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Film What's the Last Film You Saw? v. Tell Us What You Thought!

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i got completely turned off from jim jarmusch after seeing broken flowers in cinema years ago, but on the prompting of a good mate, watched his successive films "the limits of control" and "only lovers left alive". suffice it to say all is forgiven. i haven't enjoyed fine cinema like that in years.

You seen Dead Man? Amazing. Can't believe you don't like Broken Flowers though...
Gone Girl was excellent and worth checking out in the theater

Went to see this a few nights ago. I thought it was decent enough, one of the better films I've seen in theaters lately.

I was dragged to see Annabell last night. As we were leaving I was told "that wasn't very good". I responded with a "duh" look on my face.
The Lego Movie was surprisingly good. I don't enjoy kids films very much, these days, so I was hesitant going in. (Frozen was absolutely horrible.) The Lego Movie was surprisingly hilarious. Very difficult to craft a functional (near 2 hour) feature film from Lego, I'd imagine. They did a great job. Like Toy Story in many (obvious) ways: the film caters to an older audience, with countless adult "in-jokes" that will go straight over kid's heads; but it also connected to the kid in me, and gave me a warm fuzzy nostalgic feeling.

3.5/5 stars.
Best films I've seen in the last few months:

Sideways, really funny and true.

Snowpiercer, a total trip. Highly recommend, as it went under the radar (in the USA at least) because of Weinstein's being bellends. (see psood0nym's post).

Filth, pretty entertaining, although I haven't read the book.

The Marriage of Eva Braun. Pretty much a masterpiece from Fassbinder.

oh yeah and one last thing, I've tried twice with Lucy and can't like it. On the back of Limitless, which was a pretty average film, it's hard to enjoy.

of course, dead man is excellent. really liked ghost dog too. and c&c is heaps of fun.

Yeah, I watched Only Lovers Left Alive last night. Excellent stuff. Good take on the Vampire genre.
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eXistenZ (1999) [cronenberg] - utterly impeccable, was completely drawn into the world of eXistenZ, can't believe it took me so long to watch this film, the undertone of sexuality and the concept and everything else was just executed brilliantly. 9/10

Reversal of Fortune (1990) [Barbet Schroeder] - really magnificent film which focuses on a mystery of whether or not the character which jeremy irons plays (my new actor crush), put his rich wife in a coma, big legal battle which is just a delight to watch. 9/10

Damage (1992) [Louis Malle] - another film with jeremy irons <3<3 playing the lead role as a high powered member of parliament, and falls in love with his sons fiance, just a classic film, jeremy irons has incredible capacity as an actor. 9/10

Based on what you said, I highly recommend checking out "Videodrome" with James Woods.
eXistenZ is a (somewhat) inferior "reboot", by the same director, IMO.

Watched "The Sunset Limited" last night, for the second time. Not a fan of Cormac McCarthy adaptations, but I really like "Sunset". Deeply spiritual film/play, written by a man who clearly has experienced a transformative spiritual awakening. If only his writing wasn't so overwrought and pretentious.

Young Ones

better than the reviews. not far into the movie, it's very obvious how things are gonna go. that doesn't ruin it. reviews talk about revenge, but it's about what one generation leaves the next and the structure that family provides concerning purpose, principle, and heritage. yeah, it's hard to do much more than shrug once it's over. the dystopia is particularly hard on women. elle plays mary, a whiney prize that everyone wants to shelter. the comment didn't necessitate a dull character with little screen time, but that's the result. too bad.

i haven't been watching many movies. i'm doing a terrible job of getting those i have seen into this thread. for the record ...

Nigh Movies
Museum Hours
Palo Alto
The Sitter
The Double
Dealin' with Idiots
I fuckin loved Nightcrawler... A movie hasnt held my attention like that in a long time. I wish JG would get some kind of recognition for it this awards season, but yeah, like thats going to happen.
Detachment. (Adrien Brody, James Caan, Lucy Lui, Marcia Gay Harden, Tim Blake Nelson). 2012.

While it has serious directorial problems and falls far short of the potential of cast/screenplay, Detachment managed to rattle my cage. The main character reminds me of myself. The film is horribly depressing... Detachment is about a substitute teacher in a shitty school, full of unteachable students. Sort of like an art-house version of "Lean on Me"/"Dangerous Minds"/"Stand and Deliver"/etcetera, but it doesn't adhere strictly to that tired and unrealistic template.

This film almost triggered a relapse.

I can't work out whether or not to recommend it for depressed people or discourage depressed people from watching it.

I fuckin loved Nightcrawler...
ah i remember the trailer for it, looking forward to checkin it out.

watched "the one i love" earlier. tis a weird romcom/sci-fi. a very light 90 min quirky film about a married couple trying to stay together. squandered potential imo, could've been a real clever way to examine marriage but didn't go as far as i would've liked.

to be fair i was on 6 norcos and wasn't paying that close attention :\ regardless, from what i gathered, it didn't warrant a second viewing.
John Wick. (Keanu Reeves, Willem Dafoe).

I'm not into testosterone laden films, normally, but there was nothing else on in the cinema and this got pretty good reviews.
I found myself a little bored during some of the gunfights, but - overall - I thought it was an excellent action flick.
Brutal. Minimal dialogue. Good balance of humour and seriousness. Some great ideas. Not at all preachy.

Just got back from Birdman. It's an amazing film, with superlative writing and top-notch acting, and ferociously funny. If this doesn't win at least one Oscar, the Academy is fucked.
^Highly anticipating it.
Doesn't seem like Oscar fodder, though.

If this doesn't win at least one Oscar, the Academy is fucked.

The Academy has always been fucked.


Just attempted to watch Antiviral (2012), written and directed by Brandon Cronenberg (son of David).
Pretentious shit with a ridiculous premise and not enough of a sense of humour about itself.
Didn't get past the 15 minute mark.

Snowpiercer, a total trip. Highly recommend, as it went under the radar (in the USA at least) because of Weinstein's being bellends. (see psood0nym's post).

i think this is one of the worst movies i have ever fucking seen. not only did they ask me to suspend my disbelief for more than they should have (there is a train that goes around the world? people eating babies? please.) i could not believe how fucking ludicrous the whole thing was. why did we waste time pretending(??) to care about one guy in a suit who wouldn't die? like who are you? absolutely batshit insane.

i did watch Maleficent and throughly enjoyed myself.
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