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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: Engage the digital super banana

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Totally nervous about it now... I'm gonna be so pissed if I suddenly owe a bail bondsman a bunch of money. Damn it, I really wish I would have thought to wake his ass up before I left.

EDIT: Wow, okay so he was late but they are letting him go back at 2. Whew... the drummer is screwed now because he was supposed to drive him to a flight in Charlotte, which sucks, but it's better than him missing court for all of us. I'd give him a ride to Charlotte but I'm working.

EDIT2: And the drummer found a ride to his flight. It's good when stuff works out. :)
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wow, bit much excitement there mate! It is good when chaos works out smoothly in the end.
Wow, that's some powerful shit right there, Xorkoth.

I've been holding off from my 1P-LSD experiment until my place is the way I like it for such events... Tripping makes me super-aware of how old everything is, and how far from healthy we all are. Kind of a negative lens to see through, but when I'm in the right environment, it lends itself to some wonderful evaluation. Worked 2 12 hour days in a row, Monday and Tuesday, and I've just taken 10mg of melatonin and some CBD oil, got water running in the bath, and after a good soak and rinse I'm hitting the sack! 6 hour drive to my sister's on Saturday, and I've yet to do some vehicle maintenance, so the rest is necessary!
That sounds really amazing, Xorkoth, I can completely relate to both what you did for him and the place he was in.

^ :)

Turns out he got time served and it was dismissed (because we was in jail for 2 weeks before we got him bail - days before anyone even knew where he was, we had to call jails eventually). So that's bad ass. :)

But yeah, he's easily the most intense person I have ever met by several times over. He's SO emotional and feels SO hard, and he obsesses SO hard too... diagnosed as Asperger's when he was younger and you can really see it. Sometimes I feel like he's teetering on the brink of real insanity, he's functional but barely. But I love him very much... he's a bright shining soul so full of love and compassion and plans to make the world a better place and share art. But hard to spend too much time with sometimes.
Unsure mang, I is at werk :(

Though the empty block next to my place in all the photos I put up is being developed. Bunch of townhouses, like 5 or something. No more kangaroos chilling next door....at least our lease ends mid next month, so we can negotiate a decrease thanks to the upcoming loss of privacy, loss of awesome view, and heap of noise.
be sure to use the loss of kangaroos as leverage as well.
do they ever like get into peoples houses?
like this type of dael

these deer are PA deer too
thats from near pittsburgh
I'd say so. More often just in back yards, but I'm sure if someone was stupid enough to leave their back door open in a yard that kangaroos occasionally chill out in, shit would go down.
i want to have a yard where kangaroos chill at
you ever leave some food out for em?
and or some beer?
Well they can't get into our yard :p but nah I probably wouldn't encourage them if they could. Who knows what they'd end up breaking.
yo trozzle, which season it is in australia? :D summer is just starting here, feels good man
^On his behalf, its coming into winter down here. He lives in a discontiguous part of Antarctica called "Canberra". :)
I just got back from rehab where i was at for 9 days. It blew, i was surrounded by people that were way more messed up than me and nobody would give me the time of day about iboga which sucked.

my dad sent me because i said a bunch of crazy shit to him one morning while on 2mg of xanax.

As of right now im not doing anything ntil free form festival where i think im gonna candyflip or take 4acodmt.

Im gonna watch vids of Australian ppl talkimg til i fall asleep.

i watched interstellar today it was friggin awesomesauce
yo trozzle, which season it is in australia? :D summer is just starting here, feels good man

At the end of autumn right now, though as per willow's comment:

^On his behalf, its coming into winter down here. He lives in a discontiguous part of Antarctica called "Canberra". :)

This. Canberra, the nation's c(r)aptial, is a fucking fridge. We can have all 4 seasons in one day. We don't even get _useful_ cold....just miserable gloomy crap with frozen windscreens lol

If I ever get to travel to Australia, where should I go willow?

QLD. Like Brisbane and the Gold Coast. lol.

Well it really does depend on time of year though, and what your interests are. I'd definitely say you gotta see Sydney and to a slightly lesser extent Melbourne, but places like Canberra are still lovely and great to spend a few days in, especially as a foreign tourist. Canberra isn't so interesting to fellow Aussies since it's really just filled with arrogant self absorbed government employees and a million roundabouts hahaha. Nice and quiet though, and can be quite pretty :)
I just got back from rehab where i was at for 9 days. It blew, i was surrounded by people that were way more messed up than me and nobody would give me the time of day about iboga which sucked.

my dad sent me because i said a bunch of crazy shit to him one morning while on 2mg of xanax.

As of right now im not doing anything ntil free form festival where i think im gonna candyflip or take 4acodmt.

Im gonna watch vids of Australian ppl talkimg til i fall asleep.

i watched interstellar today it was friggin awesomesauce
Wot rehab was it
hopin this fabriclive mix goes
they break shit?
how cold does it get in winter?
Its chilly here mane.
look up melbourne bounce.
pretty cool innit
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Hey Sonn we probably live in the same region if we are thinking about the same freeform festival. This is my third year in a row trying to get to freeform, hopefully I will make it happen this time, its where most of the people I know in this region will be. Also what rehab was it? It does suck they will not promote iboga because they fear that it actually does work, and if addicts find something that works then the rehab business model will fail. That and iboga is still illegal here, but I doubt that's the reason rehabs won't mention it.
I got a recording of some music me and my friends played in February, on my guitar player friend's birthday. It's sort of a really psychedelic jazzy/bluesy/classical thing, 43 minutes long. We're just noodling for a couple of minutes at the beginning trying to develop some sort of theme, but then it really gets into it. The guitar player was still setting up the recording tracks at the beginning and then he waited til about 8 minutes in to come in because he was enjoying what the rest of us were doing, but what an entrance. :)


Let me know if you guys actually listen to these when I post them, I'm never sure. :)

Oh yeah and I'm on the piano. And I was rolling HARD on my first and so far only MDA roll. =D There were times I wasn't aware I was playing and I'd come back to like, oh shit, that's right.
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