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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

Some of you might be disappointed or think I'm stupid but I tried heroin for the first time a couple days ago. It was tar and I shot half the bag.. Didn't get sick or feel bad despite my moderate tolerance. However, I have no desire to do it all the time because I'm more of a speed freak. The heroin sedated me to the point I couldn't function, kinda like plain old morphine. I'd rather be functional AND high.

I share the same opinion. Lately I've been trying to kick speed though and have been using tar to kill the boredom, I guess. It's a very isolating drug. At night I just smoke it until I get to that point where I'm not really awake but not really asleep and I almost hallucinate stuff. I hate being around other people who are "nodding", being all by yourself is really the perfect environment to "nod" in IMO. My mind is at peace during those times, though. It's been useful for getting my strength, appetite and sleep schedule back on track. I'm pretty much out of tar now, though, so that's a good thing.

I doubt anyone's disappointed in you. Look at the forum you're posting on. We all fuck up from time to time...some of us never stop fucking up. But oh well, la lotta continua!
I share the same opinion. Lately I've been trying to kick speed though and have been using tar to kill the boredom, I guess. It's a very isolating drug. At night I just smoke it until I get to that point where I'm not really awake but not really asleep and I almost hallucinate stuff. I hate being around other people who are "nodding", being all by yourself is really the perfect environment to "nod" in IMO. My mind is at peace during those times, though. It's been useful for getting my strength, appetite and sleep schedule back on track. I'm pretty much out of tar now, though, so that's a good thing.

I doubt anyone's disappointed in you. Look at the forum you're posting on. We all fuck up from time to time...some of us never stop fucking up. But oh well, la lotta continua!

I see what you're saying and yes, it makes you into a hermit if you just sit around half asleep all the time. But it wasn't that good and the only difference I felt was a bit of a rush but it was like morphine except no pins and needles. But I'd never use it for a meth comedown.

You're right, we all fuck up sometimes but I felt silly about it because I get on here and preach HR and then I turn right around and shoot dope. Makes me feel like a failure lol. But I still have no desire to do it again.

It was a learning experience and it kinda opened my eyes to just how strong a hold addiction can have on people who use heroin. A person whose DOC is opiates would most certainly fall into the abyss..
Hmmm...yeah I don't know. I've gotten really, really high on tar before. I've never shot it before, though, only snorted it (my preferred ROA) and smoked it.

The very first time I tried it, I was over at someone's house and they offered it to me. I told them hesitantly that I had never done heroin before, kind of half-expecting them to say, "oh well in that case you probably shouldn't start", but instead they said "oh really? OK, here's how you do it..." 8)

As long as you're still shootin' that dope up safely, you're still a paragon of HR ;)
(My ex??? now, i guess) boyfriend OD'd on Heroin May 20, 2014.

You know how he got into it?
He thought "I should try heroin, just once. I won't end up addicted."
months later he was a full blown Heroin/Oxy/Ritalin/Adderall/Klonopin and other shit idk even know what it was

I realize I'm on a drug forum, but I never was interested in it before. I would rather cut my fingers off, slowly; than ever do Heroin now.

I was pissed for him even trying it, and then he fucking changed.... a "oh I'm in recovery now okay things will get better"
He was never recovering. The lies fucking hurt.
I couldn't do anything although I still feel guilty as sin. (Could I have done anything??)
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Ask any heroin/opioid addict the reason they began using drugs and how they ended up in the current state, I will guarantee you that inevitably you will get the same answer over and over again, that is; every heroin/opioid addict began their journey innocently enough with over 90% of all users looking to try LSD, mushrooms, mescaline, or MDMA. Everybody wanted to experience that LSD-ish world that we were brought up in, to believe in pink elephants & melting walls, or believing that we too could find mystic knowledge in a hit of LSD or a dose of mushrooms along with a cartoonish world. Every dope addict didn't wake up thinking 'Man that heroin...what a drug; syringes, vomiting, sweats, isolation...damn this shit has been on my mind for a while'!! That may be true for 5% of people but not most of us users whom have always wanted to seek the knowledge, inspiration, and illumination that the hippies talked about! People who are dope addicts began thinking 'Man I whish I could one day go to India and drop LSD or take mushrooms, take a hike through the jungle and see life with new eyes, relax by the mountains or by the beach with some nice hash, some nice weed, maybe a beer or *maybe* some opium if available and if the hash and beer aren't satisfactory enough. This is what we begin as and you see what we end up as!

Other people are from formerly communist countries, when communism fell in 1989 like Eastern Europe or the former U.S.S.R. where drugs where taboo, thus the drug knowledge of these users is no longer than 26 years of democracy, while other nations are just now emerging as democracies and having first contact with drugs. These users in comparison to their North American or Western European counterparts have only recently, since the invent or rather the spread of the internet around 1999-2000 cultivated true uncensored 1st and 2nd hand drug knowledge. I come from one such country where nation wide only in 1997-1998 was marijuana available in high schools (8-9yrs after communism in 1989) but even then it was looked at by young people with suspicion in the same class as heroin, and quite expensive for an average salary. Now these users have found out the hard way that there is in fact a huge difference between heroin and marijuana, however the mentality of these nations has remained in a 'Bolshevik style' to this day where legally speaking there is no differentiation between soft and hard drugs and where 1g marijuana can land you 3yrs in prison while trafficking 12yrs, the same as heroin.

Once the needle is used there is no realistic way of coming back, plain and simple! Prescription or heroin, the needle is the needle, heroin snorted or smoked is one drug and heroin injected IV should be called something entirely else as it doesn't resemble *ANY* opioid taken oral, snorted or smoked.....its something completely different IV. Other MOA aren't anything like it, they are much more morphine like and normal characteristics of opiates but IV should be called something else! Heroin is nothing special if you are used to opioids its just a very strong opioid that is very morphine like with the exception of being slightly more euphoric and 'uppy' then morphine.....but IV its a different entity.

Another thing is Prescription vs Heroin the difference being that one is limited (the first) while the second is unlimited and everywhere in the world.........big difference worth noting!
No my advice is do not try it. Do not... Do. Not Do NOT.... I'm am currently as this moment dope sick. Been a H user for 2yrs now... An I been trying on an off to stop I go threw the sickness an all... Like I am now on day 2 I'm crying in the bathtub .. Taking my 100th hot bath... Don't do it.. If u have already I wish u luck an I hope u don't do it again....
Hope you feel better! And welcome BL.

You are right. There are no easy way around it. It's a life changer.
I believe addiction is a disease and I am indeed an addict. I grew up, and like a lot of teenagers, experiemented with recreational drug use. I started off smoking some weed, a bit of MDMA, amphetamines and cocaine on the weekend. I was pretty much on par with my friends and other people my age.

When I got to my late teens, I started to notice that my drug use was becoming excessive and having adverse effects on life. I started using on my own, binging and not being able to stop until my money had run out. I was experiementing with more and more drugs, then I found opiates. I took an immediate liking to heroin and soon it became the centre of my existence.

I had a reasonable childhood, my mother was a single parent and did the best she could. I did alright at school and moved away for university. I was working as an emergency nurse, living in a shared flat, perusing hobbies and interests, and enjoying life.

However, my addiction to heroin grew and I was resorting to crime to fund my habit. Shoplifting, burglary and theft. I would do absolutely anything to stop the awful sickness from consuming me. I'd wake up evey morning sick, and if I was lucky, I'd have some heroin left to help me get out of bed. If not I'd be in a massive panic knowing that I needed to find some money to score or I'm was going to be in too much pain and sickness to do anything!

My whole life consisted of finding money and scoring drugs. Everything became extremelu chaotic and work started to notice. My attendance was terrible and I was falling asleep and making mistakes at work... In the end I was asked to leave and things went from bad to worse.

I ended up homeless and begging in the streets and my priority in life (more so than food, shelter, love) was souly heroin. I was getting beaten up regularly, shooting up in dirty public toilets, and basically waiting to die...

I was extremely lucky that my family did not disown me, even after I lied and stole from them countless times! My mother enticed me back home with a bribe of some money for dope, and I moved back home and eventually got on methadone maintenance.

Since then I have slowly started to piece my life together. I go to the pharmacy everyday to collect my methadone, go to probation, recovery groups, drug testing and therapy. I have had a few relapses since but this is the longest I've gone without doing heroin. My family and one remaining friend are slowly starting to trust me again. I don't blame them.

I still have cravings and I think about heroin everyday but I desperately want my life back too. I'm unemployed, I'm on welfare and broke all of the time. I'm in my late twenties and I'm back living with family. I have hepatitis C and terrible circulation in my limbs from injecting. I've got a criminal record so I will not be working as a nurse again and it's a struggle to find any work. I don't get out much unless it's to get my methadone or if I have an appointment with a key worker.

Just be very careful, heroin addiction is particularly dark and ugly, and it has ruined countless of lives including mine.
I'm sorry to hear that man.
It seems you are going through a tough and difficult period in your life.
You are still very young and have an entire life yet to be lived.
Don't give up! <3

Once the needle is used there is no realistic way of coming back, plain and simple! Prescription or heroin, the needle is the needle, heroin snorted or smoked is one drug and heroin injected IV should be called something entirely else as it doesn't resemble *ANY* opioid taken oral, snorted or smoked.....its something completely different IV. Other MOA aren't anything like it, they are much more morphine like and normal characteristics of opiates but IV should be called something else! Heroin is nothing special if you are used to opioids its just a very strong opioid that is very morphine like with the exception of being slightly more euphoric and 'uppy' then morphine.....but IV its a different entity.

Thats going a bit too far. Dont want you to give people the wrong idea or to feel even more pessimistic. I sense a bit of elitism here and the undertones of glorifying, even romanticizing needle use.
Snorting H is more like morphine? Thats not true. You end up feeling the same high no matter the ROA. Snorting takes a bit longer, not even that much longer. Smoking even less. The only difference is the initial rush compared to IV. Some develop obsession with the needle which yes, can be another problem in itself but on the other hand some become obsessed with smoking. Addiction to H is addiction to a feeling, a way of life and no less dangerous regardless the ROA.
23% is the number drugabuse.gov (=NIDA) states:


Yes, so basically that's what I've heard as well--that 75% (77% according to drugabuse.gov) of people who try heroin DO NOT become dependent. So 25%, or more accurately 23%, do. I wouldnt be surprised if that were accurate, but I also think it's probably difficult to know for certain with statistics like that.
If you had 25% of being shot in a Russian Roulette just as an example - would you do it?

As I've mentioned on the other thread, too may young people died trying for their first time.

There are better and safer ways to experiment a life rush. I was to foolish to screw mine so my hope is that at least one person will change their mind.
Hey Yall, Im a 12 yr pain management w/ fent.and perk 30 ,I got sick of the whole $hit racket ,pulled that patch off last friday. God Knows I Hurting So fin Bad ...No serious withdrawal symptoms up to 900 gabapentin,0 nausea diarrhea,only took 1a total of 6 mg of loperamide in 6 days.. Melatonin sleep aid and for anxiety 2 at a time. Zofran 0.4 mg as needed If I felt a bubble, I took 1 was takin muscle relaxer 4 mg Tizanidine Ok yall Heres the kicker ,I've been taking 300 mg a day of tramadol for the first time in my life sometimes.Now understand this Ive taken every other kind of opiate pain medication at first injectable mepergan. If you truly know,Tell me when to stop each meds Ill know what will come probably some ,so I can take it ! THANK AND BEST TO ALL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS STRUGGLING WITH THESE DEMONIC $HIT ,but at the time she was beautiful liar....Love and Peace,Wolf Singleton

"I destroy homes, tear families apart - take your children, and that's just the start.
I'm more costly than diamonds, more costly than gold - the sorrow I bring is a sight to behold.
And if you need me, remember I'm easily found.
I live all around you, in schools and in town.
I live with the rich, I live with the poor, I live down the street, and maybe next door.
My power is awesome - try me you'll see.
But if you do, you may never break free.
Just try me once and I might let you go, but try me twice, and I'll own your soul.
When I possess you, you'll steal and you'll lie.
You'll do what you have to just to get high.
The crimes you'll commit, for my narcotic charms, will be worth the pleasure you'll feel in your arms.
You'll lie to your mother; you'll steal from your dad.
When you see their tears, you should feel sad.
But you'll forget your morals and how you were raised.
I'll be your conscience, I'll teach you my ways.
I take kids from parents, and parents from kids, I turn people from God, and separate from friends.
I'll take everything from you, your looks and your pride, I'll be with you always, right by your side.
You'll give up everything - your family, your home, your friends, your money, then you'll be alone.
I'll take and I'll take, till you have nothing more to give.
When I'm finished with you you'll be lucky to live.
If you try me be warned this is no game.
If given the chance, I'll drive you insane.
I'll ravish your body, I'll control your mind.
I'll own you completely; your soul will be mine.
The nightmares I'll give you while lying in bed.
The voices you'll hear from inside your head.
The sweats, the shakes, the visions you'll see.
I want you to know, these are all gifts from me.
But then it's too late, and you'll know in your heart, that you are mine, and we shall not part.
You'll regret that you tried me, they always do.
But you came to me, not I to you.
You knew this would happen.
Many times you were told, but you challenged my power, and chose to be bold.
You could have said no, and just walked away.
If you could live that day over, now what would you say?
I'll be your master; you will be my slave.
I'll even go with you, when you go to your grave.
Now that you have met me, what will you do?
Will you try me or not?
Its all up to you.
I can bring you more misery than words can tell.
Come take my hand, let me lead you to hell."
OPIATES AND MY BUDDIES,Satan and his demons
I've tryed heroin but I have a tolerance to codeine (600mg) a day Ive done 25mg of pure and it blew my world I couldn't stand walk or barely talk if feels like a thousand sleeping pills with a thousand Xanax bars with all the opiates but together definitely the strongest substance out there I wouldn't recommend doing it but if you truly just want to try it use 10mg for your first time to avoid od and watch your breathing to make sure you still are breathing if overdose is suspected call ambulance or get someone to rush you to hospital
Welcome to Blue Light KB.

Nobody wants to go that far. Unfortunately, not everyone can control this.
At some point you'll be thinking about heroin everyday. If you are dating, your partner will become less important.
It's not a good life, regardless if you can use it eventually or not. It's like an itchy are try not to touch.

Good luck! Hope to see you around :)
If you had 25% of being shot in a Russian Roulette just as an example - would you do it?

Exactly... The truth about heroin is bad enough without needing to sensationalize the matter or dress it up in exaggerated scare tactics. The fact is, the majority of people who try heroin will not go on to become addicted. But it's not really that great of a majority, and many, many people go on to ruin their lives, or lose their lives, because of the drug. So is it worth it? I would say no!
I tried it for the first time last night with my boyfriend who has been a heroin addict for around five years now, on and off. I have to say it wasn't very impressive. Nausea was the most prevalent feeling during the 10 hour "high" that I experienced, along with clouded thinking and terrible balance. This is coming from an alcoholic that has been in recovery for two years. (I'm not sure if that makes much of a difference). I sniffed a bag, waited five minutes and sniffed another. Entirely too much for a first time user if you ask me. I still feel like shit 18 hours later. Mostly puking and depression. I know enough about the drug that if I continued I would get addicted quite quickly. Based on this solo experience, I wouldn't risk trying it again. Feeling worse, before feeling "better" was never really appealing to me. Not worth it in my opinion. I'm a 31 year old female btw.
Thanks for sharing Jwap! Not the best experience.
Welcome to Blue Light btw :)
I noticed this was your first post.
'See' you around!