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RCs 3F-Phenmetrazine (3-FPM)

I'm not so positive about this chem. Atleast in combination with 2C-D. 3F-Phen really seems to dull the 2C-D and made me also very tired at the end. While I still have plenty of energy if I only use 2C-D. It didn't add any benefits to the 2C-D as well I even think that 2C-D solo gives more energy than combined with 3F-Phen. Going to try it some later solo.
I'm not so positive about this chem. Atleast in combination with 2C-D. 3F-Phen really seems to dull the 2C-D and made me also very tired at the end. While I still have plenty of energy if I only use 2C-D. It didn't add any benefits to the 2C-D as well I even think that 2C-D solo gives more energy than combined with 3F-Phen. Going to try it some later solo.
This isn't an uncommon experience, many stimulants inhibit psychedelics, I've used cocaine to stop acid trips,2ci,2cb and I once was shipped 2meopcp instead of 6apb, took 160mg, the normal dose being like ten mg...I eventually remembered my own name and took this super rare coke analogue, immediately stopped tripping... Norepinephrine and dopamine based drugs often have this effect... I think coke is so efficient due to it being a TRI but it's still a legitimate consideration with this stuff

I'd suggest trying to combine it with a mescaline derivative or mda/mdma analogue rather than a tryptamine
Today I recrystallized 25 mg of the 3F-phenmetrazine and vaporized it in a meth pipe. It melts easily and cleanly, giving thick clouds of smoke with a mild taste that is actually kind of nice. The rush is mild compared to IV, I imagine largely because a significant amount of the dose was being lost and it took three lungfuls to finish smoking all of the salt. I think I prefer IV to smoking for this drug.

EDIT: Smoking it seems to have given me a painful cough.
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The rush is mild compared to IV, I imagine largely because a significant amount of the dose was being lost and it took three lungfuls to finish smoking all of the salt.
could you elaborate on the IV rush and how doses comapre to other roas? have u ever injected amphetamine salts? do you get a rush off that?
could you elaborate on the IV rush and how doses comapre to other roas? have u ever injected amphetamine salts? do you get a rush off that?

As I said earlier, a 25 mg dose gave a mild rush, while a 50 mg dose gave a strong, long-lasting one. It's a pretty typical stimulant-type rush, I don't really know how I would describe it in any more detail than that. I would say it's more intense than IV amphetamine.
As I said earlier, a 25 mg dose gave a mild rush, while a 50 mg dose gave a strong, long-lasting one. It's a pretty typical stimulant-type rush, I don't really know how I would describe it in any more detail than that. I would say it's more intense than IV amphetamine.
amphetamine has never given me any rush whatsoever and ive injected quite a bit of it. not even without tolerance, not even with huge doses, so that last statement isnt really saying much. if you had said no rush off iv amphetamine, i wouldve been a bit more curious about the 3f-phenmetrazine.
This isn't an uncommon experience, many stimulants inhibit psychedelics, I've used cocaine to stop acid trips,2ci,2cb and I once was shipped 2meopcp instead of 6apb, took 160mg, the normal dose being like ten mg...I eventually remembered my own name and took this super rare coke analogue, immediately stopped tripping... Norepinephrine and dopamine based drugs often have this effect... I think coke is so efficient due to it being a TRI but it's still a legitimate consideration with this stuff

I'd suggest trying to combine it with a mescaline derivative or mda/mdma analogue rather than a tryptamine

Yeah I think you're right. When I combined l-tyrosine with 2C-D it dulled the effects as well. But 2-FA doesn't dull it somehow.

I'm a bit more positive now because I slept within 3 minutes or so and slept for 8,5 hours no problem. That's a huge plus, also the no stim dick and no teeth grinding is cool as well and almost no heat increase. Might try a solo dose and go to the city today. But I really doubting to do this because I go out as well tonight and I don't know if it will dull the experience of 2C-D again due the half life.
The FAs are seratogenic aren't they? If so it could certainly have a positive effect on a trip...

My favorite thing about fpm is the lack of temperature increase,I am so damned sick of the horrible sweats all the fucking cathinones cause.
The FAs are seratogenic aren't they? If so it could certainly have a positive effect on a trip...

My favorite thing about fpm is the lack of temperature increase,I am so damned sick of the horrible sweats all the fucking cathinones cause.

3-FA, 2-FA and 2-FMA are not really serotonic. God, I miss 3-FA :(
Moderation is key with this substance, having used about 5g in 20 days is usually not a good sign for me. Gonna take a nice long break from all drugs, atleast until the new year.
The comedown is awful now, residual stimulation persist for around 16-18 hours. Even if i limit myself to 250mg in a session.

Feel like a zombie the next day, i can live with that. But my pupils are as big as manhole covers. Goes away after minimum 24 hours. I seriously look like i'm tripping balls, it so weird!
Normally on regular amphetamine, d-amp, cocaine, methyl/ethylphenidate, it's not that much of a problem. But with 3-fpm, sweet jesus!

The thing i love most about this drug is, that i finally get my drive to write back. I'm currently writing a self-biography, just because i thought it could be fun.
And boy i enjoy spending hours writing. Also i'm not having a hard time focusing on one task at a time. When i'm taking amphetamine i'm all over the place. 8)
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Can you explain what the tripping means in your experience? That you doon't feel yourself or the world feels different?
You've misunderstood. I'm saying that my pupils get insanely dilated on this chem. :)

Regarding, not feeling my myself. Well on stim comedowns i usually feel a bit detached from the world. Only sleep, water and food will cure that.
After a few days of usage, I don't have much interest in continuing to use this compound. It wears off far too quickly for my tastes.
Olanzapine is the most wonderful substance to get through residual stimulation. It's a bit tricky to figure out an appropriate dosage that will just end the stimulant effects without causing too much drowsiness, but when I get it right it works like a perfect antidote.
I guarantee you'd be rushing of 75mg+ of good Meth. Depends on what you consider a rush though. If this is more intense then Meth that sounds scary but something i must try, eventually.

S.J.P. would you say 3F-P could compete with Methamphetamine's sexual?
Hoping to try this sooner than later. From what I can gather, it sounds similar to 2-FMA in terms of effects and duration. Can anyone compare the subjective effects of these two drugs? Or any of the other fluoroamps? How does it feel on the heart and veins? (Pulse rate, vasoconstriction, etc)

I plan to take it orally or maybe nasally. No injecting :)
@ Lady

Someone asked, how it compares to 2-FA and 2-FMA :

2-FA :

It is actually the drug, which is most similar to 2-FA in my view (out of d,l-amphetamine and all substituted amphs and cathinones I tried) . To me it feels like a hybrid of 2-FA and 3-FA with an even shorter duration than 2-FA. It feels like a rather impotent bastard of 3-FA with lacking norepinephrine affinity. I'd say the potency by weight compared to 2-FA is about 1:1.5 (3-FP:2-FA, i.e. you need 1.5 times the dose of 2-FA to reach similar effects).

2-FMA :

As said, I would consider it more dopaminergic, less pushy than 2-FMA, with a MUCH shorter duration and lower potency by weight, I'd say : 1 : 3.

As said, imho it is more similar to 2-FA than to 2-FMA. 2-FMA can be titrated better (ceiling level is higher) and has a much higher (I can only compare the batches, which were available to me, not generally ;)) potency than the other two. My impression is, that you are aiming at regular low doses, though. So at doses of ~20-30 mg you won't realize a big difference. I guess riskwise, 2-FA would be the wisest choice, because 2-FMA has already some bad rep in the cardiotoxicity department and 3-FPM is completely unresearched and has bad physical after effects the second day after ingesting high doses. Ah and the intranasal ROA is a total waste for all of them =D

All in all, for regular dosing I would choose another class than (unresearched) monoamine releasers/reuptake inhibitors. But I read you had good experience with it and stay at the low dose range, which should be fine.
Does anyone have solubility info for volumetric dosing?

Mg/Ml soluble in water? Or is alcohol necessary?
Does anyone have solubility info for volumetric dosing?

Mg/Ml soluble in water? Or is alcohol necessary?

There's no exact info available at this time but I can confirm that it is well-soluble in water.
Mg/Ml soluble in water? Or is alcohol necessary?
I dissolved it without any problems with ratio 50 mg : 1.5-2 ml (for injections). With a bit of heating 50 mg can be dissolved in 1 ml. And it didn't look like it was saturated. I guess, with proper heating 100 mg (or even more) can be dissolved in 1 ml.
Actually, once I dissolved with no problems 50 mg 3f-p + ~135 mg of Methylone in ~1.5 ml (methylone solubility is 357 mg/ml). So try to predict and make some calculations :)

Don't know if it soluble in alcohol.