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Opioids The Ultimate Opiate Potentiation Thread v2.0

so Im STILL confused here...Would taking cimetidine be beneficial to potentiate oxycodone or not?

I understand it inhibits a wide range of CYP enzymes. One, which inhibits it from being processed into noroxycodone which is inactive, so that would be a good thing, increasing average half-life and peak levels in the blood.

BUT, cimetidine also inhibits the enzyme which is responsible for metabolizing it into oxymorphone- a drug which is far more potent.

I see many people claim tagamet/cimetidine works, and Ive tried it a few times with morphine and enjoyed it.

Now, I DONT want to lose any oxymorphone metabolization, but at the same time, I hear conflicting reports of just how MUCH is metabolized into oxymorphone.

Would the increase in oxycodone in the blood but decrease of oxymorphone equal itself out? Would it negatively effect the potential euphoria from the experience?

Or is the oxymorphone amount negligible to the point that inhibiting both those enzymes would still lead to a greater effect due to more oxycodone?

I see a lot of conflicting sides. Many people claim it works for oxycodone.

May I ask anyone who is knowledgeable about this, and possibly have personally experimented? I'd really like to know asap...I dont want to waste this last oxycodone by eating tagamet..but then again Im so low on it that Id really like to potentiate it if possible.

I dont think it matters much using cimetidine with oxycodone. Its pretty weak as far as CYP inhibition goes and inhibits 3A4 mostly. In theory this may lead to more oxymorphone production but there are also studies with both inhibitors and poor metabolizers of 2D6 that showed equal effects with oxycodone in either population.
i'm glad that cimetidine has been brought up again as i'm having a hard time figuring out whether it's working or not right now for my oxys (presribed a few for a recent medical procedure and am trying to stretch them out). what i think i can say a bit more conclusively is that white grapefruit juice (white really is the best, even tho it's harder to come by than the red shit) will make the oxy last quite a bit longer, and perhaps even have a stronger effect. i've been taking both WGJ and cimetidine together, and have noticed it adds a few hours of warmth, even tho the peak of the high still just comes and goes in the same amount of time. i'm still on the fence as to whether cimetidine is useful here or just the WGJ itself. adding tylenol actually helps quite a bit too, (nurse told me this recently), and so dose a single does of tramadol (which could just be an adjunct psychoactive rather than a true potentiator, but it is a substrate of the CYP enzymes so possibly...).

WGJ has DEFINITELY worked to prolong poppy pod tea and hydromorphone in my experience, i will swear on that. in some instances it can double the length of the high. oxy is just such a short acting drug though and i'm taking it every day it's tough to get a consistent response from my current experimenting.
I've been reading these suggestions and will have to try a couple out. My tolerance is super high now and the dr had dropped me to plain ol 5/325 Percocets. They just aren't working anymore. I'm having to take 5 or more pretty close together to feel anything then they jut make me TIRED. I was using Kratom alone for the past few weeks with fairly good results but today for the script of Percs refilled, and same thing! Just making me TIRED! Any ideas of reboosting the euphoric effect? They used to give me energy now all I want to do is sleep. Tia
Well, @Blindbraille, sinus issues notwithstanding, insufflation SHOULD work with you. Medical Suppliers here actually sell electrically operated (battery) dry powder/compressed air insufflators but best for you would be to acquire a gram of pure oxycodone hydrochloride - being 11 with University Research that isn't much problem to me - which is soluble in around 4mL water but that's a bit heavier dilution than you need if you used a GSK Beconase nasal spray bottle, delivering 200 metered doses from a fill level of 20mL. You woukd make 20mL containing 100mg so each spray (water based spray shoukd work with your sinus problem) gives 0.5mg. Three sprays would give the analgesia of 1 x 10mg and 1 x 5mg OPANA or O-MORPHON tablet, bioavailability being 10% oral and 90% intranasal. Top benefits are hits hard and fast (lit seconds) & gives a good 3 hrs relief. We are testing this and it also works out at a tenth of the cost of taking oxymorphone tablets. Hoping to publish results and persuade Committee for Safety of Medicines it should be available in the UK in both tablet and spray formulations.
My own experience is that it is the best rescue medication I have evr had. Occasional use when pain gets to its worst (dipipanone and dextrxomoramide are very similar and they are the two which I am most likely to be prescribed apart from Oxynorm.
The Water-spray1a1a Please excuse the typos etc, this touch screen is annoyingly temperamental. should be effective with you, I see no problem but perhaps not insufflation of powders.
I've tried lots of potentiators but no success. What would help with hydromorphone? Just curious. Thabks
I am seeing many things to try. I'll have to work my way down the list to see if any work for me. I just had a question I wanted to see if anyone had any information on... I've been prescribed oxycodone for about two years. I just started IVing them about two months ago.. Which pretty quickly led to heroin. My question is this. It seems when myself and a friend pick up a bag and we both do an equal amount I see my friend nodding while I just feel moderately "high". This has been ongoing batch after batch. It's actually pissing me off. My tolerance cannot be that high as my oxy script is only 10mg (no Tylenol) of course I buy 15s and 30s when they are around. I will try some of the ideas in this thread but is that uncommon or has anyone heard about this happening
I am seeing many things to try. I'll have to work my way down the list to see if any work for me. I just had a question I wanted to see if anyone had any information on... I've been prescribed oxycodone for about two years. I just started IVing them about two months ago.. Which pretty quickly led to heroin. My question is this. It seems when myself and a friend pick up a bag and we both do an equal amount I see my friend nodding while I just feel moderately "high". This has been ongoing batch after batch. It's actually pissing me off. My tolerance cannot be that high as my oxy script is only 10mg (no Tylenol) of course I buy 15s and 30s when they are around. I will try some of the ideas in this thread but is that uncommon or has anyone heard about this happening
Either he has a low tolerance, you have a high one, or he's doing h before you see him..

- Hopeless Soul
My insurance company just sent a letter informing me that they would no longer cover Xanax because I also take Soma and OXY / MS. They described taking all three , OXYcodone, Xanax & Soma as being known as the "Las Vegas Cocktail" or "Holy Trinity". I guess when the insurance companies have a novel name for a combo that qualifies as potentiation. I can't complain I guess , I will still buy my xanax for snip no prices at the pharm.
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Anybody else try black cumin seed (Oil) this stuff I is the holy grail of opiate potentiation imo!
so Im STILL confused here...Would taking cimetidine be beneficial to potentiate oxycodone or not?

I understand it inhibits a wide range of CYP enzymes. One, which inhibits it from being processed into noroxycodone which is inactive, so that would be a good thing, increasing average half-life and peak levels in the blood.

BUT, cimetidine also inhibits the enzyme which is responsible for metabolizing it into oxymorphone- a drug which is far more potent.

I see many people claim tagamet/cimetidine works, and Ive tried it a few times with morphine and enjoyed it.

Now, I DONT want to lose any oxymorphone metabolization, but at the same time, I hear conflicting reports of just how MUCH is metabolized into oxymorphone.

Would the increase in oxycodone in the blood but decrease of oxymorphone equal itself out? Would it negatively effect the potential euphoria from the experience?

Or is the oxymorphone amount negligible to the point that inhibiting both those enzymes would still lead to a greater effect due to more oxycodone?

I see a lot of conflicting sides. Many people claim it works for oxycodone.

May I ask anyone who is knowledgeable about this, and possibly have personally experimented? I'd really like to know asap...I dont want to waste this last oxycodone by eating tagamet..but then again Im so low on it that Id really like to potentiate it if possible.

This is true but the contribution of the oxymorphone metabolite to the total effect is pretty low to begin with because most people only metabolize about 10% of the oxycodone to oxymorphone. Since oxymorphone gets cleared out of the body very quickly, the 10% won't add much. Cimetidine will block CYP2D6 which is what is responsible for this but the effect of blocking CYP3A4 (which converts oxy into noroxy) is more important because noroxy is the major metabolite. The main benefit of cimetidine is to increase the half life of oxy which basically means the buzz (or um.."pain relief") will last longer. It won't really increase the level of the buzz itself because the oral bioavailabilty of oxy and hydro is fairly high to begin with. So first pass metabolism won't be reduced that much by cimetidine.
^ Nope, never heard of this. Details?

It's called nigella sativa or komanji seed and is a staple ingredient in Persian cuisine , it can also be found on Turkish and Indian bread since it gives a lot of flavor. It contains thymol and tastes like the name implies very strongly of thyme. Thymol is actually a gaba agonist akin to propofol but there is more to this spice it was found by researchers to reverse all the symptoms of opiate wd and also to reduce pain it is in its turn reversed by nalozone suggesting that it's a mu agonist in its own right. It's not hard finding the seeds in Persian or Turkish stores but it is hard to differentiate from the other nigella sativa seeds called black onion seed which are also black yet slightly rounder and bigger. The active principle is inside the seeds so they have to be crushed . Munching on two or three handfuls potentiation a mediocre kratom high to a couch lock state with nod dreams just like in the old days! I feel so stupid for not having discovered this before!
Nigella sativa (black-caraway,[2] also known as nigella or kalonji), often called black cumin
Thymoquinone is a phytochemical compound found in the plant Nigella sativa. It is also found in select cultivated Monarda fistulosa plants grown and steam distilled in the USA producing an essential oil.
It also has analgesic[13] and anticonvulsant effects in animal models.


Maybe Tagamet and Grapefruit juice have met there match ?
That s it thymoquinone.

I can vouch for it being active in its won right very sedating.
My insurance company just sent a letter informing me that they would no longer cover Xanax because I also take Soma and OXY / MS. They described taking all three , OXYcodone, Xanax & Soma as being known as the "Las Vegas Cocktail" or "Holy Trinity". I guess when the insurance companies have a novel name for a combo that qualifies as potentiation. I can't complain I guess , I will still buy my xanax for snip no prices at the pharm.

Havent heard Las Vegas Cocktail. This shit comes up as a major drug interaction in a lot of pharmacy software too.
My .02 cents - Cimetidine is plenty strong even just one 200mg tab will bump up your methadone noticeably. And flexer1l will bump it up too.