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Would you say benzos are recreational?

Maybe people don't get automatic euphoria from them, but they "have a good time" on them. That's recreational.
I would say I've enjoyed benzos most in conjuction with Stims. That being said, etizolam I've always enjoyed on its own.
If getting extremely tired is recreational then I guess so. Although back when Valium used to hit me harder, I'd get a euphoric stimulation from it first. It'd only take 7.5mg to get pretty well messed up on it too, which is nothing. Most people probably take 30mg or more to have felt that way, but I was on Prilosec during the period I was first put on it which works like cimetidine. It might've been potentiating it. I've only done Valium and Temazepam. A lot of people seem to love Temazepam, I recall a poll where it was one of the top ranked recreational benzos. I took some pretty high doses of it and only ever got a little dizzy, and that's supposed to be way stronger.
If getting extremely tired is recreational then I guess so. Although back when Valium used to hit me harder, I'd get a euphoric stimulation from it first. It'd only take 7.5mg to get pretty well messed up on it too, which is nothing. Most people probably take 30mg or more to have felt that way, but I was on Prilosec during the period I was first put on it which works like cimetidine. It might've been potentiating it. I've only done Valium and Temazepam. A lot of people seem to love Temazepam, I recall a poll where it was one of the top ranked recreational benzos. I took some pretty high doses of it and only ever got a little dizzy, and that's supposed to be way stronger.
"Feeling tired" more is certainly one of the qualities which distinguishes benzos from classic sedatives.
If you fight that tired feeling and get into the higher dosage ranges (40 to 100 mg over time), however, you can get a "numb to the world" kind of feeling which maybe has some vague similarities to a dissociative... and is just as dangerous to be walking around the world having.
"Feeling tired" more is certainly one of the qualities which distinguishes benzos from classic sedatives.
If you fight that tired feeling and get into the higher dosage ranges (40 to 100 mg over time), however, you can get a "numb to the world" kind of feeling which maybe has some vague similarities to a dissociative... and is just as dangerous to be walking around the world having.
One hundred percent agree with fighting the sleep and the effect of high dose diazepam 100-150mg

same goes for me with high dose alprazolam binges for sure

I personally have SEVERAL mental disorders, most being anxiety related so I would say from my perspective it’s not far under opioids/opiates as far as recreational value personally

Cuz there’s a lot of my depression and fear and PTSD getting relived that most people don’t need relief from so I notice it’s effectiveness a fuck ton more then the average cat
Benzos are not recreational for me at all.They just calm down my nerves a little bit and that"s all
Anything that allows me to turn my filter off and talk to people freely is a fucking good thing. Too much of it can be pretty fucking brutal though.
I’m the exact same way it almost impossible to keep the balance right

It took me like 4 years to get to the self control I have now
I’m assuming u don’t have anxiety or anything right? Cuz if so that makes complete sense
Who don"t have anxiety in these days?Idk what u don"t umderstand,but benzos are zero for recreational purposes for me.Meth,H,Coke,Weed...even shrooms and alcohol could be recreational drugs,but not this shit.That does not mean that they are not recreative for other people,but for me they are not..U*nderstand?.Fehrstein?Capito mi hai?Понял бляд?
Who don"t have anxiety in these days?Idk what u don"t umderstand,but benzos are zero for recreational purposes for me.Meth,H,Coke,Weed...even shrooms and alcohol could be recreational drugs,but not this shit.That does not mean that they are not recreative for other people,but for me they are not..U*nderstand?.Fehrstein?Capito mi hai?Понял бляд?
I wasn’t trying to convince you that they were recreational for you
only that people with anxiety generally have some sort of recreational value from it I don’t know why you took so much offense to it

I wasn’t trying to personally insult you in any way shape or form and if I did I apologize

But the reasoning behind what I said was that most of the people who abuse benzos recreationally do have some sort of anxiety problem

And please respond with kindness because I think me and you just had a complete misunderstanding
Desoxyn is in that area. Meth Pills.

Ketamine therapy. (i wouldn't wanna trip with my shrink around though, or khole w/e)

and damn I want me some seconal. (wonders if I could knock myself out hard enough to beat there sleep tests) lol.

^figured. oh well. kinda like xyrem. yea, it exists, but not for you. who knows though, you stumble across some weird shit.

sure, they used to be recreational. Like 80,000 light years ago. They definately can be, yes, but they are seriously such a bad type of drug to have fun with. They're almost like "freeze drired alcohol" but not even as good.

Oooh I take a bit of umbrage to this. Alcohol gives you cancer in like everything but the retina of the eye (I read that on pubmed but am linkless therefor vulnerable to counter information). Definitely kills you long term, definitely dehydrates you and leaves with a hangover, definitely chance of OD. Memory, well I'll give you some memory faulters; NOTHING the level of drunkeness. I have never exhibited any of these behaviors you are speaking of. I certainly know ppl freak out and do crazy shit on blackout doses, but they do with alcohol far more often? I feel like you may be on a smear campaign here.

@aliced --- Yea idk if your doc is that ignorant maybe say you'd like to try 15 mg of clonazepam or alprazolam....according to his shit that should be like a dose decrease. The ignorance amongst the medical community regarding benzos is TRULY TRULY frightening.

example: They still basically claim no knowledge of "street benzos" and if you go in and tell them you take 20 mg of xanax a day they will straight say they don't believe you. There are people who want to medically detox but there dose is too high to be 'believed'.

Now if you are talking about the buzz only, and the way this question was phrased I take that to be the case...I no longer take umbrage but humbly disagree. No chance of overdose, no cancer. Have you experimented with a wide range of benzo's. More than a couple xanax or kpins.......Have you tried halcion? As mentioned it is strong and quick hitting. Clonazolam is my personal favorite (of course that bitch went sched 1). *Edit NVM it appears that benzos have hurt you in the past (me too) but I think you may be deluding yourself thinking alcohol is safer in ANY way...behavioral or physical.

aim for more hypnotic benzos for euphoria IME.

Also there are benzos that have little to no recreational value, phenazepam comes to my mind. Some seem to be able to enjoy it but nothing recreational at all for me and I appreciate bzos.
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I don't see it for most people. I think people tend to use them more as an adjunct, like to potentiate opioids, or come down from stimulants.
Personally, I very much find them recreational/euphoric, but that's because I have such severe anxiety that literally just feel okay and being able to relax is euphoric to me because the relief is IMMENSE.
They can be recreational until you decide to recreationally use them every day untill you decide maybe you should stop but day one of no recreational benzos you have three grandma seizures and a panic attack. ( I understand recreational doesn't mean everyday use. I'm joking about how addicting and not recreational they are for at least me personally, but to each is own and everything can be good in moderation)