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Your most shameful moment on drugs?

Once i got barred out while takin down whisky and lines w the gang back in chi and at sunrise, as i was on an early foray back into a heroin relapse, i decided to go to Englewood (one of our proudest south chicago neighborhoods) to hit the plug for crack and h. Well i was already goonin by the time i got there, not even sure how. Prolly drove.... smh. I vinegared up a nice speedball and shot it up in front of my dude KG and his cousin Twon... instantly i felt like i was on k... minimal motor control, felt like i was 3 inches tall, i fuckwalked over to the couch and flopped hard, last words, "yo, if i fall out, dont be afraid to call the cops"

..... some time later....

Waking up on a stretcher in nothing but a t shirt (and fuckin pants, cmon ppl) in November in Chicago. KG and Twon carried me down 4 flights of stairs and called 911 for me. This is the type of neighborhood that junkies wind up dead in fuckin dumpsters, picked clean of all valuables. Typically considered the worst neighborhood in chi but i can show u spots where they sell bars over the counter at gas stations and chicken joints that basically wont serve white people.... anyways, i digress... 2 intransal narcan administrations and an iv to the hand was what it took to bring me back.. i remember having a dream about my boss eating reese's peanut butter cups and then BAM! These EMTs relentlessly annoying the fuck outta me asking me shit, an obvious tactic to keep me conscious but at the time i didnt realize that. I didnt realize shit. Neither did one EMT, apparently. Hes was like, "is there anything in this backpack thats gonna stab me?" I was like, "idk, tread lightly " obviously im an iv drug addict dying on the street in Englewood, what would you do as a medical professional? Well this guy took it personally that i had needles in my junk bag. Idk, bless his heart, he saved my life, but maybe bless that brain a little harder. Anyways, long story short they get me back to life but im still LOOOOAAADDDDEEEDDDD... but just enough to play it cool, im like, "look man, thank you guys so much you just saved my fuckin life but i can't afford to go to no hospital," they're like, "well u can go with us or him," pointing to a CPD cop, nothing short of annoyed at having to be there.... i was like, "hospital it is! Let's do this! " i think it was just protocol, the hospital could tell i was fine, ran no tests, barely spoke to me and discharged me in probably an hour. This is where the actual shame begins...

I get back to my apartment im splitting w my little sister and some lame ass fat bitch and go to my room, rip off my clothes to wash up because, guess what? Unbeknownst to my junk ass it just happens to be Thanksgiving and I'm about to be headed to a family dinner, with my mom in town, at that. Ever so proud of her son going through treatment and staying sober and getting a sick job and living ultra healthy...

well, firstly, my sister sees the little electrode sensors on me when i take my shirt off and asks wtf? I was like i overdosed and was hospitalized, no big deal, just a little xanax, crack, heroin and buffalo trace, no big deal. She starts crying, i give her the fakest junkie "i actually care about things" hug ever and proceed to wash up. Didnt even know i had those things on me. Im tellin ya people, i was LIT! anyhows...

Thanksgiving dinner comes around. Everyone's there. Were eating squid and giamboutta and bacalao, all the gangster shit at my cousin Michelle's on Taylor St. (Little Italy)... im maxin out runnin my mouth and nodding all at the same time. I didnt know at the time but everyone was like, uhhhhhhh.. this kids faded af. I doubt they even felt ok serving me wine. Anyways, i take a free-fall into a plate of fuckin fusili and that was it, man. Tears start flowin like anisette shoulda been. Heres my italian side, all proud of the dude that got sober and turned his life around, watching me clown out as high as ive ever been. My mom was bawling. I barely remember. I remember the giambout, fuckin killer. My cousin throws down, i mean shell serve u a lamb head thatll make u cry. But yeah, i ruined the fuck outta that, would have been beautiful experience. Noddin hard as fuck and just rambling, dominating the whole table convo, a total embarasment...

But the worst was my mom crying. Ill never live that down. Sure, Italians have a penchant for the dramatic but anyone who loved their son woulda done the same. She threw in her linen and went off to cry her eyes out. I was honest and told her it was only a recent relapse, i prolly wont even get sick.... in other words, im just way more likely to die...

But yeah, lmk how it feels to look up at your beautiful, loving family, who came from everywhere fom brooklyn to Hollister, with a face full of fuckin fusili, pinned back like the alt-junk rock band weve all slammed thousands of dollars of opioids to (dont lie! And if u dont know em, check out Pinback, you absolutely cannot go wrong) with a dumb ass half confused half ashamed smile on ur retarded junked face. Thats was a loooooow point man and ive shot up cocaine and gatorade on a date... like 6 days ago. In a parkng lot in broad daylight. Ive served a table coked out of my mind, unaware of the copius stream of blood leaking down my foearm. Ive stolen jewelry from my own mother. In fact, ive stolen hella shit but only from people i love who i know will forgive me (aka pussy shit style). I once chopped out lines for this chick i was fuckin, telling her it was crushed up morphine pills, guess what it really was... ive lied about having drugs (no i wont watch u waste cocaine in ur nostrils) ive borrowed peoples vehicles to go to "the library" aka the robichauex housing projects, an extra 1.5 hrs one way with traffic, to cop. Only white boy, let alone in a subaru forester for miles haha. Shit what else... ive shot up az ice tea, highly recommended (im joking, fucko), used part of a sock as a cotton, stabbed my self unrelentingly until i looked like house of the living junkies, poured coagulated blood bsck out of a rig into a spoon, added water, boiled, drew right back up and went to business... i used to just disappear from parties like i was slick, to go cop. Everyone knew. Its hilarious how slick we think are...

Oh man, im sure theres more, i just cant even think and this post is prolly bordering on long enough by now. Props to you if you made it this far, tho! Your the true winners, here..

Stay safe ya fuckin druggies! I love this community, its been an immense help. I havent shot coke in 2 whole days! Naw but in all seriousness I went to my first meetinc in damn near a year earlier tonight. This cocaine shooting has to stop man.

anyways, peace in the middle east!
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When I was 25 I was kicked out of an entire block of bars in the city I lived in following a suicide threat. Was blackout drunk rambling to my dad about this narcissistic / sociopathic asshole I was stuck on at the time who’d left me passed out at his place minus my pocket money to go get coke. I was ready to die, obviously.

the owner of the bar I was in owned all the bars on that street and having police pick up on me for that meant an order was written I never step on those properties again.

I actually talked my way out of it the first police encounter (there were three that night). Then I promptly called my dad to brag about it and told him I’d be dead by the morning like an asshole. Wasn’t serious but he took it seriously (no shit Sherlock) and I was scooped up again and taken to a psych ward where I promptly asked to go out for a smoke and I walked home, where they got me AGAIN and back to the psych ward. I was told no more smoking privileges! Haha I was out the next morning and went to work that evening on the night shift on schedule.

I was definitely in the wrong that night.
reminds me of when i was getting bad on the light, it was dangerous to sleep in the week cos once i did go to sleep i wouldn't be able to wake up and after i woke up at 5pm just being like 'oh well i guess i missed work today,' i decided if it was risky to sleep i'd go into work wihtout any sleep instead. would smoke light in the toilets to stay awake, but once immediately fell asleep for 2 hours, had my pipe and came out to see the director of the institute walking down the corridor.
Did you get in any shit for that . Did anyone not notice you pinging at work. When i first came back to UK before i got my HGV license i drove a taxi and was coked out my head all the time would smash the work but i was always paranoid the passengers knew i was coked up but that still not stop me .
ha yeah @yubacity i lost my job. not over that particular instance, but i was on a short term contract and it wasn't renewed. be careful driving HGVs under the influence of anything someone i used to use with got banned for life.
ha yeah @yubacity i lost my job. not over that particular instance, but i was on a short term contract and it wasn't renewed. be careful driving HGVs under the influence of anything someone i used to use with got banned for life.
I risked it for 13 years thank god I not get tested or caught. Me and my cousin got a good business but I drove HGV for my habit after I stopped the brown i quit HGV. Chinup mate if caught with the weight i carried they would have locked me up even in states i used to be smashed on methamphetamine and drive truck once I fell asleep on it after 3 days awake and i parked truck up and we moved to uk to help me get clean . I got a truck licence in states and drive clean never again risk it . So she not see the the crack pipe imagine that on your cv
yea someone i used to use with got reported for smoking crack while driving an HGV and was never gonna be able to drive again.
About 10 years ago me and my best mate (rip) were on a bit of a stimulant binge. Would always start with higher quality Polish street speed, then next thing you know we're attempting to smoke meth through a light bulb. One night after a gram of speed he went back to his girlfriends and I end up going back to what I thought was this guy's house, didn't know him too well but I knew a few of the women with him and I was horny as fuck. So after finishing that g they were all doing mdpv. I'd never done it before and assumed standard stimulant RC. I was chatting to an older lady, probably late 30s early 40s really fit for her age, at the start of the conversation she makes a point of giving me a kinder egg container with lets say 500 mg of powder in it, says its for me and gives me a wink. As we talk I notice she keeps playing with her pussy over her dress/skirt, I instantly get an massive errection which never happens on stimulants, let alone without being touched. Its pretty obvious but I'm pretty high so don't care in the slightest. Next thing I know shes kissing me and trying to get my dick out in a room full of people. Her mate wanders in and sits down on the other side of me. This is where it gets odd. While I'm kissing lady number 1, her friend starts biting my neck, not my thing but I wait to see what's happening.
So I've got 2 older ladies feeding me mdpv while trying to get it on in a room full of people I've never met as the few I knew left shortly after arriving. None of them were hooking up or even talking, all just sat there.... strange.
I end up going up stairs for a piss, and got ambushed in the hallway and coaxed into a bedroom. It was clearly a woman's room, and didn't notice any guys clothing. I asked who the guy was and if it was his house, lady number 1 said he was just a friend and it was her house. She had a whole divan draw full of sex toys, including strap ons which were never used on me thank fuck, when I saw them I suddenly got worried I'd stumbled into a set up? At this point I can only assume lady 1 and lady 2 were a bi sexual couple who liked to get others involved.
We get naked and take a few more lines, I roll a joint. The three of us sit naked chatting and smoking a joint for a while, which also felt rather odd. Like it was all acted out and pre planned
Long story short from here on,
We end up getting it on all night, doing some really hardcore freaky shit that makes me cringe a bit just thinking about it. This continued for most of the next day, as did the mdpv and weed, naked in this middle aged ladies house fucking her and her mate. Strangest part was the bald guy I vaguely knew whos house I thought it was still there the following evening. Nodded at me when I left and didn't say a word. What the fuck was going on, why we're all those people sat watching last night, why was baldy still here, what was with all sex toys?.... Was I set up and filmed or watched on secret cameras?! Granted I was probably more paranoid that usual. In the heat of it all I didn't use a condom at all, one of the only times, so spent the next week pranging I caught something or worse impregnated a random middle aged lady. I laid off the stimulant fueled sex after that. Luckily nothing ever came of it, no diseases and no child.
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About 10 years ago me and my best mate (rip) were on a bit of a stimulant binge. Would always start with higher quality Polish street speed, then next thing you know we're attempting to smoke meth through a light bulb. One night after a gram of speed he went back to his girlfriends and I end up going back to what I thought was this guy's house, didn't know him too well but I knew a few of the women with him and I was horny as fuck. So after finishing that g they were all doing mdpv. I'd never done it before and assumed standard stimulant RC. I was chatting to an older lady, probably late 30s early 40s really fit for her age, at the start of the conversation she makes a point of giving me a kinder egg container with lets say 500 mg of powder in it, says its for me and gives me a wink. As we talk I notice she keeps playing with her pussy over her dress/skirt, I instantly get an massive errection which never happens on stimulants, let alone without being touched. Its pretty obvious but I'm pretty high so don't care in the slightest. Next thing I know shes kissing me and trying to get my dick out in a room full of people. Her mate wanders in and sits down on the other side of me. This is where it gets odd. While I'm kissing lady number 1, her friend starts biting my neck, not my thing but I wait to see what's happening.
So I've got 2 older ladies feeding me mdpv while trying to get it on in a room full of people I've never met as the few I knew left shortly after arriving. None of them were hooking up or even talking, all just sat there.... strange.
I end up going up stairs for a piss, and got ambushed in the hallway and coaxed into a bedroom. It was clearly a woman's room, and didn't notice any guys clothing. I asked who the guy was and if it was his house, lady number 1 said he was just a friend and it was her house. She had a whole divan draw full of sex toys, including strap ons which were never used on me thank fuck, when I saw them I suddenly got worried I'd stumbled into a set up? At this point I can only assume lady 1 and lady 2 were a bi sexual couple who liked to get others involved.
We get naked and take a few more lines, I roll a joint. The three of us sit naked chatting and smoking a joint for a while, which also felt rather odd. Like it was all acted out and pre planned
Long story short from here on,
We end up getting it on all night, doing some really hardcore freaky shit that makes me cringe a bit just thinking about it. This continued for most of the next day, as did the mdpv and weed, naked in this middle aged ladies house fucking her and her mate. Strangest part was the bald guy I vaguely knew whos house I thought it was still there the following evening. Nodded at me when I left and didn't say a word. What the fuck was going on, why we're all those people sat watching last night, why was baldy still here, what was with all sex toys?.... Was I set up and filmed or watched on secret cameras?! Granted I was probably more paranoid that usual. In the heat of it all I didn't use a condom at all, one of the only times, so spent the next week pranging I caught something or worse impregnated a random middle aged lady. I laid off the stimulant fueled sex after that. Luckily nothing ever came of it, no diseases and no child.

Thank you. I now have a fresh wank fantasy to keep me going for the forseeable future...
You didn't miss much tbh. It was just legal at the time and convenient as fuck if you wanted to get wired. Like 3-fpm but less monged / sexual for me.

Meth is the devil. Too much fun, lasts too long. Is horrid without benzos on the comedown. But 12 hour wanks, magic.
I almost bought some off the DW not long ago, but then opted for meth....I'll let you know if I do end up indulging and if the quality is on par.

Sticking to the thread at hand, my most shameful moments probably involved MDMA and escorts. Not that there's anything wrong with escorting, I feel it should be legal. But fuck, the desperation on my part was shameful. As well as the fact I tried to act sober whilst gurning my face off.
I was so loved up I started caressing one of their legs, and when she went 'AWWW' I Immediately apologised and remembered this wasn't a fucking love story.


ps: no matter how hot you think she is when you're high on MDMA, DO NOT KISS HER. 32 years without an STI/STD and not getting herpes for that.

These posts brought to you by drunken Bella, expect more shitposting in the coming days when methamphetamine and xanax arrive.
I almost bought some off the DW not long ago, but then opted for meth....I'll let you know if I do end up indulging and if the quality is on par.

Sticking to the thread at hand, my most shameful moments probably involved MDMA and escorts. Not that there's anything wrong with escorting, I feel it should be legal. But fuck, the desperation on my part was shameful. As well as the fact I tried to act sober whilst gurning my face off.

Heheh, I find with MDMA that the desire is often there - especially on the come up - but the ability is non existent.
Didn't get off on either occasion, but have done when not with total strangers I'd just met...
I must be the only person who never got horny on MDPV.
That's the only experience I've had with it. I don't remember anything special about the quality of the experience. Other than the ability to get and maintain and errection.
I'm always horny on stimulants just normally I can't get it up.