is "Jenna tortures" and I cannot tell you how wrong my decision was to pop that tab. I am right in the midst of the early swelling, mild nasuea, tingles down the back feeling and they bring a chick on to the stage to get her tounge pierced. Then a dudes nipples, and so on... Things didn't get dodgy wrong until they brought out Jesus nailed to a cross wearing a bleeding crown of thorns. To make matters worse they invited a nazi armed with a machine gun to sodomize Jesus, gun barrel first! no lube! I felt wrong in so many ways... I left early and ate the two other caps just before wandering into "the flamingo" Ybor's filthy strip club...
someone cut up , bloody,burned, coughing from anhydrous and glass stuck in him from a meth lab explosion, called the ambulance , guy fled out of state then went to prison
once saw a demented dog the size of a cow running towards me ,fucked on mda , then it got like a meter in front of me and turned into a tree. dunno if any of this counts in this thread but i saw spiders the size of my head crawling out of the morter between my bathroom tiels . also numerous people 'od' on ketamine at partys, people thinking there dead and calling anbulances. fights while ive been on mdma have always been very emotional and traumatic. also was messed up on some mda went to stroke a cat and it exploded.
now i think about it seeing one of my school friends in a coffin having died in a car crash my best mate falling 8ft onto his head ,some fucking prick turning up at my house tripping to shit and beats up my mum , needless to say he got the shit kicked out of him a second later, i know he was tripping but thats no excusse he punched my mum the fucking cunt. mikie if you read this take it as a warning to stay the fuck away from me.
That's horrible. You almost killed a living thing. Then you kicked it. At it was only weird and Funny? Fuck man. That's fucked.

I agree. Disgusting. And not at all funny. Some people I swear... :|

I haven't seen too many terrible things, not while high anyway. After reading this thread I feel lucky!