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Opioids Kratom Mega Thread v. 5

I consider that a very high dosage. For me, 7-10 grams is a high dosage. I normally use 2-5 grams at a time.

Today's dose is a great example of my daily use. I dropped 6gr at 5pm then 7gr at 8pm & I'm right, where I like to be - on EZ street. So never more than 15gr total amount used per day. Despite a small amount of nausea I'm great. I'm not so f'ed up I'm incapacitated & I don't think K would do that regardless of how much I used. There is no legitimate reason to make K illegal. NONE. The fact alcohol is not only legal but glamorized clearly demonstrates what a total joke the DEA truly is. Alcohol serves no (0) medical purpose whatsoever & kills thousands of people every goddam day but because it's supported by a multi-million dollar lobbying organization it's legal. Typical drug war idiocy!!!

BTW - I don't drink alcohol, smoke anything, or use any narcotics of any type (including medically prescribed). K only. So I don't see where I'm doing anything wrong, unhealthy or dangerous.
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Kratom will definitely constipate you. Maybe not at your dose but at over an ounce a day it will clog you right on up along with turning your BM green. Hope that's not tmi.
Scourge I'm with you that kratom isn't intoxicating like heroin, you can do anything you want on it.

if you have never used it and have zero opioid tolerance and you drop 20g like i did one time ....i was fucked and couldn't stop nodding.
Today's dose is a great example of my daily use. I dropped 6gr at 5pm then 7gr at 8pm & I'm right, where I like to be - on EZ street. So never more than 15gr total amount used per day. Despite a small amount of nausea I'm great. I'm not so f'ed up I'm incapacitated & I don't think K would do that regardless of how much I used. There is no legitimate reason to make K illegal. NONE. The fact alcohol is not only legal but glamorized clearly demonstrates what a total joke the DEA truly is. Alcohol serves no (0) medical purpose whatsoever & kills thousands of people every goddam day but because it's supported by a multi-million dollar lobbying organization it's legal. Typical drug war idiocy!!!

BTW - I don't drink alcohol, smoke anything, or use any narcotics of any type (including medically prescribed). K only. So I don't see where I'm doing anything wrong, unhealthy or dangerous.

Interesting comparison. Things would be much different if the question was 'is x drug worse than alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine' instead of 'is x drug potentially abusable and does it have a medicinal benefit'

In the former case, kratom would definitely be legal, but unfortunately, the latter is a big yes in both cases. Worse yet, the DEA only recognizes FDA approval for a health disorder as a "medicinal benefit"

But I have hopes that things can change!

so is the consensus that this (cardiotoxicity) isn't a problem? Just asking bc kratom has been a godsend to me for staying off opiates but i might have to stop if its gonna fuck up my heart

I wouldn't worry about it unless you have preexisting heart issues. I actually have some minor cardiovascular problems and had everything checked out and nothing has gotten worse or better since I started using kratom.

Some paper speculated that it could lengthen QT interval, but its not a medical fact. It's definitely something to avoid if you already have long QT syndrome though.
The only problem K has ever given me is turbo-charged vomiting. It's kind of a catch 22 issue. The emptier your stomach is the quicker & stronger effect K is going to have. But the emptier your stomach is the the easier irritated the stomach lining, is.

The nausea only lasts 15-20mins. Then the full EZ street effect of K is reached which lasts about 4hrs. I don't understand why idiots screw with H when you can legally get K? Once the right people start experimenting & eventually raise the alkaloid concentration to 20% I think you'll see a major reduction in H & Oxy use. Which will be a huge benefit to society.

If the idiot DEA is successful in scheduling K this ^ will never happen.
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The biggest problem and hinderence with kratom is that it is unpalatable to consume enough to cover WDs considering it takes 12+ grams every 2 hours to cover "mild" heroin WDs. That being said, This plant ought to be commericial and specially cultivated to raise potency like marijuana has been - at 20% alkaloid content vs 1-6%, I could get something from it.

Kratom for WD is literally doing the cinnamon challenge every 2 hrs and I have chosen WD many times over coughing down 10 grams of sawdust.
The biggest problem and hinderence with kratom is that it is unpalatable to consume enough to cover WDs considering it takes 12+ grams every 2 hours to cover "mild" heroin WDs. That being said, This plant ought to be commericial and specially cultivated to raise potency like marijuana has been - at 20% alkaloid content vs 1-6%, I could get something from it.

Kratom for WD is literally doing the cinnamon challenge every 2 hrs and I have chosen WD many times over coughing down 10 grams of sawdust.

you're doing it wrong. make 1 gram bombs in a single ply of toilet paper and swallow. no dust, no nausea. The one time I drank the dust without bombing in toilet paper was when i vomited. never got sick otherwise. Tea also eliminates nausesa aspect very well also but kills potency
you're doing it wrong. make 1 gram bombs in a single ply of toilet paper and swallow. no dust, no nausea. The one time I drank the dust without bombing in toilet paper was when i vomited. never got sick otherwise. Tea also eliminates nausesa aspect very well also but kills potency

I would have to swallow 12 wads of toilet-paper grams... I tried that once with 250mg of mdxx and got the paper stuck on my uvula...
FYI kratom will easily mix into hot water. So if you put it in hot water or tea or whatever, it'll mix right it. Then you can shoot it. You still have to deal with the taste, but it's not any worse than shooting alcohol IMO. Just need a chaser
the toilet paper thing sucks...although i usually put more like 1.5-2 grams in each toilet paper bomb....u have to know how to tie them up and cut off excess tag ends really well then wash it down all at once with a huge gulp....and yet i usually have to do it 4-7 times to get enough down. but it hits faster than gel caps....caps are easier to swallow but i just always forget to buy
The biggest problem and hinderence with kratom is that it is unpalatable to consume enough to cover WDs considering it takes 12+ grams every 2 hours to cover "mild" heroin WDs. That being said, This plant ought to be commericial and specially cultivated to raise potency like marijuana has been - at 20% alkaloid content vs 1-6%, I could get something from it.

Kratom for WD is literally doing the cinnamon challenge every 2 hrs and I have chosen WD many times over coughing down 10 grams of sawdust.

If you really find t&w too unpleasant then you should really try capsules. Some vendors fill them themselves but you can just buy a bunch of the big ones and do it yourself.
Health stores usually sell empty ones for cheap. You can fill almost a gram per capsule (look for the BIG ones) so taking 12 at a time is doable, you could also make 2-3 holes per capsule with a pin and they'll disolve quicker.

It feels almost the same as toss and wash IMO and the effects seem to last a bit longer, so just what you're looking for.

Also make sure that your kratom is good quality, the strain isn't even that important. Read plenty of reviews and find the best vendor (this goes for anyone who's just getting into kratom as well)
Kratom does make me a little bit nauseated, but never anything that some pepto bismol and a little bit of time won't take care of.

I mean I take LARGE doses and Pepto will clear it up for me.

Today I ate 2--18.5mg doses, seperated by 5 hours as Kratom lasts 4 hours for me, and the only reason I got more nauseated than normal is cause I had a GIGANTIC Christmas dinner along with it full of potatos, stuffing, yams, cranberry sauce and turkey.

I even did an hour and a half of hard exercise, physical therapy for my legs and neck, while on my second dose.

I will admit, today the nausea was quite strong and there were a couple times while exercising that I had to stop and rest because I thought I might puke if I didn't, so i rested and was fine and the nausea went away once I finished exercising.

Back that was really all cause I ate so much food.

When I don't eat like that on Kratom I just get a little nausea and take Pepto and it's gone in 20-30 minutes.

I have never once puked after taking Kratom, which is nice because I can only imagine it would feel REALLY disgusting to puke that powder up.

But then again, I have a really strong stomach when it comes to handling things.

I very rarely puke even on very large amounts of alcohol, though part of that is my huge alcohol tolerance, and very rarely feel nauseated from lots of foods that may bother other people.

Though I have become more prone to nausea in the past several years when eating, still, pepto and/or gas X clears that up.

And for those concerned about the heart study they said this:

"Our study indicates that Mitragynine and its analogues may potentiate Torsade de Pointes through inhibition of IKr in human cardiomyocytes."

Note the bold: you can't potentiate something you don't have, so the study obviously indicates that if you have Torase de Pointes Kratom can make it worse.

If you don't, I don't see how that article indicates it can cause it, so it probably can't, or at least they don't seem to have shown clear proof that it can.

Hey everyone,
This is my first post here, I've been a lurker for years but never felt the need to post until now.
I've been taking kratom daily for several years, usually about 10-12 g, 3x a day.
I used to have an H habit about 20 years ago but now it's just kratom, weed and the occasional psychedelic/empathogen to keep my mind limber and flexible :)
Anyway I recently received a couple of kilos of some new "super fresh and potent" "kratom" from my supplier, (not a major, well known one, but one I've had for a long time) they're labeled Bali and Maeng Da, and they're affecting me in a very unusual way.
Instead of the warm, stimulating opiate feeling I usually get from kratom this stuff gives me strong sedation, blurred vision, intense eye wiggles, serious vertigo/dizziness, sometimes a headache, and it only partially relieves WD symptoms. It looks more yellow-green than usual, it tastes different, and it feels like it's somehow related to kratom, but different. I've written my supplier to let him know but have not heard back from him.
My neighbor had to call in sick to work after taking only 10 grams of this stuff because he couldn't see well enough to drive safely, and he's a daily user as well.
My question is this: Has anyone else encountered kratom like this before? If I wanted to get it tested for RC's, o-desmethyltramadol etc. could anyone tell me where on the west coast US I could send it for testing?
I know kratom very very well and this stuff feels really wrong. My guy supposedly gets it very fresh straight from Indonesia so it seems unlikely to be adulterated with RC's, but anything is possible I guess. Perhaps it's another plant? I actually suspected Datura at first (I've personally seen it growing all over Indonesia) but this "kratom" doesn't cause dry mouth so it seems unlikely.
Thank the gods my friend had an extra kilo of old stock Bali sitting around to loan me until I get some better shit, cuz this new stuff feels like poison.

Thanks in advance