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Is there any man who is 165/ 5'5 and has had an attractive girlfriend?

We try very hard not to lock threads except as an absolute last resort when they are totally off the tails.

But when they reach this point of making no further progress and becoming regressive it’s very tempting.

It might help improve the quality of SLR if we had a policy of euthanising threads that have run their course and are only deteriorating. Seeing as we can’t actually euthanise members.

I will say they’re entertaining if nothing else :)

We try very hard not to lock threads except as an absolute last resort when they are totally off the tails.

But when they reach this point of making no further progress and becoming regressive it’s very tempting.

It might help improve the quality of SLR if we had a policy of euthanising threads that have run their course and are only deteriorating. Seeing as we can’t actually euthanise members.
I would just like to point out that I thought you made it very understood that we were NOT to continue feeding this thread because it was becoming unproductive. It was all about tough love and stuff. We were going to leave him to his views for now and hope all the great advice given so far sparked a bit of reflection. Which was very well articulated btw. I got you completely. Idk whats wrong with the rest of the class. We cant take them anywhere.

Four pages long this thread and not a single post with practical advice or a quick fix to the problem. No wonder it went past its sell by date.

So here we go:
  1. Cocaine and a lot of good single malt Whisky add a few inches in stature. There is no level of social anxiety that this combination cannot adequately address.
  2. Quick fix: move to China, Japan, or North Korea and you will be a hit. This mutually exclusive from option 1 though I'm afraid.
  3. Attitude (of the "my shit don’t stink" type) counts when you enter a room or bar or club. If failing on this one refer option 1.
  4. Always wear black and look smart. If not possible refer option 1.
All of the above if achieved in unison guaranteed to find you the "queen bitch of the universe" or a "biaatch". But she will be attractive I assure you of that! And I'm willing to bet that you're not looking for "nice" (synonym for ugly but fuckable) (can be accomplished in a pinch though i.e. refer option 1).

Motivational thought:

Britney Spears is only 5’4”. And she now has her own car! :ROFLMAO:
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Title got changed to 5’5” to further prove that all women are fucks that only want gigachads…. Heroin addiction shows in the most peculiar ways sometimes.

I am only 5'9" which makes me below average in terms of height. Granted it isn't considered short, but it is below average. Which has been a sore spot for me i suppose: to be below average in something.

I certainly do have a bit of an insecurity about it and long standing desire to be taller. If i could choose to have 2 inches added to my penis or 2 inches added to my height I would without a doubt choose 2 inches or height.

It hasn't been problem with me in terms of women, I have a relatively attractive face and a confident personality, but I've always been envious of taller guys and the undeniable effect that being tall has on women, and the air of respect/authority it can convey to men. I have even selected shoes on the basis of thicker soles or bigger heels (in dress shoes) to try to gain some altitude. When i was still not fully grown i would even cram stuff into my shoes to try to increase my height (I suppose you could always do that, get some height increasing shoes that turn 5'5" into 5'8").

I am confident in myself in many areas, but being below average in height has always been a sore spot for me. In a strange way I feel taller then many other men in a figurative or psychological sense, so my relative lack of height has always brought me some cognitive dissonance. I have never gotten used to it.

I have had a number of girlfriends my height or even somewhat taller and was never a big fan of that. I once had a black girlfriend who was 5'10" and liked to wear high heels, making her 6'1". I sort of pretended it didn't bother me but it did. (My girlfriend now is very short, but she isn't my girlfriend because of that, she is too short for preference to be frank.)

I recently moved to a new area, and all the women around here are for some reason very tall. Perhaps its because it is a very white area. Even the teenage girls are my height, or taller. You'd think that me, being in my 30's now, would have eventually accepted it or gotten used to it

I did once have a neighbor with a tall beautiful wife that was around 5'10" while he was only 5'5". Apparently she was the one who approached him. He was an attractive guy, but it was clear that he was insecure about the height difference. He once thought his gardener was looking at his was wife and told not to look at her anymore.

As someone who has not accepted my own height, despite not even being short but rather 1.5" below average, I'm afraid I don't have much advice, other than perhaps get height increasing shoes and pursue women shorter than you (which sounds difficult where you are, but likely not impossible).
President Putin is 5'7".

Yes and I'm sure that it has impacted him (especially in a country like Russia where many are quite tall). I'm sure the insecurity of being less than average in height, shorter than the average man, has impacted me. I imagine that if I were say 6 feet tall i would be a more well adjusted person, probably quiter and more measured in my words and actions.

I can't complain because at 5'9" tall (or to be entirely frank 5'8.75") I am not visibly short (no one would describe me as short, most would describe me as average height), but being below average has never sat well with me. Perhaps part of it stems from the fact that I grew somewhat later and was technically short in say middle school and early high school.
After reading @negrogesic ’s post I’m wondering if maybe I should be insecure about my height since he’s got an inch on me and still gets bother by it sometimes.

I think I must mentally screen out all these tall women about the place. I did once have a relationship with a woman who at 5’9’’ was taller than me. We got together mainly out of common interest and I have to say there was minimal sexual chemistry on either side. Having sex with someone that tall didn’t excite me much. Every other girlfriend I’ve had has been an inch or two shorter than me at least.

But that’s the interesting thing, it seems to me that most women are about my height or shorter. I don’t notice the tall ones because I guess I just don’t find them attractive. You can go look my number up in the ‘how many people have you had sex sex with’ thread. Only one of those was taller than me and it seems that the shorter ladies have a lower height bar than OP assumes. At least in this part for the world.
I’m 5’10” and while definitely far from tall, I’ve never had any issues with respect. I’ve never understood this obsession over height but maybe women are just being honest about what they want these days. It’s never gotten in the way of me getting someone.

I agree with what others saying about if you have a vibe that you’re a badass that can help with women too. My experience is that women will say they hate fighting yet when it happens they tearing your clothes off after. It depends what the fighting is about of course, I’m a smaller guy size wise (thinner yet muscular build, didn’t eat as a kid) so when I stand up to some big dumbass causing problems it gets received well. Or like the time some drunk dude kept grabbing my girl and I dropped him on his head, when the whole venue sees that shit and then they watch security escort out the guy you just fucked up.. That’s respect. I had women I never met bring that incident up to me upon meeting years later.

In the end, it’s all about your confidence. (Sound repetitive? Good!) Women seem to be much much better on picking up vibes of a person than males. If your there thinking she’s thinking your short, you’ll feel short.

If I had 2 to my height or 2 to my dick, cock all the way!!

I'm 6'3" and quite shy in asking girls out publicly unless I'm on the coke/any good stimulant and booze or even just stims as @dalpat077 suggested.

Dating apps my amigo! I have had quite a bit of success and I don't even try. If you have an ok face and can write a good "about me" bit it's fish in a barrell.

And maybe list you height as 5'6/7" and not 5'5 or whatever. They're not gonna bring the tape measure on the first date.
I know it's such a shitty trope dude, but, confidence. It really is important. That doesn't mean be fake. Don't pretend to be confident, you've just gotta get to a place where you feel it. I've been an IV Heroin user and I've been where I am now, which is the whole "Gabapentin, Marijuana" purgatario. I'm a big believer that love is really why we are alive. Not Romantic love, although that is a variety. I had women I would associate with throughout all those years. I can only say associate because Heroin didn't really allow me to love. I don't just mean, it numbed my feelings, it just meant that no matter what, if they really needed me, I would try my best, follow through some of the time, but...

I was in a very fast-moving relationship with this girl named Audre (without a Y). We were together every day/night when we didn't have to work. One night, she was having a hard time. Emotional stuff/physical pain stuff. I had had it planned all day that I'd be getting dope that evening after work and before going over to her place. Guy couldn't meet. I say "I'm gonna bite the bullet and go over there, spend the night and be there for her. Well, that plan worked for about 4 hours. The dude was ready. I really liked this girl so much that I wouldn't lie to her. So, I said, I'm really not feeling good. She insisted we stay together and just make each other feel better. I agree, wait until she goes to sleep and then slip out. She never spoke to me again, save for 3 texts of frantic apology followed by two "leave me alones" in a row. I wanted to fight for it, but I respected it.

My point is, that wasn't truly love on my part. That was me playing my very best game of pretend and what do you know, I was back to being alone with my dope.

Now that I've made this all about me, I'll try to make my point. First off, no being shorter doesn't mean shit. Even if you were under five feet you could find love. As a 5'5" dude, yea, maybe you're not the "ideal", but there are plenty of women out there who will love you. With this knowledge in hand, be confident or, learn to be. Those same girls might never even get to know who you are or what you're about because you will not be showing them and they'll be gone. I believe we are on this planet to love, but aside from that, being a person means being the most "you" that you can be and shame is the antithesis of this.

I'm not just buttering you up dude. If you know me, you know I don't do that. I encourage and try to be positive, but I don't bullshit. There is a smart, beautiful, caring woman out there who will not care about your height and any woman who sees all of your great qualities and passes you up for how tall you are is not for you. She is the type that will marry a dentist, be left home all day with her thoughts, which in her case is a bad thing, eventually become an Alcoholic, benzo addict who's children will put her in a home the day she turns 55 and spend her last days alone, senile, not knowin her own name, but is still lucid enough to remember that slightly shorter guy she passed up while the nursing assistant steals the last of her diamond rings.

Keiif can be nice but he can also be pretty dark. Damn.
Not sure what your actual height is when you say 165...inches? I'm a 5'1" female, so almost every guy I encounter is taller than me. I love tall men, but also am attracted to men only a few inches taller than me. I'm not into guys my height, just because I'm so small and I like looking up into someone's eyes or having to reach up to kiss them. There are definitely a world of women out there who would love to be in a relationship with you, height be damned. If your personality is as great as it sounds, that's your ticket in. Don't let any insecurities hold you back, that will just make you come across as unsure of yourself and women prefer confidence.

Edited to add how dumb that sounded asking if you meant 165 inches :ROFLMAO:. I swear I'm not this stupid usually.
165 inches.. your definatly american hey
Yes and I'm sure that it has impacted him (especially in a country like Russia where many are quite tall). I'm sure the insecurity of being less than average in height, shorter than the average man, has impacted me. I imagine that if I were say 6 feet tall i would be a more well adjusted person, probably quiter and more measured in my words and actions.

I can't complain because at 5'9" tall (or to be entirely frank 5'8.75") I am not visibly short (no one would describe me as short, most would describe me as average height), but being below average has never sat well with me. Perhaps part of it stems from the fact that I grew somewhat later and was technically short in say middle school and early high school.
I think you missed my point a wee bit on this. You don't have to be tall to be intimidating to other men. You're either Alpha or you're not!

Imagine walking all that way to the car in the morning and then discovering you've left your wallet on your desk in the office! 🇷🇺 :ROFLMAO:

There's a rumor going around that when Vladimir Putin was born he congratulated his own mother at the time!

And for for good measure and to further make my points on this: YouTube is full of body language experts that study the body language of these leaders. Some very interesting stuff and that's barely noticeable but that speaks volumes about them. It's stuff that just comes naturally i.e. cannot be faked or called upon on demand.
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Oh. And to add to my practical advice given earlier on this thread to the OP: here you go. Gives you a wider variety of countries than I initially suggested! :ROFLMAO:

I think you missed my point a wee bit on this. You don't have to be tall to be intimidating to other men. You're either Alpha or you're not!

Imagine walking all that way to the car in the morning and then discovering you've left your wallet on your desk in the office! 🇷🇺 :ROFLMAO:

There's a rumor going around that when Vladimir Putin was born he congratulated his own mother at the time!

And for for good measure and to further make my points on this: YouTube is full of body language experts that study the body language of these leaders. Some very interesting stuff and that's barely noticeable but that speaks volumes about them. It's stuff that just comes naturally i.e. cannot be faked or called upon on demand.

Well looks like even he isn't immune to the insecurity. Look at his feet when he walks. He's walking like he has high heels on. There is absolutely something in his shoes, and the heel itself is abnormally large. So even one of the most powerful men on earth seems to not have made peace with it.
@dalpat077 check out Putin's shoes here, looks like he's not entirely comfortable with his diminutive stature

Those platform soles aren't exactly standard issue on a dress shoe
You just HAD to point that out huh! Now the whole world is gonna know! :ROFLMAO:

I'll bet you they're comfy and durable though! 🇷🇺 Bet they come in handy when he's walking on water though... 🙏

Ah well. Looks like some other fucking bitch noticed this too...


Here's an interesting take and interview on the topic that I just remembered from years back:

Unfortunately for me: you've got me cornered and owned here with your super sleuth skills. And at the risk of getting more egg on my face: the link below validates YOUR points rather than mine! :oops:

So at 198-5'8" (no shoes) I'm bigger than MY President? Well there's a thing for you! :cool:

The above all being said: take a look at this dude (the tall one) i.e. Aleksandar Vučić (Serbian President) at a whopping 6'6". And let's not forget about President Trump at (arguably) 6'2" (some consternation about this one) and Joe Biden at 5'97" (posture notwithstanding and not specified). All proof positive that height has fuck all to do with anything! :ROFLMAO: At least not when it comes to politics and political accomplishments!


Then again: who knows!

According to scale, each Biden is around 9 feet tall

I dunno. It's obviously a personal thing. Despite what these studies say. Not something that's ever bothered me although I'll admit it's a pain in the ass trying to have a conversation with somebody that's a lot taller than you are and having to look up at them in order to at least attempt to make eye contact (and that's if the taller dude isn't a rude cunt and is wearing sun glasses at the time which is something that fucking infuriates me no end). Conversely it's shit to talk down to somebody too. Certainly doesn't make one feel empowered or emboldened I don't think.

See this guy. At the time he was 209-5'7"! :ROFLMAO: Attitude! And build helps! 💀


Anyway. I don't think I'm/we're helping the OP to find his (attractive) life partner! And now we have another thread going where the poor dude thinks he is maybe too tall! I've stayed well clear of that one.