Brag about an upcoming or past show ver HUH? What? Sorry my ears are still ringing

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Bummer man. I might go see the infamous stringdusters at t west tomorrow night and then custie hard at big tex block party on Saturday. No kid, bag of mushrooms. Baaaazzzing!
I've been on my deathbed for two days, but went to go see some of dat Kentucky cello last night:

Ben Sollee and Marshall Ruffin

And Dum Dum Girls are later this week.
Got a ticket for BJM at the Wiltern a few days after my birthday this year (my 21st).
Also considering buying a ticket for Meshuggah/Between the Buried and Me but I'm a giant pussy and I'm not sure I can handle a Meshuggah crowd.
Also the other day I saw So Many Wizards and No Age at a college campus two blocks from my apartment, which i found out about 10 minutes before it started, and they were both fucking awesome.
Swans at the end of next month. :)

They seem to be in their best form since the reunion too. Looking forward to that, needless to say.
just went to coachella unexpectedly because my friend called me up and said that the bassist from the pixies (who he and his sister are good friends with) put us all on the list, so we went, saw the pixies and QotSA, and left. I was pretty high at the time too.

TBH not that great of a show. I've now seen both bands 4-5 times each and I wouldn't say their Coachella sets stood out at all.
So Bigfan, you didn't stay the whole fest?
And Star, did you stay for the whole weekend

How was Knife, Beck, and Neutral Milk Hotel?
^ You're just an old jaded pussy
Can't hack it anymore

Festivals are the tits
Don't get me wrong I love medium/small venue shows to for the intimacy
But they don't compare to a huge fest imo

Did you ever make your faget ass out to Burning Man while on t00r?
^ You're just an old jaded pussy
Can't hack it anymore

Festivals are the tits
Don't get me wrong I love medium/small venue shows to for the intimacy
But they don't compare to a huge fest imo

Did you ever make your faget ass out to Burning Man while on t00r?

old and jaded, i may be, young jedi.

but you're a custy newb festi fluffer, and that's a fact.

i have never been to burning man, although i have a buddy who is an experienced burner and i'd love to go sometime. it's just a pretty massive trip for someone as old as myself. i say do it, friend. do it now. while you're young and beautiful.

i know that brother alisdair is an experienced burner. he could give you some info.
I didn't see Knife. I only caught the second half of Beck's set but it was the tits. Neutral Milk Hotel was excellent. Only complaint was that the vocals weren't loud enough. I was never a big fan of Arcade Fire but they were impressive. Definitely a fan now.
Arcade Fire are amazing live.... I'm on that bandwagon ya. Debbie Harry or sans Debbie Harry.
So Bigfan, you didn't stay the whole fest?
And Star, did you stay for the whole weekend

How was Knife, Beck, and Neutral Milk Hotel?

I honestly just got put on the list for the one day, and my friend's sister was kind of weird about driving all the way there and hanging out with those people (the pixies, joey is kind of a subtly mysogynist (is that how you spell that?) asshole in a weird way that you dont notice until hes around paz, their bassist) so we just stayed for their set, had a drink with Paz and Guy, smoked a fatass bowl in the car, and dipped back to LA.

I would have seen NMH but TBPH I was a bit fucked up and just wanted to go home at that point. Coachella is one festival that i have always hated, i went twice before and that was enough. I'll go to FYF if i want a festival experience: it's close to home, my dealers are probably onsite and holding, and the lineup is typically more conducive to a good time rather than just big names and teenagers taking LSD for their first time.
And as I get older, the idea of going to my first festival just seems more and more lame as the years pass.
the only two festivals i'd really even consider going to anymore are wanee and telluride bluegrass.

i did go to forecastle fest last summer for a bachelor party. it was pretty fun. had a hotel though within walking distance and there were some good late night shows at venues in town. the festival sets, for the most part, were pretty standard.
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