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What Are You Craving? v. All Of The Ketamine

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Right this moment? A speedball would be heavenly especially if i smoked hash with it
Speedball and hash!? Unless the pipe is ready and running, I´d nod or would stay still for an hour first..
Smoke the hash before bro! And of course after. =D

Wouldn't mind some morphine or oxy but I'm honestly perfectly content where I am.
Would love a high dose of Methadone or Oxycodone ir atm. Even some H would hit the spot.
Craving a oral 2c-p trip to, which i may do very soon :D
What's better: Nitrous or Ethyr? never tried the latter im curious now after hunter thompson and eminem talk about it lol.
Amphetamine for work tonight, lots of xanax for after. I didn't get any sleep last night, I feel like crap, and even though my diet is on point, my level of fatigue doesn't seem to change. I think I need to exercise more, now that summer is over weather limits activity choices :(
Is meth really as good as oxy?

For me yes it is. The duration with Methadone is awesome can't beat it, it can be pretty euphoric for me to. It's a little more sedating than Oxycodone for me but not as sedating as Morphine or heroin. It doesn't hit you as hard or as fast as Oxycodone to but once you peak you stay on that level for 6-8 hours at least. I love both though my favorite opiates along with morphine.
If you haven't tried it I definitely would recommend giving it a try if your into opiates.
Methadone+cannabis edibles or hash is pretty sweet to. I nod harder / longer than ever. Pretty awesome combo ime.

Back on topic.
I'm craving some hash and some Alprazolam but not much just 3-4mgs would hit ze spot.
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Methadone stays in the system for a long period of time.
Doses may be taken once every 24 hours. And it does not make you euphoric. Maybe some people do.
The bad thing about methadone is the blockage it does so nothing else works unless you take a lot.
Someone taking as much as 70-80 mg of methadone would not feel a regular dose of heroin nor 400 mg of oxy.
But the worst thing about methadone is the withdraw. It can last 10 to 12 days and it´s horrible, way worse than heroin or suboxone.
I would like strength to abstain from all but valium, alcohol, and coffee for the next week

Oh but heroin would be quite nice! I'd like a nice strong bag of that.
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