Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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Give the Loperamide a solid chance Shroomi. Some folks say 3 hours, for me it’s more like two days.
I did 75 mg yesterday. I’m a little disappointed with myself. I’m going to try to make up for it by getting below 60 today. Though it seems highly unlikely since it’s only 7:00am and I’ve already had 30
Yeah I heard it takes a while to kick in but I can't afford it. I bought some healthy foods instead fresh garlic, ginger, and turmeric; green onions, cherry tomatoes, kale, sprouted buckwheat, eggplant, soy drink, and some of these vegan almond and cashew 'yogourt' thingies that are yummy when mixed with dried fruit and nuts and buckwheat sprouts. I forgot the nutritional yeast for the b vitamins but I got shiitake mushrooms those probably have them. Wow, they have more vitamin B6 than portabella ones; significantly more. I should look into what B6 does.

I wonder what form (vitamer) or specific chemical structures are found in shiitakes. Like, pyridoxine or which ones and if it matters much (it probably does, like the subtle but present differences between 2c-c and 2c-d, or heroin and oxycodone). Turns out they all metabolize to PLP, wow that really does so much for the body. It is a cofactor or "helper molecule" for the synthesize of 5 different neurotransmitters, all five of which mine are fried from poly drug abuse. I just realized that turmeric is a really good source for vitamin B6 as well. I could weigh it on my scale and see how much B6 I am roughly getting. Wow, the turmeric nutrition table just blew my mind. I have fresh turmeric a lot for its anti-inflammatory effect, but it is full of b6, pottasium, iron, calcium, and lots of magnesium too. I am going to go and eat a fresh piece of turmeric for the hell of it - no no no, that is nasty. I am going to look up how to brew "golden milk" or that turmeric tea.

Today I decided that although I might not feel like where I want to be I am just going to chill. Smoke chron, read my very long book I need to get through so I can discuss it with my brother, then go to yoga tonight they have a yin class. I'll be tripping, and stoned, and that will be very relaxing and also warm. My spine felt amazing after I did that last time.

I think nutrition, tea, 2c-d, weed, and healthy eating are the key today. So, I am having nothing before yoga it's in like 6 hours and I just had a mountain of vegetable pasta but I am going to eat the rest of my shiitakes (buying more tomorrow lol), try to make turmeric milk with my soy drink, and chill out at yoga later. There's always next week to feel better. Tripping and being stoned help me keep sight of that because I am being tested now. I could get my oxy's in 3 days if I wanted to, but it would be ridiculous to do that so I really should be making sure to eat healthy keep hydrated drink my green and white teas to make sure I am feeling okay. I have a plant based omega 3 that is amazing. I think the 2c-d is beginning to catalyze a vegan transformation. I would miss the dairy family lol, but I see how everything dairy I use in my cooking could be replaced by stuff like avocados and such. Add more beans to my diet, I'd be good.

And then while I am doing all this and focussed on being healthy I overdose. It is a very real possibility at this point. Kind of funny how I can be health oriented and then bring myself to the brink of death with drugs. I feel like it has always been my way of latching on to the real world. If I was abusing my body so much, at least I remembered to eat healthy like the stuff I mentioned above essentially the entire time for years except when I couldn't eat for a while when I quit smoking pot for 3 years, and any time I was in opiate withdrawal I couldn't eat. I am only regaining my appetite just now. I am skinny these days, but I am going to go eat those shiitakes and make golden turmeric drink. Maybe with some ginger that should make me feel better. Ginger's nutrition is less than turmeric's by far it seems... but it has medicinal properties and 2c-d gives me a little nausea that 2c-c never did so.

Trying to chill out today I'm glad I have that kief in my bong and even though my back really hurt from cleaning all morning I got out to get some great groceries. I still feel too fried to do much but I think I'll be able to read that book I am enjoying. Loperamide is too expensive or I'd get a lot of it. I might get more anyway, if it helps with the muscle aches? I still have those... fuck I should go get more. But then like, it will be over soon and I could spend my money on healthy stuff. When I am broke like this I get so indecisive I need to be getting my career going it's the new year and I'm still waiting to feel better. It has been 2 weeks and I'm not in the post-acute phase yet.
I am mainly depressed / low energy / empty shell today. Burning muscles in my upper arms. Restless feet constantly kicking. My body aches all over but really it is the depression getting to me. I can't do anything creative, I feel like a zombie. I don't have the energy to go pick up my headphones, or the drive to listen to music. I can't focus on reading a book at all. How much longer of this shit - 12 days, really? I could have sworn it was day 8 or 9. I feel like I'll never get it back because I'm lost in the fires of hell. I will get it back though and it will only be another week or so of this before my body drastically sorts itself out. Then I am left with a lifelong struggle.

In my experience, every time I've withdrawn and then gotten dependent again, the withdrawals were worse and lasted longer than the previous time, and addiction sets in much faster too. It's like you just go right back to where you left off every time. That's why I firmly decided I will never, ever ingest an opiate again, even once. Because every time I did even once, I always got addicted again.
This is what I am experiencing as well. It has been two weeks, and I still feel under the weather. Last time, I feel good after ten days. Perhaps there are many things going on.

I am doing dabs coated in dmt powder this morning and I feel great! I got some great shatter to see me through and realized that coating them in dmt is better than not doing so on this very morning.

I have no idea what I'm going to do today. I don't feel like doing anything. I don't want to do nothing, though. It's still, early, so I'll enjoy the strong tea dmt coated dabs.
This is what I am experiencing as well. It has been two weeks, and I still feel under the weather. Last time, I feel good after ten days. Perhaps there are many things going on.

I am doing dabs coated in dmt powder this morning and I feel great! I got some great shatter to see me through and realized that coating them in dmt is better than not doing so on this very morning.

I have no idea what I'm going to do today. I don't feel like doing anything. I don't want to do nothing, though. It's still, early, so I'll enjoy the strong tea dmt coated dabs.

Try not to think about it, if possible. My experience is, it only makes things worse (I mean the whole 2 weeks thing).

Shit, that's about all the support I can muster up for anyone right now I guess. I'm still in the shock, horror, panic and desperation stage of withdrawal myself and really looking forward to get to the hopelessness stage.
I tried to quit cold turkey 5 days ago. Body aches were unbearable. The depression was so bad 12 hours into it that I had to quit. I was on my way to hang myself from a tree in the back yard.
I don’t know how you guys are doing it, it seems a hundred years ago when I did it last.
I tried to quit cold turkey 5 days ago. Body aches were unbearable. The depression was so bad 12 hours into it that I had to quit. I was on my way to hang myself from a tree in the back yard.
I don’t know how you guys are doing it, it seems a hundred years ago when I did it last.

Cold turkey is a life threatening proposition pls don't try that again.

All you can do is Take Less
Keep trying to taper.
Well to be totally accurate, cold turkey opiate withdrawal is not life threatening (well, unless it makes you want to hang yourself). It's just horrible to live through. It was the only way I could ever quit, tapering never worked, it was either all or nothing for me.
I did cold turkey and lived once from oxy, felt like death for a week though.
Had a small seizure trying to cold turkey from Lorazepam once.
Got suicidal for about 6 hours because I cut back too much on Tylenol once.
Cold turkey is a bitch for sure..... I?m tapering my oxy right now. It?s so much less painful, but it?s taking forever.
Well to be totally accurate, cold turkey opiate withdrawal is not life threatening (well, unless it makes you want to hang yourself). It's just horrible to live through. It was the only way I could ever quit, tapering never worked, it was either all or nothing for me.

Absolutely, same here man trying to taper usually ended in me not remembering if I'd taken my morphine dose, when I had and redosing resulting in the same dose I was trying to taper from. Had to be cold turkey for me as well, God I've never been so sick, and felt like I'd been steamrolled.
I?ve been writing everything down. Helps to keep track and see your progress.
Hi everyone
Hope you all are feeling alright or better today.
I cannot cold turkey either. It is a freaking nightmare. I'm very thankful for loperamide right now.
Things could be much worse. Hopefully I will be able to start tapering down on that tomorrow and get back on track.

I have made some progress through exercise . I had not been able to feel my left foot at all, no control of movement there and very limited movement of my leg also and I have been really gritting my teeth and working it since last spring and I can now feel my foot again and have movement control again. Yay!
Wow that's amazing! Congrats! :)

My cousin nad an accident like 15, maybe even 20 years ago, where he became completely paralyzed from the waist down. A few years ago I saw a video of him on Youtube that he shared, he was walking very, very slowly with a walker. It was amazing to see. <3
Thanks Xorkoth!
It feels amazing!!
Yeah it has been kind of like being paralyzed in one leg, except with intense bone pain all the time. It has just felt like my leg is hanging there useless. I never thought I would be able to dance again and I have been able to do some of the basic ballet movements now. :)
I still have the pain but it is slowly getting somewhat better.
That is awesome to hear about your cousin.
I guess these are the times we really get to see what we are made of huh?
I feel proud of myself. This has been so hard and challenging.
Thanks Xorkoth!
It feels amazing!!
Yeah it has been kind of like being paralyzed in one leg, except with intense bone pain all the time. It has just felt like my leg is hanging there useless. I never thought I would be able to dance again and I have been able to do some of the basic ballet movements now. :)
I still have the pain but it is slowly getting somewhat better.
That is awesome to hear about your cousin.
I guess these are the times we really get to see what we are made of huh?
I feel proud of myself. This has been so hard and challenging.

amazeballs, painful one... truly.

exercise has helped a great deal with pain from a knee surgery, never thought it would feel better. yay human body.
FnX, I wish you well in overcoming your withdrawal experience and well wishes to everyone else too.

I am doing okay... I made it over 2 weeks then took 80mg extended release today. My back has been killing me and I haven't had the greatest start to the new year. I wouldn't call it a relapse, I was sick of feeling like shit and I can't afford to have a habit right now so that was it. Paying my bills and important stuff, healthy foods, tea, and stuff before drugs for once. But yeah I got fed up after about 2 and a half weeks that I was still depressed, so I got high.

I stopped tripping. I tripped for a really long time. When I stopped, I slept for about an entire day. I have felt fine ever since.

Trying to keep positive. My friend from Europe is hanging out with me for a second time today, the first time was the day I got my triple conch piercings. So, that should be really great, I have not been around a friend in about 2 weeks. My brother might be stopping by too, come to think of it. I need good friends around and social support like keeping in touch with and being kind to my brother and sister or I can't get clean, I find.

That 80mg extended release floored me, though. It's nice not to feel like shit but I'm not interested in being a junkie anymore. Cold turkey as most of you likely know, is sheer hell - I might start taking 5mg extended release every 12 hours, in fact. That wouldn't be enough for me to notice any sort of high, and then I am taking less than prescribed and it would ease the withdrawals without me noticing, and possible give me a touch of pain relief. It's hard for me to get through as many yoga classes as I'd like to. Well, I am in a lot of pain generally speaking all the time - I guess I'm just used to it by now, so used to it that I forget what it's like to live without chronic pain. The thought of it sounds amazing. I'm limited in what I can do.

I think it is a good time to stop psychedelics for a while being the new year and all but I will definitely keep smoking dmt once in a while, whenever my friends want to, really. That one is a splendid experience, and great for times when I'm feeling low. Pretty psyched to see my friend today! Life should get better for me, and my two works friends will be back from vacation soon. That will help, both of them are amazing new friends so I've been missing them. This dude I'm chilling with later today is one of my best friends, all the way back from the highschool stoner forest, skateboard and snowboard crew aight so we're probably going to hit some dmt and well that will be perhaps 30 minutes of our time together. We have conversations that are highly intriguing to each other and we like to hang out just us, we talk about a lot of inside joke type stuff that nobody else but us would get wtf we are talking about. Kind of like how I freestyle rhyme with my other good friend. I'd like a cute girlfriend though :_ (

I hope I can get my life together, generally speaking. Was a good time to stop tripping daily. I switched to dabbing shatter so my lungs should clear out all the tar and stuff from the weed smoke, too.

And yeah Squeaky dude I was going to say something to ya but now I forget man. Yeah dude cold turkey withdrawal is sheer hell especially in the later stages when the symptoms lessen. At that point it has been going on for so long that I find the body and mind become exhausted and very irritable. I used today out of sheer boredom. I have felt dead inside for over 2 weeks despite being highly active (the withdrawal wasn't THAT bad this time... it has still been sheer hell) - anyways, gonna write in my journal about what a bad idea relapsing would be. I don't consider a single use a relapse. I consider two consecutive days of using a relapse though, personally, as that is what it iakes to give me serious withdrawals to contend with.
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?The only winning move is not to play?
War Games 1983. Quote from the WOPR computer.
Seems to me the best way to avoid a relapse is to avoid it completely.
Shroomy I think you're kidding yourself that you can take oxy and have it not be a relapse. I'm very familiar with this level of kidding yourself as well. Just remember man, you're just prolonging feeling better.
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