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List of drugs used in MKULTRA

You know it makes sense now.. thanks guys.. of course the CIA or current MK program would be interested in BL.. especially since their half a century plus of MK programs have been a utter ship of fools and confederacy of dunces.. it would be hard to spend more time and money on a worse football bat. Fucking idiots and I can attest their marks have not improved. Really couldn't do worse if they tried. F-
What else is funny is if the scientists working on this, actually figure it out.. don't hold your breath, but they will immediately be its next victims. Thank you for your amazing work.. now as a matter of national security we are required to wipe your mind clean.

SSssshh.. you love your third shift pallet maker position in Armpit Sticks and always have.
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I remember a story about the “toy box killer” and supposedly the dude would give his victims large doses of barbiturates and the wouldn’t remember a thing, don’t look up the case it is insanely fucked up
But if they killed them how did they confirm this LVg?

@Las Veghost grower

Edit: never mind I looked it up.
One of the most fucked up serial killers Iv ever heard of, there is an audio tape he would play his victims after abducting them, the most disturbing thing I have ever heard…and I use to go to liveleak to give myself “a dose of reality” every now and then, this guy is next level fucked up
But in context of the thread I remember one of his victims he released he wiped their memory of like the last 2 months and her husband divorced her cause one day she showed up and had no idea where she had been or what happened for 2 months and he thought she was just out screwing around on him
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When you look at the declassified documents, they were searching all over the world for any and all psychotropic chemicals they could exploit for control or weaponize. They had no clue what they were doing. Somethings neverchange.

What is the current program? Is there still a need to force people? Or influencing them subtly to make them want something isn't it basically more effective? Where 50 years ago Ken Kesey and others were paid to be guinea pigs with certain psychedelics, today people are paying to be the first to test certain "research chemicals". Isn't that ironic?

Seeing this video for example, it's hard not to ask yourself a few questions:

One of my biggest fears is not being drugged with with something like roofies, GHB or the likes (I’d enjoy that)

But a massive dose of LSD. That is truly frightening
That happened to a good friend of mine back in high school.

We were at a teen dance and afterwards a shit tonne of people went out to a field to drink. Allegedly someone had added alot of acid to his beer(unknowingly) and an 1 hour or so later he was just gone(I assumed home).

I didnt hear from him for months and he never did come back to school for well over a year.

I asked his cousin about him and he told me the story. He ended up hiding in his parents basement for a couple of months and wouldnt leave until they forced him into a psych ward.

Thankfully he bounced back and is somewhat normal now but he has severe PTSD and if that flares up ya gotta get the hell away from him as he gets violent.

Anyways, he told me the story and said it felt like weeks would pass of closed eye visuals and when they went away, he couldnt see colours at all. Also, to this day he cannot taste food. He has the weirdest diet ever now because he knows he has to eat, but has zero taste.

He will never leave an unattended drink anywhere now and still talks about how devastating the experience was some 25 years later.

Fuckin terrifying
That happened to a good friend of mine back in high school.

We were at a teen dance and afterwards a shit tonne of people went out to a field to drink. Allegedly someone had added alot of acid to his beer(unknowingly) and an 1 hour or so later he was just gone(I assumed home).

I didnt hear from him for months and he never did come back to school for well over a year.

I asked his cousin about him and he told me the story. He ended up hiding in his parents basement for a couple of months and wouldnt leave until they forced him into a psych ward.

Thankfully he bounced back and is somewhat normal now but he has severe PTSD and if that flares up ya gotta get the hell away from him as he gets violent.

Anyways, he told me the story and said it felt like weeks would pass of closed eye visuals and when they went away, he couldnt see colours at all. Also, to this day he cannot taste food. He has the weirdest diet ever now because he knows he has to eat, but has zero taste.

He will never leave an unattended drink anywhere now and still talks about how devastating the experience was some 25 years later.

Fuckin terrifying

Exactly my worst fear I already know I’d go insane. I know a kid who had 200 hits in his sock and somehow the wax papers melted or opened and it absorbed through his skin cause he was dancing at a festival.

He’s permanently been diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic last I heard he’s still in a psych ward 7 years later
What is the current program? Is there still a need to force people? Or influencing them subtly to make them want something isn't it basically more effective? Where 50 years ago Ken Kesey and others were paid to be guinea pigs with certain psychedelics, today people are paying to be the first to test certain "research chemicals". Isn't that ironic?
But then the Guinea pigs were like ooooh. Hey lets make some cool aid and invite The Airplane and Jerry and the boys over.

One of the most ironic plots ever on earth was when the CIA, while seeking mind control, inadvertently created the counter culture revolution and Jerry and the Boys spent thirty years making them pay, by turning on as many people as possible.

Want to hear god laugh.. tell her your plan.
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Where 50 years ago Ken Kesey and others were paid to be guinea pigs with certain psychedelics

It's a nice story, but that's all it is, a story. Kesey was not only a fugitive from the FBI but served time in prison for weed (because they couldn't prosecute him on LSD as it was still legal). MK Ultra was real but the Merry Pranksters were not part of it. As a matter of fact he was blowing the MK Ultra group's cover, which is why they tried so hard to get him. The Pranksters knew that they were going to get busted in La Honda and even played cat and mouse with the DEA agents.
Exactly my worst fear I already know I’d go insane. I know a kid who had 200 hits in his sock and somehow the wax papers melted or opened and it absorbed through his skin cause he was dancing at a festival.

He’s permanently been diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic last I heard he’s still in a psych ward 7 years later
That's fucked. I couldnt imagine.