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Gibz: Go on, you know you want to! You're right I do, boo! <3

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I slept like shite, Can hopefully get an hour in before work! I'm still not a happy bunnie. I need hugs off my Sham mostly.

I wouldn't mind one off of Sprout,Flo, treacle, Ceres, Scotch, Julie or Fubar either.
and deffo a cuddle from my Snollz and "dimples"
Yeah, I'm soppy right now which means I am defiantly in need of cuddles.

Hello, I am here to distribute cuddles! Hope you manage to get some kip in, no sleep is no good. Off back to bed myself in a min thought I could deal with being awake but nooo
Thanks baby girl <3 Think my lack of sleep and worry has got me on complete edge and an absolute mess. Think I went to bed at 4 and was up at six on top of stress and shite. I have to be up by half 9 so I better get a shake on if I'm gonna get a nap!
Aw man definitely feel for you, been there myself a fair few times so hopefully you're not actually reading this rigjt now and are sound asleep dreaming of excellent things and such <3! I failed to go back to bed, figured it's me first Saturday off since like May so going to finish the last of my beers and chill with the wee dragon and Netflix, my beloved ain't gonna be up til the afternoon judging by the state she was in, she should be banned from whisky.
I haven't yet but I'm about to. Would love to cuddle up next to you said Mrs and Oliver for some netflix time! That would be fukkin awesome! Gah gonna put my head down now. Wish me luck I don't sleep through my alarms!
Feel free to join, as she is currently in the bath and me and the wee dragon are freezing on the sofa. Well I am, she's wandering in and out of her tank as suits and being all smug at me. Good luck anyway, ya need an alarm loud enough to wake the neighbours, or someone to jump on you :D

Edit: is it weird that I'd still bang Roz off Frasier? Given my partners approval ofc, she's already cleared Gillian Anderson which is fortunate cos she's coming over next week
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Nice how certain people block you after so many years of friendship n then start chatting with everyone else to hurt you. It's lovely I meant so little to this person that a silly argument means friendship over, but if we're play those childish games - thank goodness for block

How are the rest of you? <3

It can help not to take things so personally - if people act in that manner, are you sure it isn't a good thing you're not in contact? :)

Alright no I am taking the bait. I tried to help you out for months and all you have done is wish death on people I consider friends, scheme to get info from staff which I will admit upfront I have fallen for in a misguided attempt to show you people support you, and try to get at least two mods and an admin fired. You're manipulative and think EADD should pander to you. I don't ever like to disturb the peace here and I apologise to everyone else but if all these people saws what you said about them they'd be disgusted
Yet you miss out all the times before that you've had a go at me for expressing my own opinion. I assume you all know she screenshots your PMs and emails and sends them to people? Admins and mods mostly. I'm fucking sick of this shit, and it takes a lot to make me say that.

And don't say you haven't said anything cos just like you pass on emails and PMs I would be more than capable of showing EADD what you really think of them if i were so inclined
Because you've done it so many times to me. Every time I disagree with you even politely all I got was abuse to me or to my friends.
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I told you each time you did it that I was angry or upset. You think I need to tell you that saying disgusting things about people I like is offensive? I liked you I felt for you but you were awful to people. I hope you get help tho I honestly do and I'm sorry for this derail
No you're right. I shouldn't vent if they're your friends. I just got sick of feeling constantly excuded on here. You're all on each Facebooks, calling each other, meeting each other I'm always excludef no matter how hard i try so its easier to just be angry n hurtful

Maybe it's the being angry and hurtful that drives people to become, well... hurt.
You are a human with feelings, but so is everyone else. Nothing can be gained from circular malice. A lot can be gained through being a lovey dovey soppy disgrace, IME. ;)

No you're right. I shouldn't vent if they're your friends. I just got sick of feeling constantly excuded on here. You're all on each Facebooks, calling each other, meeting each other I'm always excludef no matter how hard i try so its easier to just be angry n hurtful


Right ok I can understand that but it's nothing personal it's just the nature of knowing people on a forum devoted to drugs. I got two weed dealers ya know and I only just learned one guys name. It's nothing personal it is the downside of the hobby/habit. This is the first time I seen you be honest about how you feel about BL instead of snapping back and I respect that
It hurts not being wanted i just want to be included. That's all n when i feel rejected i just get angry n hurt others how im feeling

But I've tried being nice n getting on i stillfeel excluded n not wanted :(

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I can understand that, but all it does is cause more hurt for yourself and people here who genuinely care.
You showed that you can provide positive discussion, we both know that you're capable of it - can we keep moving forwards? :)

I'd like to see you stick around, I really would.

Why's it Sadie's the only one who has really taken the time to get to know me? I feel like most of you are just friends out of pity or summit. I find it difficult to properly intigrate with people n always feel on the outside. I just want to belong here n want people to want me around. I just feel excluded when all ive ever wanted was to feel part of summit :(

That's all. Really if i died tomorrow would the workd have lost something. Not really

Maybe it's the being angry and hurtful that drives people to become, well... hurt.
You are a human with feelings, but so is everyone else. Nothing can be gained from circular malice. A lot can be gained through being a lovey dovey soppy disgrace, IME. ;)


Exactly. I fell for it too but everything is 100% about Evey and there are definitely some nasty undertones at times to what she's doing. She seems unable to consider the feelings of anybody else hence why I keep saying avoid the Internet. I'll wait for the night in shining armour (Raas) to come and spank me for saying this.

In other news I am demented. Plusnet have leaked their user passwords. My laptop the Internet won't open, yet I can connect through Tor, or my phone. Wtf is up with this, seems very strange. I badly wanted to talk to someone online today too. >:mad:
You were accepted and wanted from the start and the fact that this awful argument hasn't escalated is proof you can reason with people. I don't hate you I just got worn out by the defensive behaviour. People can disagree and still be friends, shit I wouldn't be engaged otherwise but you need to stop swinging hot and cold on people and realise there are shades of grey
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