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Misc The (LOPERAMIDE) diaries...

i hope you're not responding to me with that nonsense? cause you can shove your opinion along with a fistful of lope up your ass.

i'll agree with you about everyting about subs are more harmful if we are talking about long term maintenance. subs made me suicidal for the first time in my life. however if you can take 2 months off of opiates, you really shouldn't be fucking with subs or lope. if you are 'maintainng' with lope that is fucking retarded. it is best used as a tapering tool, which ends within a month. again - if you are 'maintaining' on lope, i think you have some issues that the shrink the sub program makes you see would be beneficial to you... lope will definitely be harmful used in excess for long amounts of time. it is a great tapering tool to get sober - nothing more.
I wasn't talking to you. I was responding in a way that mrsnowy seems to like to talk. Plus I'm 7 days off gabapentin and still slightly irritable so my apologies for acting like a child.

I reallly just couldn't deal with the paws after being on subs and needed to work so ended up stuck on lope. Ideally I'd rather be off butI'm infinitely more alive on loor than I was on subs.

I'm recently sober again for the most part and moved into another state and started a new job and am waiting until I'm in a extremely healthy state before getting off lope. I'm off gabapentin now and next is lope. I just don't want to go back to that life of craving opiates.If I had access to an opiate that isn't abusable and allows.me to keep sex drive and not make me numb I'd go for it.

There are reasons people go for the lope and its not as idiotic as some may think but I'm not gonna sit here and say I'm happy I got myself in this position.

I will say don't dose over.60 mgs. If your vision gets shakey when you try to look to the left without moving your head that means your.on too much. That usually happens around 80 mgs.

This stuff is not.fun in high.doses which is probably the main attraction in it because every other opiate is extremely abusable.

Judging by the long term side effects of neorontin I'd say lope is healthier feeling than that. No memory loss. No foggy head. At 30-60 mgs. Any higher and you could be running into trouble.

It's easy to look at the.mega dosers and say how bad the stuff is but how about looking at it in a reasonable way.

Suboxone at 1-2 mgs prob isn't nearly as bad as 8mgs. Unfortunately I always found.myself chasing an energy boost with subs.

Sorry for the long post.
I have used lope for opiate withdrawal. Even at doses around 120 mg I felt weakness in my entire body. Also because it's a diaretic it dries out your body and makes you less tolerant of the heat. While on lope I went from being able to work in the heat all day to vomiting after only an hour in the heat doing manual labor. No matter how much water I drank it was never enough. I was always so thirsty. I would drink so much water that I would vomit as well. The reason your getting withdrawals from it sooner then before is your body is building a tolerance. No different then if you were taking oxy or hydro. Remember how great you felt when you first started using and how much longer it lasted? Same thing is going on here. I'm not 100% for sure that lope in high doses is bad for you but taking that many of anything can't be good for you. Just because the drug itself [lope] possibly isn't bad for you that doesn't mean that all the inert ingredients in large doses are not harmful. Just because blue dye #whatever isn't harmful at normal doses doesn't mean that taking 100 pills containing it is safe. Ya feel me?
I was forced off suboxone due to it causing depression, numbness and symptoms of low dopamine. After two month long detoxes I still didn't feel right and had to take lope to feel normal. It's allowed Me to function and not go back on opiates.

The high doses def arnt very healthy and there's proof of that but there's not any proof that the 30-60 mg range has long term issues. And like I said I feel away better than on subs. Subs and methadone are not a better option.You might as well just sell your soul because eventually that is what the long term effects are. They are great for short periods but long-term wreak havoc on your body and brain and good luck ever getting offf.

Pretty much every drug can be used in a helpful way and there are downsides when used improperly. In my personal experience lopr feels healthier and I don't care what anyone says

well I am on my 4th year of suboxone maintenance and my sex drive is fine, 1000X better than it was when I used dope. I suffer from no depression in life at all, and like I said I'm actualy horny a lot. I take 8mgs- 10 mgs a day. I absolutely love being on suboxone, it has saved my life and most importantly it allows me to be a productive member of society. I am able to hold down a job finally, suboxone has given me many gifts.

what happens when the FDA limits purchases on lope and requires IDs to buy? then you will be scrambling to other pharmacies to illegally purchase your anti diahera medicine. sounds a lot like chasing regular dope to me. So does lope NOW sound like a good way now to be an ORT? good luck with all that...

listen I didn't mean to particularly attack you, but it just bothers me that people think a toxic anti diahera medication is a proper substitute for an opiate addiction.
The suboxone depression AND side effects typically start around the 5th and six year. That was my experience and countless others.

I def had some good years on subs. It took a long time to turn on me. Trust me it pretty much turns on all longterm user's. The only way to prevent is to keep dose around 2 mgs.

Maybe you will get lucky. But if you find yourself in a rut and remeber feeling better back in the day. Theres a good chance its the subs.

The forum called Subsux.com is filled with countless people who had sub turn on them.

I wanted to stay on the shit forever. Im not saying this to scare anyone I really woukdnt want anyone to go through thehell iI did in the end so I say to get doses down. Taking more timr in between doses so your dopamine isnt constantly shutdown and exercise always helps.
Look at what skodeos loperamide diaries has become...sad. I wonder what happened to him
Looking back at his history id say hes most likely at a rehab or in jail. Hopefully rehab.

I have one experience kicking lope in a detox. I aquired some dope so I had opiates in my system.

Turned out the methadone was actually too strong for my lope habit which was about 50 mgs at the time. It seemed to delay the wd until they were on the last days. I was actually feeling too good the first 4 days which is not good when you are detoxing.

The actually kick wasnt bad but the PAWS persisted after 30 days. It was also winter in Massachusetts which is no good for skinny opiate addicts trying to stay off opiates.
I hope he's ok too. We were all pulling for him. He was on a precarious path, to say the least. Staying at a sober living house receiving shady packages from other continents. Trying to hold down a job during the ordeal. Bouncing from lope to tia to u4700 or whatever the hell it was called! Man, I was exhausted just from reading his posts. Any number of scenarios could have played out. I know when I stop lurking or posting it is usually when I am back out using, or when I feel like all the drug talk is going to lead to using. I do know that lope just felt toxic to me. Did not feel natural or "safe".
Yeah I dont know how people can keep up with that 200.mg doses. It just felt so dirty I never went over 100 which still felt a little too high.

I.live in florida now in a halfway house so I can relate to the OP. Im doimg better than ever though and have 3 months off of 3_fpm benzos booze and dope.

I did.some work in the heat and havnt had issues with heat intolrance or weakness but could see it being an issue with mega doses.

I used to experience myoclonic jerks from dosing lope too high but since bringing it down it wemt away. That may have been from gabapentin too?
Hello all!! I am currently 3 weeks clean off lope from about 250-300mg a day. It is possible to come off of. Be strong and know that it will pass. For me the first 2 weeks were the worst. I am not taking anything for the withdrawal symptoms I just stopped. I will not sugar coat it, if you are not ready to feel hell don't jump, taper. I have always been able to jump without comfort meds. I am still very lethargic and sneezing a lot. I had chest pains for awhile they are also easing up but just know you CAN do this!
Hello all!! I am currently 3 weeks clean off lope from about 250-300mg a day. It is possible to come off of. Be strong and know that it will pass. For me the first 2 weeks were the worst. I am not taking anything for the withdrawal symptoms I just stopped. I will not sugar coat it, if you are not ready to feel hell don't jump, taper. I have always been able to jump without comfort meds. I am still very lethargic and sneezing a lot. I had chest pains for awhile they are also easing up but just know you CAN do this!

Did you start getting the chest pains while still on the loperamide?
Hello all!! I am currently 3 weeks clean off lope from about 250-300mg a day. It is possible to come off of. Be strong and know that it will pass. For me the first 2 weeks were the worst. I am not taking anything for the withdrawal symptoms I just stopped. I will not sugar coat it, if you are not ready to feel hell don't jump, taper. I have always been able to jump without comfort meds. I am still very lethargic and sneezing a lot. I had chest pains for awhile they are also easing up but just know you CAN do this!

Thanks! I'm 4 days in now with none. Dosage a tiny bit higher than yours, and this sucks!
Iwilldothis Just keep in mind that it won't last forever. It's a process I forced myself to move after the first week maybe just to go sit outside and breath. You CAN do this!
Iwilldothis Just keep in mind that it won't last forever. It's a process I forced myself to move after the first week maybe just to go sit outside and breath. You CAN do this!

Another day almost done! I won't lie-it has been tempting a few times to say heck with it. Still no sleep, everything smells and tastes so weird-house, car, outside, etc. I haven't eaten either; nothing tastes good at all. I did drink a milkshake a while ago. Going to try to force some soup down; wondering if some of the sleep issues won't settle with food.

I have no choice but to move. 2 young kids in school!

Cold turkey ugh!
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Another day almost done! I won't lie-it has been tempting a few times to say heck with it. Still no sleep, everything smells and tastes so weird-house, car, outside, etc. I haven't eaten either; nothing tastes good at all. I did drink a milkshake a while ago. Going to try to force some soup down; wondering if some of the sleep issues won't settle with food

I have no choice but to move. 2 young kids in school!

Cold turkey ugh!

Yea the smell and taste thing sucks I got ensure shakes for the first week and I was eating a lot of peanut butter on toast I just ate it as fast as I could. Drinking fluids will be the most important thing. I promise you it will end and you will be normal again! Your doing great don't give up!