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Yoo hoo too ;)

We have Yazoo, yummy...

yeah all RCs were placed under a blanket ban last year unfortunately so it'll have to be through the deep web probably these days. which sucks cause i struggle to use bticoins.
do not use the deep web now there's a lot of busts going on throughout the marketplaces. You're better off finding a clearnet veneer that will send to you. That's stupid Kratom is considered an rc because it's not due to the fact it is produced in nature. It would be like calling iboga alkaloids RCs...
i thought kratom was still legal in britain?
it's definitely not a research chemical. it's been banned in australia for over a decade - maybe even two - i think, but that has more to do with out geographical and social links to thailand and the other SE asian countries where kratom is from, it wasn't that it was swept up in the research chem hysteria.
I was under the impression kratom was classified as a "novel psychoactive" under the UKs novel psychoactive bill that was passed a ways back.
yeah, that sounds about right, now that you mention it.
fucking tories :(

as much as RCs are a genuine public health issue, the blanket bans are just unenforceable nonsense.

i guess some folks would probably disagree that RCs are a massive public health issue - but one only needs to look at the amount of people dying from fent ODs to see that they're super dangerous.
having large amounts of people taking drugs that are untested, and unknown to modern medicine creates so many issues. the whole synthetic cannabinoids nightmare is continuing to kill people as well - there have been reports of a series of deaths attributed to synth 'noids in new zealand recently.

i really wish governments across the world would get it together and start legalising and regulating "recreational" drugs.
it would have a lot of positive effects economically and create thousands of jobs, huge amounts of tax revenue that would flow back to our communities, rather than just financing organised crime,
and of course - most importantly - it would save lives.
Man I took 11mg of clonazepam I had left over a couple of days ago (after a three month break) and barely felt ANYTHING! i only used them once a month (prn) before that... ugh benzo tolerance just doesn't ever seem to go away for me! I figure I'll have to wait until next year this time b4 they work for my anxiety. 11g felt like I drank a beer and did a line of coke. Any of you guys experience paradoxical effects from benzo use?
All the time at regular doses and usually more so with the shorter acting ones, especially with opioids on board, but 11mg is fairly hefty to not have a nod catch up to you a few hours later..
Random question so I have some clean time on me now from heroin. I lost track of time but definitely a solid month of hell at least. I have severe chronic back pain and if I don't sleep, I am immobized the net day. This is what led me to relapse last year as I hadn't slept in an extremely long time. I was up all night and so I just took 80mg melatonin (rarely take it, really works well usually if I take 10mg), 30mg baclofen, 50mg norflurazepam (so like... 5 10mg diazepam at least), and as a desperate measure 20mg etizolam (I have a tolerance). Norflurazepam is a hypnotic. My back is so bad today not only can I get downstairs for a glass of water but I cannot lay in a comfortable position in bed.

I just have to suffer? Pay the piper? I can't do this every day and this is what led me to relapse from a few 5mg 5/325's last year back to a full blown heroin addiction when I was shooting up in the end and just completely decimated my entire life in 6 months. So much has improved, I met a really sweet and cute girl and we are hanging out all the time it is just wonderful. I can't fuck up this time because I am doing this for me. It is my last chance I feel. She is absolutely amazing and creative with art and there are just so many things I like about her and like yeah she would be really hurt by it if I went back as well. It's just I now how I relapse and I think heroin knows too. I can't sleep, and the back pain becomes extreme (I've hardly noticed it lately). I just don't know what the fuck to do I tried sober living but couldn't find a thread like this. I can't focus for shit. I don't have my valerian as I forgot it at home and I'm at her place. What the fuck can I do to fall asleep it's making everything hurt so much worse and it's fucking killing me.
It would behoove you to do an interaction check into all of these first of course but I've heard Seroquel can knock down insomnia fairly well, even with the most riveting infomercials playing in the background.

With a tolerance to the cocktail you mentioned rebound insomnia must be a bitch though..
Rebound insomnia hits me in PAWS with opiates hard. I've been feeling wonderful for the most part, especially since I'm meeting new friends and becoming more active instead of being too sick to leave my bed. The rebound insomnia is a fucking nightmare because that is not even close to my daily benzo dose for panic attacks. And that is what comes next: extreme anxiety and panic. That's when I relapsed last time but I know better this time. I'm gonna grab some craft beer tonight and red wine for my new friend and have a nice night and just not worry about sleep anymore. My back doesn't hurt anymore so that makes the situation a lot easier. I was in agony earlier today.

And yeah man, when I'm opiates that cocktail would knock me out for sooo long with like total amnesia haha. I still feel overstimulated it is just crazy.
Man I took 11mg of clonazepam I had left over a couple of days ago (after a three month break) and barely felt ANYTHING! i only used them once a month (prn) before that... ugh benzo tolerance just doesn't ever seem to go away for me! I figure I'll have to wait until next year this time b4 they work for my anxiety. 11g felt like I drank a beer and did a line of coke. Any of you guys experience paradoxical effects from benzo use?

I get paradoxical reactions from clonazepam specifically. I can always feel a low dosage but the first time I took it, I became profoundly nervous and awkward feeling. Basically the opposite of what you'd expect from any benzo.
80mg melatonin

oof - that's a hefty dose of melatonin. i don't know if it's true or not, but i've been told that it tends to work better in smaller doses, not large ones.
i'm talking like 0.5 mg. i think the expression "less is more" applies.

i am a lifelong insomniac, which obviously gets really really bad when i've detoxed off opiates, or other downers.
the excitation from opiate withdrawal is one of the worst bits, i found. can really make you feel insane.

i've been taking promethazine a bit recently to helkp me sleep. it's not always effective, but i find it can knock me out pretty well if i don't take it too often - and it's available over the counter in australia.
i don't know where you live, or if it is OTC there, but it may possibly be worth a try if you can get it.

i've had pretty good results from mulungu bark as well.
it's pretty much like taking xanax or something i find. i've never had much success with herbs, but that stuff definitely works.

good luck man, i know exactly what you're going through. i find it really hard to sleep a lot of the time.
hell, it's like 5:30 in the morning here, i've just given up on sleeping tonight (again). it sucks, i hope you can get some relief.
Thanks for the luck I definitely need it. My situation right now is either have a wonderful life in my 30's, or likely die by then.

My new friend was looking into kava kava tea. She really wants to try it, so I think I'll look for a good source for that as when she ordered it I think she was scammed. I'm not sure if it would help insomnia. I wish I hadn't forgotten my valerian tea at home because I'll be here with her for a couple of days.

The worst part for me is that I need a full 8 hours, at least 6, because I have severe chronic spine pain. My pain hasn't been bad lately until the insomnia started and for the first half of today my back was entirely seized up. Could hardly move around and the pain was extreme, but that part eventually resided. Probably due to the etizolam.

Thank you man and I am going to get through this. If it comes down to paying the piper than I have a lot to owe anyway. Since my back is not seized up anymore and in horrible pain I can just chill out and distract myself with music and stuff now, have a couple drinks tonight with my friend. I've been doing great but fuck i was last time too. Then the insomnia and panic attacks hit and they hit hard but I just need to persevere and remind myself how that fucking garbage affected my life.

Hope you get a second wind later in the day man.
thanks man - i hope so too!
i don't have to go to work today, but i have a rehearsal in the afternoon, and am going to a gig with my friend in the evening, so i'm going to need a second wind.

have you tried mulungu before?
i don't find valerian does anything for me, but mulungu works really well. i've had insomnia since i was a little kid, so any help i can get to sleep is really invaluable to me, which is why i got addicted to benzos at one point.
that habit almost killed me, so it wasn't worth it - but you're still young man. you can get through this <3
yeah, that sounds about right, now that you mention it.
fucking tories :(

as much as RCs are a genuine public health issue, the blanket bans are just unenforceable nonsense.

i guess some folks would probably disagree that RCs are a massive public health issue - but one only needs to look at the amount of people dying from fent ODs to see that they're super dangerous.
having large amounts of people taking drugs that are untested, and unknown to modern medicine creates so many issues. the whole synthetic cannabinoids nightmare is continuing to kill people as well - there have been reports of a series of deaths attributed to synth 'noids in new zealand recently.

i really wish governments across the world would get it together and start legalising and regulating "recreational" drugs.
it would have a lot of positive effects economically and create thousands of jobs, huge amounts of tax revenue that would flow back to our communities, rather than just financing organised crime,
and of course - most importantly - it would save lives.

I'd argue prohibition is an even more massive public health problems than any novel psycho actives or RCs :)

Man I took 11mg of clonazepam I had left over a couple of days ago (after a three month break) and barely felt ANYTHING! i only used them once a month (prn) before that... ugh benzo tolerance just doesn't ever seem to go away for me! I figure I'll have to wait until next year this time b4 they work for my anxiety. 11g felt like I drank a beer and did a line of coke. Any of you guys experience paradoxical effects from benzo use?

Reminds me of my experience infrequently taking benzos. Over the course of infrequent use over maybe five or six years I went from getting a nice relaxing drunk feeling from 0.5mg lorazepam to needing to take hundreds of mgs of diazepam, 300mg of temazepam or 20mg of alprazolam/clonazepam to get anything approximating that kind of effect. Benzo (and gabaergic) tolerance is a crazy beast! It's been years since I used benzos in any meaningful way and I'm still tolerant to a lot of the effects I once enjoyed. Blacking out is easier though ;) :\

Random question so I have some clean time on me now from heroin. I lost track of time but definitely a solid month of hell at least. I have severe chronic back pain and if I don't sleep, I am immobized the net day. This is what led me to relapse last year as I hadn't slept in an extremely long time. I was up all night and so I just took 80mg melatonin (rarely take it, really works well usually if I take 10mg), 30mg baclofen, 50mg norflurazepam (so like... 5 10mg diazepam at least), and as a desperate measure 20mg etizolam (I have a tolerance). Norflurazepam is a hypnotic. My back is so bad today not only can I get downstairs for a glass of water but I cannot lay in a comfortable position in bed.

I just have to suffer? Pay the piper? I can't do this every day and this is what led me to relapse from a few 5mg 5/325's last year back to a full blown heroin addiction when I was shooting up in the end and just completely decimated my entire life in 6 months. So much has improved, I met a really sweet and cute girl and we are hanging out all the time it is just wonderful. I can't fuck up this time because I am doing this for me. It is my last chance I feel. She is absolutely amazing and creative with art and there are just so many things I like about her and like yeah she would be really hurt by it if I went back as well. It's just I now how I relapse and I think heroin knows too. I can't sleep, and the back pain becomes extreme (I've hardly noticed it lately). I just don't know what the fuck to do I tried sober living but couldn't find a thread like this. I can't focus for shit. I don't have my valerian as I forgot it at home and I'm at her place. What the fuck can I do to fall asleep it's making everything hurt so much worse and it's fucking killing me.

I really would recommend not taking so much melatonin. I'm guilty of taking crazy high doses too, but there really is no point.

If you've been struggling with PAWS and craving and generally feeling like shit, try upping the baclofen. You'll need to be very careful combining higher doses of baclofen with benzos or other gabaergics (particularly stuff like alcohol and G), and you'll probably want to titratw up the dose as opposed to just raising the baclofen dose straight to 80mg or something. It's sedating gabaergic/sedative/anxiolytic effects at higher doses than one can tolerate is insidious and potentially dangerous in combo with other gabaergic substances, but it can be a fantastic non-opioid medication to manage cravings. Plus I can't imagine a higher dose wouldn't simply knock you out.

If you're struggling with sleep that much though it might be worth considering a course of sedating atypical antipsychotics or antidepressants to help with insomnia.
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you're not wrong.
i think the whole 'research chemical' market a result - another in a long line of symptoms - of prohibition.
FUCK prohibition it has made my life so difficult.

Spacejunk okay third attempt to post a message to you haha. Mulungu? That is too silly of a word that I have to check it out.

I have been falling in love though and I mean I wasn't looking for that in recovery but somehow it happened. Same thing happened to my buddy when he got on subs and started getting his shit together.

Sucks you've had insomnia since a kid. Seven years of thoracic extreme spinal pain has fucked me up pretty bad at this point.

She ordered kava kava tea (she really wants to try it) and then we were thinking maybe it could help me a bit. It didn't arrive though so weird, maybe a scam or something. I get Valerian liquid phytocaps which are def way stronger than the tea unless I guess you drink a lot of it. But even still, nothing is going to work. I'm sick of listening to metalcore at 5am because it has been 6 hours of trying to fall asleep when I am completely worn out and exhausted.

We're having some red wine and craft beer tonight so I'm really excited about that. I have not had a drink in years and I want a really hoppy one.
you're not wrong.
i think the whole 'research chemical' market a result - another in a long line of symptoms - of prohibition.

I agree 100%. The fact that it's cheaper and easier to get more dangerous substances than safer, better characterized drugs is a side effect of our ridiculous drug policies. We live in a world where furanyl-fentanyl is cheaper and easier to get than something safer like hydrocodone.

If all drugs were legalized tomorrow, I'd be willing to bet that the RC market would virtually disappear. I doubt people would buy stuff like 4-47700 if they could get oxy at the grocery store ;) Although Id still like my tryptamines

I dream of a society where the government protects people from other people instead of trying to protect people from themselves.
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