Today I Am Thankful For... Ver. 4 Infinite Chances in an Amazing World

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We just Fukin rock, that's all there is to it!- despite everything else, there just remains that fact! ;)<3
All my fellow mods that held down the fort so graciously while I was gone. You are all amazing.<3
One of my friends posted on fb and said:

Everyday above ground is a win

This is true, to think of it, i feel that i have been taking life for granted, so today, I am thankful for the life, everyday is a day to learn many things, to be strong and accept challenges.
One of my friends posted on fb and said:

Everyday above ground is a win

This is true, to think of it, i feel that i have been taking life for granted, so today, I am thankful for the life, everyday is a day to learn many things, to be strong and accept challenges.
That is so true
Thank you for the song herby♡

I am thankful for my mother. I have read a short story about a son who has been taking care of his sick mother and has planned to leave his mother in the forest. While they were walking, the mother has been cutting the branches of the trees and the son asks "mother, why are you cutting the branches? His mother says "because I don't want you to get lost in the forest on your way home my son." I am not the person to cry but this actually made me cry last realizing that i have not been giving the love that my mom deserves so im thankful for a wonderful mother♡♡♡
I am truly thankful for my Mother and all that she does for our family. If it wasnt for my mom, I wouldnt have ever had a chance to go to treatment to get off opiates, nor would I have a place to live if it wasnt for her. She is my guardian angel, I told her that when she dropped me of at the Ranch for treatment, and still do. I just called her earlier today to thank her for all that she does for our family and to tell her I love her. I try to do so every day because you are never guaranteed tomorrow ya know? She was having a bad day due to my sister cursing her out, screaming and yelling and just being an ass to my mom. My sister can be a grade A bitch sometimes, severe anger problems that are not under control, and need addressing. But I cant really talk, I've done my fair share of acting an ass, especially in my active addiction with opiates.

Oh yea, and I am thankful for my dog, Mary Jane! She is the best pit bull puppy ever! She is actually 4 years old now I believe, but she is my baby and truly thankful to have her. I saved her life when she was a puppy, she got parvo, I hadn't had her for about 5 days and had to take her to the vet where they kept her for a week and a half, I remember when I picked her up from the vet she came running out and couldnt get traction on the tile floor, the lady let her go and she just comes running up and jumps on me. <3 Oh how I love that dog.
Life, what a trip. And what incredible luck that we were born as intelligent creatures capable of pondering the great mysteries, on a beautiful planet, out of the infinite variety of planets and life forms it could have been.
^I want what your on.:D

I'm thankful for the remainder of the family I have left.
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