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RCs 3F-Phenmetrazine (3-FPM)

Could you please supply a link about the new BtmG changes? That's devastating. Would explain why customs has been keeping my 3F-PM for 4 weeks now. Fuck them. Will it apply to dissociatives too?? Shit fuck cock ass piss cunt.

EDIT: Ok it seems all stimulants will be outlawed on June 17th. That's fucked. I couldn't find info cause it's not the 32nd addition to the BtmG. At least it won't apply to dissociatives. Let's see if customs decides to send me my 3FPM in the next two weeks - unlikely I suppose. Here's the document for all Germans among us: http://www.bmg.bund.de/fileadmin/da...e_und_Verordnungen/GuV/N/GE_NpSG_Kabinett.pdf

As far as I know the banned compounds are the 2-Phenethylamins and Cannabinoids, the rest stays "legal"
3-fpm should stay legal and you shouldn't have problems importing it, due to the law starting on 17th, order while you can!
My personal experience of 3-FPM is very positive, not a full on amphetamine like experience but great if you have jobs to do. I tend to find I am too easily distracted with amphetamine and end up getting nothing done, but 3-FPM gives me the right amount of focus to concentrate on stuff without getting sidetracked. I just make a nice line and top up as and when I feel like it. Its also not nearly as obvious to people around me when I'm on it, whereas amphetamine or coke I am a bloody chatterbox and I get the wide eyed look. I have had it at work before when I have loads of paperwork and it makes it fly by so much easier without arousing suspicion with my work colleagues. Its a subtle but enjoyable rush. Nowhere near that of coke (I wish) but a perfectly acceptable thing to take over the course of a day, and nice and manageable. That said, I have a friend who dislikes it, because he says it makes him irritable and gives him headaches but some of that could just be staying awake for too long in my opinion. Oh and it burns like holy hell.

Also sorry if there are any problems with my post, this is my first in this forum. :)
I don't know what he's talking about, but I know quite a few people that prefer this drug to speed, coke, AND meth. I know people who don't even like doing stimulants but will do this all night if given the chance.

It's simply false to say that it's not well-liked. It's "very" well-liked.

Which doesn't mean it doesn't have side effects or consequences of use.

Best post ever. =D

Agreed completely! My partner and I prefer this (especially 3-FPM combined with Phenibut=perfection) to MDMA, Meth, Coke, Dexedrine, Ritalin, 4F-MPH or really anything as we've tried most things . Being from Canada, all Amphetamine analogs are controlled so 2-FMA never got a chance here and MPA is in the same boat as it's a very broad analog law so I havent tried them yet. 3FPM may not have intense serotogenic effects but it's enough that it's comfortable and enjoyable and the best socially comfortable (ie. conversation, comfort with people/crowds) and little psychological discomfort after the fact. Also the lack of Noradrenaline effects vs. most stims is quiet a breath of fresh air Also, most other stimulants kinda kick your ass and either force you to do them sparingly or destroy your life long term if continued and make it known where 3-FPM feels like you can do it all the time and you may try and regret...I think the worst part about it is the simplicy in ordering it which makes it TOO convenient. If this was sold by dealers and at a higher price, it would probably be something you could comfortably do on occasional weekends and enjoy yourself but it's easy to force it into your life as a not so perfect attempt of a "functional stimulant" that just becomes a bit too recreational...
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Agreed completely! My partner and I prefer this (especially 3-FPM combined with Phenibut=perfection) to MDMA, Meth, Coke, Dexedrine, Ritalin, 4F-MPH or really anything as we've tried most things . Being from Canada, all Amphetamine analogs are controlled so 2-FMA never got a chance here and MPA is in the same boat as it's a very broad analog law so I havent tried them yet. 3FPM may not have intense serotogenic effects but it's enough that it's comfortable and enjoyable and the best socially comfortable (ie. conversation, comfort with people/crowds) and little psychological discomfort after the fact. Also the lack of Noradrenaline effects vs. most stims is quiet a breath of fresh air Also, most other stimulants kinda kick your ass and either force you to do them sparingly or destroy your life long term if continued and make it known where 3-FPM feels like you can do it all the time and you may try and regret...I think the worst part about it is the simplicy in ordering it which makes it TOO convenient. If this was sold by dealers and at a higher price, it would probably be something you could comfortably do on occasional weekends and enjoy yourself but it's easy to force it into your life as a not so perfect attempt of a "functional stimulant" that just becomes a bit too recreational...

That's weird. I feel like braindead and utterly dysphoric combining even low doses of phenibut (~500mg) with any dopamine releasing stimulant. It takes away any stimulation. Phenibut + a DRA means instant depression for me, whereas Phenibut+caffeine is okay.
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anyone has any ideas on 4FA and 3FPM crosstolerance? I plan on using these two, either separate or combined in the next couple of days but would appreciate any more info. got experience with both, neither will be vaped
That's weird. I feel like braindead and utterly dysphoric combining even low doses of phenibut (~500mg) with any dopamine releasing stimulant. It takes away any stimulation. Phenibut + a DRA means instant depression for me, whereas Phenibut+caffeine is okay.

I like to take 1gram phenibut with a coffee which I find more stimulating with comfort them sedating then after 2 hrs when in the primary intro phenibut zone begin the 3f. 4-6 hrs after the initial phenibut gram i add 500mg more then 2-4 hrs after that 500mg more. I don't find it decreases stimulation but the stimulation of each synergize with the relaxion of mind and comfort and sociability enhancement of the phenibut increased and extended. It also adds an minor level of euphoria that 3f kind of lacks on its own. I do agree that a low level phenibut would probably do little and too high may decrease the positives. I will add that I am 3 months experienced with phenibut on its own 2-3 times a week always separated with 2 days off and i can drink reasonable amounts of alcohol on phenibut unlike some.
For me those drugs are items, that I utilize for opposite sides of the application spectrum. They cancel each other out for me. But I'm not a recreational stim user (in my book ;)).
My personal experience of 3-FPM is very positive, not a full on amphetamine like experience but great if you have jobs to do. I tend to find I am too easily distracted with amphetamine and end up getting nothing done, but 3-FPM gives me the right amount of focus to concentrate on stuff without getting sidetracked. I just make a nice line and top up as and when I feel like it. Its also not nearly as obvious to people around me when I'm on it, whereas amphetamine or coke I am a bloody chatterbox and I get the wide eyed look. I have had it at work before when I have loads of paperwork and it makes it fly by so much easier without arousing suspicion with my work colleagues. Its a subtle but enjoyable rush. Nowhere near that of coke (I wish) but a perfectly acceptable thing to take over the course of a day, and nice and manageable. That said, I have a friend who dislikes it, because he says it makes him irritable and gives him headaches but some of that could just be staying awake for too long in my opinion. Oh and it burns like holy hell.

Also sorry if there are any problems with my post, this is my first in this forum. :)

Hey Chillee, thanks for your detailed review. How often would you normally redose during the day? Any idea of how much you consume? How do you feel at the end of the day? Have you ever tried taking it orally? I am curious because I use it in a similar setting, for the same reasons (but just one 30mg dose in a gel cap every workday morning — effects last until end of the afternoon).
So I hadn't used this chemical in the past year until two weeks ago. Since the IV nightmares this stuff put me in I have used cocaine (smoked and IV), amphetamine (oral, intranasal and IV), MDMA (IV, oral, rectal) and Ethyl-Hexedrone (IV), all on multiple occasions. Then two weeks ago I took multiple doses of 100-150mg orally with the misses and without a doubt did we enjoy that experience more than any of the stimulants I named. It's beautiful stuff, epecially when taken via the oral roa.
crOOk, you seem to love this shite. What do you have to say about the long comedown / flu-like aftereffects other people mention? Do you experience said effects? That's really the only reason I haven't given this one a shot. I'm sickly enough as it is, I sure as fuck don't want any drugs to worsen that. Clean and pure stims don't bother me in moderation but I'm on the fence about trying this one.
Believe it or not - of all the major stimulants I've abused this one has the smoothest comedown. These days I become very obsessive compulsive and hypomanic throughout the entire duration of the main and after effects regardless of which stimulant I've taken. It's probably because I am bipolar (I) that I tend to stay awake 30h after my last dose (exception: IV/smoked cocaine). The higher the doses, the worse these after effects become.

I suppose moderation is key with stimulants despite their high therapeutic indices. Unfortunately moderate use is absolutely impossible when you are chasing after an IV rush since it only occurs at very high doses.
Btw, it's best to use 3FP orally if you ask me. It always was my roa of choice when I couldn't IV anymore doses during a session (= after 1-3 doses).

It's just so hard to quit a stim habit once you got used to it... I bet you know what I am talking about ;)
I have heard a lot of people say this, but for me it's always been extremely easy to withdraw stimulants, even after years of daily use. I'd be sleepy and hungry for three days, then I feel like my old self again. Sleeping and eating is lovely during that time, so I practically enjoy myself the minute the stuff is metabolized/excreted. The hard part is staying off stimulants in my case. However since I find them increasingly discomforting, I am optimistic that I can lay them off eventually. I only use them recreationally every few weeks these days.
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crOOk, I love you man, and I'm always happy when I see your posts and know you're still out there doing your thing.

However, you are absolutely crazy for preferring this to all the other stims.
Yeah it seems like he's in the minority. I think I will skip this one, seems like a lot of people think it doesn't stack up to classic stims and that it has loads of side effects. Mehh.

edit: But for real, I too always get excited when I see a crOOk post. It's funny, I don't even like half the drugs in his posts, but it's very interesting to hear about. I'm glad to hear that you partake much less often than I imagined from reading your posts, crOOk. I'm also glad I have a needle phobia or I would probably have ruined all my veins, lol. Sounds like a whole other universe that I know I will never step foot in.
Well I actually agree with crook re: 3-FP having minimal side effects etc.

The problem for me is that it just never hit the heights any of the other drugs did for me, or gave me the tweak I wanted or whatever particular effect I was after. To me this one was a sort of jack of all trades, master of none stim.

Then, all that being said, I would find myself compulsively redosing. I've never had such a fucked up crave to high ratio from any drug. I'd have some amazing meth sitting right there and I'd find myself plugging and eating the 3-FP, despite it not even getting me close to as euphoric.

It was just a weird one all around for me, and one of only two drugs I've ever given away out of concern for my self control with it.
This stuff is A okay in my books great to vape, hardly any negatives in taste. Burns a bit when it goes up the nose and to me is really not that great as an oral ROA. This stuff may just be my new favorite RC stim since the ban went down in China and most of 4-FA types went by by.

It is definately something that requires self control, if I was younger and in my 20's this stuff would be as dangerous as meth IMO, this is the kinda thing that makes a young man wind up at the strip club trying to convince some of the girls to come back to his place and 'party'
I'm firmly with crOOk on this one, 3FPM has to be the best stimulent I've used and the come-down (hangover) is very, very gentle.

But then, like crOOk, I used to use massive doses of 3FPM intravenously. Absolutely compulsive re-dosing (I got through 20 syringes a day on 3FPM, and not little ones) and managed to kill off quite a few veins because of it.

I've tried it snorted, orally, 'plugged' and IV and must admit that oral gives a really smooth come up.

Sadly it's not available in the UK anymore due to the psychoactive substances act, but of all the stims I've ever tried, 3FPM was something beautiful at high doses intravenously.
3FMP certainly has a gentle come down but in our experience not the best stimulant ever... that crown belongs to 4mmc
Hey guys !
I'm new to this forum, on june i ordered 1 Gram of FPM wich i used first to work and then to binge,
i've used the bag really quickly ( in a matter of 5 days maybe)
First i didn't feel really stimulated but the effect increased the second week after having taken 3FPM
By the third week i felt really depressed and lost, with real anorexia persisting as well as STRONG residual stimulation ( complete mydriasis)
I took some Seroquel ( quetiapine, atypical neuroleptic) in order to end this hell
Finally i felt much better but during the 2 months after that but i had persisting mydriasis
Now on i still feel some "residual" stimulation, it may be me, but when i stop taking Quetiapine, i STILL feel anorexia, some depressive feelings and complete mydriasis and the last time i took this substance was 2 MONTHS AGO...

I must precise that i used good doses of codeine during 10 days ( During june ) without stopping and i'm almost addicted , Can it be this ?

Quite worrying i think. The problem is that if i stop Quetiapine, residual effect of 3 FPM seems to be still here. ( when i take it i feel alright)
Could the 3 FPM still be in my system? Can it be related to underlying depression or stuff like that ?