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RCs Clonazolam (Clonitrazolam)

Just received my first supply of the infamous Clonazolam... took 3 .5 pellets at approximately noon. Very potent stuff. Just acquired a us to us vendor for etizolam. Took 15 mg etizolam Friday thru Sunday... first ever experience with it... 15 mg Clonazolam...I may have never woke up... supposed long half life..I dunno..I want to redone again... very moreshish

Why on earth would you do that man? Have you read that Clonazolam is about three to four times more potent than Clonazepam? That's like taking 5-6mg of Clonazepam in one go...save for a stupidly high tolerance, I can't fathom why any human being would need that much in one sitting.

Please be more careful in the future man. Irresponsible use of drugs like these is what gets them banned, which is a huge pain in the ass for those of us who actually use them responsibly.
Hey Profane

I am very responsible with a ton of experience with Benzes.... Cold turkeyed 8 mg Xanax or 8-10 mg of klonopin a day... Haven't touched many since tbh. a..that was two years ago. I read this entire entire thread waiting for them to get here. Some people said they were bunk... others strong and potent. I tend to trust myself way Moe than the kiddies who mostly hang on these forums.

I'm 39 btw.... the kids crashing there cars, ending up hospitalized... burning the house down.......................... There 15 yr olds
Sorry to hear about your predicament. My advice is get out now while you still can man, I've been on them for several years and I can assure you that it doesn't get any better. :p

That sounds reasonable. In my experience, a single .5mg pellet of Clonazolam is about as strong as 15mg Diazepam. YMMV though. It's better to err on the side of caution with these things.

I would say 20mg of diazepam at least, do not drag the taper out as a few months is not that long really as it takes quite a while to get a really bad habit. Good luck with the taper dude.
Thanks for your replies. Taking .25 + .125 mg clonazolam* was already a bit of a rollercoaster (I started to get "mini-withdrawals" 3-4 hours before each dose) but when I went down to .125 + .125 mg clonazolam, I really started to feel like shit, so when I switched to diazepam I ended up taking 25 mg on the first day. On the subsequent day I took 15 mg and then tapered rapidly, dropping 2.5 mg per day. I took the last dose (5 mg) a little more than 24 hours ago, so I guess I'm in for a treat during the upcoming days. I take magnesium supplements to aid my recovery, valerian for the anxiety and melatonin for sleep. I might cut the valerian though, since it supposedly acts as a PAM and thus may end up prolonging the withdrawal symptoms.

Switching to diazepam gave me a huge relief. I've been able to lead a somewhat worthy existence in the last couple days and it almost feels like another drug class altogether. The difference between short- and long-acting benzos isn't at all something new, I know (I've tried a few different benzos), but I've never built up any sort of dependence on them before so it just dawned upon me extra hard I guess.

*) These dosages are tentative. I had 1 mg pills acquired from an online vendor, so ~1/8 of such a pill isn't exactly guaranteed to be .125 mg. A clonazolam dose of .25 mg does seem to be around 20+ mg of diazepam however. It is very potent.
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Gonna go off on a little rant here -
Yeah i agree, i had a friend that would do something similar to this, he'd get a bunch of Xan bars , like 20, then he'd take them all and get drunk. He'd wake up at parties and not know what was going on, thinking someone stole his Xans...

A few years later he shot himself in the head while coming down off of drugs, after a gf broke up with him.
He was my best friend too.
His father would purchase him Xanax off the internet.. (rather than going to a doctor, who may or may not prescribe what he wanted)

Good thing he never found out about RCs.

Granted he was one of those spoiled type of kids, with both parents as lawyers ,
And granted that i stopped hanging out with him because he could not stop the cycle of drug abuse and partying, he was still a good guy who never bothered or hurt anyone in the entire world .

But- someone, if not another one of his friends because i stopped chillin' due to everyone winding up dead, in jail, or on drugs (and i didnt wanna be around that) - could have said something. His father could have done something. His father purchased him 3 different vehicles after he wrecked them all. He started with a Mazda RX 8 , he crashed that, and his father buys him a 50th anniversary Corvette.

I mean his father coulda done something for him. His friends coulda done something for him (yea i tried, i tried to help all my friends)

But i figured out after a while that even after giving them #s to suboxone drs, and trying to help them in every way possible, they were never going to revert to their former selves.

Its unfortunate as all my friends turned into d bags......

But honestly I know i am better off for not hanging out with these types of people.

While not hanging out with them, i managed to start a business, and get myself off of oxycodone/hydrocodone (and suboxone, but i had to go back on it & take a very very low dosage of sub (1 to 2mg) as i have very bad TMJ)

My ear dr(s) prescribed me baclofen, flexirl, soma & meloxicam (mobic) {mobic , can give you ulcers very easily! fK that stuff.}

So i had to go back onto Suboxone & ClonazePAM.

Soma & Flexirl made me feel awful! It didn't help the pain at all and it gave me that "somnolence" feeling. Where you are very tired but you cannot sleep .

So yea, after going back on Suboxone & clonazepam, my pain has subsided, clonazepam works 1000x better for me for muscle relaxtion, and sleep.

Suboxone also helps tremendously with the pain.

Etizolam, also works EXTREMELY well for sleeping. It also helps with the jaw pain, like clonazepam.

So in my experience, if anyone has TMJ, try a benzo instead of a muscle relaxer.

Anyways, thanks for reading :)

Looking forward to trying Clonazolam and the other new RC benzos however i wish there were more US to US vendors.

I find meloxicam to be the only nsaid not to give me IBS-like symptoms. Celebrex of course doesn't,but, I wish we had these black box warnings here in Canada. If you tell a doctor Celebrex is dangerous just like Vioxx you'll get some bad stares most of the time. But that's okay, if I'm in the ER and they don't want to give me opiates (when I could have them, I'm in the Sub jail, which I'm going to get out of temporarily, I have some serious surgery that needs to be done, I'm not even sure of the parameters yet, but the surgeon did tell me on the phone that she will have to get me off bupe until i'm in withdrawals, because I'll most likely end up on Morphine (high dose), Hydromorph Contins and such for a while, there's no way around it. It's gonna be a wild ride, I even have to probably take less of my valium script and not have some for some days before surgery, so the anaesthesiologist won't have me choke on my vomit while on midazolam and probably some propofol as they're afraid my script to benzos is an issue that much, that IV midazolam will go right through me...yeah right, I'm only 20mg valium a day, 1mg xanax bed time. Suboxone makes me feel a lot less positive than when I was on methadone, then I was allowed to keep taking 10mg of valium, then later upped to 20 again as I lowered that stuff out of me rather quickly. I got severe TMJ disorder too, which was caused in a freak "accident" in a hardcore punk mosh pit, which also damaged nerves as pieces of bone from my jaw scraped the myelene (the thing over your nerves to protect them, like for electrical cables) so I have small areas where nerves are unprotected. That's why I'm truly a pain patient who was badly treated after the guy taking care of me retired. I tell you, old docs are the best, they're not scared to script you what you need for such conditions, but the government is having trouble keeping them past 65 even with all the bonus money, especially specialists. It's scary when you think that in my city of 250 000, there's 2 neurologists. And I'm lucky enough to have one who can keep me as a patient, see him every 6 months. The old man also got rid of my HPPD with clonazepam, which was a godsent, then...
Ugh, I'm frustrated.

So I give my friend $80 to place an order for 90 .5mg Clonazolam pellets. I currently have about of these 40 pellets remaining from my last order, I can verify that these are strong and potent.

Well, about a week ago, I give my friend $80 and I give him specific instructions "please buy these soon, they WILL sell out and then we won't be able to get as good of a price on them again."

Well whaddaya know...they fucking sold out before he got a chance to buy them. Several days after I told him to. How unbelivably lame.

So now I have a few options. The site that I currently buy benzos from and trust the most is currently carrying liquid Etizolam, liquid Clonazolam and liquid Flubromazelam. I think I want to get the Clonazolam, but has anybody tried the liquid f-lam and if so how does it compare? I could also try my luck at buying pellets from another site, but man, I'm a little bummed that I'll probably never be able to get those super bomb Pinzor brand .5mg Clonazolam pellets again :'''(
It doesn't take a genius to mix powder with propylene glycol, you can do that yourself.
It doesn't take a genius to mix powder with propylene glycol, you can do that yourself.

I've done it many times before, I just prefer having pellets to liquid for several reasons. It's easier to transport, keep track of, give a few to a friend just to hold on to, etc etc...but ultimately, I like how when I take one pellet I know that I'm getting roughly the same amount each time. Powdered benzos vary wildly in their consistency and potency, but these Clonazolam pellets are some of the best I've ever come across, and it would be a tragedy to never see them again due to a friend's mistake. Oh well, such is life as an RC benzo drug addict lol :/
I'm 39 btw.... the kids crashing there cars, ending up hospitalized... burning the house down.......................... There 15 yr olds

Don't kid yourself. A couple years ago my dad slammed into a parked bronco going 80mph running from the police in his brother's sport car to the point that the entire wheel of the bronco was in his passenger seat. All thanks to xanax. He's 43 now. Benzos can get the best of anyone.
I am so excited to try this one! I was supposed to have received clonazolam, fluroprazolam and pyrazolam 3 days ago, and I'm getting it tomorrow and im now out of town!!!! Haven't tried any of those. I LOVE xanax and etizolam. How do you guys think they compare to those two?
Totally underwhelmed by Clonazolam, Pyrazolam, Diclazepam, Etizolam, Flubromazepam and Flubromazolam tbh...

Would much much rather take 10mg Diazepam over any of these any day... I thought Clonazolam would be my saving grace. Guess I'll try a different vendor (UK) but the one I used is notorious for the quality.

I just feel as if I'm missing something.

A pint of beer would just put me in a better anxiolytic state.
Don't kid yourself. A couple years ago my dad slammed into a parked bronco going 80mph running from the police in his brother's sport car to the point that the entire wheel of the bronco was in his passenger seat. All thanks to xanax. He's 43 now. Benzos can get the best of anyone.

I don't know why I don't find xanax all that strong at all, almost sugar pills. And I pay the extra to get the upjohns. They're brand name, not written xanax on, but it's 1mg purple brand name xanax, but says Upjohn. Anyways, I can take 5-6mg of xanax, it used to affect me hard. Now it just kind of, gives a weird vibe? I don't get an arrest of effects from Valium which is for sure. Oh that individual physiology.

I'd sleep right now if I didn't wake up for some sweets (I gotta have some bloodtests done...give me diabeetus now and I think I'm gonna go back to IV'ing Dilaudid. With all the nerve pain it brings...
I don't know why I don't find xanax all that strong at all, almost sugar pills. And I pay the extra to get the upjohns. They're brand name, not written xanax on, but it's 1mg purple brand name xanax, but says Upjohn. Anyways, I can take 5-6mg of xanax, it used to affect me hard. Now it just kind of, gives a weird vibe? I don't get an arrest of effects from Valium which is for sure. Oh that individual physiology.
Yeah xanax affects us both in a BAD way. Benzos are going to be the end of him I fear. A year or so later he was still "a little buzzed" of ~20mgs of ativan at 6am and was at the top of the staircase when he fell and back flipped down the steps and smashed his head on the tile floor, fracturing his skull in in 3 places and snapping his arm in half. He was in a 5 day coma yet when he got out it wasn't a week before I found him all fucked up on xanax. If he didn't just break his zygomatic bone I would've punched his dumb ass. He's doing better though
That surprises me with Clonazolam because even with a low to moderate tolerance only one 0,5mg pellet knocked my ass out. And also gave me the worst rebound I have ever experienced...
If you don't have a tolerance legit Clonazolam pellets should rock your boat hard.

Like I have written before, these Triazolo benzos are very potent stuff and not for me and imo should be treated with even more respect than the classic non-Triazolo-ones.
Totally underwhelmed by Clonazolam, Pyrazolam, Diclazepam, Etizolam, Flubromazepam and Flubromazolam tbh...

Would much much rather take 10mg Diazepam over any of these any day... I thought Clonazolam would be my saving grace. Guess I'll try a different vendor (UK) but the one I used is notorious for the quality.

I just feel as if I'm missing something.

A pint of beer would just put me in a better anxiolytic state.

You didn't get the correct Flubromazolam/pam then, god. I'd trade my valium script for a flubromazepam script (flubromazolam is just too strong, maybe you only had those 0.25mg pills? Those are not really what 1/4 of a pink 1mg gelcap is...and those 0.75mg and 1.25mg tablets apparently) Flubromazepam is like bromazepam and flurazepam in one first you get the anxiolysis..takes a while to kick in I know....and then you sleep sleep sleep sleep, so damn deep, and you don't dream, unlike with valium where yeah, it still works after all these years (now close to 6?) but that doesn't mean I won't get messed up dreams. Btw, a real dose of flubromazepam is about 24mg, it's something to be dosed like temazepam, yet the strongest pressed pills are 8mg, overcautiousness.

Also diclazepam...are you sure you even had it? Feels like valium, but 2mg = 25mg or something, I miss those purple little buggers, which thanks to the canadapost cuts, I still don't have, yet the bar on the site (you have to follow a cursor and a bar to know "where" it is now). I normally get international mail the day after it reaches Montreal till it travels here. I'm certain to have my stuff tomorrow. It's just that valium makes me way too sleepy to work if I use it as my GAD first defense, better to use it at night like I used to. As for Xanax, eh, the psychiatrist gives them to me weekly, I couldn't take more than 7mg at a time even if I wanted, he's "concerned" because I'm on bupe even if I am on a fuckin waiting list for the pain clinic.

Pyrazolam is a waste of time though, most people will agree. And most people seem to really love etizolam, I can get it in powder form inside my own country...and...meh..lasts too short, it's like how I don't find Xanax that great either.

I lol'd, the email notification wasn't edited ;)

I work with my computer in a field where I didn't get a degree, just had to know the right people. But it's great to work from home, for sure. I've been on welfare before, because I had a disability, so I cashed in 1200 a month, not the meager 530? (I'm thinking of the people who were on welfare who were weed customers back then....hmm, yeah, it raises a bit, but people who have no medical issues and just don't want to work or have a job under the table not to pay taxes to the province..sure don't get that...and they get picked randomly for questioning each monthand also country but the fed has no control over welfare). It wouldn't even have insulted me when I actually was on disability welfare to be told "I'm probably on it". Yeah I paid taxes for it so I deserved it then.

It's funny, my ex's ex once showed up at her apartment to cry like a baby to have her back, I was upstairs and lmao, then I got down and because he didn't see a car parked in the driveway (I parked it elsewhere, she told me her ex was batshit and could start breaking shit outside her house when she didn't let him in) and he was like, "he's got no car, you're fucking a slacker!" lol.

Your story is unbelievable child. And if it is true, well, might as well...

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Deleted message due to abuse from form members. Thanks for the welcome, guys.

Also, what is a form member?

he even entered it this way when typing in the reason why he was editing his post...I suggest just deleting it, egads, I'm not sure greenlighters can do that

I'm not trying to go overkill on this guy, but mostly on the general vibe of the thread since US people can apparently get their hands on it now. Obviously the retarded dosing, the extreme exagerations about the strength (0.125mg? really?) This isn't triazolam. If 0.5mg should be 0.125mg of this, I guess triazolam should be reformulated as 5 times less highly dosed pills of 0.025mg and 0.00125mg.

All these hyper warning posts from nobodys from the US, with 1 or 2 posts are obvious attempts by the faggot LEO's who watch this site at derailing/discrediting a product I think should be commercialized immediately. And it's not just because it's my opinion, the worthy posters who have posted before, who have tolerances to start with, are the people who should be looking to try these things, you know what, if you want to start benzos, maybe go to the fuckin doctor, and recite the IT-10 or DSM-IV, well pick at least 3-4 symptoms out of the bunch that apply to you. If you want this stuff for reasons other than anxiety or insomnia not covered by pills anyone can get easily from a doc, even an ER doc will script a month worth of a low dose of a benzo if your story sounds true enough. If it doesn't, it's most likely that you don't need it, don't know how to engage doctors (here in my country, they're paid with my money, so I treat them as employees, if you don't do what I say, I can go to 3-4 other doctors in the next week. It takes real suffering to actually need this class of drugs every single day. I can understand those who want something for opiate withdrawal....I suggest sucking it up, it's 4-5 days of hell, yeah, but that's it, a benzo tolerance means, getting rid of the insanity of its withdrawals mean at least a few months until you can leave your house.

Better than being on bupe or methadone and be in a form of healthcare prison, where rotating nurses will repeat you the same questions before even seeing the doctor, who also rotate, and ugh. No need to go further with this post I think my point is made. Scare posts from 1 posters who are obviously from the US with their incorrect English and borderline retarded expressions and reverse-scare posts where some dude is proud of taking 15mg of clonazolam and is telling us live they're redosing and expect respect should die in a fire. Because we know who you really are.
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Not being a douche, just stating things and would like to see this thread get back to normal. Maybe diaf was pushing it, but sometimes....this is why we can't have nice things, know what I mean?
Has anybody else been breaking out while using this? Like my skin has never been perfect, but ever since i started taking this... always breaking out.