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MDA two days in a row?

You must be joking.. I used to be able to roll every week, hell I've taken hundreds of pills. I THOUGHT I was getting away with it. In reality I was just ignoring the damage done and it slowly built up overtime until it all hit me like a fucking tsunami.

Taking 2-3 "Harm Reduction" pills isn't going to stop the damage from being done, you're simply ignoring the signs so you can continue to justify your usage. Can you take MDA two days in a row? Yeah, sure. You can do just about EVERYTHING two days in a row.. that doesn't make it a good idea. In fact, it's still quite the bad idea.
lol propaganda experts you guys are. Whatever. I give up. Just trying to get the true info out there, in a world of disinformation.

And people are smart enough, and old enough to make their own desicions. They don't need someone spoon feeding them like a baby and telling them which drugs to take, and how often.
Can I ask what you mean though by "Hit you like a Tsunami?" What happened exactly? How would you describe it? lol
I mean, one week I was seemingly fine... the next week I was so out of my mind, anxious and manically depressed that I would often hold a loaded gun to my head - idealizing suicide as a way to end the pain.

MDxx abuse can have some very serious consequences, and all scientific data points to MDA being even more damaging than MDMA. People can make their own choices but it's best for them to have both sides of the story so they can make up their own mind. You are telling me you can get high all the time with little to no consequence... I highly doubt that. You're more than likely ignoring the problems caused from overuse of the drug and simply rationalizing it as a normal part of "rolling". I know that's what I was doing. If you go back and read some of my first posts you'd see I sounded quite a bit like yourself. I cannot even begin to tell you how wrong I was..
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Just trying to get the true info out there...
what you're sharing are your opinions. no more. no less.

you're not some white knight of harm-reduction sent to save everybody. you're just another online stranger with an opinion.

Real talk. You should stop giving drug advice to anyone. Thought you would learn from before when you started spouting off non-sense and everyone called you out. Even the mods had to edit and put notes on your posts.

Eh I see these posts as an example of why harm reduction is important..."this is your brain if you don't care for it"
Good advice here:

Take LSD/shrooms the first night
Then you take MDMA or MDA the second night

If theres a third night.. wait with the MD and do the psychedelics instead the first two days.

The point here is to crash when the festival is over, so you dont need to do drugs the last day to get out of bed.

Whenever I decide to roll I say "only one drop" or some shit like that. You always end up redosing at the comedown, because you feel like getting higher and u also feel no fear at all. Redose? hell yeah bitch
So the next day is always shitty as shit can get, super lazy and stoned without smoking weed.

Your tolerance the next day - if u take 150mg the first, you'll need 300mg the next day. Something like that.
I guess you could take MDMA, and then LSD the next day, but they both work on serotonin so I dont know if it would weaken the effect of LSD or not.
Its also not reccomended to trip when ur feeling weird and fucked up - wich ur probably gonna if u do too much MDMA and get a comedown that sucks.
I mean, one week I was seemingly fine... the next week I was so out of my mind, anxious and manically depressed that I would often hold a loaded gun to my head - idealizing suicide as a way to end the pain.

MDxx abuse can have some very serious consequences, and all scientific data points to MDA being even more damaging than MDMA. People can make their own choices but it's best for them to have both sides of the story so they can make up their own mind. You are telling me you can get high all the time with little to no consequence... I highly doubt that. You're more than likely ignoring the problems caused from overuse of the drug and simply rationalizing it as a normal part of "rolling". I know that's what I was doing. If you go back and read some of my first posts you'd see I sounded quite a bit like yourself. I cannot even begin to tell you how wrong I was..

Wow....Sorry to hear that. And don't take any offense to what I am about to say, but I think you already had some kind of underlying mental issues, as I don't know ANYONE who has done what you just said over binging MDMA. Of course you get depressed out of your mind when you binge sometimes, but I either do MORE MDMA and cure the depression, or I just wait it out. It's not normal to be suicidal. So there is some other kind of problem/void in your life. It's NOT the MDMA bro. I guarantee you that. I know tons of people who abuse it and that is just not normal. I've never heard of that before.

But I'm glad to see you're still here. Don't do that shit at all, if it does that to you. I'm with you there. But I am just sayin, it's not gonna do that to most. I've been so depressed before, I can't even describe it, probably just as depressed as you were, but I know I will get over it, i have a strong mind and I also know that suicide is very wrong and so no matter how low I get, I would never consider it.

You have to have that mind set. Try meditation..

Hope this helps
what you're sharing are your opinions. no more. no less.

you're not some white knight of harm-reduction sent to save everybody. you're just another online stranger with an opinion.


You wanna bet? I speak facts. I am here to get truth out. You can spread prop all you want, but the truth will never be proved wrong
MDMA is safer than eating Veggies.

Go suck on that fact.

you're more likely to die from choking on your cabbage than you are from eating a dose of MDMA.

Didn't you ever see Human Traffic? lol
Also think about all the people who love you, next time you get depressed. I know it won't help the depression, as that takes time to pass and let your brain heal, BUT it should prevent suicide, if you care anything about your loved ones, and think of the pain they would go through if you pulled that trigger.

And if you have no family, and have done XTC, you should know the love that we all have for each other. I love you brother (or sister) and that should be enough to wait out any temporary depression.

Every disease can be cured, including depression.

You might want to try and Iodine threapy. Look it up. It includes, Magneisum, Selenium and Iodione along wiht other nutrients. This will effectively cure any addiction and depression you have, by curing your nutrient defiencieies. Im not doctor, these are just proven facts. Lots of lies and prop out there to keep the devil's business going. I just speak truth.

BOL Bro, you'll make it no matter what.. We're all on the same journey, just at different levels of progress.

But I can tell you and it's obvious, that suicide will only slow that progress
You're spouting utter fucking nonsense now. NOTHING you say is a "fact" or the "truth", in fact it is all quite misguided and it seems you are only trying to rationalize your own use. Taking more MDMA to "cure" MDMA induced depression is fucking retarded. There is no way around saying it like it is, it's fucking stupid and I won't stand for you trying to spread misinformation that dangerous.

If you get stabbed, you don't stab yourself again to make the cut "go away". The majority of the negatives from MDxx abuse have dissipated over time, but I'm CERTAINLY not the only one who has felt these effects. I would guarantee you know someone who went through the same actually, but they aren't going to talk about how depressed they are with someone popping pills multiple times a week... you obviously wouldn't understand. No one is spreading propaganda here, so your arguments are full of fallacies anyway..

MDxx can cause serious emotional trauma. This has been proven numerous times with ACTUAL studies.. not by some guy claiming to have the "truth" on a drug website. I'm an example of the damage that can be caused. I'm also an example of how resilient the brain can be, because even after all that I feel relatively unhindered these days and can still roll/trip happily. I haven't rolled since December though, and that's been an entirely personal choice. It's nice having excess serotonin for once instead of running on the bare minimum I needed to survive. I'm happier, more content in all forms of life.
This is a frivolous battle Follley. Waiste of energy. He has no clue what he's talking about.
Well it's not for his benefit but for the people who stumble upon this thread afterwards. A lot of people forget that things said on the internet will never go away, myself especially!
king of beans is clearly e-tarded....maybe some apricot seeds and and herbal teas can cure him. Hell they work for curing cancer and aids. FACT.
After a week of doing MDA daily, I noticed that I was becoming VISIBLY e-tarded. It took about a month of sobriety for me to regain the sharpness I felt before that.
You guys are so stupid and brainwashed, it's absolutely unbelieavable. Why do you think I hardly post here? Too many fools to argue with. I post every now and then, with the TRUTH and you shills shoot it down and ridicule me. But hey....THATS YOUR JOB!

You shills are lame and pathetic. Get a life and stop trying to tell other people how to live theirs. Figure out how to live your own first.

I stated nothing but HELPFUL TRUE INFO...and you guys spread DIS-INFORMATION. That's why I'm pissed.
