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RCs 3F-Phenmetrazine (3-FPM)

@Hecticus - read Curious777's posts. For him, this stuff seems to be quite the turn-on.
From what I experienced, there was no real increase in libido. But I seem to be a special case, since rc stims don't really get me horny.
Again I'm inclined to concur with the post below yours. In estimation from past use/research into branded rcs I'd say most likely another aminoindane.
To move from speculation and to matters at hand. As I've stated previously I thoroughly enjoyed MDAI and 3-FPM in combination. So to further trial combining compounds of such nature I've elected to trial "mexedrone" (urgh I detest that name). With only speculation that the named substance is SSRA in nature due to anecdotal reports. I elected to trial the combo.
Weights chosen:
3-FPM - 61mg
"Mexedrone' - 142mg (was one crystal(also to add I've found zero information regarded dosage so my dose my be incorrect or possibly dangerous, do not take it as fact but tentative at best.))

Before trial conditions:
Consumed small amounts of pot over a moderate timescal from 09:30 GMT to present. No food consumed since last night. Medication taken:
Metronidazole 400mg x3
Amoxicillin 500mg x3
Codeine phosphate 60mg x4 (only had the 60mg today as it was the last.)
Other compounds taken:
Diclazapam 4mg (took to help with muscle issues with severe dental abscess issues and to hopefully potentiate the last dose of codeine)
Unfortunately I'm not going to write a detailed report due to the low need.
Both were consumed simultaneous at 13:05 GMT. First alerts within 10-20 mins.
Main feeling of I believe the 'mexedrone' was prominent at the hour mark. I felt very sedated with the typical SSRA feel. Not to dissimilar to MDAI but not in your face or full on. More subtle. At this point I conclude the 3-FPM dose was too low and was being overpowered by the other substance.
I allowed another hour to elapse to see if any changes occur or a greater pronunciation of the 3-FPM would arrise. This point I decided to add another 30mg of the 3F intranal. Hoping this would up the stimulation and give a balance.
30 minutes later I get desired results. The overall subjective feel is more Balanced and MDXX ball park.
not to say it emulates a true MDXX experience but has notes of it.
I'm unusure if the combo may be duff, the dosage needs tuning, different ROAs could/should be used or that this 'mexedrone' is actually a lackluster compound. (I will trial solo doses of it to ascertain dosage, effects(I'm not hopeful though.))
Any else enjoy 3F combo's or have tried any previous? I'd love to hear your experience's and to maybe get a thread together to study this particular compound in combination.

Peace guys.

P.s. more to come on this trial and maybe reports on my 3F experience's.

ordered a MDAI sample online today amongst other things, so i'll see if it's any diff to the branded products.
As someone has previously said, 4-ME-TMP isn't like your average phenidate. Smooth, clearheaded, functional although it's abuse liability is atleast moderate-high. I'm really interested in what the intravenous route would have to offer. From what i've read, 3f-phen seems to be a recreational stimulant.

My main question is how pro sexual is it? When compared to PV, Meth etc. Please i'm quite curious, i've only realised recently how many people love this stim. Thanks.

hey, i'm a female and i don't have much of a sex drive tbh (although i have sex a lot), i don't like crave it... but 3F does deff make me feel like i'm 'feeling myself' as beyonce would say- selfies, feeling sexy, so i suppose that would add to wanting to have sex if i had a man lol.
went on a 4 day binge, going through about 250mg a day. I have nothing to say that has not been said already except these 2 little things that have been bugging me:
- developed a rash on my face, around my nose that extended up to the forehead and kind of encircled my eyes. Another spot of the rash appeared near my armpits. These felt a lot like histaminic reactions (red, bit sore, sensitive to touch and itchy)
- got myself into a pretty serious psychotic episode on the 3rd night (by this time about 50 hours had passed, with little over 5 hours of low-quality sleep in 2 sessions)
I have a detailed report, its just that I do not think its that interesting.

My doses were around 60-80mg each, all insuflated at intervals of 3-4 hours.
Overall it is the best RC stim I have tried, honestly. Only downside is that it is so hard to sleep after taking it that I just give up and just redose after spending the night in bed, rolling around and telepathically communicating with a shadow-man that is supposed to be the projection of my subconscious into the real world. He is quite the trickster, I have to say.
I gotta get me some of them benzos.

wow that sounds crazy
it's so bizarre how different all of our experiences are
or maybe people aren't stating that they're taking other things with 3F....?
never tried this compound but would love to compare or test against damphete or meth which i have limitless supplys, hope i dont get banned for this post :D

tweakers out there d-amphet or crystal meth for outright trade, oz location! PM me, I dont have a credit card to order online or I would
I only had some alcohol, but not in the amounts that would matter.

on another note, 125mg iv produced no rush.
euphoria is present, but its not as balls-to-the-wall as I expected it to be.
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A summary of my impressions until now (3 grams, 4 months)

I was never able to stay high on 3-FPM for more than 12 hours straight, tiredness overcomes compulsion to redose. If I do it more than once a week I spend a couple of days like I have flu. But as the last sentence implies, I was compulsed multiple times to do it again despite the physical hangover. I believe I have experimented with it enough to put it in my favourite night-out stim spot, it is no longer functional because I discovered my sweet spot of 3-FPM which is really really sweet.(60mg bomb followed by two 35 mg lines an hour after, and 2x25mg lines to keep it going) If you are hesitating about putting it up your nose, do it. I can easily say this stuff can be more efficient than coke for many people in social settings. This stuff is gold if you can keep it under control. . Needless to say, every puff of ganja feels like bliss on 3-FPM.
Deepest stimulant I have ever tasted. 'Jogging Buddha of Stims' I could say.
i love this stuff. its like nothing ive ever had. its a stimulant, but so forgiving and relaxing!

i especially like it vaped!
250mg iv was found to produce an amazing rush, followed by 5-6 hours of a really nice, relaxed body feeling coupled with mid-level euphoria.
I injected 60mg MDMA the other week and the 3F-P rush definitely rivals that. I dare say it's even better, but I used up to 500mg per injection... Shit I can't get it out of my godamn head. That feeling... On the other hand, I have another 100mg MDMA lying around and am not even tempted. That 3F-P rush though... SHIT! Sometimes I couldn't handle the full 500mg and had to stop mid-injection.

EDIT: I have never abused MDMA except for 2 injections earlier this year. I still get very strong empathogenic effects even when I take it orally.
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Oh, the followup. MXP helped with the brain zaps, which I am still getting in low volume occasionally. I never want to touch this crap again in my life now that I am out.
Completely agree.
I'll always remember the good times I had when I compulsively poked myself around a thousand times in a single sitting. Or that one time when I sat in a pile of household garbage collecting all syringes and butterflies to flush them out for one last shot... Good times for sure!
Been there, done that, cr00k.

My entertainment for the evening would appear to be 600mg of 3FPM and a big bruised vein on my arm by the time I'm finished if last time is anything to go by. I'm planning on 18ml of water which should work out at something that doesn't dissolve the vein.

Must be careful to avoid the shakes too. And be ready to stop injecting when it starts to look like it might get a bit complicated.

*repeats to self*

*repeats again*
By far the most destructive and habit forming substance I have ever used.
I would agree, but for some reason, I still think about doing it again every time I sleep (which I do a lot more now I'm not tweaking, oddly 8) ), I don't even think about Heroin that much, and my screen name has the word 'smack' in it...

I've never known a drug that matches 3-FPM's ability to render you strung out as Hell but so convinced you're holding it together. Nothing like shooting up every 15 minutes compulsively even though you're never getting any higher.

I considered it an 'odd' substance a year ago when I first tried it, and even more so now.
I've never known a drug that matches 3-FPM's ability to render you strung out as Hell but so convinced you're holding it together.

I was so delusional under the influence of 3F-P. The problem with my delusions is that I always manage to make others believe in them as well - everybody actually, even the psychiatrists. Can't get any godamn feedback like that.