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Stimulants Phenylpiracetam as a modafinil alternative?


Bluelight Crew
May 14, 2016

As the title suggests, I am looking to try phenylpiracetam in place of modafinil tomorrow, as I would like to take a tolerance break from the modafinil.

Any phenylpiracetam experiences anyone could share would be appreciated, especially any information regarding it's potential qualities as a stimulant or at least it's ability to enhance or promote wakefulness.

It is definitely stimulating. Personally i prefer the para chlorinated version (RGPU-95) as it is even more stimulating and requires a fraction of the amount.
I have nootropics depot Phenylpiracetam 100mg capsules, and they are great.

very stimulating and effective agent for as needed. Not daily heavy dosing by any means, but more as a tool here and there...at least that’s how I use it.

I read on the Wiki page thats rats preferred Phenylpiracetam to Methylphenidate and Amphetamine and took less rat chow or something? Lol

I have the pro drug of Modafanil and I prefer Phenylpiracetam by far
I have nootropics depot Phenylpiracetam 100mg capsules, and they are great.

very stimulating and effective agent for as needed. Not daily heavy dosing by any means, but more as a tool here and there...at least that’s how I use it.

I read on the Wiki page thats rats preferred Phenylpiracetam to Methylphenidate and Amphetamine and took less rat chow or something? Lol

I have the pro drug of Modafanil and I prefer Phenylpiracetam by far
Try RGPU-95 its like a much enhanced RGPU-95
Try RGPU-95 its like a much enhanced RGPU-95
Hmmm... so i guess then we can also assume that 4=5 or 1=2 or whatever else then too? I think the space time continuum may collapse into itself and thus cause the entire universe to collapse back into a singularity. Sweet, it's just what I've been waiting for. Finally. Now somebody please try dividing a number by zero, should be the final catalyst that helps speed things along... 🤞
Haha i meant RGPU-95 is an enhanced Phenylpiracetam
I got around to trying this today.

It takes me quite a while to properly wake up in the morning, which is why I take modafinil on work days. Usually just after opening my eyes. It works well.

This morning, I skipped the Modafinil and had 100 milligrams of phenylpiracetam around one hour after waking. I was unusually dizzy, probably from the previous night's zopiclone, and still tired from only three or four hours sleep and being quite busy over the past few weeks.

I felt noticeable stimulant effects from this; wide eyed, talkative, energetic, clear headed. Quite similar to a dose of armodafinil, only instead of replacing the tiredness with a feeling of being naturally rested & refreshed, I felt awake & alert while still aware of the residual light-headedness and dreaminess from the sleeping pills and limited sleep.

In short, there are some differences but it seemed to work just as well. I was energetic, in a good mood and quite collected mentally despite poor sleep. Some slight dizziness, light-headedness, probably more from circumstance than side effects.