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What 3 drugs would you most like to try?

2CB and DMT are about the only thing I haven't managed to get my hands on.

I suppose I need to take some more intitiative.
1. Crystal Meth
2. Flunitrazepam (i'd really like to know if it's such a different Beast to all the other Benzos i've tried, and i've tried a lot...)
3. Fentanyl (have had many Analogues, such as Butyr-Fentanyl, Acetyl-Fentanyl etc. but never the Original Fent)
1. DMT
2. Morphine
3. 4-MMC (don't care if it's pre-ban or not, as long as it's 4-MMC *cough* retards *cough* )
1. Heroin - tried a few pharma opiates but not H
2. Pentobarbital - tried phenobarbital but that's much less potent
3. Flunitrazepam - is it really any different to other hypnotic benzos?
Yeah you should read up on your benzo classes. I usually go for the anitcovulsants as a staple and then look for other traits I like to get my mellow on.
Diazepam is my go to since it just does everything and it's nice and mellow. Flunitrazepam is just interesting for the novelty of it seeing as it's become impossible to get thanks to the media scaremongering.

Anticonvulsants are good too though. Clonazepam is a favourite of mine, packs a nice buzz but it's way too easy to blackout on. Most benzos cannot make me blackout alone, even alprazolam just makes me sleepy. Clonazepam will easily wipe my whole day while leaving me fully awake though.
1) Heroin (I'd like to feel what IV'ing it would feel like but since this is all make-believe and all, I could/would never actually do this).
2) Demerol (I actually had some back in the early 80's, I don't really remember much about it but I do remember liking it a bunch!)
3) Crystal Meth (Again, could never really smoke it and all but from people who do it, sounds like it would be pretty nice for a quick go-round).
Mostly stuff that is no longer available like certain barbz n luddes n Opana

Oh yeah, never properly tried mescaline.

And 2c-t7
4f-mph / eph

Can't think of any others.

Merry Christmas to all and lots of love to them ho ho hoes...!! :)
any rare pharmaceutical opes like oxymorphone. hydrocodone, it's not in canada.

mostly though i just want more orall oxycodone and iv cf china white *drools*
1. Opium in a luxurious opium den in the late 1800s.
To me, this would be the pinaccle of relaxtion - being served the highest grade opium by attentive and knowledgeable servers, relaxing my head on a silk pillow, inhaling that beautiful floral smoke with opulence all around me. When I used to be nodding hard, I'd laugh to my self sometimes picturing myself in an opium den, then coming out of the nod and seeing the disgusting filth around me. The irony always made me laugh.

2. Heroin, from Bayer Co., preferably mail ordered from the Sears catalog.
Around the turn of the century (1900), you could actually mail order a 'Heroin kit' from Sears. It came in a small carrying case and had a couple of outfits and a vial of Bayer brand Heroin (tm). The irony of it aside, that high to be some fire shit. LOL

3. Ms. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
This was from the patent drug era too, and was specifically marketed towards children. Guessing it had a sweet sugary taste to it. It also was packed with morphine. I always thought it sounded soothing as hell personally.
I can cross oxycodone off my list. Tried that one last night. Pretty nice, enjoyable on a level comparable to heroin, although also different. A lot less "nod-y" but still with that signature opiate feel. Feels good man, 9/10, would bang.
@Wants2Nod Your 3rd one reminds me of the time I almost won a bottle of laudanum with syrup still in it off eBay. I got sniped at the last second, and was kinda pissed about that. What does it say about someone that they would spent $175+ to drink old medicine? Probably nothing great. I'm not even an opiate guylol.

You used to be able to get so much dope shit out of catalogs. I have one from around the 1940's, and it's like 5 inches thick. You can order anything from a motorcycle to underwear to a fancy new silk robe to lounge around in straight to your doorstep. You used to be able to order cocaine kits in the 70's and 80's, too. Imagine mowing down a few lines with this bad boy, then slumping back into your leather chair feeling like you're a boss with a 30 inch cock and everyone knows it. Gangster.
^ I haven't done almost any of the dissociative anesthetics, with the exception of MXE, and some of them like ketamine and PCP are pretty interesting to me. I didn't enjoy MXE at all and that's supposedly one of the better members of the dissociative family, though, so I'm not really interested in trying any of the others. MXE made me feel dysphoric and weird LOL.

here's a few of mine I guess:

1) Oxymorphone
2) Hydromorphone, IV'd. See what this damn hype is about.
3) αMT
personally, i tried DXM 300mg and was really intrigued by the headspace and detachment it gave me.

it wasn't long after i took 242mg (syrup form), smoked a blunt, and brotha let me tell you. that euphoria was absolutely out of this world and nothing can compare. i'm not a hard drug user or a needle user so my intense-euphoria experiences are fairly limited except i've brokenthrough on DMT and that was the highest i've been in my entire life just under par with the peak of a strong mushroom trip's euphoria.

i remember you asked in a thread whether DXM was worth it but if not by itself, with weed, definitely. so for me i'm interested on how weed will interact with stronger dissociatives like MXE/K