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Biggest Buzz Kills

stupid fucks who get too high and cant handle it and then act all mangled and annoying....

people who start getting really annoying on stimulants (talking like theyre a different person or something)

people who are high up on their horse acting like they dont use anymore and then they do....and get you to pick it up for them!
seeing/hearing/knowing people I care about are sad/axious/scared/sick/ect
I hate when ur not high on whatever and there likedude im fucking speeding or baked! Its like i dont give a shit lol and they tell everyone they talk to uhh i hate people like that it pisses me off
buzz kill hmmm... when im chillin on a good opi buzz, and shit just keeps interrupting it.. shit fuckin sucks
when i'm nodding and someone wont stop talking to me about stupid shit and asking me to do things for them non stop.
when i'm nodding and someone wont stop talking to me about stupid shit and asking me to do things for them non stop.
that reminds me of "blow my buzz" by d-12....lol...that song captures the feeling of tryin to nod and having some asshole keep bugging you perfectally.
People overdosing or getting sick, the adrenaline flushes all the good feelings away :(
Finding out your only dealer has disappeared, you don't know why, nobody else knows, and you are going to run out of dope in 2 days and be sick.
Definitely a tie between cops showing up or pulling you over when you are in the middle of doing drugs or being high etc.

that or when somebody ODs. double points for shooting up the same stuff as the person ODs or have just shot so you start wondering if its cut and might kill you too...
I can't stand when people use phrases like 'dude im trippin balls' when they're baked
when someone throws up on me... that really happened once when i was trying to help my friend to the toliet... now i make my friends go throw up alone lol.
when a bad situation arises.. ugh i hate it cause then my high wears completely off and i just become very very tired
ermmm last night.
on 2c-e for the first time.
asking my mate for a bump of k, then watching him get teckled to the ground because I was greedy.
ruined my whole night.
and not the kind of a HOLE that I like :p
When a buddy brings his girl or talks to his girl on the phone and they argue or fight non stop CONSTANTLY for minutes or hours on end. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!