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Misc Starting to get a bit fed up here.....

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
Let me make this clear I know I'm like Marmite in the way of you like me or bloody hate me & can't figure out why anyone would even look at it but over the last few weeks my posts have been edited quite regularly & even a post from a few months ago was picked up & the moderator(s) send a little note about what I said. Now if you can't figure out what I say sometimes is tongue in cheek & on other topics I stand by my opinions 100% I feel sorry for you, it's clear when I'm joking & when I'm being serious.

I don't tolerate fools & it's part of being online you come across all kinds & most of the dumb stuff I see I just ignore but other posts I have to say something, when people make out Fent is good & make a gear habit sound "cool" my fingers hit the keyboard, yes I've spoken about my drug issues but I've also spoken on the horror of it too, for every comment about smoking PV in multiple day long sessions & the fun with it I've also spoken of the horrific nature of this drug too.

Yes my taste in certain subjects may raise an eyebrow & I take the piss but if someone like Mal3volent can get me after our issues for months on end & can understand me 100% why can't everyone else? Plus his in a social group most of us will never understand, I can take the piss with him & he KNOWS I'm joking so why others cry over what I say is beyond me, I guess those Hillbilly, Meth cooking, Banjo playing Gays are tougher than some UK dope freaks 😉

We're all here due to lifestyle choices & we have a bond through weird drugs at the very least, you mention 2C-E to most folks they have no clue, a small few may have heard of it but not taken it etc.....you follow my point here folks (a-pvp smokers Unite & let's storm Burning Man to kill the nasty hippies)

People get F.U.B.A.R & his great but I call someone a "Cunt" oh dear it's a bucket of Woke tears & off to inform on me. Some of the people who have grassed on me are the same kind that went after Lenny Bruce, Bill Hicks & George Carlin & the best bit is those folks made a career pointing their finger at people like that & taking them apart. If you don't like what I say mute me, don't go grassing people up because it's upset your fragile Woke sense of what's fair & just.

I'm not going anywhere folks so tough luck, like the Chinese saying goes "Sometimes you have to eat the bitter" so here is a huge spoon of citric acid left over from my last crank, open wide here comes the airplane............ ✈️ (I made sure it runs on heavy diesel & crushed up Unicorn hearts btw, huge levels of Co2 & all machines need a bit of dolphin, Elephant or Unicorn in the fuel tank)

Send me a DM if I upset you & we can chat, crying to the mods is for clowns imho, how odd these people never show their face too, they hide in the shadows plotting to get me banned but I'm still here & im going nowhere folks.

Amen George ❤️🙏👍

@mal3volent Get off Gaydar you pervert & read this. Care to comment? Our history was bad honestly I respect you now 100% & I'm sure you get me too now.

I used you as an example of someone I hated, said bad things to etc but after a chat it changed round, am I telling lies here?

If you get me etc how others cry over me is insane to me, am I wrong here?

Heheh, I was waiting for this. It's nothing personal mate and I've got no problem with you calling people a cunt and a spastic IF it's meant in a light hearted way. But vitriol will not be tolerated - even in EADD. It just starts a shit slinging match that we dont need.

I could have just deleted the posts, but all I did was tone them down a bit.

Over to you...
Heheh, I was waiting for this. It's nothing personal mate and I've got no problem with you calling people a cunt and a spastic IF it's meant in a light hearted way. But vitriol will not be tolerated - even in EADD. It just starts a shit slinging match that we dont need.

I could have just deleted the posts, but all I did was tone them down a bit.

Over to you...
I didn't know it was you who had done it, I got NO issues with you F.U.B.A.R. out of EADD you among a few others have been around & have life experiences alongside Blondin. I'd listen to you & others who have lived a life more than some late 20's male who's some city boy getting his coke off Tor, has an Instagram account filled with selfies at the gym......you know the kind I'm on about.

The last post removed on the thread about being straight but wanted to suck dick wasn't bad, it had been up for ages so why remove it & who moaned about it?
I didn't know it was you who had done it, I got NO issues with you F.U.B.A.R. out of EADD you among a few others have been around & have life experiences alongside Blondin. I'd listen to you & others who have lived a life more than some late 20's male who's some city boy getting his coke off Tor, has an Instagram account filled with selfies at the gym......you know the kind I'm on about.

The last post removed on the thread about being straight but wanted to suck dick wasn't bad, it had been up for ages so why remove it & who moaned about it?

Yes mate, I edited those posts in EADD because I'm (currently) the only mod there and simply to keep the peace. The senior mods don't get involved unless they have to.

But I've no idea about the sucking dick bit...
Yes mate, I edited those posts in EADD because I'm (currently) the only mod there and simply to keep the peace. The senior mods don't get involved unless they have to.

But I've no idea about the sucking dick bit...

I'd say you out of most people would "get me" and tell when I'm joking & when I'm not, we share more in terms of our dope habits, places we scored etc than most, no Tor for us old man it was 50p in a phone box then off to the council flats, kids these days with their cryptography payments & fancy phones to order dope on the Interweb....... 😒

You seen me take the piss outta myself much worse than I do with other people, Damn I get hard looking at Beth Chapman ffs (Dog the Bounty Hunters wife) if that's not bad & shameful tell me what is.

Why do I get a hard rap above others?
I'd say you out of most people would "get me" and tell when I'm joking & when I'm not, we share more in terms of our dope habits, places we scored etc than most, no Tor for us old man it was 50p in a phone box then off to the council flats, kids these days with their cryptography payments & fancy phones to order dope on the Interweb....... 😒

You seen me take the piss outta myself much worse than I do with other people, Damn I get hard looking at Beth Chapman ffs (Dog the Bounty Hunters wife) if that's not bad & shameful tell me what is.

Why do I get a hard rap above others?

I don't think you do get a bad rap to be honest. Your rap sheet is pretty good from what I can see.

I'm pretty sure I get your sense of humour, your taste in music, your experiece and your lust for Beth (she's like someone straight out of the Dogg Vision pornos- and if you get that then you get me ;) )
Reported for being too long to hold my attention.
Silence Harold Shipman.

Honestly I wanted your head on a spike for ages but over the last few months I've grown to like you. I can understand how you see the bad addicts due to your job BUT on several posts you educated me on Bupe & several comments you've made were great.

You could be seen as harsh in some ways but I like you tbh. I know you see me as some chav swine,Jeremy Kyle guest but I'm not.
Yau get it mush?

I'd like to think you can see a difference between me & Ganjcat / Pete556.
I really like your posts, farmzy. Please don't stop. You liven up the place.
Who's farmzy?
Sounds like some UK Grime MC coming outta Yorkshire or rural Wales.

But thanks for the comment, at least someone can tell when I'm joking. Yeah some of my views may be a bit harsh but that's how I see the world. I've seen far worse on other boards, imho anyone who posts about MAGA or Qanon is mentally ill & that's allowed on BL.
Silence Harold Shipman.

Honestly I wanted your head on a spike for ages but over the last few months I've grown to like you. I can understand how you see the bad addicts due to your job BUT on several posts you educated me on Bupe & several comments you've made were great.

You could be seen as harsh in some ways but I like you tbh. I know you see me as some chav swine,Jeremy Kyle guest but I'm not.
Yau get it mush?

I'd like to think you can see a difference between me & Ganjcat / Pete556.
Mush? You from Newark by any chance?

PS. Love you too
Sorry bluelight but you are too open and are letting waaaay to much different ideas circulating without proper modifications by Reality Czar. I get that it is a difficult job to implement a "trigger warning" button, but you have successfully implemented "like" with multiple emojis, so it is certainly not impossible. Or at least you should have created "the safe space" in every forum and subforum. Maybe to have a "safe space button" in every thread so when people feel insecure they can just click and it takes them to a thread where everybody thinks alike. There are algorithms you know...and you have to keep all "the brave new woke" soliders protected from views that are not in accordance with those that they have acquired from somebody else, wholesale without thinking (thinking can be terrifying and we don't have a "trigger warnings" and "safe spaces" in our head, so I understand why the demand for the wholesale ideology has always been high). All in all this is a very dangerous place with all this ideas and opinions just circling around. I was woke before I joined bluelight and now I'm not anymore. Heretical thinking of BL members made me a stronger and more independent thinker. And the blame goes to you bluelight. I am thinking of reparations as I will most definitely go to the "woke hell", so least the bluelight can do is make my life before that fun. Either lifelong stash of 3 substances that I would pick or 1.000.000,00$. I believe that is a fair proposition for the crime of stripping me off my previusly held woke personality. Although I could change my mind and my kind tomorrow as I am very fluid. Do something about all the above already, we can't have such diverse thinking going on you know... What's next? Different doses of drugs for different persons??? Gotta stop this madness BL.

P.S. 🤣🤣🤣

P.P.S. I have edited some parts as I had another transformation (the thing that fluid people do). But in essence, be reasonable- reject reason!
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