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Everything is meaningless.


Meaning is an illusion. It is the carrot on the end of the stick. It becomes less appetising with age. It is different for everyone. While we believe in meaning, it isn't really there.
Do what the fuck you want to do. Let sheep be sheep. LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE WITH YOUR OWN RULES, BUT KARMA IS REAL. DONT BE AN ASSHOLE!
I have spent a lot of time looking for meaning.

Time I could have spent with people.

It is not a fulfilling pursuit for me.

I'm going to stop.
To me karma is real. And my iq was 148 (genius) when I was 17 so thats about 1/2500. Its about 130 now which is 1% of people. Therefore calling me simple is... yeah
I'm not calling you simple. I'm talking about the word coming from a simpler time.

My ex wife was raised in a Hindu community. Her ancestry was Indian. We had an Indian wedding. I don't believe in any religion. I think it's all equally nonsense.

I know a lot of hippies around the world that like Hindu and Voodoo and stuff.

To me, it is the same as Christianity.

Before science based examination, there were other more artistic/creative explanations for things. They told stories.

There is no magic. There is no devil. There is no karma.

Everything is meaningless.