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RCs 3F-Phenmetrazine (3-FPM)

3-FPM is still the Bomb and I LOVE IT. I wish i could get my hands on Phenmetrazine it's Father as welll, anyone know if it can be ordered? China supplier maybe?
And I thought I was crazy... 6g... No words for this.

@bootje: tried a-PVP or a-PHP? If you need a clear head, try 4-Me-TMP.

I tried 90mg AMT and 2 pellets of 5 Meo DAlt, not sure what 4 Me-TMP is but willing to give it a go unless you were only kidding lol

the AMT and 5 Meo Dalt Pellets were a Joke in my Opinion, gave me a headache mostly even if kept me awake and I wasn't tripping out or anything. 3-FPM WAY much BETTER. (Yum Yum)
Oh by the way, after plugging 250mg and intravenously taking 400mg and vaping the rest (which I promised I wouldn't do but couldn't resist I have a perfect method of vaping it now with no waste) It's all good, feeling much much better now and all sickness taken from me. Thank you 3-FPM I love you and off to the gym now i go for all around body work out and 1hr run. Until later I'll be back for those honey bunny missions - Peace!
My 200 grams arrived about 2 hours ago....
So far only I've used 1.5 grams so not a bad day but it's still early afternoon...

Dude, seriously. Are you even reading this yourself and realize how batshit crazy that sounds? Ordering such a ridiculously high amount after binging and experiencing the things you described earlier is just insane. With this consume behavior you will land in the loony bin, jail or a coffin sooner or later.

Just trying to give you some sort of a reality check here. I am sitting here shaking my head...
Try plugging it, twice as effective and onset twice as fast if done properly. Otherwise sublingual is next option leaving some of it under the tongue 5-10 minutes until absorbs, however still not as good as Plugging but faster onset and better than oral.

I may only "Plug" 3-FPM from now on instead and stay away from vaping/insuff/oral. (but have a feeling it won't happen) I can give it a shot nevertheless. The intravenous kind lol

My 200 grams arrived about 2 hours ago and I'm feeling much better now, part of my body episode in what I was feeling was "Withdrawl symptoms and being overly anxious for this new 200 gram shipment to arrive" Well it's the good old 3-FMP now back in Control and can't wait to go on more "Honey Bunny" missions tonight. lol So far only I've used 1.5 grams so not a bad day but it's still early afternoon and I'm expecting another 1.5 to b taken around 8pm (ROA's) undecided as of yet. Then off to the bars with the mask taking over and White Rabbits here I cum lol

got some now just arrived, i want to try plugging but i'm alone and i'd have no idea how to get it in there lmfao! i'm a female and even for me that shit hurts no puns
Things finally caught up with me, been sick for the past 48 hours and just typing this is a challenge atm. Been throwing up acid and body can't stand or walk normal, I'm in some sort of dizzy state and tried taking more 3-FPM to phase out of it but my body rejected and threw it up instantly. Considered vaping/intravenous ROA but then something inside of me "common sense' maybe said give your body the break it needs. I've been overdoing myself, during this process I've been coughing up dark near dark brown/black flem coming from the lungs, Lots of it - most likely from all the vaping and I felt it was clean or at least felt it was when taking it in but perhaps not and toxic build up in the longs over time. My breathing is more shallow now I notice, having hard time getting enough oxygen.What have I done to myself and to think this thread influenced me to order the initial 3g sample and it all took off from there. Not sure where this will all lead to now, just feeling sick, tired and disoriented possibly even syndrome's now involved. Am I losing my mind? I feel like it almost today, after effects of long term consistent use in larger amounts has devastated my body on this chem. People were right, I wasn't in control of myself and was someone else while under the influence of this and thinking on a different level than I normally would. I minds well quit and stop, I don't think if ever used 3-FPM again I could have full control over it; it seems to want to take control over me and turns me into the mask man like in the movie with Loki and the Mask. Once worn it takes over, changes me, turns me into something else. Back to be bed now feeling beyond sick, resting as many days as it will take and hoping for full recovery but depression comes wit all of this and low energy, no motivation, even feelings of death as if i may not wake up alive in the morning. I way over did my body and have to admit going over my supplies at times I may have used up to 6 grams per 24 hours which is suicidal but I didn't realize it at the time but it's all catching up with me now.

p.s. Edt to add - Snorting this stuff will only destroy your nasal pathways guaranteed in the long run, it may just burn a little for so many lines but if you continue you will get infections in and around the nose. In my case - Much Worse. My Nose is Bright Red atm and infected all the way with damage done. This is all hitting me at once, everything in my body suddenly coming out and manifesting with negative long term abuse effects.

Sorry for going off topic in advance.
Curious777 everything you posted thus far reminds me of a guy I knew when 4-mmc wasn't banned. I mean it's eerie how much your reported actions and consequences echo his.

Now back to the point in hand. I admit I enjoy this "RC" a lot but only in moderation. It reminds me too much of the use/abuse potential of the aforementioned 4-mmc. That is a road one shall not tread again.
It is really great for working on music production, especially if the workload is high.
I've also concluded that 3-FPM is the nicest stimulant to combine with MDAI, now such is making rounds again.
I shall be enjoying more over the next few weeks (I've only partook a couple of times previously.) Hopefully with more insight into this compound and it's interaction with SSRA type compounds.
UGH. MDAI used to be beautiful, i dont know if the vendor changed it or my body changed but now it just gives me a short rush, 2 days of insomnia (even with valium) and heart palps, to the point of my heart stopping for 10 seconds at times. so scared of that stuff now
That does not sound like MDAI at all, more like a long lasting RC-Stim, maybe you got 2-AI instead?
Thanks. I ended up doing the crystal meth + 3FPM intravenously (big syringe) and was quite happy with the outcome. It seems better value to start of on meth and then spend all night (and all day) tweaking on 3FPM but that's just my experience.

No ill effects (on me) apart from the tactile hallucinations have carried on throughout the day when they normally finish mid-morning. No visual or auditory hallucinations since early morning. Mild psychosis during the night.

Gosh, to think I used to feel normal back in the day.

I'm scheduled to run out of 3FPM evening so will probably vape the remainder and IV what's in the packet (which isn't much) and as I haven't re-ordered any it looks like I'll at least be having a day off the stims which will probably be a very welcome day for my poor arms!
a little update on my experiences with 3fpm.
Im not a regular user by and measure, but i too have a love hate relationship with this chemical. In essence, if redosed and dosed high, it can have pretty bad side effects, and im not usually one to complain of such things... the worst of the bunch is the insomnia and racing heart, usually with high blood pressure, that lasts way longer than any seemingly mental effects. also, i believe its better to treat this as a one off dose, preferrably lower dose range drug, and not expect it to get one too high. im not saying it cant give a very rewarding euphoria, just that one shuld chase that, as the nastyness can rear its uglu head fast and strong.
im pretty sure prolongued daily or semidaily use will ruin ones health, but im no expert...

in regards to ROA, ive settled on oral as the preffered means. insufflated seems a bit of a waste really
well maybe i'm snorting baking soda because i haven't had a single bad effect in over a month of almost daily use now (i know, it's terrible...right...)
UGH. MDAI used to be beautiful, i dont know if the vendor changed it or my body changed but now it just gives me a short rush, 2 days of insomnia (even with valium) and heart palps, to the point of my heart stopping for 10 seconds at times. so scared of that stuff now

Curious. As the post below yours stated you may have recieved something different. I've had MDAI from two different sources and it's been the real deal.
Curious. As the post below yours stated you may have recieved something different. I've had MDAI from two different sources and it's been the real deal.

when i had it, it was in the form of those 'pink panther' pellets the shops would sell and would be sold online
Well I guess then it could have been anything but MDAI. I'd stay away from all these branded RC-products. They are mostly shit and cut with something else.
when i had it, it was in the form of those 'pink panther' pellets the shops would sell and would be sold online

Again I'm inclined to concur with the post below yours. In estimation from past use/research into branded rcs I'd say most likely another aminoindane.
To move from speculation and to matters at hand. As I've stated previously I thoroughly enjoyed MDAI and 3-FPM in combination. So to further trial combining compounds of such nature I've elected to trial "mexedrone" (urgh I detest that name). With only speculation that the named substance is SSRA in nature due to anecdotal reports. I elected to trial the combo.
Weights chosen:
3-FPM - 61mg
"Mexedrone' - 142mg (was one crystal(also to add I've found zero information regarded dosage so my dose my be incorrect or possibly dangerous, do not take it as fact but tentative at best.))

Before trial conditions:
Consumed small amounts of pot over a moderate timescal from 09:30 GMT to present. No food consumed since last night. Medication taken:
Metronidazole 400mg x3
Amoxicillin 500mg x3
Codeine phosphate 60mg x4 (only had the 60mg today as it was the last.)
Other compounds taken:
Diclazapam 4mg (took to help with muscle issues with severe dental abscess issues and to hopefully potentiate the last dose of codeine)
Unfortunately I'm not going to write a detailed report due to the low need.
Both were consumed simultaneous at 13:05 GMT. First alerts within 10-20 mins.
Main feeling of I believe the 'mexedrone' was prominent at the hour mark. I felt very sedated with the typical SSRA feel. Not to dissimilar to MDAI but not in your face or full on. More subtle. At this point I conclude the 3-FPM dose was too low and was being overpowered by the other substance.
I allowed another hour to elapse to see if any changes occur or a greater pronunciation of the 3-FPM would arrise. This point I decided to add another 30mg of the 3F intranal. Hoping this would up the stimulation and give a balance.
30 minutes later I get desired results. The overall subjective feel is more Balanced and MDXX ball park.
not to say it emulates a true MDXX experience but has notes of it.
I'm unusure if the combo may be duff, the dosage needs tuning, different ROAs could/should be used or that this 'mexedrone' is actually a lackluster compound. (I will trial solo doses of it to ascertain dosage, effects(I'm not hopeful though.))
Any else enjoy 3F combo's or have tried any previous? I'd love to hear your experience's and to maybe get a thread together to study this particular compound in combination.

Peace guys.

P.s. more to come on this trial and maybe reports on my 3F experience's.
Saw this in the "New posts" section and wanted to pop in that I LOVE THIS CHEMICAL and I wish my vendor didn't run out of stock so soon! Oh well, it should be back middle of this month and I'm so stoked. My favorite legal RC stimulant. :)
Got a new sample (won't order this stuff again) and the recent batch stings via insufflation like 2c-e, man. Luckily it only lasts 10 seconds.

Compared to (supposedly) high quality street amph this stuff is not recommended. Although it contains allegedly less cutting agents/synthesis residuals.
went on a 4 day binge, going through about 250mg a day. I have nothing to say that has not been said already except these 2 little things that have been bugging me:
- developed a rash on my face, around my nose that extended up to the forehead and kind of encircled my eyes. Another spot of the rash appeared near my armpits. These felt a lot like histaminic reactions (red, bit sore, sensitive to touch and itchy)
- got myself into a pretty serious psychotic episode on the 3rd night (by this time about 50 hours had passed, with little over 5 hours of low-quality sleep in 2 sessions)
I have a detailed report, its just that I do not think its that interesting.

My doses were around 60-80mg each, all insuflated at intervals of 3-4 hours.
Overall it is the best RC stim I have tried, honestly. Only downside is that it is so hard to sleep after taking it that I just give up and just redose after spending the night in bed, rolling around and telepathically communicating with a shadow-man that is supposed to be the projection of my subconscious into the real world. He is quite the trickster, I have to say.
I gotta get me some of them benzos.
As someone has previously said, 4-ME-TMP isn't like your average phenidate. Smooth, clearheaded, functional although it's abuse liability is atleast moderate-high. I'm really interested in what the intravenous route would have to offer. From what i've read, 3f-phen seems to be a recreational stimulant.

My main question is how pro sexual is it? When compared to PV, Meth etc. Please i'm quite curious, i've only realised recently how many people love this stim. Thanks.