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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy DOC Thread - Third opinion

I took 2c i a few times and never liked it muched. Would rather take any other 2cx. I plug all 2c-x and rarely notice any body load. YMMV

My one 2.5mg DOC trip was like this. Stimmy weird comeup. Pyschedelic plateua for sure, just weak. Psychedlia decreases stimulation remains, and remains, and remains. lol. I think I will try 3.5 or maybe 4mg next time. If the stimulation doesn't increase much but the psychedelia becomes magical I could like this for certain occasions. The same ones LSD, escaline etc are suitable for.
I do find DOC similar to MDMA in a certain way. It seems to open me up and it definitely produces euphoria. In the second stage I vastly prefer to be with people because it makes me want to communicate. In the first stage I can either be with a good tripping partner, or by myself. But it can get a little hectic being around other people. But during the second stage I want to talk to anyone and everyone. :)

I definitely need to time my next DOC experience in such a way that I'll be around people for the second phase to experience that.... My first time around I think the oddly weak stimulation got me, as it was getting late by the time I reached the second phase and I was honestly almost ready to pass out by then. I did get that boost though, so I can certainly see it happening.

For what worth, at 4mg of doc the excess stimulation only really became apparent during the second phase. During the first phase/peak it was more about the energy.

I also think 4mg was a bit high, really only iboga/ibogaine has ever blasted me into another world like that. No regrets, it was an amazing place to be, but probably not something Id repeat. Next time 3mg should be just fine.

So, by energy do you mean like... spiritual energy? Or something else? Or just less stimulation than excess? The difference isn't immediately obvious to me with that wording.

A comparison to iboga sounds perfect to me, haha. At least once, just to understand it.... I'm still iffy about the potential body load though. I probably will end up working my way up slowly from low doses after all.

Yeh Ive taken 2c-i quite a few times but that was about 5 years ago so its difficult to remember how the body load was for me. When I look back at my 2c experiences when I first got into psychs I don't remember any negative body load. Maybe I'm just being nostalgic and filtering out the uncomfortable parts of previous trips but now I find some phens to make me feel kind of rough at the doses I need for a full trip, 2c-c and 2c-e in particular. The 2c's are an odd bunch. My first trips on 2c-c where completely clean on the body and quite powerful visually at small doses and now the same batch with long breaks inbetween and low tolerance I need nearly twice the dose I used to enjoy previously.

Ah, I suppose I can relate to that. I definitely get stronger body loads on many things than I did back in the day, though it seems to go multiple ways too as they've also recently gotten less intense than they were for a while. But, I did also take 2C-I many years ago when I was newer to psychedelics, whereas my DOC trip happened just a bit over a year ago. I suppose that if I were to take 2C-I again now I might find it a bit more uncomfortable, hard to say.

Thanks for the input. :)

I took 2c i a few times and never liked it muched. Would rather take any other 2cx. I plug all 2c-x and rarely notice any body load. YMMV

My one 2.5mg DOC trip was like this. Stimmy weird comeup. Pyschedelic plateua for sure, just weak. Psychedlia decreases stimulation remains, and remains, and remains. lol. I think I will try 3.5 or maybe 4mg next time. If the stimulation doesn't increase much but the psychedelia becomes magical I could like this for certain occasions. The same ones LSD, escaline etc are suitable for.

Yeah, from all the reading I did back then 2C-I never sounded the most interesting to me, it just happened to be the only one I had regular access to. I got 2C-B a couple times, but never above 10 mg. Hopefully one of these days I'll be able to expand my horizons with them a bit more.

Well, if you do that definitely report back, so I can decide whether or not to do the same lol. I definitely think the psychedelia will become magical, I just can't speak to the stimmy part. Part of me is sort of hoping though that at some point the trip will just become so intense that it doesn't even occur to you to think about it. A similar thing happens with diphenhydramine, which definitely feels significantly worse than DOC did for me at lower doses; at high doses I don't even recall a body load, but I'm sure it was there. Obviously DOC isn't the same kind of thing as diphenhydramine, but it sure was making me hallucinate nearly as strongly at some points just from the 2.5 mg.
It was an electricity going through my body, my body is a lightening rod conducting the energy of the universe sorta energy. Yes, a spiritual sorta energy if you will. It was very powerful and amazing but you will want some benzos and maybe a glass of wine on the comedown.
Planning on trying this very soon...what do most people dissolve it in for dosing? Vodka? Any ratios?

Also, thinking of taking 2mg for first dose. Experienced with lots of other psychedelics but not many long-duration ones, (can only think of mescaline, 2c-p) does that sound right? Can someone discuss the distinct first and second phases? The second phase sounds like a post-peak period, so I can expect to be more functional?

Is this quite relaxed like 2c-c? Or more profound?
I've used vodka at 2mg/mL, yes.

2mg sounds like a good starter dose to me, nice choice.

Xorkoth is the man when it comes to the two phases and explanations of such, but yes it is true, although not as distinct as you may imagine. At least IMO. But I've only tried it a handful of times compared to Xorkoth's hundreds. When it comes to the second phase being more functional, that's totally true, yes. But don't underestimate how functional this one is even while tripping. Unlike any other psychedelic I've ever tried I can be around other people while peaking with visuals and not just totally freak out on the inside, in fact enjoying the interactions at times. So yes, the second phase is very functional, but that's not to dismiss the functional aspects of this one even while peaking,

And relaxed, kind of, but no. It's not 4-AcO-DMT, DMT, LSD profound. But it's not 2c-c either. The trips I've had so far on it have led to beautiful and cathartic spiritual experiences.

Oh, and do not disregard the bodyload. This is not one to be taken for lying around at home. If you only listen to one piece of advice, let it be that you should not dose this unless you're able to be physically active. I took 1.25 or 1.5mg, can't remember, at home two days after taking my first 1.75mg dose, just wanting a microdose basically, and ended up having to take vodka shots and tianeptine all day to keep myself from wanting to die from the bodyload being so strong. Yet, as soon as you start moving that "load" turns into boundless and euphoric energy.
I usually mix in vodka or similar, 1mg/mL (any concentration will do but with 1mg/mL, I use a 1mL syringe with 10 markings on it so I can dose accurate to 100ug). 2mg is a great first time dose for DOC. I do find there to be 2 stages, the first stage is more psychedelic, and after the peak ends (around 8 hours in or sometimes even longer), it drops off and becomes more functional, more social, more euphoric (for me it's more euphoric in the second stage). The whole trip very slowly unfolds, and the second stage sort of provides a built-in integration period. For me, it's great to have other people around for the second stage at least because I tend to want to talk about things.

And yeah it's by far best to be physically active for DOC, I love to take it to go on hikes or something of that nature. Spend a day outdoors, and for the second half, hang out and do whatever. It's the come-up and early peak stage you want to be active for, not necessarily the later stages.

This one is quite a bit longer than mescaline or 2C-P. it really does last a long time. A lot of it is trailing post-peak plateau stage, which takes a long time to dissipate entirely. I personally love that part of it so it's great for me. Some people have reported that the trailing stage is unpleasant for them and it makes them like DOC a lot less.
Some people have reported that the trailing stage is unpleasant for them and it makes them like DOC a lot less.

Those people probably never heard about benzodeacepines or GBL. I won't touch a DOx if any of those were arround, I tend to get not-fun stimulated on the comedown and some alcohol, benzos or GBL helps to round and smooth the edges.
Thank you Psy997 and Xorkoth, very informative posts and seems similar to my expectations.

I can't wait to try this :D had it sitting a long time but just not had the time to dedicate towards it. I would like to get more familiar with the effects in time for festival season this year.

I'll be going for either 1-2mg/ml in Vodka, dose ~2mg. I'm glad to read this is a functional and sociable one. I nearly find 2c-c a bit too sedating for socializing. Psy997 thanks for the bodyload info, I wont be taking this unless I'm hiking now for sure at least for the first major peak/phase. I've enjoyed every psychedelic I've tried - and it's been a few, so I'm sure I'll enjoy this one.
Indeed it's perfect for festivals or raves, you can naturally get out all the excess of energy dancing like if it was your last day in the earth
Basically, I'm wondering, is DOC one of the kinds of drugs where, within reason, increasing to a "full" dose can actually remove the body load of lower doses? Or at least, push it into the background behind the strength of the trip?
In my experience the latter is indeed the case. It's still one of the very few psychedelics that has made me vomit, more than once actually.
I usually mix in vodka or similar, 1mg/mL (any concentration will do but with 1mg/mL, I use a 1mL syringe with 10 markings on it so I can dose accurate to 100ug).
This seems to have been suggested by several people, so I'll mention that the HCl salt which is most common dissolves just fine in water. The HCl salt which is most common dissolves just fine in water. :D
Haha, yeah, it's extremely soluble as the HCl salt (the only form I've seen it in). Dissolves instantly.

Those people probably never heard about benzodeacepines or GBL. I won't touch a DOx if any of those were arround, I tend to get not-fun stimulated on the comedown and some alcohol, benzos or GBL helps to round and smooth the edges.

I like the second stage without anything to depress it, although I do find that alcohol mixes with it extraordinarily well. Not with the peak/first stage, but post-peak, once you hit that stimulative plateau, it's pretty great.
I think it has something to do with me having ADHD. My mind races and it's hard for me to focus on sober mode, so I don't enjoy stims at all (only low doses of amphetamines or metilphenidate for helping to focus work for me, can't get euphoria from them) so the comedown of DOC is harsh for me, knowing I'll be overthinking for some good hours triggers anxiety in my case.
So I microdosed ~400ug before I went to sleep around 5-6am today. I bag washed my 3 meo pcp and 3 meo pce bags (prolly 10mg each) earlier in the night. That led to plugging 50mg MET and sniffing 175mg ketamine. Which led to some wonky adventures...mmmmmmmm.

Both o pce and 3 meo pce give me the worst trouble outta all dissos with residual stimulation and no sleeping. My tripping was done really around 3am (I think I sniffed another ~75mg ket at this point which was a waste. Coulda used less/none and got tge same affect or should have done 200mg to get back out there).

Anyway come 5am I am shit tired but so wide awake. Have taken at least 10mg etiz over past hour(Tolerance, but that amount is still more than usual), two beers, fuck. I can feel sleep creaping, but have to be up at 10am and I dont have stimulants.

Decide to micro 400ug DOC and pass out. Wake up about 10. Feel like ass, but a cup of coffee and I am on my way. I definatly feel the DOC made the day more bearable compared to previous type nights and the next day without DOC. More focused, stimulated, not as much disso/trip/etiz brain fog. It kinda seems like the difference from me having a productive day and a hangover day
Why don't you get some adrafinil or another -finil for such occasions yepyepwoah?
Why don't you get some adrafinil or another -finil for such occasions yepyepwoah?

These are non euphoric/addictive like 2-fma and such. I got 2-fma once for "emergency" situations.... then did it every day for a year.

so I am kind of weary of stimulants
These are non euphoric/addictive like 2-fma and such. I got 2-fma once for "emergency" situations.... then did it every day for a year.

so I am kind of weary of stimulants

You're saying the -finils are? Theyre definitely not addicting or what I would classify as a stimulant. Or rather, I'd call it an atypical stimulant. But I don't think comparisons between them and any amphetamine can be fairly made.
So, I've decided that I am going to work my way up slowly with this one after all.... I've been having a lot of personal epiphanies lately in relation to my use of psychedelics, particularly about how my desires and expectations with them have changed over the years and how my substance and dose choices have or haven't caught up, and I figured that even if dosing higher would solve my body load problems I think I'd rather start out lower and build up a relationship with DOC first anyway.

Would you guys say you would generally be able to feel psychedelic effects from 1 mg? And if so, what about 750 ug? From reading around a little I gather that less than that might be mostly stimulating. I don't want my next experience on it to be too strong but I would like something more than a microdose.

In my experience the latter is indeed the case. It's still one of the very few psychedelics that has made me vomit, more than once actually.

That's good to know, thanks for the input. :) Hopefully I'll be able to find a way to make it work. Vomiting ain't so bad as long as it's not too frequent.... It usually seems to make for a much better trip than unsatisfied nausea anyway.
I find 1mg to definitely produce light psychedelia. It is beyond the realm of threshold. In some cases I've had 1mg actually produce a substantial trip. Generally I go for 2mg for a substantial trip. 1.5mg is also nice and noticeably stronger than 1mg. 500ug is definitely a stimulant/threshold dose (still nice but not psychedelic), I can't recall whether 750ug crosses that threshold or not, I have surely taken that dosage but I used to use DOC quite often so it's lost in the annals of my memory. :)

Less can really be more with DOC. For me the trip is mostly about the way it puts me in a wonderful introspective, motivated, inspired place. It has facilitated a lot of really profoundly useful thoughts in me. I prefer it as an overlay to the day rather than a fully immersive thing like a tryptamine. Presenting yourself with stimuli will really bring out the best in it.
Hmm, that sounds pretty good then.... I probably will end up taking 1 mg and just see how it goes. Thanks for the input. :)

I'm still interested in having a more immersive trip with DOC too, but not really in the same way as tryptamines. That's part of what I realized about my current tripping desires.... I still want to be engulfed in psychedelia, but I want it to be more like you say, like an overlay. I've spent years exploring and trying to understand the heavier mental effects of psychedelics, and I gained much from it, but right now I'm feeling that I actually like the way I am sober and would rather just have some trips that leave me clearheaded like that but enhance my cognitive faculties. The "introspective, motivated, inspired" aspect sounds great. I just also want it to be unavoidably colorful and artistic. :D But preferably while still allowing me to choose what to do with it.

I definitely need to work my way up to that though, and I don't mind taking it slow. I certainly feel from my one experience so far that this substance has earned enough respect at least for that.