Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Hopefully at ten months, six half lifes we're recovered
It depends on the number of injections you had and the total of the doses injected. For me, for 4 injections I had in total 400mg of invega sustenna, and at 10 months off there's just 4.3mg left in my system, I just need my emotions to come back. But if you had just 1 or 2 injections, at 10 months off you'll have mostly eliminated the poison and be recovered.
It depends on the number of injections you had and the total of the doses injected. For me, for 4 injections I had in total 400mg of invega sustenna, and at 10 months off there's just 4.3mg left in my system, I just need my emotions to come back. But if you had just 1 or 2 injections, at 10 months off you'll have mostly eliminated the poison and be recovered.

Remember European mg is not the same as US mg. European Xeplion mg refers to paliperidone and American Invega refers to paliperidone palmitate. So 100 mg of european "invega" is equivalent to 156 mg in US. Curious indeed:
(2. Qualitative and quantitative composition)
Antipsychotic = Neuroleptic ( from ancient greek "Neuro" - nerve, nervous system, brain - + "lep-tic" -to take control, to tie" ) Straitjacket on the brain
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So much for exercise, went to the beach yesterday for a stroll and some fresh air and I feel worse today, think I'm getting the flu or something.
Its getting hard to tell what are the symptoms of the poison and what is just normal for me, its just a grind now trying to recover from this experience and my thoughts seem always to be dwelling on it, It doesn't help that I only seem to notice improvements monthly, its hard to get any positives from it at the moment.
Remember European mg is not the same as US mg. European Xeplion mg refers to paliperidone and American Invega refers to paliperidone palmitate. So 100 mg of european "invega" is equivalent to 156 mg in US. Curious indeed:
(2. Qualitative and quantitative composition)
I already know this equivalent dose, I read somewhere that's because it's an oil based antipsychotic.
So much for exercise, went to the beach yesterday for a stroll and some fresh air and I feel worse today, think I'm getting the flu or something.
Its getting hard to tell what are the symptoms of the poison and what is just normal for me, its just a grind now trying to recover from this experience and my thoughts seem always to be dwelling on it, It doesn't help that I only seem to notice improvements monthly, its hard to get any positives from it at the moment.

One day in one day out - or more -, waves off - waves on (nanotechnology liberation system made up using programming), tiredness and lack of motivation are the main consequences of venom inoculation.
On a positive note hot showers are feeling nice again
Even showering depressed me, I went from every day to every other day
I am in lazy mode at the moment
Well, I think this Forum's group is the best Forum in the World to come off invega and it contains much more information about Invega than 99,99% of prescribers have learnt in their entire lifes. And of course laboratories, FDA and European pharmacological agency, etc... give false or less information than they should. This shows that there is corruption at a very high level. Call them FUC**** BAST****
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Hi MisterTi :)

Yes I've really lost 5 kgs in 2 months, I'm not lying ! Since I took a break from university, I go to the club everyday (it's even open during the week-ends ) and I use the app myfitnesspal limiting myself to 1000kcal/day (I avoid sugar, oil and fat). I lost about 1kg/ week, I could have lost 8 kgs in 2 months if I hadn't stop going to the club for the 2nd months (I'm preparing entrance exams ). My last injection was 10 months ago, since you took the pills the half life is really shorter than the injection, to recover your metabolism you'll have to wait maximum 3 months, that's what happened to a guy that I know who only took the pills, He recovered in 3 months.

Hey Decisive congratulations, that's really amazing I must say. So are you back to your university already? that's good man, you are on your way to keep your life in track now :)
Well I took the pills for one year, and I stopped taking them a month ago, I didn't had any withdrawal symptoms, actually I kinda feel the same, nothing seems to have changed, is this normal? I wanna fast process thinking, and motivation to go out with my friends, I just go every day for the work and then I go home, every single day, is such a routine, at least I am working, but it's really hard to get up every day and go the office. Before all this I was so energetic, always with a good vibe and cheering other people around. Now I am like a dumb zombie walking around with a sad face.
3 months? to start losing weight? oh god damn, that's too long :( your friend started to lose the weight after the third month? and the motivation and hapiness also came along?

Thanks for your reply, good luck mate and good vibes for you.
Week 31 off the poison
The exercise is on hold for a few more weeks, sort of motivated to start and it would probably help, but I'm trying to avoid stress as I approach the five half life stage and am just happy that the restless anxiety and depression have gone and I'm at ease in my own skin even though I still have a groggy feeling in my head.
A few symptoms that I still have is the coming around on waking up in the morning and the need to have a cigarette on getting up, taking about an hour to come round and all I'm thinking about is this experience, need to stop constantly dwelling on it and try for some positive thinking about other things.
The day after hangover when I go out once a week is pretty intense considering I only have four pints of beer and I don't seem to be able to get drunk the same, probably something to do with the receptors still being partially blocked or a lack of fitness.
My energy levels are low and at the moment I'm still sat about all day, not to worried about this at the moment as I wait for all the poison to be eliminated, that could be six half lifes which could be another three months. At least I'm not sat about in a chemically induced depression although I'm pretty bored during the day.
You've just got to try and accept the situation I suppose and try and find some positives from it although at the moment I'm struggling to think of any for being drugged up for seven months and the mental suffering you have to go through, as someone has said you might feel invincible when you eventually recover from it although I'll settle for feeling like my pre poison self.
At least your off the poison now mister T
Just a waiting game now for your receptors to unblock i think, a year is a long time to be taking the poison, surely you at least feel a bit better not being on the tablets ?
You've just got to be patient, not sure of the science for when you will recover off tablets, the maine thing is not having a relapse, just take it easy and stay off the weed.
At least your off the poison now mister T
Just a waiting game now for your receptors to unblock i think, a year is a long time to be taking the poison, surely you at least feel a bit better not being on the tablets ?
You've just got to be patient, not sure of the science for when you will recover off tablets, the maine thing is not having a relapse, just take it easy and stay off the weed.

Yeah I am off it but I shouldn't as the psychiatrist told me to take it for 2 years, but I don't give a f*ck. I stopped going to the appointments on the hospital also, and that sh*t f*cker psychiatrist started calling me, and I told right away that I don't need them anymore, they only destroyed my mind, and she told me not stop taking the meds because I can have a relapse, she also told me to go the next appointment, but I won't. I told her that what I had was a induced psychosis, so if I don't touch weed again I will be fine, and she said again ohh it's still risky and stuff like that. Also I didn't had any withdrawal symptoms, so I am sure I am okay for the moment, no relapse.
Well Decisive told that will take 3 months, let's wait and see, I will keep coming here and update info. About the weed I will be off for sure, no doubt about that. When I feel positive and fine, I will just go out and drink with my friends and use cigars, but not weed anymore.
Thanks ;)
The poison interferes with thyroid and iodine absorption, thyroid needs iodine to work properly, try eating a mozzarella (the only cheese containing high level of iodine) whenever you feel stressed or fatigued and see if it does the trick. If it does, change your diet.
Yeah I am off it but I shouldn't as the psychiatrist told me to take it for 2 years, but I don't give a f*ck. I stopped going to the appointments on the hospital also, and that sh*t f*cker psychiatrist started calling me, and I told right away that I don't need them anymore, they only destroyed my mind, and she told me not stop taking the meds because I can have a relapse, she also told me to go the next appointment, but I won't. I told her that what I had was a induced psychosis, so if I don't touch weed again I will be fine, and she said again ohh it's still risky and stuff like that. Also I didn't had any withdrawal symptoms, so I am sure I am okay for the moment, no relapse.
Well Decisive told that will take 3 months, let's wait and see, I will keep coming here and update info. About the weed I will be off for sure, no doubt about that. When I feel positive and fine, I will just go out and drink with my friends and use cigars, but not weed anymore.
Thanks ;)

Your doctor may try to court order you to take the drugs. What you wanna do is go the appointments, buy the prescription but don't take the pills. You took for a whole year? Wow.... I took for a month which I feel was too long
One day in one day out - or more -, waves off - waves on (nanotechnology liberation system made up using programming), tiredness and lack of motivation are the main consequences of venom inoculation.

Are you sure it's a nanotech system? They might actually just inject you with a bunch of it, without any intelligent delivery system. That seems more likely given experiencing it. Like, if it were programming, wouldn't it be programmed to affect a user for a month, not several months?
Nanotechnology is interesting theory. I read a book somewhere about different apocalyptic scenarios involving nanomachines. Flying, helicopter sharks, a sort of super computer (that I refer to as Mother Brain [from Metroid]) that records information like: how much people are enjoying certain soft drinks and what big corporations can do to pump out more products with unique appeal/flavor.

Interesting fiction. Interesting ways to control the masses. But these are just theories.

I admit that it's interesting that doctors and psychiatrists could "control" the method of treatment better by having a magical list, compiled by information transmitted from nanomachines, but these are just theories for now until otherwise proven.
Here's an article about the forced degradation of paliperidone. I'm not sure if this will apply to eliminating the toxin from the body, but I can't really understand it. Anyone good at science on here check it out and see if this can be applied to our situation? I contacted the author so hopefully I will be hearing back. I think coconut water might be the answer though based on my combined research. Lots n lots of coconut water. Fingers crossed.
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Here's an article about the forced degradation of paliperidone. I'm not sure if this will apply to eliminating the toxin from the body, but I can't really understand it. Anyone good at science on here check it out and see if this can be applied to our situation? I contacted the author so hopefully I will be hearing back. I think coconut water might be the answer though based on my combined research. Lots n lots of coconut water. Fingers crossed.

That looks promising. Hope you hear back. He should know it's for a good cause, with so many people being damaged by this.
What made you decide coconut water? That sounds like it could be a good idea.
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