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NPS Act V1. Blankets? Just Say No!

I believe Sir Frank Whittle invented the jet engine.. Born in my hometown :)

He did indeed. Unfortunately the government didn't want to know making the German ME262 the first operational jet fighter.
He did indeed. Unfortunately the government didn't want to know making the German ME262 the first operational jet fighter.
Thanks. I didn't know about the link to the German jet.

I always wondered why he was never so widely celebrated in the UK. I can't even recall learning anything about him at school, and he's from my City! :eek: :(
Ummmm NO? She had a MENTAL ILLNESS. She had an eating disorder which meant she was not thinking straight. She was VULNERABLE. Only 21, n these monsters took advantage of her for a quick buck. This needs to be stopped. People are able to purchase whatever on the internet n it needs to change. Something needs to be done.

People are dying right, left n centre. Tell me how many people on Bluelight have died now at the hands of these "research chemicals" / "legal highs?" Lets start with the possibly diphidine being the possible cause of knock's death? One of our beloved n best mods we've had, another with his whole life ahead of him.

I'm sorry if im coming off as harsh but someone needs to say it.

PS: our government have a duty of care n I'll be pleased if the laws get changed in this country to protect people. Especially VULNERABLE people.


But that's the whole point. The Law will not protect people. If the Government gave a toss about the vulnerable people in it's society why are they cutting off so many 'life lines' of support to them?..and they are. So that is a flimsy whimsy statement that dose not belong in an adult discussion. Diet pills, in any case are not the issue, the ban is not attempting to stop 'big bust' pills, anti ageing poisons, make your hair grow thicker and all the rest of the crap being sold on the internet. This Law, and I don't know whether you've taken the time or can be bothered to visit the 'LEAP' website will only serve to increase the death toll. That is what prohibition does, it knocks the 'safe' sellers out of the market (why face a seven year prison sentence, get less for rape) and gives free range to the greedy immoral vendors to sell noxious substances at exorbitant prices. That people and kids will keep buying by whatever means because if you're going to take drugs, feel the need to take drugs you will anyway. If you think this Government is making this Law to protect it's citizens you are so sadly mistaken and possibly lack the ability to think in an analytical way. Alcohol and tobacco for starters would not be on the exemptions list. Prescribed drugs are not 'safe' either because all of our bodies are different and react differently to certain substances.
the law will not make the drugs already in the country disseapear either. they will just be diseminated into the black market, more criminals will profit, more people will end up damaged, dead or with criminal records and we are back to square one of the futile war on drugs.

this law is about incompetent politicians driven by ideology and preservation of their own power and nothing more. The damage it will do if and when implemented will reflect that and at the end of the day it is the citizenry, their families and communities that will suffer.
Nixon Policy Advisor Admits He Invented War On Drugs to Suppress 'Anti-War Left and Black People

Interesting to see how the authorities got this completely wrong right from the start. Depressing that successive governments in practically every country haven't yet become more enlightened, or even vaguely interested in finding a new and more pragmatic approach that would actually help the situation, rather than treating users as criminals and often being powerless to prevent drug-lords becoming ever more wealthy and powerful. Countries like Portugal, Swizerland and the Netherlands have at least tried different approaches with varying results. Even certain states in the USA have decriminalised cannabis. The UK seems to have one of the least progressive outlooks and respones amongst the developed nations. Despite numerous scientists and even chiefs of police of big cities like Manchester saying that the 'war on drugs is a failure' and that current policies are futile. Current plans and policies belong in the Dark Ages imo.

The NPS bill if it ever gets passed will only further add to everyone's misery, even Theresa May will soon realise how wrong her pet project she has been, and will only waste more police time, and create more criminals and this increase unemployment and dooming anyone unlucky enough to get caught to a lifetime of poverty and dependency on welfare. With everyone being obsessed about this EU referendum hopefully they will forget about agreeing upon the meaning of "psychoactive" at least until the referendum is done. with any luck someone will come up with a better idea, one based on facts and science, and not Daily Mail headlines. I'm not feeling overly optimistic though I must say.:\

Ireland implimented a blanket ban on NPSs sometime ago, and since then there have only been 5 prosecutions. Is it really worth creating this backwards thinking, evidence ignoring bit of legislation on such a basis? It's enough to make you want to vote Green, even if that is currently a wasted vote, one can but hope that it time they will become a growing force in British politics, maybe forming a coalition with the Lib Dems and Britain would perhaps then become a world leader in trying new approaches, and finding ones that are fit for purpose and actually achieve anything positive.
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What concerns me is wether people will stockpile, and then having a huge pile of inexpensive drugs in their home, will end up OD'ing, getting a worse habit, doing themselves more harm than good etc...

Seonded, I have 6,000 doses of AMT- the fuck am i going to do with that much!
It's great at an event of a few mates, I really let rip on the smack this weekend, i'll write about it in the correct thread
I just read this, don't know how reliable the info is, first part we have already heard, it goes like this;
The blanket Ban set to fall in the UK on April 6th that includes Kratom, looks to have been set back!

I can't give the link to the information as it comes from a vendor, but I will copy / paste what it says.

"The BBC's Home Editor, Mark Easton, has said on twitter that he had to "wheedle" the information out of the Home Office and there is a delay of at least a month, and 3 weeks notice will be given to Parliament of it commencing.

Additionally, the following is a copy / paste extract , supposedly from a source in local Government, from a communication they received from the Home Office:

"We expect to commence the Psychoactive Substances Act in the spring, subject to work with partners including the devolved administrations. We need to ensure the readiness of all the activity necessary to enable the smooth implementation of the legislation and to support law enforcement in their ability to drive forward the legislation on commencement.

While 6 April was the first date on which the legislation could be commenced, it has always been subject to consideration of all the activity necessary across the UK for the provisions to come into force.

We are looking to give 21 days’ notice of the commencement date which is when Parliament will also be informed."

The source also states that they have been told by well placed contacts that a delay of at least a month is on the cards. Another claim states that it could be delayed until October but also warns not to put too much stock in that at this stage.

The BBC's radio show, Law in Action, says the Home Office has confirmed to them there will be a delay. It's mentioned in the first minute and if you want to listen to it, you can find it via google.

So, It looks like we may have more time to stock up if anyone is going down that route.
Not sure if you want to know this, but there are some great fire sales in the run up to the NPS ban. Especially on Flubro, available at many vendors at 25% - 50% cheaper than normal. I may weaken once or twice more and get some ofwhat have alwqays been the most expensive benzos in. Must be careful about my tolerance, though, one days bingeing doest seem to do much harm, esp on Flubro as you are so fucked the whole of the next day that you only need a tiny much reduced normal tapered dose to top of benzo levels to KO proprotions.

I might drop that on my GP's desk, who has I've always had a good relationship with - offered me 15mg val a dayI asked of 12g (didn't realize), when I cameout of the hospital for the perforated ulcer with 6 weeks Tramadol asked him to put a line through the tram and i'd be fine on 8/500coco's. My Dad wants to tell them I have ADHD and If had got the attention my brother got might of found myself in Trinity doing a PHd in crystallography as well - I dunno, doubt it very much. Msg on point, be super nice to your GP's!

Cos if those flubro are on point - fk me......
I just read this, don't know how reliable the info is, first part we have already heard, it goes like this;
The blanket Ban set to fall in the UK on April 6th that includes Kratom, looks to have been set back!

I can't give the link to the information as it comes from a vendor, but I will copy / paste what it says.

"The BBC's Home Editor, Mark Easton, has said on twitter that he had to "wheedle" the information out of the Home Office and there is a delay of at least a month, and 3 weeks notice will be given to Parliament of it commencing.

Additionally, the following is a copy / paste extract , supposedly from a source in local Government, from a communication they received from the Home Office:

"We expect to commence the Psychoactive Substances Act in the spring, subject to work with partners including the devolved administrations. We need to ensure the readiness of all the activity necessary to enable the smooth implementation of the legislation and to support law enforcement in their ability to drive forward the legislation on commencement.

While 6 April was the first date on which the legislation could be commenced, it has always been subject to consideration of all the activity necessary across the UK for the provisions to come into force.

We are looking to give 21 days’ notice of the commencement date which is when Parliament will also be informed."

The source also states that they have been told by well placed contacts that a delay of at least a month is on the cards. Another claim states that it could be delayed until October but also warns not to put too much stock in that at this stage.

The BBC's radio show, Law in Action, says the Home Office has confirmed to them there will be a delay. It's mentioned in the first minute and if you want to listen to it, you can find it via google.

So, It looks like we may have more time to stock up if anyone is going down that route.

3-FPM? ;)

I might drop that on my GP's desk, who has I've always had a good relationship with - offered me 15mg val a dayI asked of 12g (didn't realize), when I cameout of the hospital for the perforated ulcer with 6 weeks Tramadol asked him to put a line through the tram and i'd be fine on 8/500coco's. My Dad wants to tell them I have ADHD and If had got the attention my brother got might of found myself in Trinity doing a PHd in crystallography as well - I dunno, doubt it very much. Msg on point, be super nice to your GP's!

Cos if those flubro are on point - fk me......

They were definitely 'on point'. I still got caught out by the very slow onset, one second i was fine, the next it was 3am and my dinner had gone cold and congealed. Lucky i didnt knock it flying all over the place i guess. It is very difficult to find the correct dose, and its not the sort of thing you want to be messing with too often, if, like me, you're trying to reduce tolerance and taper off.
You know I was against the ban at first but I can't help thinking that at least some of the RCs we will be better off without. Specifically I'm thinking of the benzos which do way more halm that good on balance. Great for treating seizures and reducing anxiety and insomnia SHORT TERM but things like f-lam and f-pam as a Long term fix for anything..........not really..