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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy Diphenidine Thread

Hehe, I guessed before I saw your post in the other thread, but mainly just because I saw you posted in this thread.
Oh god, so embarassing. I'm so glad I didn't start making phone calls or post on facebook...
I've currently taken this, and I sooo wish I hadn't just read that the last thing someone did before they passed away was take this.
Well try not to worry so much, but maybe it will help you avoid redosing. Plenty of people have done it and been fine too. I'm sure you'll be fine. :)
Haha yeah I was thanks Xorkoth, and yeah it sure as hell stopped my redosing too much (last night was already a redose). Stuff's not great for me anyway, took about 300mg yesterday both orally and insufflation, and had just a very light dissociation effect. Slightly DXM headlike by then end, too mild to describe it as K like. Wanted to find a middle ground with this one but a lot of people suggesting you just tip over into a void and I like to remember so.. ah well, some money wasted.
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I think I should mention something I observed after the last two times I took diphenidine. Once a toe went numb for two days and now two finger tips have gone numb for the last few days. I'm not too worried about this and it could be attributed to loads of other things (e.g. I've had back problems for over a decade), but if anyone else notices anything like it, please do tell us about it.

Also, this stuff is addictive as fuck, not far from PCP for me in this respect. I've only taken it 5 times in 6 months, but I have come a long way since I first took drugs and have some responsibility, too, so I won't just go overboard with my use like I once did with PCP or other classes of drugs. It's definitely a lot more addictive than ketamine for me, I catch myself trying to find opportunities for using it all the time. I don't even have it laying around at my place.
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I've heard murmurs of a death in Sweden from IV use....anybody have any more info? Also, judging by his posts, the beloved and now deceased EADD mod Knock took diphenidine for the first time the night he passed away...a few increasingly incoherent posts then nothing more... The reports of seizures scare me too.....as always, caution is advised...
Just registered to tell this. there has been no death in sweden due to diphenidine. There was one guy who died when he did 100mg of methoxetamine and 400mg MDAI a few years ago.
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I think I'll get some of this and methoxphenidine. I'm not particularly fond of dissociatives other than ketamine, and recently I doubt I would even want to indulge in that, so I'll sit on these for several months until a more accurate effects profile is developed. Bless you brave explorers.
I think I should mention something I observed after the last two times I took diphenidine. Once a toe went numb for two days and now two finger tips have gone numb for the last few days. I'm not too worried about this and it could be attributed to loads of other things (e.g. I've had back problems for over a decade), but if anyone else notices anything like it, please do tell us about it.

Also, this stuff is addictive as fuck, not far from PCP for me in this respect. I've only taken it 5 times in 6 months, but I have come a long way since I first took drugs and have some responsibility, too, so I won't just go overboard with my use like I once did with PCP or other classes of drugs. It's definitely a lot more addictive than ketamine for me, I catch myself trying to find opportunities for using it all the time. I don't even have it laying around at my place.
Took 5 days for those fingers to come back to normal and it happened gradually. Thinking back, I might've experienced this the first three times as well, but not as long. I'll very likely be taking diphenidine again and will watch out for this. So should everyone else imho.
I think I'll get some of this and methoxphenidine. I'm not particularly fond of dissociatives other than ketamine, and recently I doubt I would even want to indulge in that, so I'll sit on these for several months until a more accurate effects profile is developed. Bless you brave explorers.

If you're anything like me, I doubt you'll find what you like from K in any other known compound. I'm not even a huge K fan & not interested in holing, & I am certainly not a fan of dissociatives generally, although I respect folk who swear by them, takes all sorts.

What worries me is that chasing the K hole, if that's what you like about K, using ever increasing doses of something like Diphenedine, or Methoxydiphenidine, or ANY dissociative other than K itself is a very risky endeavour & I would like to discourage it.

I know all the just say no crap, I know it's not the done thing to say don't take this drug, don't take that drug. I know people will do what they will do & I'd fight & kill to defend that freedom if I had to. Equally, I have the right to advise against it, even should I chose to, in the hardest possible terms.

RC's are inherently dangerous. I see dissociative RC's even more dangerous still. Sorry to piss all over your parades freinds. Be very fucking careful, especially with unresearched dissociatives. Please.
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I've never had a problem with chasing a hole, or ever became really addicted to ketamine. I value the hole immensely, but my use of ketamine was predominantly in small amounts for an enjoyable buzz. Which would always annoy me since I usually acquired it with the intention of achieving deep holes, but I end up mellowing out with small bumps until there isn't even enough for a hole anymore.
Don't worry about the warning Si Ingwe, I think it's important to keep the potential dangers at the forefront of your mind when dealing with such novel chemicals. If it turns out, after more information surfaces, that neither of these sound like something I will enjoy I'll gladly chuck them. Dissociatives are strange enough, I wouldn't want to not be enjoying myself on one.
I tried a couple of times, but 3-meo-pcp proved consistantly unpleasant. It was like laying back in bed, & remembering all the most awful things you've seen in real life, on TV, all the things you've heard about, that have distressed you, all the memories of pain, terror or fear.. All rushing back, round & round in there! Boy, was glad when that one wore off.

Yes, Dissociatives, despite being facinating, are wierd fucking drugs.

I too have used Ket in the way you describe, never seeking a hole, but edging periously close once or twice. Mostly I just loved the colour enhancement watching Sci-Fi. In fact, at one point, having gotten some actual vials, I got quite used to having it in the evening instead of a spliff, & when it ran out I was quite sad Lol

I fought terrible fear of Ketamine to try it, after being sedated for a week with it in hospital in the mid 90's. I've never tripped so hard, & in such a sterile enviroment, under the knowledge that I'd narrowly avoided death & lost an entire week of my life. Bad trip city! I was tripping HARD on the K from the moment I awoke, for three whole days, 24/7 no sleep, & suffered auditory hallucinations for 3 months after I got out of hospital. Within the first hour I'd punched my way out of bed, hitting a cute Kiwi nurse in the face whilst almost overpowering 5 orderlies & had effectively gone psychotic. Ten minutes later I'd decided the Kiwi nurse was the cutest thing I'd ever seen & resolved to stay in ICU forever. Then a minute later I'd be making a run for it again... I thought nothing through, my mind was not my own. In fact, I didn't even know who I was, I had to get a nurse to bring a mirror over, once they got me calmed, coz I didn't know what I looked like!

My first experience of K was memorable, shall we say, but terrifying. I steered well clear of it until about 5 years ago when an opportunity to try it arose, as it had many times, & this time I said a timid yes. Took a LONG time to get over the fear after the ICU trip, but I did it!

I doubt Diphenedine will fill this gap, but my experience with it was limited, biased in advance by the above 3-meo-pcp experience & an overly paranoid view of RC Dissociatives. Be careful but enjoy if you can :)
I doubt Diphenedine will fill this gap, but my experience with it was limited, biased in advance by the above 3-meo-pcp experience & an overly paranoid view of RC Dissociatives. Be careful but enjoy if you can :)
Well it surely won't replace a hole, but for things like watching sci-fi on k, diphenidine works much better imho.
Well last night is the last time i do Diphenedine. 177mg split in 2 lines with 40mg of crushed ritalins taken 1 hour between put me gave me a extremely strange state, kinda similar how to time-room goes bananas on MXE-ish, but in a really unenjoyable feel, killed it within 30min with 1mg clonazepam. It was kinda like HSP and HPPD gone extreme with all the "crazy"-feel that Diphenedine gives.

I've done 4g, and for me, Diphenedine is more like a stimulant, and much more trippy than other dissociatives, I even had my first bad trip on 80mg Diphenedine a few days ago, never once had a bad trip before. It also seems like Diphenedine caueses a amnesia-state after 1-2 hours, and in this state your mind goes blank untill suddenly the "crazy" hits, it's a new high every time but it's to unpredictaple for being worthwhile doing.. I liked it at first, i REALLY liked it.. But later, it feels rather psychotic ...and not healthy at all.

I wish i had MXE again...
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i finally had the chance to test diphenidine. warning if you have a high dissociative tolerance don't just go ahead and take a big dose. me and a friend of mine have more or less the same tolerance to dissociatives, i took 270mg(in separate doses over the night) and was fine he took 150 and was completely shattered and had a horrible experience, psychotic even, he thought i was doing some kind of experiments on him etc. he first took 100 and was fine then 1h30min later took a 50mg booster and that is what took him to a dark place.

i found it wonderful and inspiring, reminded me very much of how dxm 2nd plat makes me feel without the body load but also without much visual changes although visual changes were there, more comparable to a low dose ketamine, things just looked different but not in any shocking way.

i first took 100mg, then had some 50mg and one 20mg boosters spaced some hours apart. one of the boosters was mixed with 100mg mxe at which point i blacked out for about 1h as my girlfriend was telling me about some things i have done that i don't recall at all. mix with mxe was good but doses must be much lower.

i also tried mxp. i find them very similar but i prefer diphen it had a more positive vibe. mxp is more potent by weight though and could feel it as low as 20mg nasally. first 10mg nasaly was ok but second 10mg 10mins later started to hurt.

all my diphen doses were oral.

overall a great chem, not anything spectacular for me but still very very nice. my friend hated it though and we generally share the same tastes in drugs
psychotic even, he thought i was doing some kind of experiments on him
Exactly what my friend suggested at one point... "Are you trying to dissect my brain?" "Am I your lab rat?"
Anyone who can share if they get any side effects from prolonged use of this?

Atm im at a place in life where i need a dissiociative release a couple times per month to cope with reality.

The pcp/pce analogues are just to manic for me and ketamine is to bingy to work out since its quite expensive too.

Im gonna try diph as my doc for awhile since at lower doses it felt quite benign as far as physical harm from the one time i took it.
There will most definitely be side effects, but for now only a few thousand people tops have taken it and it has only been made available to the public for a year or so. I've personally observed some hypesthesia in fingers and toes after use, but it might be due to something entirely different, since I've been experiencing some relatively exotic health issues before I started using diphenidine.
Big mistake doing that combo!!

First i felt awesome and even smoked some dpt in the tub.
But after awhile i took some noopept and after that i felt fycked!
It felt like i broke my brain hard and i didnt snap out of it untill now.

This diph stuff is pure poison and i will ditch my stash and forget about this drug.

please give it to some one who can handle it. i am sick of people throwing gems in the fucking toilet! :D

whats up with that post diphenidine hornyness though ? :D (sex was great, not as good with 3meopcp but still up there, intense)

also mix of diph and 2meo diph is better then any alone for me. also diphendine is one of those like dxm that need something like weed to unlock its potential. it goes great with weed and/or morphine, beer, small doses of mxe. it goes terribly with synth noids and hard alcohol. nicotine is also good.

diphen is more relaxed and reminds me more of dxm 2nd plat without the visual aspect(but there is some visual aspect to it just not as shocking) and mxp is more stimed and reminds me more of mxe without the visual stuff.

they are most similar to each other though.

low doses work just give them time. high doses for some people can be bliss for other hell. don't redose too soon.

its great for activities - try swings! we did that there is this new big swing that can hold 2 people and its utter madness :D

p.s. cr00k im telling you man watch "dante 01" and "slipstream" they are made for this stuff, very lab rat-y style :p
There will most definitely be side effects, but for now only a few thousand people tops have taken it and it has only been made available to the public for a year or so.
Do you have a rationale for that numerical estimate beyond a vague guestimate? I ask because I'm very curious about how to estimate the actual usage of some of these rarer compounds, and so any potential indicator is fascinating to me. Despite the fact that this thread has over 50,000 views, I'm one of those non-users, so I suppose that's a poor sort of a confirmation of your "few thousand" figure (though I have used methoxphenidine, since I read it was more enjoyable).
since I've been experiencing some relatively exotic health issues before I started using diphenidine.
I've read diphenidine is related to dizocilpine, and chronic administration of that drug has reportedly led to neurological changes in rodents similar to those observed in schizophrenia. I'm interested in any elaboration of the comparison, but if such comparison is warranted and generalizable to humans then limiting usage really does appear crucial for mental health's sake. If true, anybody using it frequently as a replacement for methoxetamine could seriously be fucking themselves.
It felt like i broke my brain hard and i didnt snap out of it untill now.
Was gonna say the same thing as wayab, you just couldn't handle your shit and now you're claiming the chemical was "pure poison". It's just really fucking strong shit. I for my part enjoy this effect that occurs when the dose is high enough and don't know of any other dissociative (or drug in general) that can cause a state like this. It's somewhere between being psychotic, being lobotomized and gaining superhuman mental powers.

I am sorry I forgot about this, but I was gonna tell you when I first read your post that combos between dissociatives usually suck balls. Dosage becomes really unreliable, the onset and duration is usually different and they don't complement each other in any way. I've never found any worthwhile combos between dissociatives. Now some people do seem to find enjoyment in mixing 2-meo-diphenidine with this one.

whats up with that post diphenidine hornyness though ?
Not sure if you are referring to what I said about that, but sometimes diphenidine just takes me to a VERY VERY DIRTY place. I don't even want to go into too much detail lol. It's much worse than anything I've experienced on MDPV and seems to happen on the peak mostly. It's so engrossing that I pretty much miss out on all the fun when "it happens".

p.s. cr00k im telling you man watch "dante 01" and "slipstream" they are made for this stuff, very lab rat-y style :p
Were you the one who recommended it in the movies on dissociatives thread? I have actually watched Slipstream, thought it wasn't as mindblowing as I had anticipated. [random unconfirmed thought]Maybe Being John Malkovich could be cool, too.[/random unconfirmed thought] I'll make sure to check out Dante next time I take the stuff. Thanks man! :)

Do you have a rationale for that numerical estimate beyond a vague guestimate? I ask because I'm very curious about how to estimate the actual usage of some of these rarer compounds, and so any potential indicator is fascinating to me. Despite the fact that this thread has over 50,000 views, I'm one of those non-users, so I suppose that's a poor sort of a confirmation of your "few thousand" figure (though I have used methoxphenidine, since I read it was more enjoyable).

I've read diphenidine is related to dizocilpine, and chronic administration of that drug has reportedly led to neurological changes in rodents similar to those observed in schizophrenia. I'm interested in any elaboration of the comparison, but if such comparison is warranted and generalizable to humans then limiting usage really does appear crucial for mental health's sake. If true, anybody using it frequently as a replacement for methoxetamine could seriously be fucking themselves.
Idk man im kind of used to dissiociative mind warps but this was different.
The body load was awful and i felt like my nervous system was shutting down.

Also the numbness was like nothing ive felt before, tingling neurotoxic feeling that still persists.

Im def taking responibility and i needed something like this to get my shit together.
I feel like every time i take these weird rc's i just scramble my mind further from sanity.

But again think the 3-meo-pce did something very weird together with diph.
Also the noopept/choline further messed me up instead of sobering me up.
Maybe you were really in a completely different place than I was, but I dosed it too high before as well so I figured I knew what you were referring to. I didn't enjoy it either, but to me it was clear I'm just completely zonked out and it'll pass.

Then again, I was feeling psychologically okay when I once accidentally ingested a very very high dose of DOC (maybe like 15mg?) without tolerance which completely blacked me out and had me wake up in a steaming pile of puke hours later. It took me another 2 hours until I could finally see again to realize I had puked ALL OVER the place (windows, walls, computer, floor, bed, bathroom, living room, bed room, you get the idea).

I could see how even a regular full dose (150mg) of this stuff could be extremely unsettling to some people, so I wouldn't be surprised if a much too high dose had you worried you broke something.

Maybe I really haven't been where you have been. Warnings are DEFINITELY in place about that stuff and it surely is NOT for everyone. I really just reacted to you saying it was "pure poison", which it definitely isn't. It might be poison, but some of us thoroughly enjoy it. ;)
To me personally MXE feels a lot dirtier than this one. I dosed MXE maybe 1-2 dozen times from 5mg oral to 100mg IV, so I know the substance pretty well. I never liked it at all, but know that it's some folks' drug of choice. To each their own.