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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: N-Dimensional Funhouse of Possibilities

I jammed with my friends again last night, this time my friend found a new drummer off craigslist. This guy was awesome! We jammed together SO well. I don't have the track yet but this time was MUCH better than last time. So envigorating. :)
I had a date with that girl I mentioned earlier and it all totally happened! I think we're a great match <3 <3
Awesome man! Congrats! :) The beginnings of new romantic connections are the best.

That other girl I was into (the one I met first and felt really strongly about instantly) has been texting with me again, wanting to hang out soon. I guess we'll see what happens there. I feel like I need to explore other people while Flynn is away... it's the first time I've been single as an adult and I need to make sure I know what I want. I really like Flynn but we didn't make any sort of commitment to each other, and she's not here for a while.
Can you be sure that you know what you want? People are complex, we can't account for our misconceptions and misperceptions of ourselves, nor can we comprehend the mechanisms of our subconscious minds.

I guess my point is, don't over-think things, you don't wanna give your cognitive biases too many opportunities to distort reality into what you want to see.
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Well no, I don't, I just figure exploring different options is a healthy thing for me to do if I'm not hurting anyone, and will help me figure out what I want.
In other news... I'm not sure if this is an awesome thing that will make a versatile therapeutic tool readily available to me from now on, or me setting myself up for disaster, but I found myself an absurdly cheap supply of alprazolam powder. I've never had a big problem with benzos in the past, but they've always been expensive enough that I didn't keep more than a few doses around at a time anyway which limits the risk that a few days of poor decision-making might snowball into a long-term daily habit. This will be a test of willpower, I guess :p I would say to remind me of this post if you notice me on a fucked up sleep schedule and talking nonsense, but I do that anyway, so... Just wish me luck, I guess?

good luck bud, lol I was in the same situation, and tbh those are some of my favorite tests of willpower %)

to be surrounded by piles of drugs and be like, naaaa sober me is higher than any of this shit will ever get me!! lets do something productive and change the world in stead of wasting my neurons and time with this folly
Just got back from a pretty sweet show. War on Drugs. Woot!

And earlier had one of my favorite sours yet. Good day. :)

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Went for a nice walk around the lake with the girlfriend today...amazing weather :D spring is definitely here!




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Nice to put a face to the name trozzle. :) You guys look happy.
So I found a 37.5mg phentermine pill yesterday, being mildly stimulated put me in a good mood during the comeup. Then I found a ten pack of ibuprofen/pseudoephedrine off the ground. After 4 months of methlessness, slightly stronger than caffeine stimulation holds some interest for me, even if it isn't actually pleasant.

Trozzle, what are those in the first picture, tulips? Seems like a nice place.

xork said:
Well no, I don't, I just figure exploring different options is a healthy thing for me to do if I'm not hurting anyone, and will help me figure out what I want.

Sounds very reasonable, perhaps you can say that exploring different options is what you want right now. Good luck.

And in case you missed the news, Saturday morning cartoons have gone the way of the dodo and betamax. Now they're officially an old person thing, like the 9 planet solar system.
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I feel ya xorkoth, just like I don't really understand how people can just stay with the first person they are with... I'd say it is healthy to explore options so that you appreciate the value of the one you pick at some point. Also am reminded of how it's less meaningful to be happy if you're not also sad sometimes.

Made a homemade italian crust pizza with white garlic ricewine butter sauce instead of red, mozzarella, grilled tomato, ceps (bolete mushrooms), jumbo shrimp and parsley but I think my roommate prepared weedbutter in one of the pans I used cause it certainly tastes like that... lol
So listen to this, it's not really a big deal but I'm a wee bit embarrased over it haha! I just had an interview today for a very 'professional' position. At the end of the initial interview the lady I had the pleasure of meeting with told me to review some information and email her later today if I was for sure interested in the position to continue with the interview process. For some reason my gmail has my first and last name set as Raj Twoosh. I use it for youtube. And as you see it's also my name here. But that's about as far from my real name as you can get! I wonder what the hell she thought hahahah!
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^Did you go change it as soon as you figured that out, or was it too late?

psoli said:
I'd say it is healthy to explore options so that you appreciate the value of the one you pick at some point

Alternatively, one might get into the-grass-is-always-greener type thinking and habitually follow the ephemeral passion of infatuation, thus impairing their ability to engage in healthy, long-term relationships. I think we bunch of (ex-)drug addicts ought to appreciate that learning is involuntary, and that one ought to consider the ramifications of following their caprice. (I'm dealing with abstract, hypothetical people here)

Anyway, back to giving unsolicited advice to our friend: If you want to engage in a series of casual relationships right now (which may well be healthy, IMO), you need to be upfront about it. You don't wanna go into a relationship with mismatched conceptions of what it means, lest you break someone's heart unnecessarily, which is a reprehensible thing to do to someone who has claim upon your loyalty and honesty.
too many puppies

^Did you go change it as soon as you figured that out, or was it too late?

I actually saw it before I sent the email, and changed it! But it only updated my google + profile, not the gmail name for some reason so the message was addressed from Raj Twoosh! OMG I hope she doesn't google that HAHAHA!

She emailed me back and wants to continue with the interview process though. That email address is getting deleted asap lol.

Went for a nice walk around the lake with the girlfriend today...amazing weather :D spring is definitely here!

Beautiful smiles yall! Looks like a nice walk indeed! :D Autumn is here for us around Twooshville, Twitter HQ will not be happy about this, good things we are using TOR. I sure wish spring was in the air! Sry mixed up post confusion is definitely a side effect of MXE at times!


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I feel ya xorkoth, just like I don't really understand how people can just stay with the first person they are with... I'd say it is healthy to explore options so that you appreciate the value of the one you pick at some point. Also am reminded of how it's less meaningful to be happy if you're not also sad sometimes.

Made a homemade italian crust pizza with white garlic ricewine butter sauce instead of red, mozzarella, grilled tomato, ceps (bolete mushrooms), jumbo shrimp and parsley but I think my roommate prepared weedbutter in one of the pans I used cause it certainly tastes like that... lol

Sounds delicious! Yeah, that's what I did the first time, my first relationship outside of high school I stayed with for 12 years and married her. In retrospect it was not the right relationship from the start, but we were happy for a long time. And I loved her very much (and she loved me very much). I was convinced she was my soulmate most of the time but I am so much happier now that I'm not with her anymore. I don't know, when we got together I was self-conscious and shy and not confident at all with girls. I think that had a lot to do with why I didn't see what I should have seen. And also because I fall in love easily, I feel really intensely, and when you love someone it's not so simple.

So listen to this, it's not really a big deal but I'm a wee bit embarrased over it haha! I just had an interview today for a very 'professional' position. At the end of the initial interview the lady I had the pleasure of meeting with told me to review some information and email her later today if I was for sure interested in the position to continue with the interview process. For some reason my gmail has my first and last name set as Raj Twoosh. I use it for youtube. And as you see it's also my name here. But that's about as far from my real name as you can get! I wonder what the hell she thought hahahah!

Hey Raj, nice to see you posting in here, the best part of the Internet (PD Social I mean). :) Oh man, that's embarrassing.

On ibogaine (which I took to beat opiate addiction 5 months ago), I emailed my boss trying to explain to him that I needed to talk to someone and was freaking out, on the third day when I was emerging (I had no supervision at that time which was the only reason I freaked out, no one to talk me down). The email was THE WORST email to send your boss, totally illegible. It turned out okay but man was I scared. Good thing my boss and I are friends and he already knew I was struggling with opiate addiction, so I just explained later and he supported it.

Alternatively, one might get into the-grass-is-always-greener type thinking and habitually follow the ephemeral passion of infatuation, thus impairing their ability to engage in healthy, long-term relationships. I think we bunch of (ex-)drug addicts ought to appreciate that learning is involuntary, and that one ought to consider the ramifications of following their caprice. (I'm dealing with abstract, hypothetical people here)

Anyway, back to giving unsolicited advice to our friend: If you want to engage in a series of casual relationships right now (which may well be healthy, IMO), you need to be upfront about it. You don't wanna go into a relationship with mismatched conceptions of what it means, lest you break someone's heart unnecessarily, which is a reprehensible thing to do to someone who has claim upon your loyalty and honesty.

Yeah I agree completely. Flynn is totally feeling the same way, doesn't want a relationship right now. What happened between us was very special and close and loving but there was no commitment made and no expectation of not being with anyone else while she's gone. I definitely don't want to hurt anyone. For me, dating/sex is about realness and closeness and truthfulness (I learned my lesson about that with my 12 year relationship/marriage in which I ended up being very untruthful with her - though I have never cheated, I strongly do not believe in that).

So my MXE came today... 4 days door to door, it's a new record! And from Spain too in a regular airmail envelope. Gonna go to my friends' house and divvy it up tonight, the same friend I've been jamming with.

Speaking of jamming, I am hoping to get the recording of the jam we did the other night with this new drummer guy. Something about the 4 of us playing together was magical, every jam sounded like a premeditated song with lots of jam time, but we didn't discuss anything beforehand, not even what chord progressions to use or anything. It blows my mind how good it was, and how good that drummer is. And he was so considerate, he gave me plenty of time where he fell back and let my djembe shine through. So excited to share it with you guys. :)

I just took some 4-FMA I got as a sample in my MXE order... we'll see how that is.
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Nice to put a face to the name trozzle. :) You guys look happy.

hehe sorry about that, it's not the prettiest sight :p but yes, very happy :)

So I found a 37.5mg phentermine pill yesterday, being mildly stimulated put me in a good mood during the comeup. Then I found a ten pack of ibuprofen/pseudoephedrine off the ground. After 4 months of methlessness, slightly stronger than caffeine stimulation holds some interest for me, even if it isn't actually pleasant.

Trozzle, what are those in the first picture, tulips? Seems like a nice place.

For the capital of Australia, what you can see in the background is about our only real annual tourist attraction hahaha...."Floriade". It's a lovely open park/gardens area that they plant a bazillion various flowers etc around in garden beds and various object (like an old bombed car, lol). It's really quite pretty, ESPECIALLY during nightfest where they open for a few nights and everything is flooded in yellow, purple, blue, red etc lighting. I REALLY WISH MY 4-HO-MET was here for Nightfest!!! :( haha
It's definitely a pretty cool event, and would be even more awe inspiring on a psych haha. Oh well, I'll be prepared next year :p until then I'll just make do with the lovely greenery all around the lake :) some cool little semi-hidden chillout spots (like where those photos were shot) that'd be awesome to just sit down on a blanket, chuck on some sphongle, and melt away in peace riding the waves of whatever your DOC may be
So I found a 37.5mg phentermine pill yesterday, being mildly stimulated put me in a good mood during the comeup.

i enjoyed phentermine when i tried it. don't push the dosage though, it started to feel really gross when i took more than a pill or two. (and i enjoyed mixing DXM and DOI so when i say something feels gross you know it felt pretty wrong)
that'd be awesome to just sit down on a blanket, chuck on some sphongle, and melt away in peace riding the waves of whatever your DOC may be

What if your DOC is DOC? =D

So I did some MXE last night spur of the moment when I went over to divvy it up amongst my friends... I had 20mg to start, then 2 10mg boosters. It was the yellowish MXE I just got as I mentioned in the MXE thread, I was nervous it wouldn;t be good but it was flat-out strong and very pleasant, just as good as anything else I've gotten from there.

I got home this morning at 8am and slept a bit more before work... sometime around 8:30, a large tree fell on the power lines a ways down the road and my power was out (I found this out after calling). Originally they said it would be back by 11:15, but at 11:15 I left for a cafe with free wifi because I need to work and it wasn't back yet, and there were massive amounts of trucks and stuff and the road was closed, I had to take a really bizarre winding mountain way down I didn't even know existed. When I got here I got a text from the power company saying the new estimated time for restoration is 4:15pm. 8( So looks like I'll be here all day. And I forgot to bring my phone charger too so it's almost dead.

But, tonight I am either going to jam with that cool drummer and my friends, or I'm going to have a "chill MXE night" with samadhi_smiles. So the day is still a good one. :)