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?? ? THE SOCIAL CLUB v. Come Say Hi! ? ??

^^ Watch Rick and Morty on dexedrine or similar. I follow the show closer when focused.
^ me and you both CH - you good?
still chugging along, rattling out 500-1000 words a day, went and saw Much Ado About Nothing last night and then ended up on a massive coke sesh that ended like 5 hours ago

pretty fun :)
now back to workf
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I'm not sure how old you are Shroomy, but you mentioned school so I'm going to guess in your 20's. Someone else mentioned reality sucks... in your 20's it is definitely scary. You are figuring out how to be an adult and life didn't come with instructions! When you are young you don't have a care, it sounds like you had good times.

there was this really good podcast I listened to called Beautiful Anonamous (however you spell it!). I know it sounds girly & emo but the many of the callers encapsulated the way that I felt when I was their age (your age). Might want to listen, might find comfort! There are LOTS of people who feel like you it's just nobody talks about it. Not everyone got into an accident like you, but, lots of people with struggles.

Hang in there things can get better for you but I am afraid to tell you that using probably won't be the road to get you here. It's all fun when you don't have a care in the world but then recreational use becomes self-medicating.

I hope you have a better day today

Hey, this was awesome. I am having a better day for sure, me and my lady friend have both had horrible coke crashes consecutively which really sucked. The nights were amazing but I wouldn't use it again in that amount or duration. I am back on track recovering from opiates and trying to make some money as well. I wrote down the name of that podcast. I am closer to my 30's than 20's. I can relate with her because we are both getting a little stressed over where we want to head with our lives. I just came up with an idea that I could write a short story about. I think it would be rad so I'm going to try it out. I am smoking the ganj these days, I haven't thought about heroin in a while, it really hasn't been on my mind, cute (although demanding in ways) distractions, haha) but sometimes when my back hurts way too much I need a perc, I don't really care about using them in that situation if I am really hurting bad. I am on the right track, peace.
Good afternoon, morning, evening druggies!

Had a fantastic day at the World Athletics Championships yesterday. I was right by the finish line and saw all the action including a great 100m hurdles victory by Sally Pearson, Mo Farah losing his final ever 5000m race, Britain smashing the 4x100m relay record to beat the USA to gold, and Usain Bolt's last ever run/hamstring pull as he lost Jamaica any chance of a relay medal for the first time since 2007. It was so good it didn't require any drugs to enjoy!

(BTW I'm fully aware I'm about the only person here who totally loves athletics and am just happily jabbering to myself ;)

Keep at it keeping - when's the deadline? At least it was a coke and not 7-day meth session :)

I was gonna mock you for calling sports "athletics" but then realized you actually meant "athletics".
deadlines in about a week, a little bit more, up to 6,000 words now so i'm on track
how goes your own monster thesis?
man i would love some meth right now... for studying ;)

Have you discovered the 'Extentuating Circumstances' form yet? You know, that one that gives you another 25 years to finish the essay if you only can get some willing GP to explain how your [insert excuse] has prevented you doing anything?? =D

As for my own, well, I re-wrote the title about 4 times on Friday. And have been editing the literature review all day today. I'm not avoiding actually writing the main body or anything. Not at all. Absolutely not. Totally essential stuff this. Gotta get the right picture for the inner title page as well. Yes that's also very essential. The rest can wait....
I was gonna mock you for calling sports "athletics" but then realized you actually meant "athletics".

You can mock me anyway. I have a soft spot for mockery and public humiliation <3

But, yeah, athletics is awesome. All druggies should be into it =D
I loved seven day meth sessions :D

How do you define a "session" though? Is it different from a "season"?

CFC said:
You can mock me anyway. I have a soft spot for mockery and public humiliation

Oh, I didn't mean I wouldn't, I just had to find a different topic. The first five were too easy.
7 day meth sessions now there is a topic. I don't think my body could handle that, I'd prefer a 7 year china white session over that because I would get paranoid and think the meth might kill me and then I may start trying to kill imaginary people and end up doing the stereotypical window jump. I suppose the common junkie tempts fate on the reg but doesn't realize it until one turns clean, or something bad happens but in my years of using I was lucky enough not to overdose.
When I used to take meth it would give me a crazy awesome high for 2 days but then it wouldn't get me high anymore and I'd crash but nothing whatsoever like these coke crashes me and my ladyfriend endured. We both decided to, obviously, never take coke again. The crashes were that bad, we had an amazing time on the stuff.

I have an idea for a short story. I think it's pretty cool, something I'd enjoy trying. I am thinking about 3 brothers who are real tight and 2 years apart in age, and they take genetic testing and find out that all of them are going to die with a 99% chance from this rare genetic disease by the age of 25. Then what would they do with their time? Each would have a different personality type and coping mechanisms. The older brother would have very little time to live and when the youngest brother was left alone themes like brotherhood, life and death, would present themselves. I might write a transitionary state inspired my Buddhism, like the transient / intermediate states of consciousness between death and rebirth if I could make it work. Tibetan Book of the Dead type of stuff.
I don't know what I'm doing I typically play guitar as my outlet but my girlfriend thinks I am a good writer, and also good at analyzing poems and stuff like that, deeper meanings with her and I think it would be fun just to do for the sake of trying something new. I am just getting high and tripping out on the beginning of a story. Smokin lemon haze this morning it's actually really nice. I have two kushes (phantom og and presidential kush I think) but I like my haze personally. No anxiety, no sleepyness, a reflectivee mood. Really nice smoke with that jack pine taste why hello there Jack Herer how do you do? I think I'm seeing things but I haven't smoked any DMT. Of course I haven't or I would be attemptinng to refrain from using the ego-promoting pronoun "I".

Normally I am withdrawn into my own mind to the extent that it is hard for me to pay attention to my surroundings and honestly this really sucks sometimes because I'll miss social cues and stuff.
Your emaciating body and toxically-damaged brain, on the other hand....

:p =D

I don't think sleep deprivation to be a bad thing, and have discussed it previously.

As per the body I miss it. Wish I weighed a bit less than I do now. "less of me to hate"
I smoked a gram over the past month, when I was withdrawing from dope, so it's not all that surprising that I've had a major cognitive shift. I'm not perceiving reality the same at all. There have been so many improvements in my life, and it comes down to changes deep within my mind. I would not say it is a bad thing, could be worse side effects right? That's actually really neat about you, for me I will just occasionally notice a wavy ceiling and it especially happens when I am looking at something with a lot of detail or patterning (although, sometimes I see spirits, but I have since I was a kid). I thought acid more commonly caused HPPD than DMT? Just wondering as I smoke it every few days and have been for a while.

I haven't checked out your iv dmt report but I am excited to read it. My buddy ended up hospitalized from a crack binge recently so I'm pretty, actually very much worried about my friend right now. I've know him for around 20 years and he is really deep into cocaine and can't ever seem to stop. He has been in and out of rehab so many times, really worried about him now that he told me what happened, since he has been supporting me too through my own recovery. I haven't had anyone die on me yet and I don't know how I would handle that. I'd be really sad, but I also need to focus on myself. I told him I'm always around if he needs to talk since he really didn't sound too well.
I'm back from inpatient detox that was a near symptomless wd thanks to phenobarbital.... I don't know if I can stop the Opiates due to pain, but I know I'm not letting myself get back into Iv use or heroin. Hell oral use only if anything and at least resort when I can't deal.... Anyways glad to be back! Looking forward to doing what I always do.