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You know you're an Etard when...

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...calling your next door neighbor at 5 am and asking if he got any vics.
...have a intense conversation about animals...and then forgetting what you were talking about.
...going to the fridge to get few ice cubes, but your palm is so hot it melts before you bring it to whoever is waiting for them... just to turn around and repeat same step till your damn fridge is out of ice... epic lol my roomie ALWAYS does that
1000% Guilty.

Yeah I've done this one too, i do it more on acid.

I remember i was outside getting a drink, starting to comedown and my friend handed me a ciggie, i start laughing at him having the ciggie the wrong way round, until he points out I'm doing the same thing.

Good times...
Haha @ ActiveA

When.. you go outside for what you think is to smoke a cigarette but your friend gives you a telling off for something and when he finishes all you have to say is.. so we didnt come here for a cigarette?

When your gas mask has a super strong smell of vicks.

When you have a shoebox full of vicks, candy, backup cigarettes, glowsticks and other lighting mechanisms.

When your friend is rolling basket balls down a hill and you hear someone scream HOLY SHIT HE'S ROLLIN BALLS, and you scream GIMME SOME-A THAT SHIT NOW!

When you're rolling balls on the night of the fullest moon of the year, only to have an LED start going out...Solution? Cell phone.

Crafty Etarded me.

You know you're an Etard when you feel like me. =D
u forget if uve brushed ur teeth after flossing ur teeth (after actually brushing ur teeth)
and then brush them again just to make sure haha

- When you meet someone called Mandy/Molly you cant take em seriously and immediately think of e
- When someone uses the word ecstatic or ecstasy in normal language u laugh
- When youve had dreams with pills in it. I woke up and thought fuck im a bit obsessed
- When you stock up on mandy or pills in case of a dry period
- When you come to this website to discuss ecstasy with total strangers

Dude... we share a mind or something !!! lol.... I can 100% relate to ALL this...

-When you constantly ask everyone you know (or just met) How they are feeling and if they are happY!

- When you prep up for the night and are ready to go with butterfly in your stomach!

- When you swore you were just gonna take 2...

- When you wish that feeling would NEVER end !!!
Dude... we share a mind or something !!! lol.... I can 100% relate to ALL this...

-When you constantly ask everyone you know (or just met) How they are feeling and if they are happY!

- When you prep up for the night and are ready to go with butterfly in your stomach!

- When you swore you were just gonna take 2...

- When you wish that feeling would NEVER end !!!

haha i always love coming up to people and asking how they are doing. i just instantly connect with them.

- when you think that 2 pills will last you the night and end up taking 4
i got another one.

You know your an etard when you start call you friends by their rave names a few days before and after a big rave.
When this picture makes your mouth water....

And This picture makes you sad


Guilty!!!! Very very quilty :D 7 bilion? so much love forever lost..... :(
When you realise that attractive barmaid is actually a fire extinguisher
Hmm there must of been something else in that pill 8o
When you go for a ride on your bicycle at three in the morning and can't even find your way out of your neighborhood. =D
The night before new years I literally did this in anticipation...

I had a raving dream last night.... I was tripping/rolling balls....
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When stranger says "Dont touch me,dont talk to me or I beat you..." and you buy him a bear...
When stranger says "Dont touch me,dont talk to me or I beat you..." and you buy him a bear...
Oh! I would also like to buy a bear :D
Where did you find this bear shop? And what kind of bears do they offer?
Do they have polar bears also, they're so cute :)
When you walk out of a club ...look across the street and yell: OMG OMG OMG That guy just fell over !!!..

...you pause for a second and realize its a homeless guy sleeping.
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