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Texas man, 62, is sentenced to life in prison after TWELFTH DUI arrest


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
A 62-year-old Texas man has been sentenced to life in prison after he received his twelfth DWI arrest and his tenth conviction.

Ivy Ray Eberhardt told officers he had drank half a pint of whiskey when he was pulled over in April 2014 after an off-duty officer reported him for reckless and aggressive driving in Weatherford.

Police said Eberhardt was swerving on the Fort Worth highway before he began driving in the wrong lane after turning onto a side street.

After he was pulled over, Eberhardt continued to give an officer his credit cards instead of his driver's license and reeked of alcohol and urine when he got out of his vehicle, authorities said.

Dashcam video of the arrest shows an officer finding four bottles of whiskey in Eberhardt's car.

Three were empty, and the fourth had a fifth of whiskey remaining, according to KHOU.

Eberhardt had a blood alcohol level of 0.303, nearly four times above the legal limit.

He was arrested on the spot after failing his field sobriety test. Then, while he was out on bond, Eberhardt cut off his ankle monitor and drove to Colorado.

In less than a month he had been arrested for drunk driving again, spending 300 days in a Colorado jail before he was sent back to Texas to receive his sentence for his previous offense.


Eberhardt was sentenced on Wednesday and will have to serve 15 years in prison before he is eliginble for parole.

'Part of my job is to protect the citizens of Parker County,' District Judge Craig Towson said during the sentencing.

'And the only way I can think of to do that from somebody that has 12 DWI arrests and 10 DWI convictions is to put you in a place that you can't drive for as along as I possibly can.'


Ivy Ray Eberhardt, 62, was sentenced to life in prison after he received his tenth DWI conviction

Eberhardt was convicted of four misdemeanor DWI offenses in Texas in the 1980s and 1990s, according to Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

He was then sent to prison for felony offenses in 1998, 2001 and 2004, before being convicted of DWI offenses in Colorado in 2010 and 2015.


Dashcam video of the April 2014 arrest shows an officer finding four bottles of whiskey in Eberhardt's car. Three were empty, and the fourth had about a fifth of whiskey remaining


After he was pulled over, Eberhardt continued to give an officer his credit cards instead of his driver's license and reeked of alcohol and urine when he got out of his car, authorities said

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...sentenced-life-prison-TWELFTH-DWI-arrest.html
Damn that's heavy. The crazy part is had those been drug possession charges instead of DUIs he would have gone to prison for a long ass time way before his 12th offense. I think everyone would agree that DUI is more dangerous than mere possession. Especially when you are pissing yourself while driving I mean shit that's just kinda sad. I will defend a guy barely over the limit to the end because I think .08 is really low and highly subjective. Not to mention the cops are usually out to get people with rigged field tests. But damn the dude blew a .3 and he pissed himself that's just beyond the pale.
Did he ever hit anyone or hurt anyone?

I would think he wouldn't have a license anymore prior to this incident, but life in prison? Really?

Wasn't it just in the last few months that the underage kid killed multiple people because he was driving drunk? He didn't even get a year in jail and he ended multiple lives. This is sort of fucked

Damn that's heavy. The crazy part is had those been drug possession charges instead of DUIs he would have gone to prison for a long ass time way before his 12th offense. I think everyone would agree that DUI is more dangerous than mere possession. Especially when you are pissing yourself while driving I mean shit that's just kinda sad. I will defend a guy barely over the limit to the end because I think .08 is really low and highly subjective. Not to mention the cops are usually out to get people with rigged field tests. But damn the dude blew a .3 and he pissed himself that's just beyond the pale.

Do they send him to some sort of detox first? I would think someone who drinks that much would have possibly fatal WDs if he was put in jail and forced to stop cold turkey.

Was just recently that a woman died in jail because of a bad heroin WD.
some of the details make it hard to feel too sorry for this bozo, namely:

Eberhardt had a blood alcohol level of 0.303, nearly four times above the legal limit.

He was arrested on the spot after failing his field sobriety test. Then, while he was out on bond, Eberhardt cut off his ankle monitor and drove to Colorado.

In less than a month he had been arrested for drunk driving again, spending 300 days in a Colorado jail before he was sent back to Texas to receive his sentence for his previous offense.

He obviously needs some sort of mental health counseling, or something...

I don't have too much sympathy for drunk drivers because when I lived in Texas I would often see people obviously driving drunk. I almost got hit one time by some asshole driving about 80 miles per hour down a one-way street...going the wrong way 8) Some people just don't give a shit
anyone else believe "noonoo" is the law?
Why would you think that? This is Drugs in the media...he is posting interesting articles. So does Poledriver. I dont think either of them are cops. Poledriver definitely is not that is for sure.
I am above the law.

No way in hell.

I've already gotten 2 DUI's.

No farkin way am I the law and after my 2nd DUI as I said to the judge I wouldn't dare put drinking and. driving in the same sentence.

What this guy copped was unfortunate but how many chances does one need?
I'm a bit confused to be honest. Half a pint of whiskey? That's nothing.

Also I agree that the legal BAC limit is not perfect. For someone who is heavily dependent, having alcohol in their system is going to actually make them more "sober". Also, what about a hangover? I would definitely trust myself ways more after a couple beers than after a multi-day bender of heavy drinking. However I guess that kind of law is probably the best one can come up with.

Regarding the sentence, I believe that after 11 DUIs you'd think that the guy doesn't learn. Yes, perhaps a simple DUI doesn't warrant putting a person in jail, but I imagine that with his history he probably doesn't have a licence to start with, so he's not legally allowed to drive, yet he does it, drunk. Drunk driving is no joke. Now whether simple jail is any good at all compared to forced mental treatment is another question, but I guess our society isn't ready to think just yet.
I am above the law.

No way in hell.

I've already gotten 2 DUI's.

No farkin way am I the law and after my 2nd DUI as I said to the judge I wouldn't dare put drinking and. driving in the same sentence.

What this guy copped was unfortunate but how many chances does one need?

Sometimes a wolf in sheep clothing can be convincing as hell ;-)
I'm a bit confused to be honest. Half a pint of whiskey? That's nothing.

Also I agree that the legal BAC limit is not perfect. For someone who is heavily dependent, having alcohol in their system is going to actually make them more "sober". Also, what about a hangover? I would definitely trust myself ways more after a couple beers than after a multi-day bender of heavy drinking. However I guess that kind of law is probably the best one can come up with.

Regarding the sentence, I believe that after 11 DUIs you'd think that the guy doesn't learn. Yes, perhaps a simple DUI doesn't warrant putting a person in jail, but I imagine that with his history he probably doesn't have a licence to start with, so he's not legally allowed to drive, yet he does it, drunk. Drunk driving is no joke. Now whether simple jail is any good at all compared to forced mental treatment is another question, but I guess our society isn't ready to think just yet.

I bet he has been court ordered to inpatient rehab more than once. At the very least I bet he has had to do outpatient programs out the ass. I know where I live they send every DUI to outpatient.
.3 is pretty crunk'd. def takes more than a half a pint for that. driving in the wrong lane and swerving...this dude is gonna kill somebody. seems like his drinking and driving was getting worse (less skilled). there's people that drive after a one or two too many brews and there's people that drive DRUNK. this dude falls into the latter category. blackout drivers are pretty scary. i've known people that get all wasted and dont have anywhere to go that just start driving. its definitely dangerous.

getting life is pretty harsh but hell prob get parole but the guy had 12 fucking DUIs. i definitely think he would have hurt or killed someone. probably 5 or 10 years would have sufficed though. felony retirement i guess. prob won't wanna get back to the streets when he is in his late 70s anyway. i doubt he has much left in his 401k but who knows.

don't mess with texas lol. they will lock your ass up forever. how many days you think this guy will make it before he gets a writeup for hooch? I bet his first month. alkies can be so low class.

noonoo isnt a cop. no way. solid poster ime.
When I was in outpatient (for possession, not DWI) I met a lady who got blackout drunk and t-boned a parked cop car...while the cop was sitting in the driver's seat, writing a ticket to ANOTHER driver. Talk about bad luck! The cop had to be hospitalized, they decided not to even charge her with DWI/DUI, they just gave her some big assault charge.

Never understood how people can get absolutely hammersauced drunk and then start driving. I get uncomfortable driving after only a few drinks.
Anyone who doesn't learn after 11 arrests and DUI charges definitely needs something to shock them to their senses.
Sadly, prison in Texas is unlikely to help this guy change his life in a positive way, because it is based on punishment instead of rehabilitation.
He needs counselling, for certain, and a revoked driver's license. If he already drove without a license (I might have missed that in the article), I think he should be in jail, for the safety of society. 15 years (minimum) is a long time, but 12 DUIs is a strong sign that he doesn't care about driving drunk.
I strongly believe we need to reform prisons in the US, so I have trouble feeling satisfied about this verdict.
Still, the guy needs to be made to stop, forcefully, and maybe this is the only way.
There was no fucking way that this guy was a licensed or insured driver.
Yeah cheers consumer, I'm not sure why NSA would say that about noonoo, but I'm ex party head. I've been to shit loads of raves/doofs/nightclubs and house parties. I'm a bit over it these days because I went pretty hard from 92-2000 or so.

Keep doing what you're doing noonoo, thanks for the contributions. Often we post the same shit only minutes apart, but all good mate.

Consumer - I've heard you mention the bay before, and I've been to quite a few parties up there over the years. I went to a doof on 7 mile beach (near broken head) on a NYE/NYD with the dj's in tee pees. I went to quite a few of the early festivals before they became so huge back when they were being held at Belongil fields camping grounds, I also went to one NYE in byron (before they made the NYE's in byron family events) that had a wicked Bay FM dance area all fenced off and me and my cousins snuck in, the dj's were mostly playing breaks and DnB, it was a great atmosphere, the good pills we had also helped, I had a huge smile all night/morning. Been to a lot of raves, night clubs and doofs in Syd back when they were good as well. Way before dogs, lock outs and ice.


Back when the times were fun and a lot more people had common sense :)

It is always interesting Polediver how we post articles minutes apart. I am still pondering how I got into this position of being an avid reader of drugs in the media. So it goes.........
This guy obviously has no concern for the safety of innocent people. If you're gonna continue on drinking your life away, that's fine, but if you continually out others lives at risk because of it even after facing severe consequences, a very lkng sentence becomes the only option. 15 years til parole at his age he's got a good chance of dieing in there.
belligerent drunk said:
I'm a bit confused to be honest. Half a pint of whiskey? That's nothing.

First off, do you begin all your posts with "I'm a bit confused to be honest?" What's so confusing about this? They found three empty whiskey bottles in his car and he blew a .3. Do you honestly believe he had only a half a pint?

crimsonjunk said:
I think .08 is really low and highly subjective

Then why is it .05 across much of the developed world outside of the United States? Also, you can be arrested with any amount of alcohol in your system if the police believe it has impaired your driving.

slimvictor said:
Anyone who doesn't learn after 11 arrests and DUI charges definitely needs something to shock them to their senses.
Sadly, prison in Texas is unlikely to help this guy change his life in a positive way, because it is based on punishment instead of rehabilitation.
He needs counselling, for certain, and a revoked driver's license. If he already drove without a license (I might have missed that in the article), I think he should be in jail, for the safety of society. 15 years (minimum) is a long time, but 12 DUIs is a strong sign that he doesn't care about driving drunk.
I strongly believe we need to reform prisons in the US, so I have trouble feeling satisfied about this verdict.
Still, the guy needs to be made to stop, forcefully, and maybe this is the only way.

As I said in another post, I heard a convicted felon at an AA meeting state that after 18 years in prison, the first thing he did on his first morning of freedom was go get shitfaced. This was in Florida, which is in many ways similarly regressive to Texas and demonstrates that the forced abstinence of prison doesn't work. As a habitual drunk driver (although I never was caught but should have been) who has seen the light, I really feel little empathy for this man and as much as I think law enforcement and the justice system gets it wrong all too often, their stated duty is to protect the public and I think they made the right call getting this guy out from behind the wheel where he could still kill or maim someone. I just find it baffling how someone can receive a life sentence and then be eligible for parole in 15 years. Seems a bit incongruous.

Here's a tongue-in-cheek article about a California man who got three DUIs in three days:
