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Benzos Alcohol withdrawal and Ativan

That's a pretty graphic image. I don't think you hold court for all matters of pain and misery because someone died. I know it might seem like insignificant shit to tell an Alcoholic that they'll never stop drinking, they shouldn't stop drinking or that they don't have a problem. You're sure the Alcoholic is gonna do what they're gonna do anyway right? I say, why put that out there anyway? Does it make you feel something that you're after? Alcohol is pretty shitty, even as drugs go. It's just not helpful.

its not shitty when it comes to drugs. its more natural than any other drugs, except psychedelics. how and for what reason you find it not to be helpful? you obviously never benefited from it and its clear, but i have. it made me finish a lot of tasks, problems and issues i have faced during my lifetime and alcohol WAS THERE TO HELP. it helped me!! now, its a different problem now days because of me getting older and sicker plus addiction is not a joke. normal, moderate alcohol use is MAGIC for some, but when abused it becomes a horrible shithole experience. but anyway, its funny to me you cannot even see the positive of alcohol *chuckles*
cloudman115, have you looked into ketamine treatment for depression as a mean to deal with your alcohol addiction? i know its not labeled for addiction problems, but it is quite helpful for depression, anxiety all which are related to quitting alcohol. why dont you look into it?? just let me give you an advice! do not mention you have addiction problems, and do not mention you are addicted to alcohol or have been using alcohol. they wont accept you. BUT I strongly suggest you research this a bit and look into it. i heard some addicts actually got better after ketamine treatments.
i know its the addiction itself keeping you imprisoned i can relate to that, but IF YOU UNLIKE ME actually find life to be great and enjoy living and enjoy the shitty people and society we are surrounded with, then that should be the biggest boost and reason to fight off the few grueling first days of sobriety. not sure why you cameback to it, after a week sober? i understand the addiction element, as i have it too. but ill say it once again, i hate life!!! this prevents me from quitting, at all! YOU love life! huge reason and power to quit, no??

anyway i quit alcohol a lot easier in my 20s. then my early 30s, not so easy but doable. now as im gonna hit 40s, i think fuck life. fuck everything! honestly.

watch this monumental ART animation about hitting 40s BASED ON Dostoyevsky

Only if were that simple. I do 5-7 days sober thousands of times. I got the withdrawals down. Why I go back is the million dollar question
Only if were that simple. I do 5-7 days sober thousands of times. I got the withdrawals down. Why I go back is the million dollar question

well, tell you what, if you keep taking a week off from drinking once a while, i believe its not so bad for your health at all. in fact, if i was taking a week off each month, ill probably be pretty good. i mean, its the constant bombardment of alcohol into your organs that causes the damage. taking breaks, like 7 days, seems quite reasonable and good enough! tell you what, i might start dong it myself and see how well i feel long term. its a very good idea actually. why drink daily, or quit forever?? when you can just take a week breaks in between and im certain your health wont suffer that much compared to other people who do not or do drink too much.
cloudman115, have you looked into ketamine treatment for depression as a mean to deal with your alcohol addiction? i know its not labeled for addiction problems, but it is quite helpful for depression, anxiety all which are related to quitting alcohol.
I wouldn’t even know where to begin. Is that something that is offered in the States?
Only if were that simple. I do 5-7 days sober thousands of times. I got the withdrawals down. Why I go back is the million dollar question
same reason i do i guess. it feels good to be drunk until the negative effects outweigh that feeling. I'm over a month now and haven't struggled at all until yesterday. same today but it will pass.....
same reason i do i guess. it feels good to be drunk until the negative effects outweigh that feeling. I'm over a month now and haven't struggled at all until yesterday. same today but it will pass.....
That’s great to here! Yeah I was told you gotta ride that wave when we get that urge. it will break.
Seems like you got a good handle on it.

you plan on staying with abstinence or will you try to drink every now and then?
i want to be done with alcohol, etc. fucking played with those toys long enough.
I hear yeah. Almost 20 years of heavy drinking And I am not even 40.

I will say, staying active and doing stuff reduces the need and window to drink. I made it until Friday without a drink (6 days) and than drank all day Saturday because I didn’t have shit to do.

definitely keep me updated on your progress I will be giving this a good go as well.
its Nice when you hit that one month mark. I had 2 at The end of the year But been struggling to get back there.
I hear yeah. Almost 20 years of heavy drinking And I am not even 40.

I will say, staying active and doing stuff reduces the need and window to drink. I made it until Friday without a drink (6 days) and than drank all day Saturday because I didn’t have shit to do.

definitely keep me updated on your progress I will be giving this a good go as well.
its Nice when you hit that one month mark. I had 2 at The end of the year But been struggling to get back there.
boredom is my worst enemy. I'm doing laundry right now that doesn't really need done lol.
its not shitty when it comes to drugs. its more natural than any other drugs, except psychedelics. how and for what reason you find it not to be helpful? you obviously never benefited from it and its clear, but i have. it made me finish a lot of tasks, problems and issues i have faced during my lifetime and alcohol WAS THERE TO HELP. it helped me!! now, its a different problem now days because of me getting older and sicker plus addiction is not a joke. normal, moderate alcohol use is MAGIC for some, but when abused it becomes a horrible shithole experience. but anyway, its funny to me you cannot even see the positive of alcohol *chuckles*

Our arguments are coming from different places I think. You are trying to say that Alcohol can be a good thing for some people, which it is, of course. I'm of the belief that Alcohol and other drugs have had an integral part in the development of society. I believe Alcohol, bars and all of that culutre can and often is a really fun, enjoyable and social experience for the larger segment of the population
When someone makes an account on Bluelight, it's generally an admission that recreational drug use has now become a pretty big interest for them. I don't mean that we are all addicts, but we are all here in various stages of fetishizing the usage and experience of drugs. We are crystallizing in our minds the fact that our drug experiences are important to us.

Logic moves in the direction that someone who has a Bluelight account and is involved with and loves to discuss drugs is more susceptible to addiction. When someone becomes addicted to Alcohol it is not ever an objectively "good" thing for any person. It just takes people out of the running. It is not like Alcoholics are bad people, stupid or anything like that. It's just that Alcohol itself can be so destructive.

So when I'm talking to other people on Bluelight, I tend to expect that they're in some phase of growing addiction. With this in mind, I take every opportunity to talk about the dangers of Alcohol. I'm not talking about a fun night out with your friends from college, I'm talking about drinking a half-gallon of vodka a day and vomiting in between gulps. I'm talking about the guys I've met in detox or the hospital who have wet-brain and have been made permanently retarded by their love of Alcohol.

I'm a Heroin addict and an Alcoholic in recovery. I've met hookers, crackheads , pimps and everything in between. I see Alcohol as a candidate for the most destructive drug out there in society, but we're not here to demonize the behavior. We're not here in support of the drugs but in support of our peers using them.
Dang looksgood! What u th8nk it costs for treatment ? No Insurance is covering that.

its 500 per dose here in chicago. they require like 6 treatments which is 3000. ill say, try one dose and slowly do payments of 500 and see if it works at all. then find a way to just buy it from mexico for much cheaper. OR just do cough syrup. there are studies linking ketamine and DXM as about similar effect.
i looked for DMX in cali all cough meds say only DM, so yeah no DMX to be found, prolly a good thing for me, but yes i hear so much of it , i wanted to get fucked up on it..........just for my drug bucket list