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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: Firly Swolks Discussing Mitillating Tatters Fithout Wilters

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lol that last part! Dude I see pink a lot when I'm tripping these days, even right now the screen is a lovely sparkly pastel pink in some spots hard to describe but beautiful. Perhaps, I am living in a fluffy pink cloud these days. Man... have I ever been taking some time to smell the freakin daisies. I spent a couple hundy on essential oil collections, it's great. Psychedelics have never treated me better, and I have never treated them with more reverence. My perspective I feel is great, but you know how there is zero sex drive on H and then you feel like a horny 18 year old when ya quit. Yeah... that's fucking with my head. I need to fuck my pet cat or something=D

I like talking to this stoner chick, because she has a bf so it's like a friends thing but maybe it wouldn't be one day. I might be gravitating more towards her without knowing it, who the fuck knows. Sure not me, I don't know shit about women. Fuck up a 15 hour date in a day, ain't getting no play, wasting my pay and ma day, rippin rhymes and bongggggs so I don't think about no lay. That shit be makin me cray.

I don't care, she is super chill. Anyways, yeah... you see what is on my mind all the time. sexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsex

Man they were handing out flyers everywhere downtown called the truth about drugs. There is no valid statement in that book, they even got the slang terms wrong. They called weed something so ridiculous I don't even remember wtf they were saying, and they had weed and heroin in the same book. They said lsd can cause flashbacks (such bullshit) it was like 1930's propaganda I have been giggling so hard, and I re-wrote the section on heroin and sent it to my lady friend who is sketching my next tats. She will def giggle when she is stoned reading that shit. I made it super silly but also highly informative. Only showing her... she's a really amazing friend and I appreciate her listening to my venting bs so much. She doesn't even care and like starts sketching me tattoo ideas so excited about it, but she spends so much money on weed I'm like fuck I'll just give you an ounce of chronic for listening to my bullshit (I am doing this soon). She's like it's not bs I like talking to you! I love our chats they are so different and silly. I'm like well thanks... I feel like such a douche all the time, you are at least getting a free supply of chron while we are friends. But yeah... she will def laugh about the parts in my "heroin information booklet" about sex drive, and constipation.

Gimme a break from all this bullshit... gimme a break from all this bullshit... gimme a break from all this bullshit... gimme a break; gimme a break ... man... as soon as I start thinking about that fox though it's all over for a while. She completely captivated me like nobody else ever has and likely ever will. I think I fucked it up totally, and I will never see her again. I don't really give a fuck... yeah I do them drugs. Got that bud, got that drank, don't give a fuck what ya thank. Only do it for the pain... shit be fuckin up my brain=D
Maybe she feels like you put a spell on her, kind of like how it seems she put a spell on you. I mean, you guys did do a lot of psychedelics together, and if that isn't a regular thing for her it could likely be a lot to process and sort out in her mind. Plus ,a 15 hour first date by default should have a few days of decompression anyway.
Yeah Shroomy ... I agree with vortech. You are doing a lot of psychedelics right now. Psychedelics make everything seem huge and impressive and filled with wonder. I hesitant to say this because I don't want to send out any kind of negative vibe to you, but take it just as a word of precaution. What shines bright under the effect of a drug doesn't always retain it's light for too long into sobriety. Just try not to misjudge what you are feeling right now. Seems to me like this girl caused a pretty deep impression on you, but also like you are just a slightly bit manic.

I really hope all goes well between you both though. Sounds like a really nice girl. Maybe you should call her anyway if the week goes by and you haven't heard back. Because maybe she's thinking similarly as you: "Oh, I suggested this date we already had, I should wait for him to call me this time to see if he's still interested". Give it a couple of days though. As Vortech said, something like what you two shared needs some processing/decompressing to prosperate.
Psychedelics make everything seem huge and impressive and filled with wonder.

True that. One of the challenges of learning to work with psychedelics is to recognize and compensate for the exaggerated importance that it can place on things. I always loved how SKL put it: psychedelics hit the "salience receptor". IME, this is relatively harmless if you can identify the effect as such, but can distort your perception of reality if you're not careful.
Yeah Shroomy ... I agree with vortech. You are doing a lot of psychedelics right now. Psychedelics make everything seem huge and impressive and filled with wonder. I hesitant to say this because I don't want to send out any kind of negative vibe to you, but take it just as a word of precaution. What shines bright under the effect of a drug doesn't always retain it's light for too long into sobriety. Just try not to misjudge what you are feeling right now. Seems to me like this girl caused a pretty deep impression on you, but also like you are just a slightly bit manic.

I really hope all goes well between you both though. Sounds like a really nice girl. Maybe you should call her anyway if the week goes by and you haven't heard back. Because maybe she's thinking similarly as you: "Oh, I suggested this date we already had, I should wait for him to call me this time to see if he's still interested". Give it a couple of days though. As Vortech said, something like what you two shared needs some processing/decompressing to prosperate.

Yeah man, thanks for the advice you two. I have an idea to ask her about for a next date, but not yet. I am just giving her some space today, but she did hit me up a little bit today and it was nice to hear from her. She was being really nice too, and we were keeping it casual, mainly stuff about work. Yeah... so much happened that night that we needed some time apart. The processing/decompressing totally makes sense, I didn't think of it that way. I have stopped tripping out all the time by the way. Oh man she is a beautiful girl, so chill and silly (my favourite part about her, is how she has this subtle sense of humour that most people don't catch).

I was thinking that too! Since, she asked me out on the first date, I should ask her on the second. I have a good idea for this weekend that I think she'll really like, but I'll ask her on Wednesday or something. Maybe tomorrow, depending on her chatty she is being. Really not in a rush... oh and regarding the mania, I get severe alcohol hangovers. I only drink alcohol like once or twice a year max, and got really drunk that night as well, further complicating matters haha. I'm good now in that regard... alcohol is miserable to me. And yeah, she had never done psychedelics before haha except for a hit of acid she said was really weak. She is actually so silly man and we really trust each other. I'm not going to let her forget about the other day... not so much the night when we were tripping, but how we hung out all day together and it almost felt like she was already my girlfriend haha. She's not. There is only so much control I have over this predicament but I'm really going to try because she''s just way too amazing to pass up without seeing what this could lead to. I really like her a lot, well I guess that is kind of obvious haha but I'm starting to chill out about it better.

So yeah! She hit me up a little today about casual stuff. Kinda just letting me know she's still interested, I think, she seemed like she was being really nice. I don't want to push her to hang out so soon after a 15 hour first date, lol, especially after you two pointed that out. I want to take her out on Saturday. She already mentioned she'd love to meet my brother and my dog, so I want to take her over to my family's house. Like just as a casual thing, a bunch of my cousins will be there and she can meet my brother. It's just Monday so I might ask her like tomorrow or something. I don't think I should wait past tomorrow it is just a gut feeling type thing and if she starts contacting me more then I'll just do it tonight. I'm really not overthinking this either. It's a matter of making plans with her again, and I have to do some thinking regarding that before I do anything.
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Shroomy I would really recommend reading a book called "Models: Attract Women Through Honesty" It helped me so much with my obsessive sexual behaviors

heres a reddit thread about it https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/4neio9/learnings_from_models_attract_women_through/

Hello PD, long time no talk, I totally missed you guys

One of my best friends just started a mushroom cultivation business and it is doing well.

I was watching a youtube channel called "Breaking Convention" and wow is it intriguing!

Thomas Ray's presentation about mental organs and consciousness breadth and depth is a really groundbreaking theory on the action of serotonin

according to him, combining Rilmenidine (an imidazoline receptor agonist) with a 5ht2 agonist should provide an MDMA like experience

I attempted combining a ~15 mg dose of 4-aco-DMT with Oxymetazoline (an imidazoline receptor agonist) and had quite a dysphoric experience today

however, I assume most of the unwelcome effects were due to Oxymetazoline having andrenergic action as well

Despite my gloom filled trip today I will be taking 4-aco-DMT again soon because I have way too much faith in that stuff to write it off from one sour experience (that was probably due to oxymetazoline anyways)
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Man... all I needed to do was nod the FUCK out on oxy's for a day honestly it all came together after. I was so damn stressed I took 30mg oxycodone and all day was just nodding out in heavenly fucking bliss ike never before man. I just have to be myself around this chick man she already likes me for who I am, we already trust each other whatev whatev whatev.

So I woke up out of this stupor like I can't even remember... all I remember is passing out in like 5 different spots and Im not sick today and I don't give a fucK! I'm def not doing anymore NO way I have so much to do today, meeting up with my little bro and stuff.

So yeah! Last night they sent us our work schedules late, and she passed out (I'm assuming with certainty) before she saw the schedule as it was sent at like 10pm for a 4am shift. So, I messaged her to reassure her that everything was chill and our friend covered for her. Meanwhile, her friend essentially figured everything out for me. She did all the work lol. She realized that we are perfect for each other what I've known all along and I have regained my confidence.

I know exactly what to do. I am waiting for her to wake up, so I can reassure her that everything is chill with work... and then ask her out on a second date. She asked me out the first time. Now it is my turn. It will be totally different, and more romantic. We are such different people, but like the perfect balance. I'm not even creating expectations and if I am, I don't really give a fuck because everything has already fallen into place. I will have my second date.

One of my future business plans is to start a mushroom cultivation business (like a legit one... haha... portobellos and shiitakes and stuff).

Man this is going to be the craziest love story EVER if it works out and I know it will like I can't explain it. But my friend, I tell her everything and she doesn't really talk to that chick. But we are like the chillest stoner friends and while I was nodding off yesterday out of my mind in heavenly bliss, all fucking day passing in and out of consciousness from a dose of oxy's that used to not even hold me through half the morning or even able to feel it - I STILL could not get this chick out of my mind man. It's not sexual compulsion I haven't even kissed a girl since the summertime. Our chemistry is perfect in my mind, and my friend really did confirm this (I also trust her so much, that I will blindly get a tattoo of one of her sketches without looking at it first).

Anyways, I don't need to read a book man but thanks! And I mean that, only after talking to my friend this morning at work as she took over the girl I want's shift. It's like everything is falling perfectly into place man, and somehow, even nodding the fuck out of my mind yesterday was important too. This wouldn't have happened if that hadn't happened. I needed to chill out to the max, and I did. Def not looking back I don't even have withdrawals or cravings today because my life is too awesome to throw away for that shit. I can't believe what is happening to me but trust. I got this, and it's something really quite special. That's why I've been going crazy it's cause the chemistry has to be so finely balanced with me that I didn't even ever really know what I was looking for until I found her. I know this to be true, I cannot explain it as the experience has been beyond words. I am not afraid one bit of asking her out on this second date, and I designed it (actually, I totally changed my idea with the help of my lady friend this morning) into something that will be very romantic, but not too boring for this crazy girl who can't seem to stay in one place for more than 10 minutes. She needs a down to earth guy to chill her the fuck out, and I kind of need something that is the opposite. And we have so much in common. Anyways. I know what's up now. I didn't yesterday... or the days before... and yesterday I nodded the FUCK out man it was insanity. I have never been that fucked on opiates in my whole entire life and spent 5 years railing heroin and ruining my life with that shit. For once, yesterday, I actually required my pain medication for something LOL.

I've just had two girlfriends man and I am just shy of 30, I am totally cool with having obsessive sexual behaviours with this chick once we get to know each other better. That is going to likely take time as everything is so casual and silly, but it's not. My date involves well as my friend put it 1. I am thinking about her 2. I am interested in her to the the point where I want her to know more about me 3. I just want to be with her again. That is pretty much it right there. It is going to be a very romantic date, but one where I give her free spirit some room to reign. However, she will not be changing my plans this time. It is my date now not hers. Trust, I know what's up now. I had no idea what the fuck was going on but this chick has been such a good friend to me the one who has a boyfriend and we talk all the time. She is a wonderful person and helped me see wtf was going on here. This chick, she likes me for exactly who I am. I don't need to try. I don't need to do anything but ask her out in just the right way, with a date that will intrigue her as she thrives on excitement. I'm just going to ask her out as soon as she wakes up. She's not the type of chick I need to build anything up to.
Shroomy, that's how it goes sometimes, two steps forward and one step back. But don't demotivate yourself with the thought that you are back where you started, all the stuff you have learned on your way is still available to you.

Last week my father passed away. It went incredibly quick in the end, which surprised us all, but it's still better than the opposite I guess. Thankfully he could spend his last days in a very nice hospice. According to his wish this is going to be playing at his funeral. <3

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I didn't see it as a step back man. I am not using today, and have no withdrawals, and don't care that I got wrecked and nodded off and fucked off from life for a day. Just felt better than great and then it was done, over and done with.

I do, however, care that your father passed away. I'll check out his song when I have time, maybe with some essential oils going for blessings. I am really sorry to hear that and best wishes dealing with your loss.
Thank you. :) If you don't view it as a step back at all, all the better. Take care, man. <3
In 15 minutes I have a training session for an hour with a client, they're basically computer illiterate and want to be able to program surveys on our platform, and I am supposed to teach them how. They're gonna split server costs with my company as a result so it's a huge win since that's bottom line savings, it goes straight to profit since it won't be an expense anymore. I've spent the last few days building a little sub-interface that will hopefully make it pretty easy for them. But in the past these guys have been really dense. I'm not looking forward to this meeting. They're really annoying, not mean at all, just like, for example, I spent 3 HOURS trying to explain to them how to log in to the software. it's real simple, user name and password. Somehow they kept failing, and they were spazzing. I can only surmise they kept using the old link rather than the new link I sent even though they swore they were using the new link (but a screen shot showed they were using the old link). I could log in following my own instructions with their credentials just fine. That's the kind of computer illiterate they are. How can they expect to learn to program anything at all? I've tried to make it as point-and-click as possible but there are some things where they're going to need to understand if/else type of stuff - the simplest of programming structures, but probably like learning Greek to these guys...

Hope it works out. I have some doubts but I'll try my best because it would be great for my company if it does. :\

EDIT: Well, they pushed it back for the third time. At least I don't have to deal with it today. :)
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Take care as well, tokezu. I would only view it as a step back, if I did it again. Then I would be truly devastated. I'm just glad I'm okay man I took 60mg IR oxy with no tolerance. I have never ever been remotely that wrecked on an opiate/opioid in my whole entire life. It was crazy the high was really great! No point even thinking about it, just time to move forward and seriously I am just happy I didn't overdose or anything as I was on a benzo as well. Def need to be more careful and serious just like no more opiates. That could be a once a year thing or whatever but it's dicey. I was really, really fucking high and I don't really need that. I need a date with this fox I'm still working at getting that. I really like her a lot, she is an absolutely lovely lady.
I don't really enjoy painkillers that much, in fact when I was on them after surgery I was flabbergasted that so many people are addicted to them cuz it just seemed like a slow progression that would take a lot of bad decisions

I recently met a dude that used to do massive doses of MXE while he farmed weed lol he said he used to do 300mg a DAY 8o I was like damn you should have saved a few doses lol

also my buddy's mushroom cultivation thing is totally gourmet at the moment and he's one of the few suppliers in the southwestern USA so he should be making upwards of 5k a week when its all up and running

GHB is still my favorite and its still impossible to get lol

edit: Tokezu, nice to meet you, and that is a beautifully moving blues song to have played at a funeral. My condolences!
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I don't really enjoy painkillers that much, in fact when I was on them after surgery I was flabbergasted that so many people are addicted to them cuz it just seemed like a slow progression that would take a lot of bad decisionsI recently met a dude that used to do massive doses of MXE while he farmed weed lol he said he used to do 300mg a DAY 8o I was like damn you should have saved a few doses lolalso my buddy's mushroom cultivation thing is totally gourmet at the moment and he's one of the few suppliers in the southwestern USA so he should be making upwards of 5k a week when its all up and runningGHB is still my favorite and its still impossible to get loledit: Tokezu, nice to meet you, and that is a beautifully moving blues song to have played at a funeral. My condolences!
Opies are very strange because sometimes it takes a few times of taking them when not in pain to understand just how amazing the euphoria can be. I wish I would have never "gotten" that magic feeling because I chase it off and on without fail for years and years. Its only purpose is pain relief via euphoria so for a non pain patient is a drug that only gives euphoria and a bit of drowsiness....recipe for disastor.
yea I've tried massive doses of kratom combined with 3-meo-PCP and experienced some very profound CNS depression.

I've taken very high doses of codeine/promethazine cough syrup

I didn't experiment with oxycodone as much because I had a limited supply and I knew that getting more would be incredibly costly and would probably be my downfall

however I didn't really find oxycodone to be that euphoric unless I combined it with marijuana

GHB is still hands down more euphoric for me than any painkiller i've tried
I almost died once from combining maybe 15-20mg hydrocodone with 200-300mg DXM. I'd gotten my wisdom teeth out, and clever little me knowing hydros didn't do much for me - they're very irregular for me, didn't work for years, then I felt the high the next few times I tried them, then not, etc. - decided to take some DXM to potentiate it and really feel good while laying cashed out in bed with a painful mouth. Well, an hour later I'm watching a movie, getting tired, and all of the sudden have the innate knowing that if I allow myself to fall asleep, I'm never waking up.

That was one of the scariest moments/more than a few moments of my entire life.
I believe that I almost died a couple days ago. It was 60mg IR oxycodone with no tolerance, combined with benzos and baclofen. I was nodding the fuck out all over my basement. There wasn't a damn surface I wasn't nodding out on without knowing where I was at some point. I did this alone as well, having no idea what my oxy tolerance was.

Super risky I'm glad that nothing bad happened although I think I fucked up my next date. Glad I'm alive really, looking back I was an absolute trainwreck like I've never in 5 years nodded remotely like that it was bliss... and left me fiending and feeling like shit, still getting over it and had to flush 96 oxy's or I was going to die. Sort of upset at myself. I was feeling so great, and now I feel like shit! I just have to keep clean though and I'll feel better soon, I used for 2 days in a row and I'm not by any means having full blown withdrawals haha.
I've never liked opiates much. I have tried tramadol a couple of times, morphine, and kratom. I think morphine is the one I enjoyed the most, I had a really magical and peaceful night with it, everything in the world felt perfect. But still it didn't feel like something I would like to pursue often at all. Probably for the best.

I guess I just don't really like being that fucked up. This was specially apparent to me with tramadol, which just lasts for too long IMO. I felt useless for the whole day. Like I didn't want to do anything at all. My baseline self is kind of manic so being THAT stoned is not very enjoyable to me. I prefer to do stuff. Out of the drugs that disable you I guess I should admit that I enjoy the dissociative Hole. But if doesn't last for that long and even though you are literally immobile the mind seems to wander around so it's different.

I tried crack once, and that felt like something I could see myself getting addicted to. So I never looked for it again. So euphoric. And the manic stimulation afterwards, wow. But so short lived, and you'll feel like shit for the next like ten hours. I always try to limit my stim use as much as possible. I think it's the drug class with the most abuse potential for me, endless energy! So I've learned to be careful. I grabbed a gram of 2-FMA a year ago and I think I still have more than 500 mg left.
Opiates don't make me feel fucked up, or at least, my day to day use didn't. That's what was so alluring about them to me. For years before I got addicted I'd take pills sometimes and always be like... what's the big deal, I don't get it. The seduction for me lies in being able to feel perfectly content and functional with ease. They just made everything feel better and easier. I could sail through a day without lows. It's a lot more subtle than people think it is and I think that's why it takes people a while sometimes to "get it". I mean there's the shooting heroin type of opiate high, and the functional type of high. I was going for functional. And as problems in my life mounted, that escape was more and more appealing. Through it all I maintained a very functional life, in fact I functioned better with opiates than without, I felt more confident, things didn't bother me as much, there was no real inebriation, I just felt good.

But the cost is too high with opiates. The first time I got a good opiate high, that was it for me, I was already mentally addicted and I didn't even realize it. Before I knew it I was in over my head and my life slowly transformed into pain. Best to avoid opiates is my advice. I mean if you're in debilitating physical pain, by all means, that's what they're for. But recreational use? It's playing with fire. You don't gain anything from the experience, and if you get addicted, well, not everyone makes it out of that hole.
Opies always give me this 'everything will be alright, the future is bright' feeling, the way that MXE does, but without the long lasting motivation/depression relief. I'm surprised a number of you don't 'get' it, but I also don't 'get' uppers and I'm sure many of you like amps/empathogens.

I remember it took a few tries for me to 'get' it though. I remember I had some hydros for a surgery, and after I had been taking them for two weeks already and ran out, my mom gave me some of her 10mg she had saved as I was still in pain (mine had been 5mg)... oh buddy, that night, I lay in my bed, floating on an ocean of bliss. I've never reached such contentment, before nor after. I really 'got' it that night. Ever since, opioids have held a special place in my heart, one that grows wider every year, and I must learn to control. Luckily my access to scripts is extremely slim, and the current analogues are either scary or weak...
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