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RCs 3F-Phenmetrazine (3-FPM)

I'm planning on 18ml of water which should work out at something that doesn't dissolve the vein.
Stay below 42mg/ml and you will be fine even if you miss shots, at least in my experience. That's around 15ml for your shot. Careful if you prepare a lot of liquid (I used to prepare at least 70ml for a session). The water will evaporate and the 3F-P concentration will rise in consequence. Oh god I really need to keep away from this thread. After 4 months or so the cravings are still massive. Totally unmatched by amphetamine (no rush), cocaine and MDMA (less intense/pleasant rush). I know I keep repeating myself, but people should be fully aware of the destructive and addictive potential of this stuff.
Holy crap. I'm not really sure why it went so wrong last night, but I recall sitting in my bedroom, in the dark, with a line up of 6 syringes, candle light for some reason, a missing butterfly, massive pain. Intense tactile and auditory hallucinations, formed figures in the dark. Whispers.

Going outside and sitting in the garden to smoke cigarettes sitting between the trees at 04:30 in the dark to see the hallucinations better in the howling wind, to relish in the fear that I was surrounded by shadows of people who weren't there. Then back in bed for sunrise. A handsome bearded man next to me in bed. Not really there.

Then getting up to get ready for work, two 10mg bags of 3FPM empty. Tissues covered in blood. The wall splattered with blood. Towels soaked in blood, duvet and bed sheets sticky with dried blood. My hands covered in driedblood from my own veins.

Throat tasting of burned vaped 3FPM, sore tongue from eating it, ulcers. 30 new puncture marks in one vein alone.

Sweating I hobbled around the room shoving blood soaked everything in bags, previously brand new needles bent and snapped, and a selection of syringes half full of my own blood for the sharps bin. Hiding them from someone who wasn't there who wouldn't discover them.

Then running a hot bath only to discover that it was too early and the hot water was on get so it was just warm and sad.

So I just ordered another 10g to arrive tomorrow. How was your night?
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How you all doing in terms of recovery? I've found that selegiline greatly reduces my compulsion to use stimulants, if that's of any help.
recovery for me was easy.
I just felt negative (pessimistic and a strong sense of apathy towards everyone and everything) and slept 12+ hours for a couple of days. Appetite was back to normal after 8-9 hours and oh boy did I devour! Emptied half of my fridge in one day.
Then again, I only went through 1.75g of the stuff in about 6 days. My last 2 doses were 250mg IV. I still think of the rush from time to time.
Cr00k, etc. Would you use a filter for putting stuff in astringent that big? I can imagine it takin absolutely ages.
Filtering would be a smart thing to do. I, however, have not used a filter.
I noticed that it dissolves like a charm and solutions of up to 200+mg/ml do not precipitate even after days of storage. What I would do is store a solution of high concentration and then dilute it in the rig used for administration. This could help with easier filtration, as you would have less solution to filter before you dilute it with some physiologic serum (that you trust is completely sterile).
Has anyone had their cardiovascular health tested before and after using this substance?
I really don't mean to worry anyone unnecessarily, but I used 3-FPM almost daily for 4/5 months mainly vaped but with a good few grams IV'd. Prior to using this stuff, I had a resting pulse rate of 62-66bpm and borderline hypotension. Since quitting 3-FPM use I have had chronic palpitations, and currently have a BPM of 96-102, with a blood pressure of 159/101 - I am of a healthy weight so that is not to blame.
Part of me is worrying that this substance shares the cardiotoxicity of Fenfluaramine/3-FA/3-FMA, for example. It's also worth noting that I sustained a superficial thrombophlebitis when IV'ing 3-FPM.

Stay safe, guys.
Holy crap. I'm not really sure why it went so wrong last night, but I recall sitting in my bedroom, in the dark, with a line up of 6 syringes, candle light for some reason, a missing butterfly, massive pain. Intense tactile and auditory hallucinations, formed figures in the dark. Whispers.

Going outside and sitting in the garden to smoke cigarettes sitting between the trees at 04:30 in the dark to see the hallucinations better in the howling wind, to relish in the fear that I was surrounded by shadows of people who weren't there. Then back in bed for sunrise. A handsome bearded man next to me in bed. Not really there.

Then getting up to get ready for work, two 10mg bags of 3FPM empty. Tissues covered in blood. The wall splattered with blood. Towels soaked in blood, duvet and bed sheets sticky with dried blood. My hands covered in driedblood from my own veins.

Throat tasting of burned vaped 3FPM, sore tongue from eating it, ulcers. 30 new puncture marks in one vein alone.

Sweating I hobbled around the room shoving blood soaked everything in bags, previously brand new needles bent and snapped, and a selection of syringes half full of my own blood for the sharps bin. Hiding them from someone who wasn't there who wouldn't discover them.

Then running a hot bath only to discover that it was too early and the hot water was on get so it was just warm and sad.

So I just ordered another 10g to arrive tomorrow. How was your night?

Yup that sounds about right! One day I cleaned blood off the walls for 12h straight (at tweaker speed) and actually painted the kitchen because I failed to remove it. It happened 3 or 4 times that I started drawing up to 500ml total in blood and decorated countless canvases with it. The first time I had 50 butterflies and 50 needles and poked at least 1000 times, the third time I had only one 21G butterfly, which I started to bend and scratch on metal to break it seconds after the first shot to avoid a desaster, only to stop mid-process to straighten and 'sharpen' the needle. Proceeded to go crazy on my veins. Eventually it broke and I kept sucking blood up through the tube with my mouth, causing saliva to shoot back into my arm which caused an abcess.

This was not me. Full on 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' stuff.

2 10g bags though?! That is insane. You wrote mg instead of g btw.

EDIT: Yes, I always use filters.
ugh, this is the only thing i take so only place i know to post but basically, the following month of using (orally mostly) i haven't eaten/drank much, so i have dry mouth syndrome right now and tonsils the size of ball bags, holy shit. i don't eat so all that is fucking trapped in them is the post nasal drip. i've tried every medication online, any suggestions, anyone had similar tonsil bacterial mouth problem when using daily? obviously i brush/mouthwash but that doesnt do the trick, and yes i know i should drink more fluids, i do, but its to late now theyre fucked already, suggestions?
Corsodyl, an anti-inflammatory like Naproxen/Ibuprofen (Aleve/Advil), water, Gatorade or generic isotonic sports drink and a yoghurt or meal-replacement smoothie/shake should help a lot rather rapidly.

If you're snorting ANY AT ALL, you really should STOP. When using orally; are you placing in capsules, mixed in a drink or just eating the raw powder as is? :)

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Plugging is the only ROA I didn't try with 3-FPM, roughly how effective would you deem it to be relative to oral/IV?
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Hi Crooky and everyone, I've been using 3-FMP as a special kind of bunny diet assistant supplement for the past 5 weeks I figured I'd give it a try to see how it works in suppressing appetite and giving me that push and extra energy which I always can use for the gym in working out and other activities.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]I figured, it's an analogue of (Preludin) which was used for dieting back in the day so "why not" use it in the same way to lose a few pounds and also for whatever feeling comes along with it in "larger amounts." I started off with a reason basically justifying why I'm taking it to help the body get in shape, feel better and have more energy to exercise and do stuff.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]I must admit, after initially using it I liked it and started using it religiously and went overboard and out of control and even now typing I've overdone it again and am drinking lots of alcohol at the same time; which some may say is the wrong thing to do but from my own personal experience with 3-FMP thus far; it has helped relax and calm my heart down when beating off, faster and/or irregular and you could even say it enhances the effects or feeling (at least for me.) You don't get drunk but it adds to the 3-FPM good feeling.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]I have used Klonopin and Etizolam as well instead of alcohol as a substitute at times when needed due to overdoing it on 3-FMP but I don't mix drink alcohol with Benz - "Klonopin worked well to ease the heart tension down when overtaking 3-FMP; otherwise 3-FMP is probably very safe if you ask me in smaller doses.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]in larger doses like 2 or more grams a day you need something to relax or a “Downer” at some point. I always seem to hit the breaking point, where my body wants more but knows it can't take it. lol (Then comes the heart thumping soon afterwards and I prefer drinking alcohol and lots of water with food and vitamin supplements rather than doing the benzo administration unless it's to the point I feel I can't move due to heart issues and have to lay down and breathe extremely carefully as I feel chest pain as if a heart attack is on the way.) I could take up to 8mg Etizolam under the tongue sublingual/until feel tood enough effects then (Swallow) or 4mg Klonopin (Same way) and it usually calms the heart down from there and I can relax and even rest usually.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]When drinking alcohol and I prefer 80-90 proof (hard) with Rum, Gin or Vodka finishing at least a big bottle at times (mixing it of course not straight up) it enhances the effects of 3-FMP from my experience however also takes away from the "High" but evens you out with a good even buzz. It also lowers the heart rate when having taken too much, I check and monitor and was surprised to notice when you've taken 2-3 grams you may feel Ok like your heart's just fine but when monitoring it's really not (So you have to be careful of being deceived on how you're feeling on this stuff.) So I take a tone of 3-FMP then Drink a large bottle of Absolute Vodka or long neck of Rum and feel like a Pirate on this stuff and love the buzz with RUM. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]My Experience thus far:[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]My initial sample/tester order of 3-FPM arrived with 3 grams and I didn't have my scale with me at the office so “eyeballed” quite a few big decent lines, then randomly poured some mixing it in a drink, then sent the secretary home and vaporized the rest off within I would say 12 hours. I didn't realize that I had used so much until after a few foil, glass, heat/vape experiments until looking down at the 3 gram back that appeared near out. lol[/FONT]

Mostly having fun doing experiments on what works best in vaporizing and to get the biggest hit or effect out of it as not to waste. It takes time to learn how it vaporizes properly with 3_FMP and it has to appear a certain way, it can also easily be burned so people should know what they are doing and be careful on smoking the burnt shit as I'm sure it's far more toxic then clean vaped.

I vaporized/smoked about half of it on "Foil” and “Glass Pipe” so I'm guessing approx 2 grams (probably 100-150 ups and downs back and forth on the foil and 30-50 hits in glass pipe. (WAY OVER) yeah I know, I begin to become hypnotized into wanting more and more and 'TIME” seemed to vanish and go Fast for me after realizing what time it was. I was trying to get up there if possible with this stuff and feel “High” not just decent or good.

I used the same most common methods used in smoking/vaping "Methamp." which I've also experimented with in the past. On 3-FPM I get more horny on it and feel more functionable as if I could go out and much more easily pick up white rabbits; after this first session finishing off 3 grams I must say I did go home take a shower and immediately hit the clubs/bars going after the babes and had far more motivation to do so on this stuff LOL.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]I must admit now, going on 5 Weeks of using this stuff, I have "Honey Bunnies/White Rabbits” lined up for me in certain areas and bars “not always pick up girls either” and I please them when on 3-FMP. Something takes over inside me, the 3-FPM turns me into the masked sex hero; I can go on longer and longer pleasing the little honey bunnies until they fall apart over the floor in extreme blissful pleasure.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Back to the 3-FMP, I finished I'm guessing now 300-400 mg's give or take up the left and right 'notstrils' which *Burns nearly the same as 5-MAPB" and I'm guessing now I must have poured the difference of the first gram into my mixed alcohol drink – meaning it could have been 600 or 700mg's mixed in. My mistake completely in not having a mg scale with me at the office and I later paid for these mistakes; will further get into that later.[/FONT]

So my first [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]experience was finishing 3 grams within approx 12 hours give or take. My body fell apart the next day after the Bars, Dancing, Sex and Honey Bunnies I picked up. (It was fantastic though and awesome while it lasted) I couldn't stop throwing up acid at the end of the 16 hours about 8hours after finishing the 3gram bag and felt beyond sick with fever however felt good before that and I liked the energy boost in picking up Honey Bunnies – It turned me into the hero that I really should always be when picking up Brown Bunny and White Rabbits lol Ok so I of course decided give it another shot and reminded myself this time remember "CONTROL" - What is the Matrix - We all know the answer. lol[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Ok so my next order is 20 grams and I ordered fastest way possible, most places wouldn't accept my request but I was willing to pay to get it directly sent not through a courier but another way via airlines plane to plane direct and went to the airport to get it through customs myself same day through the airlines. Within 1-2 days had 20 grams finally but took effort including customs and security checking me out with it and asking questions. At the right amount I got it done and BINGO, I'm back in business. [/FONT]

So this time I decided at[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif] maximum I should not consume over a Gram per day (Well so much for that initial plan) LOL as I ended up using about 2-3 grams again per day for the first week. My body started gaining tolerance to it I noticed and no more throwing up of acid as long as I forced myself to eat, hydrate, take vitamins/supplements and not over do the body. Exercise and Sex with the "Honey Bunnies" worked out beyond fine and even "EXCELLENT" on this stuff however have to watch the heart rate still even if you feel Ok as it can sneak up on you. (Usually when I have used some under the tongue - vaped/smoked, taken up the nostrils and down the hatch orally along with a few injections my heart shoots up and it hits me all at once if doing nearly all ROA's within 1-5 hours minus (plugging) – I haven't tried all ROA's at the same time but have tried all routes per hour within a 5 hour span (Everything minus PLUGGING but I am working my way up in courage to get something stuck up in there and would prefer the Honey Bunnies did that part for me - lol Keep you posted. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Just took a quick break in typing this post and looking down at the clock it wasn't actually a quick break but felt like it - more like 1hr 24mins enough to log me out and well at least I finished off another gram of 3-FMP. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Oh I am feeling AWESOME again typing this yeah obviously but had to share my experience so far, I just divided two 150mg lines down each nostril, mixed 250mg in another hard alcohol drink. Vaped 200mgs in glass pipe and intravenously a quick mix and fix @ 250mg's. I won't intravenously take more than 400mg at a time I decided since Crooky talked me out of it. lol[/FONT]

Ok I now must admit it - lol
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]I'm an abuser yes I am, it appears that way. I NEED CONTROL but FEEL IN CONTROL as if It's not me that needs control but the “Honey Bunnies” later on that will be wanting to get some. lol[/FONT]

For the record: Taking this stuff non-stop for 5 weeks now and hasn't phased me, I'm still feeling good as long as I keep taking it in good enough amounts – I'm still [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]exercising in the gym nevertheless and going to work each day, along with social activities (bar hopping/happy with friends) however could use some “Honey Bunny” self control. I can't stop going after babes and seeking new sexual White Rabbit adventures; the kind that are kinky and into all kinds of sexual experimentation's. While on 3-FMP I am not my usual sexual self and feel become Extremely Horny in new and open ways of doing or experimenting things I normally wouldn't and feel as if I'm that masked hero seen in all the porn movies that goes on forever. Like the Energizer Bunny Wabbit that goes on and on and on lol[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]3-FMP has been my day and night for the past 5 weeks now, even when resting and/or waking up and going to the bathroom I can't resist a quick few Glass Pipe hit ups or a few lines while in the restroom. All I can really say is It's "YUMMY" stuff for me lately and I know I shouldn't have done this but did anyway. My secretary drinks coffee and well I wanted to do a little experiment so added 80mg's after weighing it out into her coffee LOL Just to see how she acts and the effects, I took notes on her this time instead of her taking notes in my behalf on incoming business calls.[/FONT]

Within 1hr she started acting different and giggling more (perhaps she's getting horny I thought) I was tempted at 1hr 30 minutes to attempt flurting a little with her just to see how she would react knowing she has a husband and children and is 4 years older than me but still a “Doable” Bunny and I like the experienced and professionals in bed. She seemed like a hidden professional under that well dressed outfit that I envisioned getting under and would have tonged everything available if appeared in order/clean down and around there. LOL but suddenly my “Conscience” bothered me and yes I do have one even when High on this stuff lol – So the thought came to me “What I've done is unfair and even if she wanted some from the boss; she's still under the influence of this stuff and cheating on her husband would be hard on her as I know they are happily married.” Ok so I felt that she was feeling good and horny and I possibly could have gotten away with something but didn't as I'm not that evil of a person so felt it's time to stop messing with her any further and get out of dodge.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]I told my secretary I'm leaving early as I have something to take care of and that's she's free to relax and take messages for me, deal with the clients; at least up until 5pm then lock the office and head home. Security watches over the building 24/7 so it's all good.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]I wish they made 3-FMP gummy bears or 3-FMP in types of candies, I would have candy dishes out for clients to eat up before business deals. Lol It might just to some people some good and take that butt plug out of their arse in taking more risk in life and in new business ventures etc. lol Anyway, so I've been leaving the office quite frequently 'Horny” and had an actual schedule with “Honey Bunnies”- I call them adventures and missions. I had planned to get braver each time and go after someone that I normally wouldn't feel comfortable hitting on. It didn't always work of course, plenty of strikes out even in being persistent but plenty of AWESOME surprises, including a pair of Lesbians willing to open up and share a few weeks back.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Taking another restroom break[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/FONT]

Ok I'm back could have been another hour and I'm logged out from blue-light yet again lol

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Oh well, going to do a little more 3-FMP and continue.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Ok I'm back and feel like I'm the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE and just wanted to add a few more things before having to re-log into blue-light.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Oh btw I have lost every KG/Pound I needed to lose in the last 5 weeks, I've been lifting weights every other day, lower and upper body and run on the Treadmill at least 1hr per day (everyday) on this stuff and honestly I could probably run 5 (hours) on 2-3 grams of 3-FMP but then would probably drop dead in overdoing the heart. LOL[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]When you take larger amounts it gives you too much energy and too much mind and will power I must say; but intelligently we must use wisdom and judgment (go ahead and call me a hypocrite for saying that and doing what I've done so far) but yes we must use wisdom and not over-exercise or over-sex-ercise but Yeah plenty of White Rabbits and Honey Bunnies I've gotten around to lately on this stuff (it's no joke) and does get you super horny in higher doses (at least for me.) SEX SEX and more SEX. I go on Honey Bunny Missions and it's all Pleasure. Letting some of it go in their mouth as they want a taste after consuming large amounts may just be giving them some of the 3-FPM and yet a new ROA. lol[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]It also has allowed me to do 3 new Honey Bunnies (in nearly all positions) I would have normally not touched but - what can I say "Feeling Horny and Cheap at times" lol Not so much cheap in a bad way but openly willing to please whomever wants some of the mask hero porn man that goes on and on as the energizer wabbit.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Sorry for getting side-tracked with details involving the main side-effects for me on 3-FMP – so back to 3-FMP now.[/FONT]

The l[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]ast 20 gram order came and went faster than expected as CANDY LAND but I already had a back up order on the way via DHL Express and the next order received was 30 grams. I used it all up and my last order received DHL Express same way was 100 grams and I'm not keeping track now how much remains until it gets down to the last 10gram bag as I requested the 100 gram order comes in 10 individual 10 gram bags – I mostly keep tabs now on what I use per hour and day but I must say I only wish Crooky gave me what he flushed off; 400+ Grams HELL NO) I wouldn't flush that stuff or give it away but consume consume consume - I LOVE THIS STUFF, I must say, I LOVE THIS STUFF and will probably NEVER QUIT until the DAY I DIE. (Let's hope that is not today LOL)[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Intravenously because of dose amount and how it was done is what got the best of crooky; yet as we read he ordered another 3 grams and tried yet again. Bloody why not try many ROA's simultaneously within an hour gap but doses within reason not 700mg's crooky just in the veins. Divide that up, snort some, stick some up ur arse, put some under the tongue, try vaping a little then through a little magic dust into a drink or something. You just might feel much better than you did when putting it all in your veins all at once:) Don't blame me if you hit the bars and go after “Honey Bunnies” Yourself – possible/possible.[/FONT]

I've tried nearly all drugs and see no reason to put the entire list here but you can count on it including most major narcotic and illegal drugs available and all morphine related/synthetic/heroin/fentanyl based drugs and I[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif] like 3-FMP not for it's quick rush or Intense High feeling as say hits of quick rushing “Coke” or “meth” but moreso in the long run - the longer bunny lasting Mood/High when using correct ROA's and amounts along with it allowing you to staying functioning in the gym and in the office and basically (all around). No negative side effects from my long term experience so far as the mind thinks, works and acts right from my experience so For me it's WAY WAY BETTER than other things out there in the long Run. I wish I was administered as an infant and baptized religiously in this stuff. Lol It is a substance what can I say from the PRIME CREATOR directly and I'm about to "Beam myself up to Scotty temporarily until I ASCEND back into the HEAVENS where I came from as I feel that I AM THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Time for more 3-FMP – Roger, copy that – OUT![/FONT]
Sleeping with a bird who's high and knows it, and you know she's doing it because she is high is one thing. But secretly drugging someone is a dogs move, if a women is on MDMA by choice and wants to fuck go ahead but secretly getting her under the influence is cowardly and evil. Personally I think (and hope) your use is changing your personality, I can be very evil on some chems more so with abuse.
Also mate your lucky no one noticed you spiking her drink or that she figured it out, if I saw someone doing that he would be in A&E and I'd be going down for a section 20.
I'm gonna go ahead and say when plugged it's most similar to IV in time course and potency, when I compare taking a plugged dosage with my buddy who tried it IV we both seem to have the same time course roughly. Generally speaking, plugged chemicals will respond with the same speed and intensity as snorted but with increased overall BA. I also think plugging compounds as solution helps minimize the corrosive effects of the pure acid salt on mucous membranes - I never noticed any issues with concentrations of 50mg/mL or less.

If you don't have a significant stimulant tolerance, 5-10mg is a light dose, 10-30mg is functional stimulation, 50mg is "recreational" stimulation that leaves you all sweaty and cranked up. I also noticed if you keep dosing spaced out by at least 4-8 hours, tolerance doesn't seem to develop terribly rapidly to the useful fatigue-reducing and task focusing effects.

I think I have to say, if you're dosing above 200mg in a day of this, you are seriously overdoing it and/or you have a serious stimulant tolerance... and seeing how many people do go totally off the rails with this, I'm suprised it hasn't been scheduled. If you have to keep tabs on how much you're using per hour, let's just say you're setting yourself up for one hell of a crash later.

Also drugging people and musing about how much you want to bang them is probably a sign your dopamine receptors need a bit of a rest, lest you become a registered sex offender... lecherous fuck.
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I always keep a log on how much I use for HR reasons, 1g can last doing 30mg bumps every 2 hours or 3. Very morish.
Generally speaking, plugged chemicals will respond with the same speed and intensity as snorted but with increased overall BA.
That is not true. A lot of drugs are well-absorbed in the rectum, but the vast majority is not. It depends on a lot of factors. I remember having this discussion on bluelight before, me siding with the belief most chemicals are absorbed faster in the rectum compared to other routes of administration, but eventually had to agree there is a huge variance between substances in terms of rectal absorption rate.

For the chemicals that are transported through the rectal mucous membranes it can be an extremely efficient route of administration, but a lot of substances it's just a very poor choice.

I did not have a stimulant tolerance at all when I used 3F-P at 500mg per shot. It just gets extremely intense at such a high dosage. I've also never crashed off 3F-P. People are very different I suppose.
a lot of substances it's just a very poor choice.

Could you elaborate? In my experience the opposite is true, there are only a handful of drugs that don't "play well" plugged.
Oral administration works extremely well with 3F-P. I need roughly 50% more substance compared to intravenous use, resulting in an estimated 60% oral BA for me personally.

Due to the significant health hazards I would strongly discourage rectal administration of stimulants!
More information below.

Could you elaborate? In my experience the opposite is true, there are only a handful of drugs that don't "play well" plugged.
The following are taken from the bioavailability thread and are not double checked. They only list bioavailability, not speed of onset. Afaik there is a correlation between these though. I would have to look up the respective articles for more information on the latter.

Hydromorphone: Oral-30-35%; Intranasal 52.4%; Rectal 33%
Oxymorphone: Intranasal 43%; Orals 10-20%; Rectal 10%
Rectal oxycodone bioavailability is 61% (which is similar to oral at 60-87. There is greater individual variability with rectal (+or-30% range 16.4-126.8 and peak plasma for rectal is a rather lengthy 2.8 hours."
Ketamine is really shitty via this route, both in terms of BA and absorption rate.
DXM gives no effects at all in my experience.
Rectal bioavailability and speed of onset of amphetamine vary significantly between individuals. I have personally had some very disappointing experiences with it.
Additionally, a lot of substances' bioavailability and speed of onset depend on the rectal pH, anatomical properties like the size of the rectal surface area or anastomoses to superior (portal!) rectal veins. Codeine and Morphine are good examples of that, they both get absorbed a lot better in a high pH environment which one cannot rely on finding in their rectum at a given point in time. This is true for many substances which makes rectal administration less reliable than oral or intranasal administration.

I won't get into more substances here, but focus on other issues with the rectal route of administration that make many substances - most importantly stimulants - a very poor choice! Generally speaking, you are correct that rectal administration can be effective for a large number of substances due to lower ratio of portal vs systemic absorption.

For anything that depends on first pass metabolism rectal administration is obviously a bad choice. Examples are Tilidine or Tramadol. Codeine phosphate needs to be demethylated via first past metabolism if I am not mistaken.

I suppose most substances are indeed better absorbed via the rectal roa, but insufflation often rivals or surpasses it. Can't hurt (well it could actually hurt quite a bit ;D) to try plugging 3F-P, but I would personally avoid it due to it's apparent proinflammatory effects on connective tissue, possibly even local vasoconstriction leading to cell death.

Aaaaand, who would've guessed it, I found out this is true for other stimulants as well after reading up on it! I was actually spot-on correct:
The application of methamphetamine directly to rectal mucosa likely has local vasoconstrictive effects, making rectal ischemia and necrosis a potential complication.

With 3F-P I would therefore be even more careful about administering it rectally! In the name of harm reduction it is a dangerous recommendation since there is absolutely no data on it while we do have a shitload of anecdotal information on other routes of administration.
Ischemic bowel is a potentially life threatening condition due to the risk of sepsis - You do not want shit to enter your blood stream.
More on cocaine and amphetamine causing ischemic bowel.
0.1% of hospital administrations are due to ischemic colitis. The incidence is much higher, but many cases follow a mild course with spontaneous resolution. Once you have an ulcerous gangrenous rectum though there is comparably little hope for survival, even if you enter surgery within the hour which is recommended due to the highly acute nature of the condition, accompanied by treatment of the resulting sepsis.

Ergo just do not administer stimulants rectally, especially not 3F-P which we have suspected to have significant local vasoconstrictive effects. This is the mechanism which I suspect to be responsible for the polyneuropathiae some people report (including myself), since nervous tissue is problematic in this scenario due to it's poor ability to autoregulate perfusion. Extensive necrosis can occur in nerve tissue within as little as 4 hours after administration of strong vasoconstrictors.

Due to the significant health hazards I would strongly discourage rectal administration of stimulants!

For those who do not take my advice seriously: If you experience rectal pain or bleeding after rectal administration of stimulants, stop right there. If it is followed by a fever seek medical care immediately, since mortality in this condition is extremely high and even with prompt medical care is rarely treated successfully.

Sekio, you should know better than to blindly recommend methods of drug abuse that we have so little data on. You could have easily done some research to find out why transrectal administration of stimulants is to be discouraged. Especially before the background of you deleting my thread about passing amphetamine tests by consumption of salmiak two days ago.

I found that really low and we both know you did it because I called you respectless for telling people a traditional Northern European food is disgusting, not because salmiak consumption poses a significant health risk. Show me a single case of hospital administration due to acidosis caused by salmiak licorice ingestion!

Reducing the risk for potentially disastrous social consequences of drug abuse is an important aspect of harm reduction in my humble opinion and you were plain wrong to delete the thread, again in my humble opinion.

Now here you are suggesting very risky behaviour that you not only have no personal experience with, but did not bother to research. I suggest you edit your post in the spirit of harm reduction. I hope you keep enjoying your 'moderation' privileges the way you have!
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