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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: N-Dimensional Funhouse of Possibilities

OK, I actually managed to hole after taking enough...Amazing.

Now I took MDMA for the first time in over 10 years (I was a heavy user of MDMA many years ago but then quit it altogether). Not much, I only took one ~150 mg pill. It feels...wow...I mean the MDMA and ketamine together...I'm experiencing some quite fantastic stuff alright..

Edit: Holey smoke guys.......

Edit3: Ketamine defintively overpowers MDMA. I felt a bit too much stimulated and snorted more ketamine and the ketamine took me into its hands powerfully. Gone was the "aww í'm loving everyone" feeling, straight back to complex thought patterns and a feeling of megalomania.
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Pizza is an art, it can only be defiled by the greasy greed of the moneymakers.

tsoli said:

Sounds like a great lineup. I will now be differentiating you and psoli in the manner demonstrated above.

1z0z1z said:
very high i don't even know if this is the right thread.

That is an ideal state to be posting in, well, a fun one anyway.

help said:
I never do it but I love grabbing an amount from the bag with a screw driver, and estimating the amount.

Is that in an ablative sense, or are you grabbing an amount from the bag while accompanied by orange juice and vodka?

cyanoide said:
Now I took MDMA for the first time in over 10 years (I was a heavy user of MDMA many years ago but then quit it altogether). Not much, I only took one ~150 mg pill. It feels...wow...I mean the MDMA and ketamine together...I'm experiencing some quite fantastic stuff alright..

Any anecdotes or quotes to send to us on the other side?
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Pizza is an art, it can only be defiled by the greasy greed of the moneymakers.
Any anecdotes or quotes to send to us on the other side?

It takes only ONE line to go from the all-loving, care-free, happy individual to the calculating, mysterious psychonaut.

(I.E. Ketamine overpowers MDMA very strongly)
Tsoli/Psoli... Brilliant! Silent consonants kick ass. I give it my tstamp of approval.

I recently got my hands on some MXE... No experience with K, my only dissociative use has been nitrous and a few first-second plateau DXM trips. Gummed a tiny speck as an allergy test, then tried a little 10mg bump to test the waters... Felt nice, reminiscent of lowish dose DXM but with a nice body buzz. Looking forward to working my way up to a more intense dose, maybe sometime this weekend. I know a lot of you fine folks are big fans of this one - any suggestions about preferred ROAs, dose ranges you find most worthwhile, or other tips for an *etamine novice? Oh, and I remember recent discussions about MXE+MDMA being awesome if you can get the doses just right, any other particularly good (or bad) combos I should be aware of?

In other news... I'm not sure if this is an awesome thing that will make a versatile therapeutic tool readily available to me from now on, or me setting myself up for disaster, but I found myself an absurdly cheap supply of alprazolam powder. I've never had a big problem with benzos in the past, but they've always been expensive enough that I didn't keep more than a few doses around at a time anyway which limits the risk that a few days of poor decision-making might snowball into a long-term daily habit. This will be a test of willpower, I guess :p I would say to remind me of this post if you notice me on a fucked up sleep schedule and talking nonsense, but I do that anyway, so... Just wish me luck, I guess? And on that note, if anyone has suggestions on how to get individual doses from PG solution into dry, gelcappable form effectively for doses in the 0.5-2mg range... Normally I would just evaporate out doses and scrape the leftover material, but with such tiny doses I feel like I would lose a lot in the process and it would be really hard to be sure how much of the dose actually made it into the capsule. My cheap little 1mg gem scale isn't nearly precise enough to be of any help there.
try 25-30mg orally and chill on dark room, i really recommend laying on bed with eyes closed while listening music. redosing suits MXE very well so you can work your way up, but take your time because it takes some time to really come up. You dont want to end up dosing too much, but thats not too dangerous if you dont do crazy doses. I'm pretty sure 80-90mg is enough to hole without tolerance. I usually take my first dose orally and then snort redoses. Sublingual works very well too, it seems to come up really fast, kinda "rushing".

Weed potentiates it so much so if you smoke, take only one hit first. It feels like time completely stops as MXE slows time so much by itself
Tsoli/Psoli... Brilliant! Silent consonants kick ass. I give it my tstamp of approval.

I recently got my hands on some MXE... No experience with K, my only dissociative use has been nitrous and a few first-second plateau DXM trips. Gummed a tiny speck as an allergy test, then tried a little 10mg bump to test the waters... Felt nice, reminiscent of lowish dose DXM but with a nice body buzz. Looking forward to working my way up to a more intense dose, maybe sometime this weekend. I know a lot of you fine folks are big fans of this one - any suggestions about preferred ROAs, dose ranges you find most worthwhile, or other tips for an *etamine novice? Oh, and I remember recent discussions about MXE+MDMA being awesome if you can get the doses just right, any other particularly good (or bad) combos I should be aware of?

In other news... I'm not sure if this is an awesome thing that will make a versatile therapeutic tool readily available to me from now on, or me setting myself up for disaster, but I found myself an absurdly cheap supply of alprazolam powder. I've never had a big problem with benzos in the past, but they've always been expensive enough that I didn't keep more than a few doses around at a time anyway which limits the risk that a few days of poor decision-making might snowball into a long-term daily habit. This will be a test of willpower, I guess :p I would say to remind me of this post if you notice me on a fucked up sleep schedule and talking nonsense, but I do that anyway, so... Just wish me luck, I guess? And on that note, if anyone has suggestions on how to get individual doses from PG solution into dry, gelcappable form effectively for doses in the 0.5-2mg range... Normally I would just evaporate out doses and scrape the leftover material, but with such tiny doses I feel like I would lose a lot in the process and it would be really hard to be sure how much of the dose actually made it into the capsule. My cheap little 1mg gem scale isn't nearly precise enough to be of any help there.

I recommend oral dosing, nasal for me is lacking and oral kicks in quick and strong with a 4-5 hour total duration (but peaks from 1-2 hours). Some people find the time frame for reaching full effect longer but me and my friends agree it takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour to start peaking, food in the stomach or not. I like to start with 25mg and add 10-25mg increments every 30-45 minutes, usually I stop at 50-60mg. Unless I'm on DOC, then I usually go up to 75-85mg.

If you're alone and want to try to hole, then try taking maybe 25mg and then 40mg. If you lay down with music with eyes closed you can handle more and it sends you much deeper. If you're doing it socially, the way I described above is perfect. I mean, maybe try 15mg orally first, just to see how you react. But I've settled in to 25mg to start, then add boosters until 50-60mg is reached.

So we jammed last night, it was really fun. I think it went very well. We recorded a lot although a few things we missed that I really wish we had recorded. Once me and the other 3 guys all started spontaneously jamming on my djembe, and it was so awesome, for like 10 minutes, but we didn't record that. I played djembe to a couple of songs that are usually with the set drummer and I think it went really well, interesting vibes that make the song sound different. My fingers HURT today though, the undersides of my first knuckles and the soft parts. Took a while to tune the djembe too, but we finally got it tuned to C and it sounds so great now.

I might trip today too, we'll see. :)
solistus, I'm a personal advocate of nasal ROA for MXE. It's the only drug I'm willing to snort if that's any kind of testament. For that ROA, I usually suggest to people to snort 45-50mg broken into two or three lines and spread out over an hour. By the time you take the last dose, it's usually hittin pretty hard, but has never been overwhelming in that dose range. I find it best done alone at first, but social interactions can be quite pleasant on it. Whatever floats your boat. On MXE, it's very very easy to just go with the flow :)
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yeah if you're going to snort it it is best to do a bunch of small bumps spaced out. sort of brings on the same slow-comeup effect of oral dosing that way

i still prefer oral tho. (that's what she said)
I'm drunk right now and I just wish I'd be on MXE. I like it so much, even I've used it so often that the magic is almost gone. But I just love the messed up feeling. I like starting with 35-40mg, then 20mg redoses.
Found this dooooope track yesterday, so good for psychedelic listening <3
How have I never heard of this guy before!

i;m at a point where i need to take larger doses to get the same 'magic' effect. kinda sucks cause i loved doing 10mg of MXE

now i have to do like 2 or more times that to get to the same magic. it's the same magic but much more dissociation which i don't always go for if i'm at a party.

not bad though, this is from using for like over a year. tolerance seems to have only gone up a bit which is hard to control with dissociates.
Seems like I jinxed myself by saying it, got tip money even though that's rare, and now I have a 1.5L jug of burgundy (something red for a change). Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.

not bad though, this is from using for like over a year. tolerance seems to have only gone up a bit which is hard to control with dissociates.

Sounds like someone has been dosing reasonably. Kudos.
Yum, just had me a nice Flemish Red. Tart and delicious. :)

^Can't say I've ever had one, only the Irish variety, and from San Diego.

You'd think I could wait one day so I could drink on a night that is not followed by work in the morning, but no, I can't do that. Didn't even consider it.
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Yeah, very different from an Irish Red...also called a Flanders Red, it's a traditional sour beer from Belgium. Rodenbach is the brewery.

Sounds like the booze is exerting a strong pull on you my friend. Please take care of yourself. :)

New Caribou album, folks!

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Big D said:
Yeah, very different from an Irish Red...also called a Flanders Red, it's a traditional sour beer from Belgium.

I'll put in on my to try list.

Big D said:
Sounds like the booze is exerting a strong pull on you my friend.

That has always been the case (GAD and GABAergics just go together), when I finish this (prolly tonight) I'll have the week off due to being broke. After that I'm gonna try to go back by half, I may cut back even more temporarily, to get that bottle of Ardbeg I've been eyeing for quite a while.

Caribou's pretty good, though I generally don't listen to them. Here's my choice for PD's musical selection this evening:
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^Always so sophisticated. ;)

If you're not familiar, check this out from his last album. On the other hand, if you're listening to Beethoven, this may be an assault on your senses.

TNW, I do love me a good chocolate stout from time to time. :)
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^I'm an IPA man myself, though I do like to shake things up a bit here and there.

I counter your caribou with my antelope. :D

P.S. I am now a chrysanthemum. In the language of the flowers, the yellow chrysanthemum means neglected/slighted love.
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