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How high are you? v. I'm high, how are you?

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The pharmacy and my doc worked it out. I can go pick up the other box of morphine pills now. I'll do that later today.

OT: 100mg morphine (chewed) and a small (my last) bit of H (IV). No benzos yet so far, but I'll most likely go with 10mg diazepam when I decide to take one.

Wish I had some more money so I could go pick up my brotizolam too. It's a really enjoyable benzo IMO, not because I actually need it. I have a ton of bromazepam and now plenty of diazepam too. I won't run out for months to come.

Even have a few loprazolam left for sleep, but they don't work as well as brotizolam, nor are they as enjoyable. :p
The pharmacy and my doc worked it out. I can go pick up the other box of morphine pills now. I'll do that later today.

OT: 100mg morphine (chewed) and a small (my last) bit of H (IV). No benzos yet so far, but I'll most likely go with 10mg diazepam when I decide to take one.

Wish I had some more money so I could go pick up my brotizolam too. It's a really enjoyable benzo IMO, not because I actually need it. I have a ton of bromazepam and now plenty of diazepam too. I won't run out for months to come.

Even have a few loprazolam left for sleep, but they don't work as well as brotizolam, nor are they as enjoyable. :p

I'm super jealous of all these drugs you have.
^ I'm only jealous of that sweet, sweet iv hair-on ;)

JK. Kind of.

ot: just a cup of coffee
Snorted 200 mgs (more or less) of 3-MMC, feels gooood man :)

Got 40 mgs of methadone and loads of clonazepam for the comedown (will take just 0.5-1 mg MAX of clonazepam tho, dangerous combo and all).

This is gonna be a GOOD evening.
Gonna finish the rest of my 3-MMC when I get home and play some half-life 1 and some league of legends.
And then finish it off with a good downer high. :)

Btw my friend who sold me the 3-MMC IMs it (intramuscular injection), has anybody tried it with this compound? Is it better than snorting? How about taking it rectally? (I'm more interested in plugging to be honest since I'm way more familiar with this RoA and have done it maaany times with different drugs).

Well, time to moderate my section. Haven't been on the site for like a week.

Stay safe everyone!!
^I think targin is worth giving a try if you really want to stop abusing your pain scripts.

Stupid doctor forgot to put his signature on 1 of the scripts. The one for 56x60mg MS Contin. I left the script there, they will call up my doctor tomorrow morning and then I'll give them a call and see what they propose to do. I just hope I don't have to go to my doctor to pick up a new script because it's not fun to travel the distance on foot & by bus to the doctor's office. I hope they come to some arrangement (like he mails them a new script or whatever) so that i can just pick them up tomorrow or ASAP without having to go see my doctor again first.

I did pick up the 30x100mg though (and 60x10mg diazepam), so I have enough morphine to last me until this is resolved.

I took 100mg without chewing, so the XR is intact. I also shot a small amount of H. I took 12mg bromazepam this morning, and around 5 PM I took 10mg diazepam on top of the bromaz. Gonna switch to diazepam for a while because switching every now and then seems to help tolerance. There's a big cross-tolerance, but I seem to feel more from valium than I do from bromazepam right now. And usually 12mg bromazepam is a lot stronger for me than 10mg diazepam. Meh, it could be the combination with the morphine. :D Idk. Still, I've found that switching between benzos every now and then helps to keep their anxiolytic action working well enough without having to up the dose.

I also smoked a little weed with a friend and I got another one coming over who will have more weed with him.

I'm very high and gonna be even more high later!

I think the morphine might've been a good choice, so far no fiendishness with it at all. And I'm scripted 1x100 & 2x60mg every day. I'm on 100 now and tbh it's enough, I even think it would be enough without having shot a little H. But I'll know that tomorrow, when I take morphine without H.

We have online prescription system here, which is very convenient. Call up my doc and basically can buy my zopiclone within an hour at the pharmacy no problems.

1 g codeine here, and 5 mg nifoxipam. Took a little break from that. Added 3 ml 1,4-butanediol too, like an hour or two afterwards. Holy nods. Haven't experienced morphine dreams in a while, the nifoxipam is really amazing at potentiating the codeine in a very peaceful and clean, warm, soft way. Just came out from a 2 hour nod. Time to hit the hay and enjoy the sleeps.

I overdid the nifoxipam the first few days I used it, as I was just trying to find the sweetspot and went way too hard (up to 20 mg/day). Can't remember much from those days. Dosing it once a day at 3-5 mg seems to be amazing, even without the codeine, just on its own. Quite an amazing substance. Got some more coming my way.

It seems to have quite a short half-life despite the info I read up on it. If it's really a salt, then that would explain the quick elimination. 24 hours seems to be enough to experience the rush and all the positive effects again.
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We have online prescription system here, which is very convenient. Call up my doc and basically can buy my zopiclone within an hour at the pharmacy no problems.

1 g codeine here, and 5 mg nifoxipam. Took a little break from that. Added 3 ml 1,4-butanediol too, like an hour or two afterwards. Holy nods. Haven't experienced morphine dreams in a while, the nifoxipam is really amazing at potentiating the codeine in a very peaceful and clean, warm, soft way. Just came out from a 2 hour nod. Time to hit the hay and enjoy the sleeps.

I overdid the nifoxipam the first few days I used it, as I was just trying to find the sweetspot and went way too hard (up to 20 mg/day). Can't remember much from those days. Dosing it once a day at 3-5 mg seems to be amazing, even without the codeine, just on its own. Quite an amazing substance. Got some more coming my way.

It seems to have quite a short half-life despite the info I read up on it. If it's really a salt, then that would explain the quick elimination. 24 hours seems to be enough to experience the rush and all the positive effects again.
Nifoxipam is a derivative of Flunitrazepam, which is thought to be one of the more recreational benzos. I guess that explains why you find it unusually pleasant.
Nifoxipam is a derivative of Flunitrazepam, which is thought to be one of the more recreational benzos. I guess that explains why you find it unusually pleasant.

Haven't had many benzos. Only bromazepam really. And that was like "meh" at best, although I never went higher than 6 mg. So maybe I'm just new to the whole benzo game.
Benzodiazepines suck recreationally IMO. Never even had one that I've found to be "recreational". When I think "recreation" I think of opiates, strong stimulants, high-grade cannabis etc. Definitely not tranquilizers, which in my opinion are only useful (from a recreational drug user's perspective) for panic attacks and come-downs.

I find z-drugs to be mildly recreational, OTOH
Benzodiazepines suck recreationally IMO. Never even had one that I've found to be "recreational". When I think "recreation" I think of opiates, strong stimulants, high-grade cannabis etc. Definitely not tranquilizers, which in my opinion are only useful (from a recreational drug user's perspective) for panic attacks and come-downs.

I find z-drugs to be mildly recreational, OTOH

I find that benzos are only recreational if you have zero tolerance, at least that was my case. I used to love clonazepam and alprazolam when I first discovered them. Absolutely hate the shit now, and even if I wanted to take some there's no amount that would get me high.
benzos are crap and i took them for 2.5 year. only good for nervousness when you feel like u r gonna pass out
Working a mostly physical job while withdrawing from opiates = no bueno....

Drank some kratom coffee and now I feel slightly less horrible. I've started shaking though
I took some amphetamines for shits 'n giggles. (Would never have done this without a good supply of downers; morphine & benzos), feeling pretty good from that. And knowing you have the right downers to kill the stim high if I wish to makes it more enjoyable to me and seems to make me less anxious. Or the morphine from earlier could be responsible for that as well.. =D
bomber of ipa between shifts.

im surprised im not having hangovers other than a bit of rebound anxiety from this bout of increased alcohol consumption. alcohol is agreeing with me more than it used to i think.

tonight ill try to stick to 6 or fewer drinks.

have a wonderful weekend everybody
I took some amphetamines for shits 'n giggles. (Would never have done this without a good supply of downers; morphine & benzos), feeling pretty good from that. And knowing you have the right downers to kill the stim high if I wish to makes it more enjoyable to me and seems to make me less anxious. Or the morphine from earlier could be responsible for that as well.. =D

Added 160mg morphine unchewed. And some benzos, 10mg diazepam & 6mg bromazepam I think it was. Gonna smoke some good bud now, and hash.
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