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AU: Ecstasy riddled with rat poison, other chemicals

I want some of these 10x potent pills that are going around apparently :p

I got that poster on my wall where it says rat poison and all this other crap like smack and cleaning chemicals in ecstasy.
what a load of shit.
prove it cuntstable
i would love to buy a pill with LSD and herion in it
i can't beleive we now are seeing coke in our pills. i recall that only being a myth of years and idiots saying cokey pills n shit.

But i have seen some microdot report now that did have LSD in pills and i pretty sure H as well.
stupid cooks or is sasfrol and precursors getting that hard to get.
we need to take a stand

Ok, so British Scientists have came out and said that XTCY ( mdma ) is a low 18th spot on the danger scale in contrast to Alcohol - WHY are we not all protesting to get it legalised or atleast testing at clubs... We should put out posters with the facts and demand that the news websites stop sensationalising.
I've said it before on this forum and have been rubbished, but I'm in Oz and I've had glass in my pills before. We call them 'shredders'
In response to the last post, yes i am in Australia too, and have also seen people to claim 'glassy pills' .... either a big rumor going around or true, but as far as i know it only takes a very small amount of crushed glass in your stomach to get you in a seriously bad state (microcutting and ALOT of internal bleeding). I have seen small nose-bleeds from rare users railing 'glassy pills' aswell, which did strike me as odd, but i am certainly very skeptical.

Reasons being to put glass in pills is supposed to be to cut up the sinus therefor making the contents of the pill hit the directly hit blood, being absorbed faster and more effectively (righto).

And in my opinion, why not grind up a whole lot of pills and cut them ... clearly it has been done before and you would be a fool not to believe so, there is profit to be made in large weights, for some people every bit counts.
PMA is a prime example of this, it is not in the direct route to creating MDxx at all (so i have read) and is deliberately included by very cold hearted people, simply going off on a rediculous limb for profits sake.
Good old money -_-.
Sorry to burst your bubbles but I've found ecstasy pills that had LSD I called them orange wings , they had like an adidas sign(bars) , and a friends ex gf overdosed on like 20 pills which they say it contained haroin they were called fuzzy fishes. .true story thought I'd share it.
^ no sir, im sorry to burst your bubble, but your pills did not have LSD in them.
Did you regeant or GC/MS test them?
if no then you cannot be sure of what you took.

please do some research and youll understand my logic here ;)
I think to someone who wasn't fairly knowledgable about drugs, mda might feel like LSD ( or what they assume LSD to feel like). "I took a pill, I'm tripping hard therfore it MUST be acid.". Or something along those lines. Same with the "glass" pills, I'm not saying it's never been done but come on just because you sniff too many pills and your nose bleeds it does not mean they were cut with glass.

sometimes it's easier to perpetuate a myth than use your brain. Recently I've heard a few seasoned drug users and festival kids spouting all sorts of nonsense worst of all they're believed to be credible by their friends.
There right, I don't care what I'm taking as long as it gets me "flying". Even if it is crushed glass, the high is worth it!

But seriously, how can they just jump out and say drug users don't care what they are taking? Of course we care. Thats why I have a test kit!

I dont think everyone cares FlowMotion, so dont speak for everyone else by saying 'we'.
I'm going to have to agree with several of the members above. Legalizing MDMA would greatly reduce the risk of adulterants. However, the government had backed themselves into this moral crusade trap and is far to proud to back down, insteAd they continue to endanger citizens. Bottom line people will use ecstasy, illegal or not and it was far safer when controlled by the government (United States) unitl it was made illegal in 1985. The government should stop it's propaganda (holes in brain and adulterants BS) that we've heard 1000 times and decriminalze to protect its citizens.
I can see 2C-B being pawned off as E (happens near my area more frequent than I would like to see, but hey 2c-b is rare as shit so I won't complain too much).

Nor would I. I'd take 2C-B over fuckin pipes any day. Hell they might sell more 2C-B if they just sold it up front as what it really is.
With out reading the whole thread i would like to point out 2 things:

Firstly, people always go 'whaaaaa?!?!?!' at the crushed glass in pills thing. The reason cooks do that (and they have been known to) is because the tiny bits of glass cut up your insides, and make you absorb the drug easyer, making it seem more potent. nasty shit eh.

Secondly, heroin (though it is more expensive than MDMA) can make a pill more addictive, which is a plus for dealers.
Your dealer makes your x at home?? The article was way over the top with the whole russian roullete bullshit, but just the scare tactics, i'm sure the info is at least kind of true.
I've been using BL for a while and...

this really is the MOST FUCKING BULLSHIT article i have seen on the front page.
The absurdity is just... overwhelming.

I have gotten used to yellow journalism/spinning articles to a certain POV but this is straight up lying.
With out reading the whole thread i would like to point out 2 things:

Firstly, people always go 'whaaaaa?!?!?!' at the crushed glass in pills thing. The reason cooks do that (and they have been known to) is because the tiny bits of glass cut up your insides, and make you absorb the drug easyer, making it seem more potent. nasty shit eh.

Secondly, heroin (though it is more expensive than MDMA) can make a pill more addictive, which is a plus for dealers.

...no..no...nooooo....... where do you get this shit? lol
"Police say deadly chemicals, including poisons, are being mixed into "impure" ecstasy pills sold by dealers, including MDA, PMA, PMMA and 2CB, which has "hallucinogenic effects"."

Last time I checked, MDA, and 2C-B weren't considered poisonous or deadly; and while I definitely would not consider PMA & PMMA to be very safe-to-use drugs, calling them deadly poisons seems pretty overboard.

I really hate what the press do with drug stories. Makes me think reporters are just as big of dirtbags as those lawyers who advertise all over the place saying they want to help you sue just about anyone for just about anything.

With out reading the whole thread i would like to point out 2 things:

Firstly, people always go 'whaaaaa?!?!?!' at the crushed glass in pills thing. The reason cooks do that (and they have been known to) is because the tiny bits of glass cut up your insides, and make you absorb the drug easyer, making it seem more potent. nasty shit eh.

Secondly, heroin (though it is more expensive than MDMA) can make a pill more addictive, which is a plus for dealers.

Lolbob, your entire statement is totally and utterly incorrect.
Cutting up ones digestive tract won't make any difference in the speed a drug is absorbed. If you want proof, call up your local pharmacy, hospital, or university and talk to someone about it.
Secondly, anyone who knows anything about ecstasy knows that the myths of people putting heroin in pills are complete bullshit. The only confirmed cases of E's laced with heroin showed that the heroin content was much lower than a threshold dose, it was only a trace contaminant and wouldn't have had any effect on the users. As far as addiction goes, it is impossible to become addicted to a substance if you aren't taking enough to have any effect.

I realize I'm rather new to BlueLight, but I do believe we are in need of a reputation system on these forums - and we need the ability to subtract from peoples rep as well as adding to it.
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Are you sure glass in pills wasnt just small chunks of MDMA. It looks like glass sometimes.