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Horny housewife ! I need the dick


Jan 27, 2016
I just want to be fucked /ravaged / devoured and my husband is not interested in me anymore. But why do men flirt with me when I'm out in public? I can see men check me out all the time. I guess sex with me is a chore for my husband. I often tell him that I'm wet and horny. I even have nasty dreams of getting fucked. I even SEXT(ing) my husband while he's at work and he doesnt bother to reply.
He's kinda on the boring side. I feel like I'm being punished. We do have one kid together (16 month old). She sleeps in our bed. My man will not have Sex on a work night (mon -fri or sun) . I guess Sleep is more important than keeping a bond in our relationship.

I wanna stray so badly. I want someone to fuck me like they mean it. Not some half assed lay that
I get from him. I feel like a roomate an object. Not a sensual , desired wife.

I want someone that can give it to me right --no excuses just full on fucking.
I want to moan and groan.

I catch him all the time masterbating to porn. Which I'm okay with. If he's feeling horny why doesn't he seek me out then? I believe I've been replaced by porn. He loses his erection if he's not watching porn when we Fuck (every 90 days). Can u believe that every 3 months!! Before we had a kid I never had to beg or make him want to have Sex. He would seek me out.
I doubt he doing it w someone else. He comes straight home after work and stays home all evening.

I'm starting to feel sad and undesired.
I know I'm desireable just not to him.
I don't want a sexless marriage. If rather be single and have Sex anytime I desire and NOT have to beg.
This is a known problem of pornography. The unrealistic standards, the fucked up power dynamics,the escalation (as with drugs) into harder and harder stuff. Not saying this is the root of al the problems in your relationship, it's probably symptomatic, but it is a prime driver as far as fucking up the sexual dynamics of men and women. I mean maybe find out what he is into in pornography (although prepared to be disturbed) and think about acting out some of those fantasies (assuming they are not too disturbing for you.) Also, of course, couples' sex drive does not always match and waxes and wains not always in sync with one another. Some of this is natural. Some of it is beyond that, and problematic; the pornography probably falls into that direction. There is a lot of reading to do about pornography from various perspectives (religious, feminist, criminalist, etc.) NoFap looks like an interesting forum/resource for men who have trouble with pornography. It may give some insight. It really is a genuine problem in society and is not a harmless thing that it is perceived: not only, the horrific exploitation of almost all of the women involved except perhaps some at the very pinnacle of the business, and also the effect on men, and on a tertiary level, the women who are in relationships with those men. It is sad. But I think the pornography angle is one to be pursued. There are a lot of resources online and elsewhere that deal with the problem and those affeceted by it and from various perspectives.
im not sure having the baby sleep i the same bed is an aphrodisiac. Also, what are your feelings on sharing the viewing of the porn with him? it might be good for foreplay. every relationship needs some give and take....
How long have you been together? You say he's on the boring side, is this something new or has he always been "boring"? These are things to consider as I don't how well you two know each other and each others patterns.

Have you sat him down and spoken to him about how you really feel or are you just fuming internally and online? He might be slightly oblivious to the discomfort that you're feeling currently.
Also, the baby being 16 months old should be in her own room. The longer you put it off, the harder it is for the child to accept it. Unless you want to share your bed with your kid indefinitely, which is fine if that's what you want.
How can you expect him to be horny when your child sleeps in the same bed as you? Your bed should be a private retreat where you can sleep, chill, have sex and be close to each other - I know that having a child may involve the odd episode where they seek you out but they should not be in the habit of sleeping with you every night.

Do you have a childminder or babysitter that can take your daughter off your hands once a week ? Maybe set up a play date with your husband for x night - get the child away to a child minder and then see what happens.

It's all too easy to fall into a rut after having children, and its understandable that he could be turning to porn to satisfy his needs if he is unable to in bed.
don't let urself feel like its u he obviously has some issues of his own goin on sweetheart obviously
but lots of people now seem to let their child sleep with them longer n longer but I have friends that have great sexlives but I do agree that it would make a huge difference most likely to remove that issue
I just want to be fucked /ravaged / devoured and my husband is not interested in me anymore. But why do men flirt with me when I'm out in public? I can see men check me out all the time. I guess sex with me is a chore for my husband. I often tell him that I'm wet and horny. I even have nasty dreams of getting fucked. I even SEXT(ing) my husband while he's at work and he doesnt bother to reply.
He's kinda on the boring side. I feel like I'm being punished. We do have one kid together (16 month old). She sleeps in our bed. My man will not have Sex on a work night (mon -fri or sun) . I guess Sleep is more important than keeping a bond in our relationship.

I wanna stray so badly. I want someone to fuck me like they mean it. Not some half assed lay that
I get from him. I feel like a roomate an object. Not a sensual , desired wife.

I want someone that can give it to me right --no excuses just full on fucking.
I want to moan and groan.

I catch him all the time masterbating to porn. Which I'm okay with. If he's feeling horny why doesn't he seek me out then? I believe I've been replaced by porn. He loses his erection if he's not watching porn when we Fuck (every 90 days). Can u believe that every 3 months!! Before we had a kid I never had to beg or make him want to have Sex. He would seek me out.
I doubt he doing it w someone else. He comes straight home after work and stays home all evening.

I'm starting to feel sad and undesired.
I know I'm desireable just not to him.
I don't want a sexless marriage. If rather be single and have Sex anytime I desire and NOT have to beg.

I feel your pain, we were in the same boat my husband and I and he travels frequently so long periods of time goes bye without sex. When he gets home he is tired and wants to be left alone. However I got frustrated one night after he came home and didn't want sex and I admitted to him I had a lesbian lover, his eyes got wide and he looked all excited and I said yes, for a couple of years now. I told him I wanted her to come over and take care of my needs and he asked what were the rules. I said the only rule is that if you fuck her then I get to do the same with a man friend. My friends husband has been wanting to fuck me for ever so they came over, long story short we had an awesome time the 4 of us and now when he comes home he likes seeing me get the hell fucked out of me while he pounds my friend.
We are working on transitioning the little one to her bed now.
I had a complicated labor and delivery plus it took me 10 years to get pregnant due to infertility. We really wanted a baby
It's not so simple just to put your baby somewhere else. Since she was born has slept w us .It's takes time and patience. But the kid changed eveything (of course).
I was so sick when I got home from the hospital. We have no family to help so it was hard to get back on our feet. But we managed and I'm okay for the most part. been married 12 years and together 16 years.
OP... what IF did you do? I did IVF w/ICSI 5 times bc my ex had hardly any swimmers. I ended up w/ 1 singleton boy and fraternal twin boys.
How long have you been married? This sounds like a nightmare. Actually, it sounds like my ex b/f, he worked a lot and was always tired and a bore who liked to play videogames mostly in his downtime. I was usually hornier than he was and it started to take a toll on my self esteem when I came on to him and felt rejected. He wasn't in the mood much. I think a lot of it came from him not being happy with his looks and having low self esteem. He would always say stuff like "You're so hot, why are you with me?" The insecurity was a turnoff in a way.

What's my point? I don't know how long you've been married, but I understand that burning desire of needing a good fuck and you deserve it! He watches porn too much and if he doesn't change his ways, I would seriously consider getting a divorce before you cheat. Trust me, the thoughts of cheating will come and could become a reality. It's better to divorce before you go down that road.
Where are you from and how old are you? ;) =D

I know plenty that have been in your position, just tell him the crack, ask him why he won't have sex and tell him how you're feeling about the situation. Just have it out with him like, don't beat about the bush just lay it down etc, won't help him seeing the birds in pornos that are just a pipe dream, maybe he has some mad kinky fetish he doesn't want to tell you about haha, I have helped a bored frustrated house wife before though %)
I've been in the same situation but without the baby. We have a 15 year old step daughter. She's just down the hall so we both are always worried or her hearing something. Our sexual relationship was basically to the point of me begging him turning me away or pushing me away. So I've basically incorporated porn into our sex sometimes. He's not a person that watches it all the time but maybe a couple times a week and as I know if he doesn't jack off whike watching. I've bought some sexy, naughty Négligés some naughty toys. And I've basically taken control while in bed. So far so good. It's worked. I just surprised him one evening when he got out of the shower. I had the washer on the tv in the room beside our daughters. And it was pretty awesome. He then said I'm sorry. So far so good. Hope things work out for u
I'm having this problem except I'm the guy. My wife started out acting like she was interested in sex and would talk about it fairly frequently. But it seemed like every time we went out and flirted, we would get home and she would immediately go to sleep. I would shake her and she would be out and I would be left awake and frustrated. It finally got to the point I gave up. What fun is it if your partner has no interest in sex? I'm the type of person that likes to make people happy and I always make sure my girl is taken care of. But if they have no interest I just feel like I'm making someone do something they don't want to do. So I stopped trying but I let her know it was a problem often yet nothing changed. Occasionally she would start something but it just felt like she was doing something to shut me up. I wasn't being attacked, but something subtle like rubbing on my leg for a min and then running her finger under the elastic of my boxers. That's great except it was every 3-6 months.

I guess I just have never encountered a girl that doesn't like sex and I'm working from a fairly good sample size. So it was always something we both enjoyed, we both initiated, and both worked at.

I married her I guess at a bad time as I was sick and on drugs that probably clouded my judgement and dulled my sex drive though it was plenty healthy.

Eventually I developed a bit of animosity. I wasn't happy a lot because I was frustrated a lot. I even told her things would be really different if we had a more normal relationship and that I wouldn't feel unwanted but even the prospect of a better relationship didn't change anything.

Not much changed so I eventually told her we aren't having sex really you might as well stop your birth control so don't have to deal with side effects. For some screwed up reason we talked about having a kid like that would make something better. It finally took about 2 years and she got pregnant. Not because either of us has a problem, but because we never had sex. Maybe once a month if we were 'trying' and went many months at a time without trying. And if I didn't say anything I think she could have easily gone the rest of her life without sex and not be upset.

Sex is a big part but also any touching, snuggling, holding hands, she doesn't really seemed to like. She told me in the beginning she didn't like people touching her, then clarified that she liked me touching her. But I don't think that's the case. And I don't think she likes to touch people either.

She says never had to do anything in past relationships. That the guy always made advancements and initiated and that of the 4 guys she was with and dated 3 years at a minimum, they had sex once a week on average, and one relationship it was 3-4x a week. It seems like you would have to be a narcissist to never care that a girl never shows interest and if you get a girl to have sex with them never showing interest you don't care about then and only care about yourself. That or just a straight pimp which I think is about the same thing but with mind games. That's just not me and never will be. I will completely attack a girl, if she is showing interest and acts like she wants it. I have zero problem being the aggressor if they show interest in me.

Things have finally gotten a little better. But still far from anything I've known as normal. And I do have my issues. I have health problems and chronic pain. I'm on ridiculous amounts of opiates which I feel are messing with my head and my ability to be happy. I know I'm not always fun to be around these days. But it would be better if we had a normal sex life. She also doesn't seem very caring and loving. She doesn't ask how my Dr visits go very often or just rub on me very often. And she will know I'm having bad back pain or something and won't even rub on it unless I ask and just watches me squirm around in discomfort if I don't.

She has said she has never turned me down and to just make her do stuff. But I don't think it's a submissive gesture. It's a lazy one so she doesn't have to do anything and I will be satisfied. Except if I wanted something that had little interest in me I would just jerk off as my hand doesn't care either.

All that said, I do love my wife and still have faith something can be figured out and I would love to grow old with her. But I also just want to fuck my wife even just once a week and her actually act interested. And I know I don't help things when I'm in pain and sometimes snap or don't always feel like doing everything. But I'm really at a loss at this point. Things are slowly getting better but slowly and I still get frustrated. And if I stop talking about something it almost immediately stops. I said I liked to spoon and hold hands and brought it up a few times. It happened for about 2 weeks and as soon as I stopped mentioning it she stopped and stopped showing interest so I eventually stopped also and it was over. She keeps saying to give it time but she has been saying that for months. Really years because we met 10 years ago but I'm told I'm supposed to put that time behind me and focus on the present. It doesn't help that I just quit opiates and I'm literally hard and horny all day long. Almost to the point of being painful. She has been being open to sex for a couple days in a row which is great. But still frustrating during this time when I would be ravaging her 3-4 times a day if she showed interest and I still feel like she is just doing it for me and not because it's something she wants which is still disappointing.

At this point there is so much drama built up and we both assume what the other is going to act like that we get into arguments that just end up as pointing fingers at each other. Also, my self confidence is so shot now I am just as likely to give up than saying screw it and make a move anyways.

Really wish I knew what to do. Never had this issue and I feel like I've lost what are supposed to be the best years of life for Sex and exploration.

Sorry this got so long. Probably should start a New thread and I might. But this sounded familiar. What I would do for a horny wife! And I guess it's my fault for letting it get so far and thinking it would change. I guess I made my bed and I need to lay in it and just need to forget about being happy. If we didn't have a 17 month daughter then I might have called it quits. But she is more important than my evolutionary and hormonal desire for sex.

If anyone has any thoughts from a different perspective? Or something I should try or get over? I guess according to her I can just treat her like a piece of meat and take care of myself whether she is interested or not. But I've done that with girls and I have no respect for them as I can't do that to someone I care about. I also don't think she was ever abused or anything. Just has no sex drive or desire for it at all really.

Again, sorry this got so long and sorry if I'm hijacking your thread. Just really need to figure something out. I know she loves me but she just doesn't show it like every other girl I've dated or just a consistent fuck buddy. So based on my entire life I feel like a big part is missing. Any thoughts would be great but I'm not even sure professional help can help at this point. We tried seeing a counselor once and she ignored our complaints and started talking about my health and doing chores and shit. She was worthless.

Geez, that's like 3 times longer than I thought. Really sorry about the book! I just always try to give lots of info and details when seeking help.

You need to be on all fours with your head planted in the pillow screaming for more type of sex. I'd gladly give you the D and make you feel things you've never felt-100% guaranteed or your emotions back (pm me if you want that good D). For real, I hear about this kinda stuff all the time. Guys don't really know what they have till its gone. Being a man, I am sure he probably wont change. Then you will leave and he will beg you to come back. Its sucks, cause you sound like an awesome yet kinky kinda women who gets super wet and doesn't have the lighting rod she really needs.

Good Luck Mama
It's okay !
It's good to vent and get things off your chest !
All I got was him flicking my nipple before he went to bed. I would of been happy with some finger sex.., he has to get up for work at 630am. *shrug*
I'm really flattered!

I'm always ready for a good doggystyle session!

It sucks being a chore for my man while I see many other men check me out.
In public sometimes men have grabbed my ass ! Ahaaaa! It reminds me that " I still got it "
clearly this shit is a real problem for a lot of people.

mismatched sex drives is not the one

it leaves you feeling unloved and rejected or pressurised and uncomfortable depending on which side of the coin you fall
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OP, you sound like you are more than likely in your thirties and in your prime, while your hubby may be suffering from low testosterone.
Men are normally DTF any time, any where. Maybe go get his levels checked because he may be feeling self conscious and doesn't even realize why it's happening (or not happening, in this case)
Unresolved problems will only lead to grudges and that is never healthy for a relationship.

Good luck!