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Oh and I don’t find MDA at all psychedelic,
The hallucination's that it did give reminded me more of delriant's description's and 2c-B, which ime was an extremely unusual phenethylamine. Butt it was an unknown adultrant in our pills. The weird visual phenomena made me realize there must have been part MDA in it.
The hallucination's that it did give reminded me more of delriant's description's and 2c-B, which ime was an extremely unusual phenethylamine. Butt it was an unknown adultrant in our pills. The weird visual phenomena made me realize there must have been part MDA in it.
2CB wasn‘t fun for me either.
2CB wasn‘t fun for me either.
I personally enjoy it quite a bit, its a nice relaxing psychedelic without any of the anxiety. Hoping to find the time to take some more soon but am trying to keep my head rather clear for now.

That being said I could do without the nausea.
2cb is arguably the best of them all

seek out 2cb HBr - it's so good

try boofing it - you'll skip the nausea and it'll hit you faster and it's almost twice as strong - it's the one drug that really makes a significant and positive difference between boofing and taken orally
MDA remains, still IMO underrated!

The original "Snowballs" early to latter 90's too, big unscored/unlogoed dome top bottom about as deep as wide maybe, smellleee! Immaculately formed, consistent, like a professional mints company

F incredible things. 200 mg's pure MDA each.

I worked a full busiest Saturday shift inside Tescos store 6:30 am to 4:30 after 3.5 genuine ones, i.e. 700 mg's MDA.

It was taxing, zero suspicion, was my "craft" after all, rushing my balls off though kaladeskopically bright lol I had to take a magnifying glass as I was Home Shopping gathering amongst public and in/around staff, loading areas etc

But feeling too good I guess, to be anxious like whatever.

I just wanted, Out of there lol! Asap.

I felt amazing after work. I took last 1.5 Snowballs and really came right back up on it, no comedown.

If I listed a dozen, or 5 truly best "exstacy" pills I took, the best straight MDA ones of a number too, are in equal running!

I'd have to leave even the best pure MDE's under tier though. V v good, but need added dimensions.

We all know MDA is.... more racey I'll say vs "speedy", no argument more hallucinogenic, tick on the longer lasting

Yes not so lovey-dovey "Hold me in your arms" full disinhibition...Empathogenic!

But not making you a cold arse, actually IMO a less foolish one, maybe? lol.

Less embarrassing anyway. It's such a mad trip vs MDMA though. I agree it can be a headfuck.

700 mg's pure MDA is about max prob for myself, while up to & over 2 grams of pure MDMA was more doable than a Theme Park honest.

One other distinctive feature of genuine MDA though, a lot moreso than MDMA is enhanced tactile sensation.

This was always very pleasant for me. I don't refer to sex, touch etc, I picture the Hulk's crazy dad literally becoming everything, it's like extra extra sensory perception of all matter and energy around.

Plus the "deffest" touch.

MDA is special.

2cb is arguably the best of them all

seek out 2cb HBr - it's so good

try boofing it - you'll skip the nausea and it'll hit you faster and it's almost twice as strong - it's the one drug that really makes a significant and positive difference between boofing and taken orally
Never done a boof tbh, bit nervous about a syringe up my bum lmao
Never done a boof tbh, bit nervous about a syringe up my bum lmao
You can always try boofing water alone to get accustomed, remember that your syringe should not have a needle and I find the optimal liquid volume is around 3-5ml. It can help to get air in the syringe as well, when pushing the plunger keep it pointed in a downward angle and use the bubble to ensure all liquid leaves the syringe
Hi. I'm glad you quoted me too cos I typoed above.

Those 7 PlayStation pills in one hr, were 7

But 2, 2 30 mins later, 3 30 later.

Still 7 x 120 mg's MDA in 60 minutes. Well, is this REALLY such an unsafe substance?

Lol, still not meeting criteria for "GRAS"! (unlike say, cough...Co..fid...chabs.. you know, just for example here)

That evening though, it is odd because we'd been using them a while

Nobody would take even 4 in 1 hr without being a floor sprawling (v happy, quire confused I bet) turkey lol for a while.

Yet I handled it then like a bat. Evening chill friend straight cool though staying up playing Starfox on Gamecube.

He was weaning Methadone. One of 3 X maybe life, I took just 5 ml, actually really rate Methadone espec over Exstacy.

Much nicer vs Heroin over Exstacy IME.

So I relaxed like a baby tripping out, gauging at points lol being arm thumped by friend "Stop Gauging dude!!"


Until dawn, felt I'd had best night sleep too zero roughness, weakness depression etc,

And it was off, to work again! :)
Yeah makes sense, I was just wondering if anyone has felt the anxiety/worry MDA sometimes causes for me
Yeah sorta, but to be honest with you, MDMA gives me this panicky feeling at first, too. Sometimes I smoke a bowl if that's available or hit a vape or something and sorta smoke it off and then I'm fine again. You have to remember that these drugs trigger dopamine and adrenaline in addition to serotonin. That adrenal kick (from epinephrine/norepinephrine) can be somewhat anxiogenic, and MDA produces less anxiolysis than its n-methyl analog, so this stands to reason. MDA is a psychedelic and if you think about it, were it LSD, psilocin, or mescaline, you would probably equally feel self-conscious.

Also, don't forget MDA is more potent than MDMA, so be careful not to overdo it. As to the blend, I like to start with an 80 mg MDMA to 70 mg MDA capsule with another 30 mg MDMA + 20 mg MDA booster at the one hour mark. It's a serious roll at that point, so strap in. And honestly, this is for recreational use. If I'm shooting for something more therapeutic, I take 25% less than this. Stay safe out there, and kudos for the thorough harm reduction.

so from what i've gathered in this thread, if i've lost/losing the magic from MDMA then MDA would be a viable alternative

wondering whether to combine the two or to take MDA by itself
It's nice to appreciate MDA on its own. If you've "lost the magic" chances are you either have an imposter product masquerading as MDMA, you're on an interfering medication, or you're using too often. Either way, MDA and MDMA are cross-tolerant, so I'm not sure where you picked up the idea that MDA would work while MDMA doesn't. That said, perhaps your MDMA source is shit, so there's nothing wrong with giving MDA a go, I suppose.

You can always try boofing water alone to get accustomed, remember that your syringe should not have a needle and I find the optimal liquid volume is around 3-5ml. It can help to get air in the syringe as well, when pushing the plunger keep it pointed in a downward angle and use the bubble to ensure all liquid leaves the syringe
I'd also like to point out that you want to deposit the drug solution to the colon, not the rectum (obligatory: "rectum? damn near killed him! kanuck kanuck kanuck!"). The colon is the first ~1.3 inches (3.3 cm) past the anus. It's much more vascular than the rectum and will deliver the drugs faster to the blood stream. In other words, you don't need to go very deep with the oral syringe to "suitcase" a drug. Prepare your syringe and bring your phone or something to read, then lie flat on your stomach w/your pants down. With a little bit of lube, insert the oral syringe and inject the ~3 ml of solution slowly, like maybe over the course of ~30 seconds, not all at once. Now give it 5 minutes or so and you're good to go. When you stand, nothing should come out, and thus: dissolve it in a very small amount of water, like 2 or 3 ml if you can. I should add, make sure you've already taken a shit and cleaned your ass and I would strongly recommend giving yourself an enema / anal douche first. It will help to prepare you for the sensation, just to get used to it.

Also, note: their are two anal sphincters – one of them is a voluntary muscle and the other is involuntary. You have to relax and sorta push out initially. Take your time and use plenty of lube. It should not be painful at all; don't force it. See? Now you know how she feels, lol.

Not the most social route of administration, but it is quite effective with the right technique! Good luck 🤘 😤
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You can always try boofing water alone to get accustomed, remember that your syringe should not have a needle and I find the optimal liquid volume is around 3-5ml. It can help to get air in the syringe as well, when pushing the plunger keep it pointed in a downward angle and use the bubble to ensure all liquid leaves the syringe
Thanks for the advice...Ive been on Bluelight nearly 15 years now, Ive only ever had IM ketamine and Ive never considerer IR but y'all may be convincing me 🤣

stick with the 1cc syringe and nobody will know anything
How many mgs do you like to do IR?
Also, don't forget MDA is more potent than MDMA, so be careful not to overdo it. As to the blend, I like to start with an 80 mg MDMA to 70 mg MDA capsule with another 30 mg MDMA + 20 mg MDA booster at the one hour mark. It's a serious roll at that point, so strap in. And honestly, this is for recreational use. If I'm shooting for something more therapeutic, I take 25% less than this. Stay safe out there, and kudos for the thorough harm reduction.

Thanks I'm gonna try that for sure - I have both

Whats your recommended dosage on MDA alone?