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Your Favorite Drug Movie!

I noticed nobody mentioned Bullet, another great one with Tupac and Mickey Rourke. I also thought whoever played Lester was totally hot. Yes, I too would wash my panties on those abs. Haha. That body and those eyes...

Anybody seen Mandy? Watched this while plugging and snorting some mxe + 2c-b; jesus christ what a ride.
I think I seen it once. It starred Jennifer Aniston, right? I remember there was a scene where she made her maid drive her to Mexico for a prescription.
No not at all. No Jeniffer. She lacked any actual class and always was in fact, in my view, a properly shitty actress.

Like, to see her on screen, at every and all times, you can see plain as day that she is acting.

A true, good actor- conjures the illusion that they are not acting at all.

The Layer Cake is an excellent film, but really is where Daniel Craig first marked himself big on the map. He was the star in Layer Cake.

Check it out if you haven't seen it. Craig was awsome in it. It is full of little twists and turns, with a rare balance of true English humour and seriousness of the gangster life.

It's not a chiller, a blood-bath, nerve-jangling affair.

More of a fun, entertaining and easy watch, fast moving, with a serious edge.

Also was made some eras back now when films were still allowed to be entertaining and actors were allowed to act.

Nowadays, films are hoaxes, deliberately as unentertaining as can be, disguised by the artificial glam and glitz of high--octane, world is about to end, loud bashing action and disaster scenes.

The actors are nor directed to be good actors, and are deliberately scripted and choreographed to act like dumb, unconscious morons, saying absolutely nothing of meaning or intellect. They are specifically directed to show the lowest level of consciousness, IQ, and higher awareness.

All a big part of the Elite's attempt to dumb us down, deceive, predictive programming has always been essentially the real, ultimate function of the mainstream film industry.

Just like the music scene- good, actual, true musicians were phased out or murdered years ago, now it's all cheesy, shallow, shitty artificial pop with ugly, young pawns whose cheesy, all the same, squeaky little pop tunes are written for them.

But Layer Cake is a proper film, as far as films go.
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visions of suffering ( hard to get and doubt anyone has seen it, its russian)
fear n loathing
story of a junkie
go,( is a fun one )
brain damage, ( made up drug but fun none the less)
leaving Las Vegas, ( alchol is still a drug)
factotium ( alchol)
naked lunch
enter the void
where the buffalos roam
im sure im forgetting sum...
someone mentioned life is hot in crack town, i wanna see that
visions of suffering ( hard to get and doubt anyone has seen it, its russian)
fear n loathing
story of a junkie
go,( is a fun one )
brain damage, ( made up drug but fun none the less)
leaving Las Vegas, ( alchol is still a drug)
factotium ( alchol)
naked lunch
enter the void
where the buffalos roam
im sure im forgetting sum...
someone mentioned life is hot in crack town, i wanna see that
I never got through the whole movie Go. And as for Factotum, great movie about Charles Bukowski's alter ego.
No not at all. No Jeniffer. She lacked any actual class and always was in fact, in my view, a properly shitty actress.

Like, to see her on screen, at every and all times, you can see plain as day that she is acting.

A true, good actor- conjures the illusion that they are not acting at all.

The Layer Cake is an excellent film, but really is where Daniel Craig first marked himself big on the map. He was the star in Layer Cake.

Check it out if you haven't seen it. Craig was awsome in it. It is full of little twists and turns, with a rare balance of true English humour and seriousness of the gangster life.

It's not a chiller, a blood-bath, nerve-jangling affair.

More of a fun, entertaining and easy watch, fast moving, with a serious edge.

Also was made some eras back now when films were still allowed to be entertaining and actors were allowed to act.

Nowadays, films are hoaxes, deliberately as unentertaining as can be, disguised by the artificial glam and glitz of high--octane, world is about to end, loud bashing action and disaster scenes.

The actors are nor directed to be good actors, and are deliberately scripted and choreographed to act like dumb, unconscious morons, saying absolutely nothing of meaning or intellect. They are specifically directed to show the lowest level of consciousness, IQ, and higher awareness.

All a big part of the Elite's attempt to dumb us down, deceive, predictive programming has always been essentially the real, ultimate function of the mainstream film industry.

Just like the music scene- good, actual, true musicians were phased out or murdered years ago, now it's all cheesy, shallow, shitty artificial pop with ugly, young pawns whose cheesy, all the same, squeaky little pop tunes are written for them.

But Layer Cake is a proper film, as far as films go.
My bad. I was thinking of this one. I'm not really a big Jennifer Aniston fan myself, but I think she did alright in this. Also, I 2nd your statement about the entertainment and music industry 100%.
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LSD-25 ist a strictly European drug. To have the best times on it one should be at a place of sublime reckoning, like St. Paul's Cathedral, or the Hermannsdenkmal. The experience will be then quite apart from taking it otherwise say at an Asiatic slum, or if surrounded by a repertoire of Thai hookers. Ergot is sourced in Europe and the spirit of the substance is fully European.

I took LSD-25 in N. Thailand and it was one of the most wonderful and spiritual experiences of my life. I was at a Buddhist temple at dawn with a friend and when the light hit the golden stupas and the gold covered roofs we said a little silent prayer for humanity. It is one of my favorite life experiences ever. Gonna have to disagree that Acid is European in essence. It's a universal thing ;)
Get the Book! I found it even better!!!
Yeah, forgot that one!
Drugstore Cowboy was great, I'll have to read the book. My best druggy movie though has to be Salton Sea which has some great tweeker scenes, and one one my all time favorite movie quotes "We're out of Gak!".
Naar de Klote! (Wasted 1996)

This is a kind of underestimated underdog European indie-movie I can recommend. Most of you "new-school" people probably never seen or heard about this one. It's a very realistic portrait of that whole rave scene during this time and a funny movie with some action and a lot of partying. It's a techno/gabber/drug fueled party movie, but quite neutral on the topic of drugs, not a conventional cautionary tale but not super romanticizing either, I think the director was going for a slightly futuristic dystopian vibe, but completely failed, and the "loved-up" 90ties vibe shines right through! 🙂❤️

So if you kids wanna take a history lesson and learn how it was to party and be a part of the techno/gabber scene in Europe in the mid 90ties (before instagram, facebook, smartphone party-pooping, ugh, sketchy-bathsalts, etc).

As I remember there was more FREEDOM innocent FUN and the VIBE was GREAT! 😎 NO CORONA!
(and there was also some guilty pleasures and confrontation with various sketchy authorities) 😋.

Anyway the movie is Dutch, but don't worry I found the whole movie on vimeo with English subs, enjoy:

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Naar de Klote! (Wasted 1996)

This is a kind of underestimated underdog European indie-movie I can recommend. Most of you "new-school" people probably never seen or heard about this one. It's a very realistic portrait of that whole rave scene during this time and a funny movie with some action and a lot of partying. It's a techno/gabber/drug fueled party movie, but quite neutral on the topic of drugs, not a conventional cautionary tale but not super romanticizing either.

So if you kids wanna take a history lesson and learn how it was to party and be a part of the techno/gabber scene in Europe in the mid 90ties (before instagram, facebook, smartphone party-pooping, ugh, sketchy-bathsalts, etc).

As I remember there was more FREEDOM innocent FUN and the VIBE was GREAT! 😎 NO CORONA!
(and there was also some guilty pleasures and confrontation with various sketchy authorities) 😋.

Anyway the movie is Dutch, but don't worry I found the whole movie on vimeo with English subs, enjoy:
looks cool i like sum foreign films
No not at all. No Jeniffer. She lacked any actual class and always was in fact, in my view, a properly shitty actress.

Like, to see her on screen, at every and all times, you can see plain as day that she is acting.

A true, good actor- conjures the illusion that they are not acting at all.

The Layer Cake is an excellent film, but really is where Daniel Craig first marked himself big on the map. He was the star in Layer Cake.

Check it out if you haven't seen it. Craig was awsome in it. It is full of little twists and turns, with a rare balance of true English humour and seriousness of the gangster life.

It's not a chiller, a blood-bath, nerve-jangling affair.

More of a fun, entertaining and easy watch, fast moving, with a serious edge.

Also was made some eras back now when films were still allowed to be entertaining and actors were allowed to act.

Nowadays, films are hoaxes, deliberately as unentertaining as can be, disguised by the artificial glam and glitz of high--octane, world is about to end, loud bashing action and disaster scenes.

The actors are nor directed to be good actors, and are deliberately scripted and choreographed to act like dumb, unconscious morons, saying absolutely nothing of meaning or intellect. They are specifically directed to show the lowest level of consciousness, IQ, and higher awareness.

All a big part of the Elite's attempt to dumb us down, deceive, predictive programming has always been essentially the real, ultimate function of the mainstream film industry.

Just like the music scene- good, actual, true musicians were phased out or murdered years ago, now it's all cheesy, shallow, shitty artificial pop with ugly, young pawns whose cheesy, all the same, squeaky little pop tunes are written for them.

But Layer Cake is a proper film, as far as films go.
Yeah I agree freakin "Latest-iphone-using-evil-alien-reptilian-Lady-Gaga-listening-elite-overlords-from-hell" that destroyed everything.... 😎👍 Just kiddin but not really...👀

There are some good new music, art, movies and such being made but they usually never hit the mainstream.
So you have to spend hours on sites like soundcloud listening and listening and then those artists that you find can't survive and have to struggle and can't continue to make good music because they usually (if they get signed, just get signed to some label thats a front for some hedonistic music lovers that do it all for the love of music not money).

I usually hate a lot of the new music and films, but I liked XXX-Tentación for instance for some reason he felt very flawed but real, and then he got sacrificed, uhm, sorry Im mean he died in a robbery... 👀